Claiming Carter

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Claiming Carter Page 10

by W. S. Greer

  “I guess we’ll have to see.”

  “I guess so,” Kelvin quipped as he began working on the side dish of green beans that he had obviously snapped himself. “Okay, now that this is all started and looking good, I have to go change into something a little more dinner appropriate. So, if you’ll excuse me for a moment. Help yourself to some more champagne if you want, and I’ll be right back.”

  Kelvin sauntered down the hall towards the elevator that brought us up to the penthouse, but he continued walking right past the doors. From the looks of it, there was at least one bedroom at the end of the hallway. My curiosity crept up once again as I turned around in my seat and looked around the massive room. I noticed a doorway in the far corner of the living room that I hadn’t seen before. I slowly rose from my seat and made my way over to the dining room and poured myself another glass of the expensive Cristal, which seemed to finally give me the courage to walk over to the doorway I’d noticed seconds ago. I didn’t want to be the nosy house guest who crept around the house when the owner wasn’t around, or looked inside the medicine cabinet after claiming to need to use the restroom. However, a suite this size seemed to almost be on display on purpose—at least that was what I told myself as I walked through the doorway and into a room larger than the one I’d just exited.

  The far wall was made of glass, just like the living room, but to the right side of the room was a bar, stocked with every liquor that I could think of, and some I couldn’t. In the center of the room was a large pool table with red felt for the playing surface, and a massive poker table sitting next to it, also covered with red felt. In the far left corner was a black Jacuzzi that looked like it was made of granite and could fit at least eight people. This was obviously the part of the penthouse that was made for partying, which was probably the reason why Kelvin hadn’t bothered showing it to me. Nothing says “bad first impression” like a room that makes your date look like a wild party animal that gets drunk in the Jacuzzi on a regular basis.

  I turned around and made my way back into the living room, patting myself on the back for defeating my urge to continue to look around. As I made my way around the couches in the living room, I could hear Kelvin bumping around in the bedroom at the end of the hall. Suddenly, the thought of him changing clothes only a few feet away from me sent chills up my neck. The thought of his naked body made me feel flustered and I could feel the heat sinking into my cheeks. I walked over to the end of the bar and glanced down the hall. I couldn’t tell how many rooms there were at the end of the hall, but I could see the one Kelvin was in, as the light peered through the small gap in the door.

  Whatever I had in me that helped me to resist the desire to look around the suite apparently was gone. I had a desire to look around, but I felt like I was compelled to walk down the hall and look through the crack in the door. The next thing I knew I was taking the softest, quietest steps I could, secretly making my way down the hallway. When I reached the door, I did my best to conceal the rest of my body while I leaned over and looked through the gap.

  When I saw him, I gasped, but luckily, Kelvin hadn’t heard me. He was standing shirtless in front of what looked like a closet door, and it was obvious he had just slipped into the black slacks that he was still attempting to fasten. I marveled at the musculature in his back as he looked down at his waistline, attempting to buckle his belt. The top left quarter of his back was decorated with a tattoo of the Chicago skyline, while the bottom right quarter was covered in some sort of elegant script that curved around his waist and came to an end just under his ribs. I couldn’t make out the words, but it didn’t matter. The flow of the tattoos was flawless and the art only added to the beauty that was his physique.

  I could see that Kelvin’s arms were also inked, with most of the ink on his left arm, which was virtually covered from his shoulder down to his hand. The images were small and intricate, with the largest image up on the shoulder and outside of his bicep. I immediately recognized the hands of God and Adam from the image on the Sistine Chapel. That’s when it donned on me that every tattoo covering his left arm was an image from the famous chapel ceiling, decorated by Michelangelo. Whoever the tattoo artist was, he must have been paid a fortune, and rightfully so. Each image was crystal clear, and shaded and outlined to perfection.

  The tattoo on Kelvin’s hand was smaller and very hard to make out. I remembered I’d noticed it when I first saw the angelic man at Applebee’s. I tried squinting my eyes but I still couldn’t make it out. It looked like it was some sort of text, maybe written in cursive, but I wasn’t sure.

  As I inched forward to get a better look, the hand I was using to hold myself up as I leaned over slipped off of the door frame. Before I could catch myself, I fell forward just enough to hit the door with my elbow, pushing it open slightly and immediately grabbing Kelvin’s attention. Before I could gather myself and try to run back into the kitchen area, the door swung open quickly, and there stood Kelvin, staring at me.

  The expression on his face was both intimidating and seductive. My heart rate rose to a panic as I looked up at him, his face stern, yet endearing. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak, and I couldn’t control my eyes as they made their way down to his mouth, then down to his bare chest. The permanent image of two winged angels fighting three demons stood out to me as I stared in amazement. The script that I’d noticed from the back, was visible on Kelvin’s front, and the words stopped right where his perfectly defined, six-pack abs began. I felt like my eyes were going to dry out from a lack of blinking. How could a man be so perfect? Kelvin Carter Jr. was like a man in a world full of immature toddler boys. He made every boyfriend I’d ever had look like they were nothing, and I was simply speechless.

  To my surprise, Kelvin didn’t say a word. He just stood in the doorway with his hand still on the doorknob, staring at me. I noticed his eyes drop down to my lips, and then pop back up, as he again locked his eyes with mine. We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Then, Kelvin took a step forward and grabbed me by the hand, pulling my body close to his. Our bodies only inches apart, I could feel the heat rising from his naked chest, and the smell of his Dark Obsession cologne engulfed me.

  Any control I thought I’d had earlier was totally absent now. I didn’t know if it was the right thing to do or not. I didn’t know if my mother would approve or if I would regret it in the morning. All I knew was that I wanted him. Right here, right now. In this moment, I had to have him. And if his body language was any indication, I knew he wanted me to. So, I slowly lifted my hand and placed it gently on the top of his stomach, letting it slide down gradually, and feeling my body begin to tingle as my fingers seemed to vibrate from sliding over Kelvin’s muscled abs. When I reached his belt, I let my hand rest on the top of his waistband as we made eye contact once again.

  Then, Kelvin leaned forward and lightly pressed his supple lips on mine. I felt the air leave my body as our tongues connected and sent a wave of electricity down to my toes. As we kissed, the passion seemed to quickly intensify as Kelvin tightened his grip around me. The strength in his hands and arms was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. I felt the muscles in his arms tighten and I felt ready for anything he wanted to do. I wanted him to take me, wherever, and however he wanted to.

  Kelvin held me close and kept kissing me as he pulled me into the massive bedroom. My instincts had taken over and I found myself struggling to pull Kelvin’s belt off as fast as I wanted to. He seemed to recognize my plight and quickly grabbed the belt, and snatched it out of the loops on his pants in one swoop. The pants, however, didn’t fall to his ankles like I hoped they would. Instead, they rested on Kelvin’s waist, teasing me, but never falling down.

  Just as I began attempting to pull Kelvin’s pants down the rest of the way, he reached down and stopped me by grabbing my hands and holding them in place. Everything came to a screeching halt as Kelvin pulled away from me and took a step backwards.

  “What … what’s w
rong?” I asked as the embarrassment began to consume me.

  Kelvin didn’t speak, choosing to stare at me with that seductive expression he used so well.

  I didn’t know what to do, or what to say. All of a sudden I felt like I’d made a huge mistake by being forward and now he was feeling rushed.

  “I … I’m sorry,” I stuttered. “Umm, I don’t know what to say. I …”

  Suddenly, Kelvin took a huge step forward and stopped directly in front of me. I looked up at him and noticed he wasn’t looking into my eyes. He was looking at my dress. Slowly, Kelvin reached out with both hands and grabbed my dress at the waist, and began pulling it up inch by inch.

  I wasn’t sure what he was doing. Were we stopping or starting?

  “Kelvin, what …” I started to say, but he cut me off.

  “The first thing I want to do,” he stated smoothly, “is make you come … hard.”

  The words that I wanted to say suddenly got stuck in my throat. I had no response. Was I supposed to have a response? Instead of trying to think of how to respond, I watched as Kelvin continued pulling up my dress until it was scrunched up at my waist and my thong was showing. I felt kind of abashed, but mostly excited. Kelvin took control and placed his hands on my waist and forced me to walk backwards until the back of my legs touched what I assumed was the bed. He gently pushed me backwards by the waist until I fell onto the bed and my nerves exploded like a landmine as I landed.

  I lifted my head off the bed just in time to see Kelvin lowering himself to his knees. My eyes bulged in my head when he insistently pushed my legs open and my knees up, until my feet were resting on the edge of the bed.

  This was the moment I had been waiting for since the day I saw him commanding the attention of every woman in Applebee’s. I’d laid in my bed with my vibrator on multiple occasions, fantasizing about this very moment, and now it was finally here.

  I felt Kelvin push my thong off to the side with his fingers, and then I struggled to keep my breath as I felt his tongue slide tenderly across my clitoris.

  “Oh my god,” I whispered loudly, as Kelvin began maneuvering his tongue unlike anything I’d ever dreamed of. This was not some inexperienced twenty-two year old trying to spell out the alphabet with his tongue. Kelvin knew exactly what he was doing as he continued to demonstrate a seemingly psychic awareness of exactly how I wanted it—exactly how I needed it. Kelvin’s tongue worked magic on me as he developed a rhythm, switching back and forth from my clit to the inside of my pussy, which was now wetter than I could remember it ever being before. He continued to French kiss my clit, picking up speed as he alternated from outside to inside, and I felt a very unfamiliar sensation creeping its way up my body. My breathing quickened and my hands clasped the white and black comforter on the bed. Just as the sensation reached its boiling point and I was ready to let it out, he stopped.

  “Shit!” I said involuntarily. “What … oh my god.”

  “You like it?” Kelvin said, staring up at me.

  “What?” I asked, still catching my breath and trying to harness my frustration for what seemed like the millionth time in my life.

  “Do you like it?” Kelvin asked again, this time more forcefully.

  “Yes, of course I like it,” I snapped. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to piss me off or not.

  Just then, I felt Kelvin push up on my legs, forcing me to raise them higher.

  “You want me to make you come?” Kelvin asked.

  My sex life had always been somewhat of a dud, but this was a first. Kelvin was asking me questions he already knew the answers to, and I couldn’t help but feel irked.

  Just as I was about to answer Kelvin with an attitude, I heard a loud smack and my ass began to sting. It was a jolt unlike any other I’d ever experienced.

  “You want me to make you come?” Kelvin asked again, just before running his tongue across my clit again, sending me reeling and reminding me of how good it was just a few seconds ago.

  “Oh my god, yes. Yes, please,” I bellowed. Suddenly, I heard the smack again and it felt like every nerve on my body was standing on its head. Just then I realized that Kelvin had just introduced me to something that I never knew I would like. He was spanking me, and I loved it. And, I wanted more.

  “Tell me you want me to make you come,” Kelvin demanded as he smacked my ass a third time.

  “Holy fucking shit! Oh my god, yes, please make me come. Make me come, Kelvin,” I blared.

  As the words came tumbling out of my mouth, I felt Kelvin slide his fingers inside of me, and I gasped when I felt his fingers curl and press up. The intensity of everything I had been feeling seemed to multiply by a thousand and my body reacted by seemingly flexing every muscle I had. Kelvin danced his tongue across my clit as he gyrated his fingers deep inside my pussy, and I let out a blaring moan that could probably be heard on the first floor of the casino. It was the most unbelievable feeling I’d ever experienced. After only a few seconds, the sensation from before came roaring back, only this time, it was about a hundred times stronger and I had absolutely no control over it as I exploded into a monstrous orgasm. I screamed and my body contorted as I gripped the covers with all my might, as Kelvin continued tonguing my clit.

  “Yes! Oh god!” I yelled as I attempted to calm myself, and I felt Kelvin back away.

  I had never felt anything like it. It was like my body was a giant nerve ending and I shook and spasmed with every touch. Kelvin said he wanted to make me come hard, but I wondered if he knew he had just made me come harder than I ever had in my entire life.

  I caught my breath and tried to take a second to lift my head off of the bed so that I could see him, but before I could sit up, he stood up and revealed himself to me. The black boxer briefs had been quietly removed and he was standing in front of me, naked. I felt my bottom jaw drop open as I gazed down at his erect cock, and Kelvin stood in front of me, inviting me to inspect every inch of him—and if I had to guess, there looked to be about eight very thick inches. I eagerly watched as Kelvin slipped on a condom, staring at me with sex in his eyes.

  Before I could fully come down from the insane orgasm I’d just experienced, Kelvin Carter Jr. slowly climbed on top of me, kissing my neck as he brought his face next to mine. He gently slid his hands up my stomach and grabbed my breasts firmly, lightly pinching each nipple just enough to make me enjoy the minor pain. He was making me feel things that I had never even thought to feel before, all the while, letting me know he was in full control and that he knew precisely what he was doing. He was having his way with me, knowing all along that I would enjoy every second of it.

  Just then, Kelvin reached down and took a hold of his dick, lightly pressing it against my clitoris. His hard shaft pressing up against my wet pussy shot fireworks off in my stomach, and I moaned with pleasure.

  “You want it? Tell me you want it, Lilliana,” Kelvin commanded.

  “Yes, Kelvin, I want it. I want …” I gasped as Kelvin slid the full length of his cock inside of me, thrusting me into a whole new world of sexual pleasure.

  My fingers tightened and I felt my fingernails digging into Kelvin’s back as he slowly, but steadily thrust himself in and out of me. The way he moved was so different than my boyfriends in the past. They were all about speed, and seemed to work up a sweat and tire themselves out after only a few minutes, and of course, bring themselves to orgasm far before they could ever bring me to one. Kelvin, on the other hand, smoothly thrust with long, deep strokes that forced me to feel every bit of him. It was like he had a bachelor’s degree in the art of sex and I was just some inexperienced pupil who still had so much to learn from him.

  “You feel so good, Kelvin. You’re so amazing,” I moaned in his ear.

  “You feel so good. You’re so wet, baby. You feel how hard you make me?”

  “Yes, I feel it, Kelvin. It’s feels so good.” As I heard myself speak, I felt as though I was having an out-of-body experience. Kelvin had brought something out
of me that I never knew was even there. Never once had I ever talked so much during sex, and I had never had a man tell me that he wanted to hear me talk. The fact that he wanted me to talk only made me want to tell him just how amazing he really was. He deserved to hear how good he was making me feel.

  All of a sudden, Kelvin reached down and grabbed my leg, pulling it up and setting my foot on top of his muscular shoulder. Then, he sat back and repositioned himself so that he could be on his knees, holding my leg with one hand, and massaging my clit with the other. Kelvin began thrusting harder and faster as he rubbed my clit and my moans turned into blissful screams.

  “Oh my god! Yes! Yes!” There was no possible way I could hold back with Kelvin. He’d brought out a whole new side of me and I was fully submerged in a world that he’d created for me in his bedroom.

  As Kelvin continued fucking me, I felt my body tightening, and I again reached down and grabbed a hold of the covers on the California king sized bed.

  “Oh my god. Don’t stop! Yes! Don’t stop!” I yelled as Kelvin rubbed my clit perfectly. As the climax built up, Kelvin timed it impeccably and spanked the outside of my leg just as I was overcome by another powerful orgasm. The stinging sensation heightened the orgasm’s intensity and I shook from head to toe, causing the entire bed to shake with me. As I finished, I felt the muscles in Kelvin’s body tense up.

  “Oh shit. Oh my god, baby, you’re so good. You’re about to make me come, baby!” Kelvin blared just as he was rocked by an orgasm of his own. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me as his body went into spasms. It was the first time that a man’s orgasm actually felt good to me.

  Kelvin slowly slid over and laid down next to me. The sensation I was feeling at the moment was brand new, and topped anything Tim Bulger—or anyone else, for that matter—had ever been able to accomplish. My body was weak, but my pulse was still racing. Every part of me was already sore, but it was the best soreness I’d ever felt. I felt as light as a feather, yet my breathing was still heavy. In only twenty minutes of sex, Kelvin had taken everything out of me, and I was totally exhausted. I didn’t want to speak. I didn’t want to move, and I wasn’t sure if I could at all.


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