Ignite (Explosive)

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Ignite (Explosive) Page 13

by Tessa Teevan

  He pauses as I laugh, because we both know that I’ve never brought a girl home, not since the days when Alexa and I would trade off which house we hung out at.

  “As I was saying, I’ve been in love with the same woman for damn near thirty years, and I can’t even begin to imagine being separated from her for a decade of that. I don’t know how you did it or how you could answer me so calmly and maturely like that. As sorry as I am that that sweet girl lost her husband, I’m happy that you two have this chance to reconnect.”

  I interrupt him with a thought that’s been troubling me for the past twenty-four hours. “That’s the thing, Pop. I hate that she lost him, but I’m so happy that she’s here with me now. Is that wrong? Does that make me a bad guy? Part of me feels so guilty that I’m pursuing her, but I care about her too much to let her go again. It’s just…conflicting.”

  He sighs and sits down in the chair next to me. “That’s the funny thing about life, Jace. You never know what’s going to happen or what day is going to be your last. Suppose you’d ended up with Lexi after all, and then Heaven forbid, something happened and you were killed overseas.”

  He stops, shaking his head as if trying to erase the mental picture that just flashed through his mind.

  “What I’m trying to say is, put yourself in his shoes. Would you want your beautiful, young wife to spend the rest of her life alone? Or would you want her to eventually move on so that she can still have a long, fulfilling life?”

  And this is one of the reasons why I love my dad. He’s probably the wisest man I’ve ever known, and his words make sense. As I process what he’s said, I start to feel a peace wash over me. He’s right, and I know it. I didn’t know Alexa’s husband, but I don’t know of any guy that would wish for his widow to live a life alone, especially if she has the potential to live another sixty to seventy years. That’d be selfish, and no man truly in love with his woman would want that.

  “Thanks. I needed that, Pop. I’m just so nervous that I’m going to do something to mess this up and she’ll be gone again.”

  “Well, this time make sure to get her contact information. Hell, even your mom’s on the Facebooks, so if nothing else you can find her online. It’s not 2002 anymore, you know,” he chuckles.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not letting her go this time. At least without a fight. Plus, I have something that’ll work to my advantage.”

  He looks at me curiously and raises his eyebrows while nodding for me to continue.

  “I recently found out that when I get back from this tour I’m being stationed at Ft. Campbell,” I grin, because this means I’ll be so much closer to Alexa.

  My dad’s smile widens, and he leans over to slap me on the back. I haven’t had a chance to tell her, but I’m hoping the fact that we’re going to be within a few hours of each other will help solidify the fact that we need to give this thing, give us, a try. My father and I bullshit a little bit more until the food is ready and then head inside in search of our women.

  I CAN’T stop the smile that crosses my face as Jace and his dad walk back into the house. Catching up with his mom has been wonderful but exhausting. She was genuinely interested in what I’ve been doing since I left Navarre, so she asked question after question. It’s actually rather refreshing because she doesn’t beat around the bush or tiptoe around the situation. She straight up asked me how Ty and I met, how our wedding was, and then she asks about different experiences we had while we were married. At one point, she even got a little misty eyed as she told me how sorry she was for what I went through. I just hugged her and thanked her for her words. I love Mr. McAllister, but it’s clear where Jace got his heart.

  Jace and I decide to leave so his parents can eat lunch in peace. It’s all hugs and promises of seeing each other again, and it takes a good five minutes to make it to the car.

  Once we’re both buckled in, my stomach lets out a huge growl, and I can feel my cheeks get a little pink as I timidly grin at him.

  “I suppose I ought to take you to lunch before your stomach turns on me. Well, Alexa, for our first official, date where would you like to go?”

  I’m slightly taken aback by his words, so it takes me a few moments to reply. I never thought about it that way, but now that he’s mentioned it, he’s right. This basically is our first date. Smiling at the thought, I shake my head that it’s taken us so long to get here.

  “Well, since you pointed out that this is our first date, I think you should man up and make the command decision on what we do and where we go today,” I flirt.

  Putting the car into reverse, he pulls out of the driveway. We drive for a few minutes before pulling up into a shopping center right off of Highway 98. I get out of the car and start laughing as I take in our destination. Jace comes to my side of the car and takes hold of my hand.

  “So last night I get a stellar PB&J, and today I’m treated to the best sub shop in America? Jace, you are ever the romantic. How is that you don’t have a harem waiting for you to feed them sandwiches all day?” I joke.

  His smile falls and I feel bad for ribbing him.

  Before he can respond, I continue. “Seriously, Jace, this is perfect. The closest Firehouse to me in Ohio is almost two hours away, so I haven’t had their famous Italian sub in so long. This couldn’t be more perfect.”

  At that moment my stomach decides to growl again. Laughing, we head inside, placing our orders before sitting down at a table for two. He holds my hand while running his thumb across the back of it.

  “I still can’t believe I’m here with you. It’s surreal,” he says softly, looking into my eyes with an emotion that both scares and thrills me.

  “I can’t either, but let’s not get overwhelmed. We talked a lot about our feelings last night, and I don’t want us to get caught up in the moment, you know? Let’s just spend this day together like it’s any other day.”

  “I can handle that. After all, I’m sure it’s extremely difficult to control yourself when you’re in my presence. I’d hate to make it even harder by reminding you how much I care about you. Because I do, you know.” He winks.

  I throw a balled up napkin at him for that comment. “Okay, slick, that was your final warning. Cool it. So the goal of the day is to catch up, right? So spill. Start with Boot Camp and tell me everything,” I say.

  We spend the next hour or so enjoying our food as he captivates me with tales from his training and deployments, and I’m astounded at all he has accomplished since he graduated. The best part is the gleam in his eye, and I can see the pride he feels as he talks about his career. He dutifully asks questions about my life and job, but let’s face it, working as a human resources professional for an insurance company has nothing on being a bomb disposal technician. He laughs when I tell him this, but he’s keen on the idea that my company owns the Reds stadium and asks if we get employee perks in the form of free tickets. My phone beeps, interrupting our conversation.

  Hey, Lex, hope you’re having fun with your Jedi. ;) Just wanted to let you know that Jeremy’s parents are taking Ava again, so you’re off the hook. I know, you’re so depressed that you have to hang out with a hot soldier instead of my kick ass four-year-old, but grandparents always win. Have fun, and if I don’t see you, use protection!! :D xx Sierra

  I groan, an action that’s more often being associated with my loving sister, and Jace quirks an eyebrow up at me.

  “Sierra. Apparently Jeremy’s parents are taking Ava again tonight, so I’m suddenly free to do anything I please,” I tell him.

  He gets a wounded look on his face as he draws his hands to his chest.

  “Alexa Sull…Tate, did you just groan at the thought of spending the entire evening with me?” He grimaces at the mention of my last name.

  I place my hand on his forearm. “Call me whatever you want. I know this is weird for you, and you never knew me as a Tate, so please don’t worry about it. And no, I wasn’t groaning at that. It’s just becoming a natural reaction
where Sierra’s concerned. I promise it has nothing to do with you.”

  I assume my answer appeases him, because he gets up without saying anything and holds out his hand, indicating that he’s ready to leave. We make our way to the car, and I find myself anticipating the rest of the day. Jace heads out to the highway, and it isn’t until about twenty minutes later that we’re pulling up to our destination. My eyes light up as I look at the sign in front of me.

  “I haven’t done this is so long! I can’t believe you remembered,” I squeal, twisting in my seat so I can throw my arms around his neck in an awkward hug.

  He laughs and returns it before pulling away from me. In what seems to be his signature move, he puts his forehead on mine as his lips briefly brush across my own.

  “I haven’t forgotten a damn thing, babe. For ten years, all I’ve had are memories to hold on to. They’ve replayed over and over so many times that it’d be impossible to forget. It was like a movie reel in my head and all I could see was you. Didn’t you know you were the main star of McAllister films?” He winks at me.

  I blush at his words and slap his shoulder. “Oh really? Well, Mr. Producer, I believe you owe me ten years’ worth of royalties. You better start paying up.”

  He laughs and gets out of the car, and I follow suit. Once he reaches me, he places a strong arm around my waist and draws me into him. The lustful look in his eyes tells me the type of offering he’d be more than willing to pay, and I silently wish we’d never left the condo this morning.

  Feeling him harden against me, I suddenly don’t care if we’re in public. I slightly shift, causing a little friction.

  “Oh believe me, I’ll be making good on my debt for a very long time. First payment’s due tonight,” he says, rubbing once more against me before moving away.

  His words register, and I’m feeling a plethora of emotions running through me. I’m nervous at the thought of being with another man, even if I was throwing myself at him last night. Sober and clearheaded, I still want to do this, but at the same time, I’m scared to let him in my heart again. It may be a lost cause, though, because I’m not sure he ever really left it.

  AS MUCH as I’d love to bump n’ grind with Alexa right here, I don’t really feel like spending the rest of our time together in a jail cell. A mental picture of Alexa in handcuffs does nothing to kill my erection, so I turn my thoughts to anything else so I don’t walk into the establishment and embarrass myself. I’m quick to make conversation, asking what kinds of marine life she thinks we’ll see today, hoping to calm myself down. After a moment or two, I feel safe enough to be in public, so I ask her if she’s ready for the next part of our date. She nods enthusiastically, and I can’t help but feel proud that I thought of doing this.

  I hold the door open for her as we enter Southern Star Dolphin Cruises. We’re just in time for the two o’clock cruise, so I purchase our tickets and head on outside to board the boat. We find a spot near the bow so that we can be right up front with all of the action. Lexi points excitedly at the glass bottom of the boat as a school of bright yellow fish swims underneath us.

  “Jace, this is incredible. I can’t remember the last time I went on a dolphin cruise. It’s been at least ten years. I hope we get to see some!” she says excitedly.

  “The last time you were on a dolphin cruise was spring break your junior year of high school. At least as far as I know that’s the last time you went on one—with me anyways.”

  She’s silent for a moment, and I’m not sure if she remembers that week. Her eyebrows furrow before I finally see the memory come back to her. She smiles at me, and it’s all I can do to not kiss her right here.

  “You’re right. I can’t believe I forgot that. That was the day everyone went to Crab Island and ended up drunk and sunburned,” she recalls, shaking her head at the memory. “Aaron and I had just broken up, so when he showed up, you saw how upset I was and got me out of there.”

  “I still can’t believe you dated him. Or that he cheated on you with Mallory. Well, actually that part I can believe. And then for them to flaunt it in your face? I didn’t want to be around it either.”

  “Well, in case I didn’t say it then, I’ll tell you now. Thank you, Jace. That was very sweet and much appreciated. I do remember that cruise. That was the first time I got to see a dolphin up close. I was so excited that it made me forget all about those two,” she smiles.

  Thinking back to that day, I remember how innocent and beautiful she looked as she watched the dolphins with delight. I’ve always had feelings for her, but I tried to keep them in the back of my mind. That day was the first time I really allowed myself to consider telling her how much I cared about her as more than a friend.

  She was just so different from all of the other girls at school. They were all content with sitting on a boat all day, getting trashed, and Alexa was having more fun than all of them combined just by watching dolphins swim in the ocean. The funny thing is that without her, I probably would’ve been one of the drunken bums with them, but where Alexa was concerned, I would have done just about anything she wanted. I just wanted to around be her, be with her.

  Don’t get me wrong, she wasn’t this perfect, can-do-no-wrong type of girl. She could be infuriating and stubborn, and the girl definitely could hold her liquor. At the same time, she was the most positive, uplifting person I’d ever met, and she always saw the good in everyone. I mean, she even tried to be friends with Mallory when we were dating, and that was no easy feat. But that was just Alexa. She was the girl in school who had friends in every circle, and she didn’t care if anyone had a problem with that.

  When we’d first starting hanging out at baseball games her freshman year, I was drawn to her because of the crazy amount of knowledge she had about sports. It wasn’t until after the season was over that I realized we’d somehow transitioned from two people with a mutual admiration for the sport to pretty much being best friends. We just kind of fell into the friendship and never thought twice about it.

  “Jace?” Alexa asks as she shakes my shoulder.

  I come back to the present and smile at her before placing a soft kiss on her temple. The boat pulls away from the ramp, and we listen in silence as the captain points out various places and wildlife while giving a brief history of the area.

  We spend the next two hours staring out into the Gulf of Mexico, scanning the water for dolphins and other marine animals. Well, Alexa spends most of the time doing that. I’m wrapped up in watching her eyes light up every time she sees a dolphin. Apparently we came on a good day, because they’re out in full force. No matter how many we see, she still laughs with delight when they skim the surface of the water.

  I have a feeling it’s been a while since she’s felt so happy and carefree, and I can’t help but feel a twinge of pride that I was the one to bring that thousand-watt smile to her face. I shake my head, thinking that I need to do some pull ups or something manly like that. I don’t know what it is about this girl that makes me so emotional. She just affects me in a way no one ever has before.

  Alexa gets up from her seat and moves to the front of the boat. I follow, placing my hands on the railing around her. She closes her eyes and leans back into me, taking a deep breath before speaking.

  “I love that smell. I forgot how much I missed it.”

  I smile and press a kiss into her hair. “Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. I can’t remember how many nights I’ve been in bed smelling nothing but the stench of Afghanistan, praying I could smell the sweet saltwater air.”

  “Was it really that bad over there?” Alexa turns to look at me with questioning eyes.

  “To be as crude as possible, my buddy Knox once described it like as ‘beer shits floating through the blazing hot air.’ It makes your eyes water and your stomach clench. It was pure hell, just based on the smell.”

  Alexa stares at me, almost unsure of what to say. Before she can respond, I add, “They literally have a shit pond.” Her eyes wid
en as I continue. “They had this pool full of sewage and chemicals, and they would light it on fire to get rid of the waste. It permeated the air and made your eyes water terribly. They also put sewage in barrels to burn later on. Therefore, the scent in the air was usually a shit smell. There is a waste management center now in Kandahar, but not all the sewer lines run to it, so it’s the places outside the city that are the worst.”

  Alexa cringes and gives me a pitying look. “I’m so sorry that you’ve had to deal with that, Jace,”

  “Babe, it’s all in a day’s work. After a couple of days, you don’t even notice it anymore. It’s an adjustment, being over there. You don’t realize how lucky you are until you visit a country like that. It’s a whole different world.”

  Alexa shudders at the thought. “I can’t even imagine. Here I am, wishing I could smell the salt water every day, and you’ve been breathing in shit air for the past six months. I hate that, Jace.”

  “Babe, seriously, it’s no big deal. I’ve been out in the field where guys have to relieve themselves in the woods. A little smell won’t kill me,” I respond, nuzzling her ear.

  As the boat pulls up to the dock, I know I don’t want this day to end, so I offer up a suggestion.

  “What do you say we rent some movies and hang out at the condo tonight? There’s nothing big going on, so let’s just stay in.”

  “Don’t you have reunion events to go to?” she asks, looking at me questioningly.

  I try to remember what the flyer said about the schedule of events. To be honest, I couldn’t give a shit less what everyone else is doing. As far as I’m concerned, this is the reunion I’m here for.


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