Guarding His Body

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Guarding His Body Page 11

by A. C. Arthur

  “What if he appeared rich and fabulous, but was really talented and ordinary?”

  “Ordinary has its own appeal.”

  Renny dropped the knife, pulled her closer to him and cradled her. “Do I appeal to you, Sabrina?”

  Bree once again rested her head against his shoulder. “I think too much, Renny.”

  Bleep, bleep, bleep.

  Dammit! He was going to toss her cell phone right out the window.

  Bree reached down and retrieved the phone from her hip. “Hello? Hey, Sam.”

  Renny trailed a finger down the nape of her neck. She’d pulled her hair into that ponytail again, but he actually liked the way her silky hair brushed over his hand.

  “Tonight at seven sounds good. We’ll be there.” Bree shrugged her shoulders in an attempt to ward off Renny’s wandering hands.

  He replaced his hand with his mouth simply because he liked to watch her squirm. She enjoyed him touching her just as much as he liked the feel of his hands on her. But he could tell she was trying to not let her brother know what was going on over here.

  “She’s always worried,” Bree was saying in reference to Lynn. She hadn’t spoken to her sister for two days and she’d already reported to Sam that she was worried about her. “Yeah, I’ll call her as soon as I hang up with you.”

  Renny’s hands had moved to her waist and were now going up and down her thighs as she was still sitting on his lap. She was so soft even though she could stand to gain a few pounds. She had a healthy appetite, but she didn’t stay still long enough to eat regularly. That thought bothered him. She seemed to be so busy taking care of her career that she never stopped to take care of herself.

  “Yeah. Bye, Sam.” Bree disconnected the line, put her phone back on the clip at her hip. “You know I can conduct a conversation a lot better without your hands roaming all over me.” She removed his hands from her thighs, instantly missing the warmth they’d provided.

  Renny ignored her comment and cupped her breasts instead. “I thought you were calling someone else as soon as you hung up.”

  She sighed. Why did his touch have to feel so damned good? “You’d love to keep my mind occupied so you can have your way with me, wouldn’t you?” She lifted her hands to his to remove them from her breasts, but instead found herself kneading right along with him.

  “You like it. I know you do.”

  Bree groaned. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. Still, we should stop. I’ll need all my wits about me to dodge my sister’s questioning. That’s who I’m supposed to be calling.”

  Renny released her breasts, but continued to hold her against his chest. He liked the feel of her against him. A little too much, his mind screamed. “Why would you dodge her questions?”

  “She’s convinced I’m hiding something and I don’t want to talk about it.” Bree caught herself the moment she ended the sentence, probably a moment too late. He was going to latch on to that statement like a dog to a bone and then she’d be dodging his questions, as well.

  Renny stiffened only slightly, then looked up at her, tweaking her nose as he smiled into her worried face. “Why don’t we pay her a visit together? She wouldn’t dare harass you if I’m there.”

  Bree cocked her head to the side, her ponytail swaying to her shoulder, her brow drawn in question. “Why would you want to go with me to visit my sister?”

  Renny’s gaze had fallen to her lips and he traced the outline slowly. “Because if we stay here and I continue to try and work on this sculpture I’ll need my inspiration.” He dropped a quick kiss on her lips, then hovered only inches away. “And since you are my inspiration and I can’t seem to keep my hands off you, I’m convinced working is shot to hell for the day.”

  Besides, if her sister thought she was hiding something, and Renny was sure she was hiding something, the two of them definitely needed to meet, and the sooner the better.

  Lynn lived along the coast of Greenwich Harbor where the ferry transferred citizens to Long Island and back every weekday. It was a nice forty-minute drive from Renny’s condo and they chatted amiably on the way.

  Renny was actually a very funny, very entertaining guy as Bree soon learned. He’d grown up in Greenwich near the old Bush-Holley House until his parents purchased their estate in the upscale Old Greenwich neighborhood. Bree had grown up in Belle Haven, about fifteen minutes from Lynn’s home. Funny how they’d been so close but never met until now. While they talked the radio played in the background, Bree stopping to sing every now and then. But it was when she’d dance in the confines of the passenger seat that Renny would glance over at her. His gaze had darkened and Bree felt her mouth water. He really was attracted to her—that she still couldn’t believe.

  “Okay, which way now?” Renny asked when he’d turned into the complex where her sister lived.

  “She’s just around this bend, number twenty-seven.” She pointed and Renny made the turn heading to the top of the hill.

  He released her hand to park the car and Bree made sure her cell phone was on her hip and powered up. The pants she wore today were a little too tight for her gun to go in its holster at her ankle, so she’d strapped her knife there instead. As cozy as this felt she was still on the job. While she was busy doing all her checking she hadn’t even noticed that Renny had gotten out of the car and was now headed toward her door until he pulled it open and extended a hand for her to get out. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to this, but smiled the moment she released her seat belt and placed her hand in his.

  Afraid someone might see them, Bree tried to pull her hand away from his, but Renny held on tightly as they walked toward the front door. She should say something. She should tell him that whatever was going on between them needed to be kept between them. Since there was really no future in this “thing” they had going, there was no need for anyone else to know about it. But she didn’t have time before the front door swung open and Lynn’s smiling face greeted them.

  “Isn’t this a surprise?” She looked from Bree to the man who was undoubtedly holding her hand. “Was she lost? Are you returning her to the address on her identification?” Lynn asked cheerfully.

  Bree rolled her eyes. “Very funny, Lynn. This is Lorenzo Bennett, my client.” Bree hadn’t hesitated, but felt Renny stiffen at her words.

  Lynn extended her hand to him. “Mr. Bennett, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Still bristling from the introduction as her client, Renny let Bree’s hand go when she’d tried to pull away a second time. He realized that the title shouldn’t bother him, since that was his official position in her life. But he assumed that Bree had also realized that after last night they’d officially crossed the line of business. At any rate, he didn’t want to get into that here at her sister’s house. “You can call me Renny. And the pleasure is all mine. Sabrina has told me a lot about you.”

  He examined the sister, this taller, more mature-looking version of Sabrina. They had that same mocha skin color and almost the same eyes except Sabrina’s were bigger, filled with more emotion. Her sister’s slanted at the ends, giving her a more exotic look, the look that had garnered his sister Adriana such celebrity as a model.

  “Bree hasn’t told me a bit about you, so come on in so I can get to know you for myself.”

  Bree instantly felt small and unwanted. Lynn’s tall frame linked with Renny’s fantastically masculine one looked almost comparable as they moved into the living room and she was left to close the door behind them. She couldn’t look like anything more than Renny’s little sister when she was on his arm—another nail in her coffin, no doubt.

  By the time she headed into the living room, Lynn and Renny were already seated. Lynn in a high-backed Victorian chair that she’d gotten at an antique auction and loved almost more than her own child and Renny in the beige cushioned sofa. Bree was about to take a seat on the ottoman near the window where Jeremy usually sat when Renny caught her glance and patted the spot on the couch beside
him. She chewed on her bottom lip in thought before giving in to the urge to be near him. Whether it looked good or not, she couldn’t deny that she liked when he was close to her and after last night found herself longing for his touch.

  “So your family is in some sort of danger and my family is assigned to guard you?” Lynn asked, noting the possessiveness in Renny’s motions. Something was definitely going on here, something that went way beyond the business of security. Her little, confident, usually mouthy sister was docilely sitting next to this man with almost a moony look in her eyes. Oh, yeah, something was going on.

  “Something like that.” Renny dismissed the comment, not wanting to discuss what was going on with his family with Sabrina’s sister. “Sabrina and I were tired of being cooped up in that house, so we decided to go visiting. This is a great house you have here.” Renny looked around the room with its welcoming feel. The toy trucks scattered on the floor and the baseball glove he’d spotted on the table in the hallway gave away the fact that a child lived here. He’d taken in the neighborhood and the grass-filled yards as he’d entered the complex. It was a great place to raise kids.

  “Yes. I like it. Where do you live?”

  Bree caught Lynn’s smile just as her sister’s eyes moved back to Renny. Aw, man, this was not good. Lynn had picked up on something already. She’d known it was a mistake coming here with him.

  “I live a few blocks from Town Hall, the condos on Lake. But I come from a big family, so I’m used to the country living. I actually miss it sometimes.”

  “Really? You think you’ll have a big family of your own someday?”

  “Renny’s opening an art gallery,” Bree interrupted. “He’s a really talented sculptor.”

  Lynn held back a chuckle. “That sounds exciting.”

  “It is actually.” Renny relaxed and went into a spiel about his gallery and what type of art he planned to showcase.

  Bree heard footsteps in the distance and rose to head her nephew off. She’d successfully shifted the conversation away from Renny personally to Renny’s business. That was safer for the moment because Bree was deathly afraid of what was going through her sister’s mind right now.

  Tiny legs took one step at a time as Bree rounded the hallway. He looked down at each foot as it made contact. He was in deep concentration as he’d only mastered coming up and down steps on his feet a few months ago. She crouched down and tapped on the bottom step to get his attention. Huge chocolate-brown eyes looked up and a small smile played over his lips. The tiniest teeth she’d ever seen were revealed, and his round belly rumbled with the laughter he was about to release. Unable to wait another moment, Bree took the last three steps and scooped him up into her arms.

  “Mmm.” She inhaled the sweet baby scent of him and kissed his chubby cheek. “I think you’ve grown in the two days I’ve been away.” Holding him back so she could look into his face, she smiled down at him.

  “Ah-huh, I a big boy,” Jeremy said and pointed to his chest.

  Bree warmed all over, adding this gorgeous little boy to the list of things she envied about her sister. “You sure are.”

  As much as Bree loved him, Jeremy was all boy, so being wrapped in his auntie’s arms receiving numerous hugs and kisses was not his idea of fun. Before long he was squirming out of her arms until she’d had no other choice but to put him down. Then just like that he was off. She giggled before following behind him only to be stopped short by the sight of him jumping onto the couch beside Renny, who extended a hand for him to shake.

  Visions danced merrily through her mind. Renny with a child. Renny with a son. Renny with their son. She and Renny in a house like this with their own children.

  A hand went to her throat as she battled for air.

  Lynn spotted her and figured enough was enough. She and Renny had spoken in the moments that Bree was out of the room and there was no doubt in her mind that something much more personal was going on between them. Rising from her chair and trusting that her son was in good hands, she made her way over to her sister, grabbing her by the wrist as soon as she was close enough. “Let’s go to the kitchen. You’ve got some explaining to do.”

  Bree followed only because she felt the sudden urge to be away from Renny, away from the weird feelings he was evoking in her. She soon found her eagerness to be away from the man a curse and rolled her eyes as Lynn plopped down into one of the kitchen chairs looking at her expectantly. “Tell me you didn’t sleep with this man, Bree,” Lynn began. “Tell me I’m not picking up some serious vibes from the two of you.”

  “I…um…I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lynn.” Bree turned her back to her sister, going to the refrigerator to get something to drink.

  “Then I’ll ask an easier question. Is that or is it not a passion mark on your neck?”

  Bree screeched, her juice box falling to the floor as her hands went to the exact spot on her neck that Lynn was referring to.

  “Mmm-hmm.” Lynn nodded. “After you pick that up you come over here and tell me what the hell is going on with you.”

  Chapter 7

  Golden rays stretched over the horizon. Violent strips of orange and yellow surrounded the last burning embers of the sun as it made its descent for the day. Bree watched the spectacular display from the car window. Like she imagined the huge orb was also experiencing, she felt intense heat, then waning despair.

  It had been so clear for Lynn to see, her attraction or connection to the man sitting across from her. Of course, this high-school hickey on my neck sure didn’t help matters. Still, Bree wasn’t sure she wanted it to be so obvious. If Lynn saw it, then Renny had to see it, too. Maybe he was taking advantage of what he’d seen. He always looked at her as if he could read right into her mind. What if he’d recognized the signs of wanting and acted?

  No. He wasn’t like that, he’d told her so. Harold had also told her a number of things—most of which turned out to be colossal lies. Could she be on the road to betrayal again?

  She couldn’t think. For the first time in her life she couldn’t get a handle on her own feelings let alone the feelings of a man she’d only known a few days. His presence was undeniable, though, both in her life and in her mind. And after watching him this afternoon with Jeremy she was afraid.

  Bree and Lynn had prepared a lunch of sandwiches and soup while Lynn continued to grill her about Renny. She’d told her sister of the steamy kisses and of the man’s magnetic touch, but she’d left out the pleasure his tongue had brought her the night before. Lynn didn’t need to hear all that. It had felt good to talk through some of the things she’d been feeling, but without Lynn knowing the full truth about North Carolina, it would be hard for her to understand Bree’s dilemma.

  She would have to figure this out alone. And she planned to do just that. But when they walked into the dining room to place the food on the table she’d seen Renny on the floor playing with Jeremy and his Matchbox garage. Two heads were huddled together in a far corner of the room, one full of brown curls, the other close-cut dark ones. Big fingers and little ones pushed the tiny cars up and down the ramp and into colorful parking spaces while lips protruded making the obvious sounds of an engine revving.

  In an instant her heart swelled to the point she knew she’d make a fool of herself, so she quickly headed back to the kitchen. Throughout the duration of the afternoon, Renny and Jeremy acted as if they were the only two people in the world. Except for a few glances and smiles tossed her way from Renny, Bree and Lynn were left to their own devices.

  “He’s not your ordinary playboy, is he?” Lynn asked when Renny quickly agreed to Jeremy’s plea for him to put him down for his nap.

  Bree watched as Renny lifted her nephew’s small body, leveling him over his shoulder and directing him to hold out his hands. Up the stairs the makeshift jet went, complete with sound effects and plenty of turbulence thanks to Renny’s bobbing knees. “No,” Bree whispered. “He’s not ordinary at all.”

; Bree watched as they approached the Bennett estate. The tallest evergreens she’d ever seen stood guard until separated by the new iron gate and security guard. Renny rolled his window down enough for the guy to get a good look at him, then proceeded through the entrance. “I don’t know that I’m ever going to get used to that.” He drove past the basketball net that he and his brothers still utilized and pulled into the six-car garage right behind his brother’s Mercedes.

  “I was shocked your father didn’t have something like that in place already. He’s a very influential man, he should be more aware of his security.”

  The engine died and Renny turned in his seat to look at her. “We’re not like that, Sabrina. We’re not the rich, society page snobs everybody makes us out to be. We’re just a family, that’s all.”

  Bree wasn’t sure why her words had struck a nerve with him, but the sullen look on his face said that’s exactly what she’d done. “I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant that security is a big issue. Just because we live in America doesn’t mean that things don’t happen. And it happens to poor people and middle-class people and rich people.”

  “I guess being a marine you’ve seen a lot of things,” he remarked when her hands fidgeted in her lap.

  “I’ve seen way more than I ever wanted to,” she said quietly.

  He lifted a lock of her hair. For some reason she’d taken her ponytail out when they were at her sister’s place, but he wasn’t complaining. It now fell just past her shoulders in a dark brown curtain that entranced him. “You need some new memories,” he told her as he let the softness glide through his fingers.

  She gave him a puzzled look. “What does that mean?”

  Renny let his hand slide to the nape of her neck as he pulled her closer over the car’s console. “It means that every time you start to reminisce or remember you get this really haunted look about you. I don’t like that look. So I’ll just have to provide you with new and improved memories that will only make you happy.” His lips brushed across hers.


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