The Perpetual Quest for the Perfect Life

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The Perpetual Quest for the Perfect Life Page 14

by Pace, Michelle

  “Everything under control here?” A voice called over a loud speaker. The group stayed silent. Out of the corner of her eye, Avery saw Nicole cover her face. Colin scooted closer to Nic and stroked her hair.

  “You need to keep it down. We’re getting some complaints.”

  “You need to move along if you want to keep getting breakfast for free, Merle,” Lauren slurred. There was a pause and the spotlight shifted to her.

  “Turn that shit off!” Lauren called and the light disappeared.

  “Just keep it down. Okay, Lauren?” The voice mumbled into the loud speaker and the cop car pulled away.

  “Why are you giving them free breakfast?” Jack spat.

  “Well, it’s either that or oral pleasure, so breakfast seemed simpler.” Lauren’s rage was obvious and Avery headed in her direction for moral support.

  Jack shot Lauren a disapproving look and rolled his eyes melodramatically.

  Avery touched Lauren’s shoulder, but Lauren shrugged away from her.

  “Shilah, can I bum a cigarette?” Lauren asked.

  “Of course,” he replied.

  “You don’t even smoke. Can we just go home?” Jack pleaded with her, sounding exhausted.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.” Lauren glared at him.

  “Fine!” Jack blurted and turned to Jason, “Know of any other parties going on tonight?”

  “Hell yeah. Let me change first.” Jason nodded and disappeared in the direction of his car. Jack hung behind by the fire. Aaron approached Jack, but Jack held up a hand and shook his head. Aaron shrugged and returned to his seat. Joy sat down by him shivering, and Aaron took off his coat and handed it to her.

  “I’m too sober for this,” Avery said out loud. She returned to the house, enjoying the warmth as she pulled another beer from the fridge. Jason entered the kitchen with a duffle bag that he tossed on the floor. He smiled at her coyly, and pulled his shirt over his head.

  “There’s a lot of drama here tonight,” he commented. Avery looked away as he dropped his pants. She turned to leave the room, but he caught her wrist and spun her to face him. He was in his underwear and caught her by surprise as he backed her into the wall.

  “I can’t get those stockings you wore tonight out of my mind.”

  After all their time together, Jason knew how to push her buttons. He kissed her, pulling out all the stops as his hands traveled her body. Though they’d always been compatible in bed, Avery screamed at herself that he was a dead end road. She pushed him away forcefully.

  “You had your chance with me, but you chose cards instead.”

  “It wasn’t like that, cherry.” His nickname for her made her blood boil.

  “You never cared about me until I dumped you.”

  “I proposed to you, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah. And then you tried to bring another woman into our bed the night of the engagement party. Not to mention you’re fucking trip to The Palms.”

  She pushed him away and was out the door before he could reply. The memory of Jason ditching her as she recovered from a miscarriage to go to Las Vegas still made her feel worthless.

  Shilah had resumed his spot on the porch again. As Avery neared him, he reached out and offered her his hand. Jason exited the house, pulling on his shirt. He glared at Shilah and Avery.

  “Let’s go, Jack,” Jason called. As they both stomped down the stairs, Aaron shouted after them.

  “Jack, you’re being stupid!”

  Avery heaved a satisfied sigh at Jason’s exit. Shilah’s arms felt so right around her, and her knees felt weak as he nuzzled her neck from behind. He shoved his hands into her hoody pocket and pulled her back into him. She glanced self-consciously at the couple on the porch swing, and was relieved to see Colin and Nicole sitting dangerously close, involved in their own conversation.

  “Avery.” His voice was hushed. She instinctively arched back toward him.

  “Hmm?” Warmth spread from her scalp to her toes. Her head still spun after speaking with Aaron, and following the altercation with Jason all she wanted was escape. Escape from the fighting, her delusions about love, the pain of her brother’s untimely death, and the reality of the destruction Ryan had left in his wake.

  “Let’s go inside.”

  Avery allowed him to lead her into Nicole’s dining room. He glanced around to make sure they were alone, and then turned to her. Avery gasped as he grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her into him. A small smile crept across Shilah’s face, titillating her. She wanted him badly; thoughts of his body sweaty, naked, and intertwined with hers made her head spin. Avery reached out for his shirt and began unbuttoning it.

  “Let’s go upstairs.”

  Avery looked deeply into Shilah’s eyes and waited for his response. He reached out and touched her face gently, then moved in for a kiss. His touch was tender; their mouths open slightly as if teasing one another. They pulled away and Avery led him to the bedroom. Shilah shut the door behind him and locked it. Anticipation humming inside her, Avery finished unbuttoning his shirt, her eyes never leaving his. Once finished, she pushed it open revealing a very well toned chest and six-pack abs. She ran her fingers over his chest, and Shilah quivered visibly.

  “Your turn.” His tone was hushed as he pulled Avery’s sweatshirt over her head. She watched apprehensively as his eyes hungrily took in her breasts. He traced a finger down her cleavage. Avery closed her eyes and moaned softly. She opened her eyes and realized he was watching her reaction. Their lips met again, feverishly this time. Shilah backed her up to the bed and laid her down. He stood before her and removed his pants. To Avery’s surprise and delight, he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Her eyes roamed him, taking in his features as he took off her jeans. Shilah leaned down to kiss her and she eagerly wrapped herself around him, the heat between them escalating.

  He slipped a finger under her panties and slid them off.

  “I want you so bad.” Shilah moaned in her ear. The need in his voice excited her as he fumbled with the condom wrapper. Avery opened herself up to him and he entered her slowly. Waves of euphoria crashed over her. He moved skillfully inside of her and she couldn’t suppress her moans. Feeling her orgasm building, she reached up to him with a shaky hand and brought his face down to hers, wanting to have his mouth on hers as she climaxed. She cried out, the sound muffled by his eager lips and tongue. He pulled his mouth away from her and threw his head back. His black hair was wet with sweat, a look of rapture on his face. He groaned aloud, his release overtaking him. Avery watched the blissful ache etched on his face. Once recovered, he leaned down and gently kissed her. They lay tangled in the sheets, meshed in blissful silence.

  Nicole rested her head on Colin’s shoulder and closed her eyes. Her day was catching up with her, and being close to Colin’s warmth was comforting. He took her hand in his. Opening her eyes, she turned to him and saw him looking down at her, a smile tugging at his lips. She looked away self-consciously, and was unable to stop looking toward the fire. Aaron sat on the glider with Joy. They appeared to be chatting, and his hands were on her calves, which were draped across his lap. Nicole noticed Joy was wearing his coat. She felt a knot forming in her stomach and looked back at Colin, actively battling the growing jealousy within her.

  “Let’s go for a walk,” Colin murmured in her ear, and she could feel his lips graze her ear lobe. The sensation made her shudder and she sat up with a nod of her head. He kept her hand in his, and as they descended the porch stairs and walked along the side of the house, Nicole forced herself not to look in Aaron’s direction. Nearing the backyard, they encountered Trish, Jules, and Lauren commiserating on her back stoop. Lauren finished off her beer and smashed the can.

  “Where ya going?” Lauren slurred. She looked dangerously close to passing out.

  “Nowhere in particular,” Colin uttered, sliding his arm around Nicole.

  “Really.” Lauren made a disgusted face. Nicole thought for a moment Lauren might vom

  “Maybe it’s time for you to stop drinking tonight,” Nicole suggested. Her concern for Lauren’s wellbeing was growing by the second.

  “Oh, shut up, Nicole. I am so tired of hearing your mouth tonight.”

  Nicole eyes bugged with surprise. “What did I do?”

  “Sad little Nicole. The damsel in distress demanding everyone’s attention. Do you have catnip for boys in your panties, or what?”

  “Lauren!” Trish gasped, but Lauren ignored her.

  “Even your friggin’ costume. Who’s the big bad wolf tonight?”

  Nicole gaped at her. Trish looked horrified and put a hand on Lauren’s shoulder as if it might help silence her.

  “What’s your problem?” Nicole demanded.

  “Do you really have your head so far up your ass that you don’t see Aaron’s in love with you?” she slurred.

  “Lauren! Shut the hell up.” Jules was on her feet giving Lauren a deadly look. Lauren looked shocked and her mouth snapped shut.

  “Do yourself a favor and go pass out somewhere. Come on. Let’s go get some coffee.” Colin’s voice was serious beside her and he turned Nicole away from the situation and led her off into the night. Livid, her face felt hot and she imagined her cheeks were as red as a clown’s nose. Is that really how the world sees me? As Colin tried to change the subject, Nicole felt lost, reviewing the ridiculous events of the evening and seriously second-guessing her decision to move home. Her friends thought she was vying for attention, and it seemed the only entertainment in Jefferson Point was getting stupidly drunk and fighting. At that moment, she wished she could go get Ike and kick everyone out of her house, but she knew she had no business driving and it was very late.

  Colin’s houseboat was not far from her place, and when they arrived, Nicole glanced at her phone and noticed it was 1:00. She imagined the boat was gorgeous in the light of day and a great spot in the summer, but it was extremely cold as the wind whipped over the river. He led her inside and busied himself setting up a pot of coffee. She watched him maneuvering around in his kitchen with the same skill he had behind the bar. His longish hair was perfectly disheveled and he had a sexy five o’clock shadow. Meeting Colin had been the only decent part of her night.

  “Hey,” she said, causing him to stop before he flipped the switch. She shook her head. “Neither one of us really needs coffee this time of night.”

  His dark eyes curious, he shrugged and took off his coat. She sat on the sofa and took in the charming room. Decorated in gold and red, the houseboat, like Colin, was a pleasant surprise.

  “I can’t believe you live here. It’s fantastic.”

  “Only part of the time. I’m about to dry dock it for the season. I have a place above the bar during the winter months.” He turned on the electric fireplace and rubbed his hands together. “You must be freezing. It will warm up soon, I promise.”

  Grabbing a throw from the back of a chair, he crossed over and sat next to her on the couch. He covered her and moved close enough to share the throw. They exchanged several glances, and Nicole felt suddenly shy now that they were alone. Colin reached out slowly and took her hand.

  “I’m sorry about your party. It went to hell pretty quickly.”

  “It was never my party to begin with.” She frowned and stared at her boots. Lauren’s words echoed in her ears and Nicole felt defiant; she felt like being selfish. She met his gaze head-on and studied his handsome face with determination. Something in her expression must have looked like an invitation, and he slid a little closer and pulled her into him.

  “Can I kiss you, Nicole?” It was almost a whisper.

  “All right.” Her voice was husky. She’d been searching her soul for the answer to this question since they arrived at his place. She found that after being rebuked by Aaron, she desperately needed to feel wanted, to feel like a woman. Colin was hot and he was into her. The timing couldn’t be a coincidence.

  In a flash, he was on his knees in front of her and as he pulled her into his arms, nervousness had her heart throbbing as if she’d just run a mile. He stopped and caressed her cheek. His thumb stroked her lip as if priming her for the real thing. His took his time, his tongue playfully teasing her.

  Suddenly her mind transported her back to Aaron’s song. His soulful voice tugged at her, and the reality of her feelings for him flooded her mind. She felt herself pulling away from Colin. He frowned at her sudden change in demeanor and held her face in his hands for what seemed like a long time. Then he sat back with a decisive sigh. Confused by her own actions, Nicole blinked and frowned.

  “This night has been crazy. Why don’t you take my room and I’ll sleep out here.”

  Nicole nodded, still dazed. Her lips tingled from his kisses. He showed her to his room, and then pulled her in for a kiss again, his hands in her hair. He pulled her against his rock-hard body. His talented mouth was on her neck and she felt like caving to him and his wandering hands. The vivid recollection of Aaron’s kisses in her kitchen stopped her in her tracks. Colin stopped at her lack of responsiveness immediately. This time he pulled himself away forcefully.

  “I’ve gotta go. Lock the door.” He chuckled and was gone with the slam of the door. Nicole stared at the closed door in disbelief. Had she lost her mind? She’d let Aaron—who had insisted they would never be a thing—stop her from sleeping with Colin?


  Breathless and frustrated, she flopped down on his bed and shook her head in wonderment and confusion. As she drifted off, the thought of Aaron, all dimples and emerald eyes, lulled her to sleep.

  The sound of Shilah’s ring tone woke him. He opened his eyes and stretched. Remembering where he was, he looked to his left and saw Avery still asleep. He blindly reached for his phone.

  “Yeah.” He yawned.

  “Have you seen Lauren?” Jack’s voice sounded troubled.

  “Isn’t she home?” Avery stirred next to him and as she did, the sheet moved, revealing a breast. Shilah reached out and touched it. He could feel himself growing hard, ready for more.

  “Would I be calling you if she were?”

  “The last time I saw her was when I gave her a cigarette.”

  “Are you home?”

  “No, I’m still at Nicole’s.”

  “I’ll be there in ten!” The call ended abruptly. Shilah turned his attention to Avery. He touched her face and she opened her eyes. She blinked a couple times and seeing him staring, her face reddened.

  “Who was that?” Her voice was quiet.

  “Jack. Apparently, Lauren didn’t come home last night,” Shilah replied. Avery sat up.

  “We have to help him find her.” She got out of the bed and began searching for her clothes. Shilah watched her.

  “She probably stayed at Jules’ place. You know we should probably wash Nicole’s bedding before she sleeps here tonight,” Shilah suggested. Avery had a smile on her face. They shared a moment, and Shilah hoped she would crawl back into bed, but the doorbell rang. Reluctantly, he got out of the bed and pulled on his pants. He trudged downstairs and unlocked the door. Jack whizzed in past him.

  “Is she here?” Jack searched the rooms. Avery entered the dining room.

  “Did she call you?” Jack asked her. Avery picked up her cell phone.

  “Nope. Just a missed call from Jason. Shocking.” Shilah smiled. Avery walked to the bathroom door and opened it.

  “Uh… Jack, you might want to see this.” Jack hurried to her and Shilah followed.

  “Oh shit,” Jack murmured. Lauren was lying on the floor, a towel covering her like a blanket. One hand was in the toilet and the other clutched her cell phone. Jack knelt down. “Lauren! Lauren!”

  Avery scurried to wet a washcloth.

  “Is she breathing?” Shilah, alarmed by her pallor and stillness, leaned closer. Jack nodded and he exhaled, sounding relieved. Avery handed him the washcloth and he dabbed Lauren’s face, repeating her name. She opened her eyes and Jack hugged her. />
  “I feel like shit,” Lauren groaned. “Can we go home?”

  “Of course, baby,” Jack replied and helped her stand.

  “Take it slow, Jack. I feel like I’m walking on water here.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” Shilah opened the bathroom door wider.

  “Just get the door,” Jack replied. He picked Lauren up and carried her toward the door. Shilah hustled in front of him and did as he asked. He watched as Jack carried Lauren down the stairs and put her in his truck. Jack gave him a quick wave then sped off. Shilah glanced around the yard. There was a small hint of fire in the fire pit and a few cans and bottles lay about. He went back inside. Avery was in the kitchen making coffee.

  “That was weird,” Avery acknowledged. Shilah slid up on the counter and watched Avery as she busied herself throwing away empty beer cans. She looked stunning, wearing only his flowing white Lone Ranger shirt.

  “Lauren is going to be hurting for days,” Shilah remarked. She nodded, but didn’t look up from what she was doing. He watched her, amazed by the beauty in her simple tasks.

  “Come here.” His tone was firm and she obeyed his command.

  He pulled her close so that she was standing between his legs, her hands on his thighs. He put a finger under her chin and raised her eyes to meet his.

  “Regrets?” He watched her carefully, searching for any non-verbal clue to her thoughts. Avery leaned in and kissed him with the same hunger she had the night before. Shilah wrapped his arms around her, feeling her hands go to his button and zipper. She slipped her hand inside, eliciting a moan.

  “Let’s go upstairs and make those sheets messier,” Avery purred. Shilah enthusiastically slid off the counter.

  “Do you have any more condoms?” Avery whispered in his ear. Shilah’s stomach sank.


  “I don’t think so.”

  Avery took a step back and walked out of the room. His ache for her was painful and seeing her from behind wasn’t helping.

  As he followed her into the dining room, he noticed her searching her purse. She turned, presenting a condom and smiling fiendishly. She tucked it in her shirt pocket and darted toward the stairs.


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