Drums of War

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Drums of War Page 43

by Tinalynge

  “Well then I won’t have to worry about that,” Hui Yue mumbled as he landed on the ground, only to be overtaken by beasts who had taken their beastly forms. Seeing how some of the beasts were rushing forward, the young man could not help but sigh. Did these beasts forget that they were supposed to be in groups of five? That they were supposed to be fighting together and protecting each other’s backs?

  “Oh, hmm?” Looking closer, Hui Yue found that they regrouped just before they slammed into the large body of humans. Suddenly screams could be heard, followed by the distinctive scent of blood; the sounds of crushing bones was also loud during the otherwise quiet day.

  Sighing deeply, Hui Yue looked at himself. His heart was beating rapidly and, licking his lips, he felt that he could almost taste the blood in the air. His inner wolf was breaking free, and with a final glance at the many beasts who were pouncing towards the humans, Hui Yue felt his muscles swell and his size increase. His hands turned to massive paws with razor sharp claws, his legs turned to hind legs with an astonishing force hidden within.

  Hui Yue was now no longer a human; he was fully a beast and as a beast he felt his bloodlust increasing as the seconds went past. His bloodlust soared from the scent of blood that he could smell around him.

  Releasing a massive howl which contained so much pressure that even the beasts around him made sure to stay clear of him.

  “What a mess,” Hui Yue thought to himself as he looked at the battlefield in front of him. The beasts had slammed into the massive wall of humans and started to thrash about. They used claws, teeth, and weapons to prove that they were the stronger species. Human corpses littered the ground, and the beasts slowly grouped up into their five man teams, not allowing for the humans to take advantage of their large amount of soldiers.

  Hui Yue was all alone on the battlefield, and many of the human soldiers soon found that they could attack this solo beast who seem to not act with others. Just as this was happening one could already see the corpses of a few beasts on the ground; beasts who had succumbed under the mass of humans.

  Seeing Hui Yue alone, a group of thirty human experts all rushed towards him, and a smirk appeared on his face. His sinister expression showed his sharp teeth, and before the group had any chance to react, Hui Yue leaped towards them. His teeth sunk deep into the neck of the person closest to him after which he wristed his head from side to side, almost tearing the unlucky person’s entire head.

  Stunned by this bloody and cruel execution, the other humans felt their hearts tremble. They were after all only Master and Practitioner ranked experts. All of them were so far below the rank of this massive red wolf which was standing in front of them.

  Tasting the blood in his mouth, Hui Yue closed his eyes for a moment and felt that he was about to forget his human self. The beast in him was fully submerged in the act of killing, and with a swipe of his paw ripples appeared in the air as shockwaves were created. Shockwaves so strong that when they reached the humans, three of them were instantly shredded to pieces; their eyes filled with dumb confusion as they slumped to the ground, their blood mixing with the soil.

  Taking care of the remaining humans was something Hui Yue did swiftly. He activated the blue cloud after which he easily shredded the rest to pieces with his strong claws. He dared not use his teeth once again as he knew that the taste of blood would make him lose control of himself.

  As he was about to attack another group of humans as he saw that the sun was on the way down, and he quickly changed his shape back to that of a human. His wings reappeared on his back, and he flew into the sky after which he yelled loudly, “Retreat!”

  The order was simple, but it caused all the beasts to instantly take a few steps back. Unwillingness was evident on their faces, but Hui Yue was stern and serious with his order, something which resulted in all the beasts following his command. After a few hours of constant battle, the battleground finally turned silent. It was filled with corpses of both humans and beasts at a rate of at least ten to twenty humans dead for each beast who was slain.

  “Those idiots,” Hui Yue mumbled as he saw the large amount of dead beasts, but he also knew that it was inevitable. They were, after all, beasts, following tactics and discipline was not something beasts did easily so having some who forgot about their previously training was something he knew would happen.

  As Hui Yue called for everyone to retreat, they withdrew around one kilometer from the area where the battle had occurred. As they did, Hui Yue quickly found various medicinal pills and herbs that he shared with the more wounded beasts. Other Wood element experts used their expertise to heal the more seriously wounded beasts. Soon their camp was filled with beasts moving from one side to another, rushing around to ensure that everyone had food and treatment.

  There was one tent larger than the rest and within this tent, forty one experts were standing around a table.

  “So we lost around two thousand beasts today,” Hui Yue said with a sigh. He felt that although he expected casualties, he did not expect this many so soon. “Two thousand is a substantial size considering that we only have four hundred thousand and the real war is far from started.” He continued with a sigh. “I guess it was difficult to remember what they needed to do, but we’ll remind them tomorrow. Let them rest for now; they need it.” He said with a sigh before he turned towards Wan Qiao and Lord Pan.

  “How many of their ballistas did you manage to destroy?” He asked curiously. He had seen no arrows in the sky during the fight, but he had to admit that he was actually more focused on killing the soldiers in front of him than he had been on looking at the heavens above.

  “We got four of them,” Wan Qiao said proudly, “Although we only got four, they should only have two left. But those two were protected by Saints, and we were unsure if we should have engaged in battle against the Saints yet so we stayed back,” She said with a shrug. For her, getting four out of six ballistas was already good, though Hui Yue could not help but have a wry smile on his face.

  “You are allowed to fight their Saints,” He said seriously as he looked at all the experts within the tent, “The sooner you fight them, the better. Team up against them, do whatever, just make sure they do not have many Saints left when you are done with them. If they have too many Saints when it comes time for the siege, then we will be at quite a disadvantage.” Hui Yue lectured them, and they could all understand that he was very serious about this.

  “The war will continue tomorrow. Tomorrow we allow for the humans to make the first move. If they come here to us all the better, then there will not be arrows from the city walls, nor will they have the ballistas for safety. Wan Qiao, Lord Pan, make sure to get rid of those final two ballistae as soon as possible.”

  Sighing Hui Yue sat down in the chair. He had a headache and deep within he was filled with turmoil. Killing was not new to him, and he did not pity the ones he had to kill, although they were human. What he did feel uncomfortable about was how he had almost lost himself as a wolf. How he had enjoyed the metallic tasting liquid which entered his mouth, and how he had wished to taste more of it. He considered himself more human than beast, and this was truly confusing. Had he not already merged with the monk which let him think far more rationally with the calm to think things through, then he knew that he would have panicked long ago.

  Waving his hand, he dismissed the experts within the tent as he sat down and wondered if he should make any traps to welcome the humans. Thinking about the Art of War and his personal experience in warfare, a smile appeared on his face as he left the tent. He then proceeded to summon an army of ten thousand experts after another.

  The first battalion was given one task, and looking at them they were anything but energetic about the job they had been given. Despite this, they had been given a task, and they soon started doing as they were ordered.

  The second group of soldiers were given a massive amount of ten-centimeter thick wooden tree trunks together with some blueprints, and th
eir commander was tasked to oversee the creation of the items that Hui Yue wanted built. Then the young man moved towards yet another group of experts.

  This group of experts were not exactly pleased with their task, but the commander understood the importance of the task he was given and ordered all his soldiers to complain less and work harder.

  The night, which should have been completely tranquil was no longer silent; instead, hammering and the sound of digging could be heard all throughout the camp. The sun had set, and the moon was in the sky, but even so, no one could avoid hearing the sounds coming from the beast camp. The sounds were so loud that even a kilometer away, the humans were aware that something was happening, yet what it was none of them truly knew.

  “Don’t worry about it,” The Grand Marshall said as he looked into the darkness in the direction of the beast army. “Although they are scheming something, they are beasts. Beasts’ common sense will always lose to their instincts, and as long as their instincts dominate we will win. It is not as though we have no hidden tricks up our sleeves.” He chuckled to the many experts who were standing by his side, and every single one of them nodded their heads in agreement. They had started preparing long ago, and they knew their opponents were beasts. It was logical that they had taken as many defensive measures as one could imagine. Even more than Hui Yue knew about.

  Chapter 71 – Newborn Crusader

  As the first rays of light appear over the horizon, it shone upon a battlefield where ravens and other birds were feasting on the many corpses that littered the ground. The air was crisp, and it was possible to see one’s breath as a small cloud condensing due to the cold. As the sun peaked over the horizon, the beasts stood in formation looking ahead of them.

  The camp now looked nothing like it had the day before. The beasts had been busy working all night, and the result was a large ditch that appeared around the entire camp. A ditch which was three meters deep and three meters wide. It had a small entrance of twenty meters wide, where they intentionally did not dig so creatures could move through it. Even the backside of the camp had the ditch dug around it making it difficult for the experts to surround the beasts while they were fighting.

  The ditch was not the only thing that had been created during the night. Wooden obstacles were also made, and gathered together resembling what looked like a mass of barbed wire created from wood, something that would hurt badly if the experts were to jump past the ditch and land on the ground.

  “This should cause them some trouble,” Hui Yue mumbled with satisfaction. He was uncomfortable with the amount of losses they sustained the previous day, and today he decided not to give in to his beastly desires. He decided to let the war be controlled by the calm part of his personality; the one which could keep a cool head no matter what was thrown his way.

  The humans who stood on the opposite side of the beasts were all nervous. Some were shifting from one foot to another while others were gripping their weapons hard, and yet others kept gnawing on their lower lips in worry.

  They were all experts, and although not all as high ranked as everyone in the beast army, and their eyesight had been enhanced multiple times that of a normal human. They could all see the massive ditch which was dug around the enemy camp, not to mention the wooden barriers that had been erected, and all of this done within one night.

  “F*cking hell!” The Grand Marshall swore as he looked at the barrier made around the beasts, “It seems that the white-haired bastard actually knows something about war.” He grumbled with his eyes shining furiously, “How could anyone think up such an absolute defense?” He continued his train of thought out loud, and as he was about to complain more, he stopped himself. “Go find Li Meilin instantly!” The Grand Marshall yelled out, and a large group of experts appeared from nowhere. They nodded their heads and scrambled to become the first person to bring the woman to their lord. The quicker they were, the less likely they were to be scolded for their incompetence.

  It did not take long before they found the woman. She was found within her tent where she was seated on her bed. Her hands folded in her lap, and her eyes seemingly filled with worry. Her previously beautiful appearance had turned messy. Her pearl white skin had turned ashen, and her long and smooth hair was unruly. Tangles could be seen, and the lush shine it had previously was gone, the hair was completely dull now. Her eyes which had been filled with arrogance and self-confidence were now filled with worry and fear. It was clear that something caused her to be terrified.

  “Miss Li,” One of the experts who rushed to find her gently called out as he stood in the entrance of the tent. His eyes showed a worried look as he saw how the usually very beautiful woman had turned unkept and old within only a short time. From when she realized that the white-haired young man was most likely the leader of the beasts. As for why she had this reaction, no one truly knew.

  Seeing that the woman did not respond, the expert stepped into the tent and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, a gesture which caused the woman to jump in her seat. Her vigilant eyes darted to look at the man in front of her, and only after looking at him for a short while did she accept that the young man in front of her was not the one she had met in Shenyuan. It was clearly not Hui Yue, and that knowledge made her almost collapse in relief.

  Li Meilin was usually a strong person. She had gone through one scheme after another at the imperial palace. She had survived multiple missions, mortal wounds that almost killed her, and even worked as an assassin, something which most experts would frown upon. Now she was only a mere ghost of what she had been previously.

  “He tricked me,” She mumbled to herself as she looked at the young man. Her eyes were begging for someone to end her misery. “He told me to go back and warn you, but it was all part of his plan. If we lose, will it not be my fault?” Her voice quivered with dread as she thought about it. She had done everything exactly as he had wanted her to. Now that their army was here with all the experts of the Siban Empire gathered in this one place, everyone except the experts from the families who had long since fled the empire, if they lost then there would be no one left within the entire Siban Empire who could put up a struggle. They would with a doubt lose the entire empire, and she felt that everything was happening because of her. She made it a reality, or if she did not make it a reality, she still assisted Hui Yue in getting what he wanted. That thought alone was enough to make her lose her mind. She had assisted the enemy.

  Following behind the expert, the young woman was constantly trembling, and her eyes were glancing each and every direction constantly fearing that Hui Yue would appear out of nowhere to thank her, or ridicule her, for her part in his plans. Although this was completely irrational, Li Meilin was unable to see it as such as her mind was fully focused on her betrayal.

  “I didn’t do it intentionally,” She whispered as she bit her lip. Unshed tears burning in her eyes, “I did not know that I was helping the enemy,” She continued as she followed with some sentences no one could hear because her voice was choked by her emotional outburst.

  The expert who was leading her started to feel increasingly uncomfortable. He had seen how Li Meilin used to be a very stoic person; someone who would do anything for the emperor, and yet now she was nothing more than a bundle of nerves. A person who had lost her mind.

  When the expert saw the Grand Marshall’s tent in the distance, he heaved a great sigh of relief and unconsciously sped up. He was dragging with him the woman that had tears running down her face and who was constantly mumbled words so low that no one could hear.

  “Grand Marshall, sir!” The expert called out just before he entered the tent, and with him was Li Meilin. As they entered the tent, the Grand Marshall was no longer alone; he was now surrounded by a group of five figures all shrouded in black clothes. They showed not even the tips of their fingers or anything of their face. Everything was hidden within the comfort of their dark clothing No sound of breathing could be heard, no subtle movements were seen,
the figures stood straight, and seemed as if they were carved from stone. Seeing these black figures, the heartbeat of the expert started to increase rapidly. This was not excitement, but sheer fear.

  Li Meilin did not show any change in her trembling demeanor, and as soon as the Grand Marshall saw her, he sighed deeply. He realized that it would not be possible for him to get any useful information from her.

  “Lady Li,” He called out with a gentle voice, and yet another sigh escaped his lips as he saw the woman jump in the air. Her eyes were large, and she looked like a doe that had been hunted to a location where it could not escape. Her body was trembling and her lips opening and closing constantly, but as before no sound could be heard.

  “I am really very sorry about this Lady Li,” The Grand Marshall continued, “But I think it might be the better way for you. I heard that it won’t hurt, but I cannot give you any guarantees apart from the fact that you won’t feel terrified anymore.” Having said that he gently moved the woman to the nearby chair. The woman looked around with big eyes, and a frown was on her previously beautiful face. Doubt could be seen deep within, and a certain fear was lurking as the final bits of her common sense were forced back to the surface.


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