Dragon's Choice

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Dragon's Choice Page 39

by Juniper Hart

  Soon enough, his car was pulling up to the curb outside a landmark bistro. Charlotte stared at the building in surprise. The restaurant had been featured in countless shows, several magazines, the city’s tourist pamphlet every year, etc. The place, from what Charlotte had heard, was booked out six months in advance. Her eyes shifted to Killian in skepticism. She understood the power of money, but it wasn’t like he could just pay someone to get up and leave their table, right? It didn’t work like that. Killian only offered a wink before getting out of the car. A valet opened Charlotte’s door, extending his hand to help her out. Killian walked around the car and took his place next to Charlotte, placing his hand on her hip before giving the valet his keys. Charlotte did the best to hide the color rising to her cheeks, but it was useless; she didn’t have long enough hair to completely curtain her face.

  The tall Irishman guided her into the building, keeping her close to his side. Looking up from staring at the ground, Charlotte was instantly in awe of the interior of the restaurant. It looked even more impressive than it did on television. The enormous bistro was brought to life with gorgeous cherry wood and warm golden lighting. Perfect square tables with luxurious maroon table cloths filled the dining room, a large light fixture hanging over the center of the dining room which gave the cozy bistro a modern edge. It was a unique piece with tiny light bulbs on dozens and dozens of thin wire arms that were twisted and curved all about. It was a breathtaking sight in itself.

  “Good evening, Mr. Walsh! Just two this evening?” the host asked in a polite tone.

  “Aye, just two.” Killian nodded at the man.

  Much to Charlotte’s surprise, they were guided directly back into the dining area. How in the world? The host, whose name Charlotte didn’t catch, led them upstairs to a secluded dining room, where the only sounds were hushed chatter and the classic music that played throughout the building. The host pulled out Charlotte’s chair as Killian sat down across from her. The shock must have still been evident on her face.

  Killian felt the need to explain and opened his mouth to speak before snapping it closed, as though he had to rethink his statement. “My father was an investor when the owner first opened the restaurant, so I get a bit of special treatment,” Killian admitted.

  “That explains a lot,” Charlotte giggled softly, his statement being the answer to all of the questions that had been buzzing around in her head since she saw the building. “So what do you do for a living?” she asked.

  He gave a modest shrug. “I oversee the Walsh Medical Research Company.”

  She could have snorted at his cavalier attitude. Killian spoke like he had just said he was a manager at a sporting goods store or something. WMRC was the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. One couldn’t open a newspaper without reading about either the research they were conducting, the competitive but affordable pricing, the rising stocks, or one of the numerous charitable foundations it supported. The first time Charlotte learned about the company, she read about a massive endeavor WMRC spearheaded to provide women’s health services in underdeveloped countries. WMRC had donated millions of dollars of birth control alone. The company was worth billions. And the man across from her owned it? What else could it mean when he said he oversaw it and had the last name Walsh? She couldn’t wrap her brain around the importance of his position.

  “You’re kidding… right?” she questioned, thinking maybe it was just a joke he told because of his last name.

  “Not at all,” Killian assured. He gave another shrug. “Everyone has a job, right? I was just fortunate enough to have inherited a company my family started. Doesn’t mean it changes me as a person.”

  Charlotte felt embarrassed. “I didn’t mean for it t-to sound like… like I was—”

  Killian raised a hand, “Charlotte, please, relax. I know you didn’t mean anything from the question. It’s hard for most people to believe as I try to stay out of the public eye.” The server finally arrived and had a bottle of white wine in hand. “White all right with you? They have a lovely house blend that I always get.”

  Charlotte gave a meek nod.

  After they both ordered their food, the server walked off, and Killian’s insanely green eyes returned to Charlotte. “Tell me about yourself. I want to know more about the woman behind the camera,” he leaned in, as if not to miss a word.

  The weakness in Charlotte’s knees might have been from the wine, but his dashing smile and flawless features were more likely the culprits. The tips of her ears burned with her cheeks as she was put on the spot to talk about herself. Charlotte wasn’t an introvert, but she was a bit of a loner and felt uncomfortable sharing information about her life. “Well, I moved here four-and-a-half years ago when I started school. Photography was my major. I graduated in May, and since then I’ve just kind of been drifting along, trying to make my splash in the world. I suppose I successfully did that tonight with your help. Well, maybe not a splash, but I definitely got my toes wet!”

  “Aye, I’d definitely say you made a splash, but you didn’t need my help. I paid the amount you deserved, rather than let some other bloke take you for granted,” he mused, swirling his wine around in his glass. Killian raised the glass towards his lips, saying before he took a sip, “So, now that you have made your splash, what’s next for Charlotte Jones?” Curiosity burned in his eyes.

  That was a fair question, but Charlotte had no idea how to answer it. “Honestly, I have no idea. I suppose this project of yours will be my focus until I figure out what else I want to do.”

  “I like the sound of that. Means you can take your time on the new project I have for you.” A phantom smirk lingered on his lips.

  “I suppose so,” Charlotte agreed weakly, trying not to read too much into his excitement over her open schedule. She refused to believe a man like Killian would be flirting with an average girl like her. At any given moment, Charlotte anticipated a man would hop out from under the table and point hidden cameras at her face when the big ruse was revealed. Someone had to be pulling an elaborate prank on her. Despite being rattled with insecurities about the entire situation, Charlotte couldn’t bring herself to question him. Killian had given her no reason to doubt him, and just because something was hard to believe, didn’t mean it wasn’t true. “What about you? Where are you from? Just curious because I thought WMRC was an American company, but you’ve got quite the accent,” Charlotte questioned, trying to mask her interest in the subject matter.

  “I’m from right here in Washington. I was homeschooled by my mother and father all throughout my grade school years. My mother was from Ireland. My father had roughly the same upbringing I did, being homeschooled and all, as did my grandfather before him. It’s a family tradition, and just so happened to pass along the accent.”

  Something seemed a little off about the way he explained his upbringing. It was so perfectly timed with just the right inflection applied to each word, making it sound rehearsed. He must have been asked that question a lot, and Charlotte felt daft, wishing she had asked a more thought-provoking question.

  Killian continued. “You didn’t tell me where you lived before here.”

  “Ah, I lived in Georgia before moving here.”

  “A southern girl, then?” Killian beamed with amusement.

  “If you could consider it that,” Charlotte mumbled, her posture stiffening. Talking about her past always felt awkward.

  Killian noticed her unease. “What do you mean?”

  Charlotte inhaled deeply, trying to get the courage to speak openly. “I moved around quite a bit in foster care. I was born in Vermont, and moved around to a couple of states before I finished out high school in Georgia.”

  An expression of great sadness, and even perhaps a hint of empathy, took over Killian’s face for a brief moment before smoothing his expression into a look of polite concern. “I’m sorry if I made you speak about something you didn’t want to tell me.”

  It was clear he was a little em
barrassed, wishing he would have been more careful with his wording.

  If she didn’t come forth with information on her personal life, he was in no position to grill it out of her. “Don’t be sorry. You didn’t know, and I can’t blame you for asking a normal question. I may be small, Mr. Walsh, but I’m not that delicate,” Charlotte tried to assure him.

  Careful with that wording, dove, he thought to himself as his mind wandered to impure places. Killian shook the thoughts. “Aye, you might be the last person in the country who isn’t cursed with armor made of glass,” he joked, meaning she wasn’t easily offended. “I like a girl who can take a little heat,” he said, unable to stop himself from being a little cheeky.

  The flustered look that overtook her face had him melting in his seat. Was it possible that she knew the effect she could have on a man? Charlotte seemed blissfully unaware that she was one of the fairest natural beauties Killian had ever seen. By the end of their time together, though, he would be sure she was well aware. “If I were bolder, I would accuse you of flirting with me,” she said in a voice as soft as kitten’s fur and as low as a whisper.

  Killian reached across the table, placing his hand over hers. Her gaze jerked from her glass up to his eyes. He stared her down with a challenging look and a lopsided smirk on his lips. “Then be bold, Charlotte.” His deep voice sent a shiver up her spine.


  It was the most exquisite dinner Charlotte ever had. Even though they were traditional dishes, there was a unique and delicious spin on each of her items. But even the remarkable food was outshined by the company of Killian Walsh. Each nerve in her body was stimulated from his charm and flirtatious nature. He complimented her peculiarities and ideas, making her feel valued in the conversation. And just when her guard would begin to drop, thinking things had returned to a professional tone, his hand would graze hers or he look intently at her with a kind gaze that would send butterflies soaring through her stomach.

  By the time they were walking out of the restaurant, Charlotte was full and a bit tipsy from bottle of wine they finished, but not drunk—just relaxed enough to surrender her inhibitions.

  Killian enjoyed the way she leaned into him slightly as they walked outside as he took in her scent: a sensual medley of lavender and vanilla. Opening her car door, Killian helped her into her seat before rounding to the other side.

  As soon as he slid into his seat, Charlotte spoke to him. “Are you sure you’re all right to drive? You had more wine than I did.”

  “I’ll be fine, dove, don’t you worry. I wouldn’t put you in harm’s way,” Killian assured her.

  In any other situation, Charlotte wouldn’t have been so easily persuaded by mere words. If it had been anyone else, she would have wanted proof, made him do the sobriety test where they had to touch the tip of their nose with alternating hands while reciting the alphabet backward. But she didn’t even think about asking him to prove it; she believed him. It was out of character for her to put such trust in a person she hardly knew, but there was a quality about him that made her feel secure. When Killian said he wouldn’t put her in harm’s way, she knew he meant it. Once they were settled and buckled in, the car lurched onto the road.

  “It’s a bit of a drive. Think you can stay awake for it?” he questioned her.

  “Of course,” Charlotte nodded, adjusting her posture in the seat.

  But she didn’t take into account that she had been on-the-go since the sun came up to prepare for the gallery opening. With a full belly and wine in her bloodstream, the winding roads almost lulled her into a slumber. Charlotte was determined to stay awake. After seeing the space where he wanted to hang her artworks, she would still have to get home. The night had just begun. Soon enough, Killian drove up a private, long, twisty road in the forest.

  “You’re not going to go all Deliverance on me, are you?” Charlotte asked jokingly as her eyes focused on the view outside of the window for any sort of sign as to where they were going. Trees surrounded them in all directions.

  Killian laughed, perhaps a little too long. Her joke must have really tickled him. “Of course not,” he assured her, reaching over and resting a hand over hers.

  His skin was still just as cold as it was at the gallery. Charlotte didn’t mind though. Even if his skin was cool, it still made her body warm as blood rose to the surface to welcome his touch. She shyly turned her hand over and held his hand properly. Her eyes lifted to see a faint smile pulling at his lips. His long, lean fingers laced between hers, making her heart leap into her throat. This man was turning her into a bashful mess. It was still hard for her to grasp the fact that a man so handsome was genuinely flirting with her. Killian could have any woman he wanted, and yet he wanted to be with her. And even stranger, Charlotte didn’t feel the need to impress him. Even though his attention made her a little nervous, she still felt like herself instead of trying to be someone she thought he would like. That was a nice feeling for her, as she had spent most of her life as a people pleaser.

  Charlotte finally responded. “Well good. I was lost in the forest once this month already, I’d rather not do that again,” she joked.

  Killian’s expression shifted slightly. Even though a smile remained on his full lips, his eyes held a serious look when he gazed over at her. “I would never want you to run from me, Charlotte. You’re safe with me," he told her, his tone light, yet sincere.

  Even though she’d only been joking with him, she could tell he meant it from the depths of his soul that he didn’t want her to fear him. She should have been skeptical of him; she should have wondered why he took on such a serious tone from her comment. Killian hadn’t given her a reason to be afraid, but she wasn’t questioning it. Honesty radiated from him, making her trust him without a doubt. It made her feel protected in his presence, something that she had treasured during their time together. Feeling safe while living alone in a bustling city was just not possible, not for someone of her stature. And so while she could let herself stew in questions, concerns, and doubts, Charlotte wanted to simply enjoy herself. It had been so long since she let herself live in the present moment rather than carefully planning the next. Besides, who knew when a man like Killian would come back into her life? She was going to relish the time she did have with him. Charlotte thought about joking in response to keep things light, but decided against insulting the man by making light of it. She just gave him a nod and a gentle smile.

  The car came to a stop outside of a house that looked more like a futuristic fortress made from metal and glass than a place where somebody actually lived. The most prominent characteristic of the house was its dark color. The dark gray metal was nearly black, and all the glass was heavily tinted, which looked like it would reflect the sun, similar to polarized sunglasses. She was in such awe that she didn’t break away from her stare until her car door opened. Charlotte blinked and shook her head, not having noticed that Killian was no longer in the car. He peered down at her with smoldering green eyes, waiting patiently with a hand extended to help her from the car. Once again, she took his hand and climbed from the car. With her dainty hand in his, Killian led her to the front door of the mansion. Pushing the door open, he held it open for her to enter.

  Modern sconces lined the walls of the foyer, a soft white glow highlighting the true beauty of the aged, reclaimed wood that made up each of the walls, and caught reflective flecks in the stone flooring. Charlotte was mesmerized by the elegance and sophistication of his home, and she hadn’t even made it past the foyer.

  Killian watched her like a hawk, taking in every little reaction and expression she made. They moved through the home, and Killian told stories in detail about the furnishings and artwork when Charlotte’s eyes fixated on something in particular. The interior was decked out in sleek appliances and modern fixtures that contrasted the natural stone and wood flooring, walls, and furniture. The flawless décor looked like a movie set to Charlotte. Nothing was out of place, and nothing was dusty or cluttere
d. “You have a beautiful home,” she breathed to him.

  “Thank you.” Killian was pleased he’d impressed her. “I suppose you should see where the new project will be going.”

  “I suppose so.” Charlotte nodded.

  He led her to a spiral wooden staircase, each step made from half a log. It was obvious Killian had a true appreciation of nature, and Charlotte adored his decorating style. Her free hand glided against the varnished wood as they ascended the staircase. “You’ve designed my dream home,” Charlotte complimented, though her voice was a little distant, still distracted by the beauty of her new surroundings.

  Killian did his best to contain the smile that was threatening to appear on his lips. “Perhaps we are kindred spirits. Both stuck in urban careers while having a love affair with nature.”

  “That is exactly how I feel,” Charlotte agreed. “I guess living in the middle of the forest must help you find a balance.”

  “That’s definitely true,” Killian agreed while he guided her down the hallway slowly. Charlotte wondered what was behind all the doors they were passing, craving to know more about the man who was holding her hand.

  “I’m envious,” Charlotte added with an exaggerated sigh. “The city life just isn’t for me.”

  “You poor thing,” Killian said with a mock-condescending tone, his accent even thicker.

  Charlotte playfully bumped him with her hip in protest of him picking on her. He grinned ear-to-ear, giving a wink before finally approaching a door. It swung open to reveal a bedroom within. It was minimally furnished, but it didn’t need much. The focal point of the room was the wall adjacent to the door. Three glass windows formed into a point, jutting out of the side of the home to provide a beautiful view of the lush scenery outdoors. And in the center of the room was a king-sized bed with a stark white duvet. The bed was surrounded by the windows. Charlotte imagined it would be like camping without having to worry about weather or bugs. The night sky was breathtaking. The lights from the city didn’t cloud the sky, allowing the stars and moon to glitter from up above.


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