Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You

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by Marcus Chown

  In the firing line Geiger and Marsden placed a sheet of gold foil only a few thousand atoms thick. It was insubstantial enough that all the alpha particles from the miniature machine gun would pass through. But it was substantial enough that, during their transit, some would pass close enough to gold atoms to be deflected slightly from their path.

  At the time of Geiger and Marsden’s experiment, one particle from inside the atom had already been identified. The electron had been discovered by the British physicist “J. J.” Thomson in 1895. Ridiculously tiny particles—each about 2,000 times smaller than even a hydrogen atom—had turned out to be the elusive particles of electricity. Ripped free from atoms, they surged along a copper wire amid billions of others, creating an electric current.

  The electron was the first subatomic particle. It carried a negative electric charge. Nobody knows exactly what electric charge is, only that it comes in two forms: negative and positive. Ordinary matter, which consists of atoms, has no net electrical charge. In ordinary atoms, then, the negative charge of the electrons is always perfectly balanced by the positive charge of something else. It is a characteristic of electrical charge that unlike charges attract each other whereas like charges repel each other. Consequently, there is a force of attraction between an atom’s negatively charged electrons and its positively charged something else. It is this attraction that glues the whole thing together.

  Not long after the discovery of the electron, Thomson used these insights to concoct the first-ever scientific picture of the atom. He visualised it as a multitude of tiny electrons embedded “like raisins in a plum pudding” in a diffuse ball of positive charge. It was Thomson’s plum pudding model of the atom that Geiger and Marsden expected to confirm with their alpha-scattering experiment.

  They were to be disappointed.

  The thing that blew the plum pudding model out of the water was a rare but remarkable event. One out of every 8,000 alpha particles fired by the miniature machine gun actually bounced back from the gold foil!

  According to Thomson’s plum pudding model, an atom consisted of a multitude of pin-prick electrons embedded in a diffuse globe of positive charge. The alpha particles that Geiger and Marsden were firing into this flimsy arrangement, on the other hand, were unstoppable subatomic express trains, each as heavy as around 8,000 electrons. The chance of such a massive particle being wildly deflected from its path was about as great as that of a real express train being derailed by a runaway dolls pram. As Rutherford put it: “It was almost as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you!”

  Geiger and Marsden’s extraordinary result could only mean that an atom was not a flimsy thing at all. Something buried deep inside it could stop a subatomic express train dead in its tracks and turn it around. That something could only be a tiny nugget of positive charge sitting at the dead centre of an atom and repelling the positive charge of an incoming alpha particle. Since the nugget was capable of standing up to a massive alpha particle without being knocked to kingdom come, it too must be massive. In fact, it must contain almost all of the mass of an atom.

  Rutherford had discovered the atomic nucleus.

  The picture of the interior of the atom that emerged was as unlike Thomson’s plum pudding picture as was possible to imagine. It was a miniature solar system in which negatively charged electrons were attracted to the positive charge of the nucleus and orbited it like planets around the Sun. The nucleus had to be at least as massive as an alpha particle—and probably a lot more so—for the nucleus with which it collided not to be kicked out of the atom. It therefore had to contain more than 99.9 per cent of the atom’s mass.3

  The nucleus was very, very tiny. Only if nature crammed a large positive charge into a very small volume could a nucleus exert a repulsive force so overwhelming that it could make an alpha particle execute a U-turn. What was most striking about Rutherford’s vision of an atom was, therefore, its appalling emptiness. The playwright Tom Stoppard put it beautifully in his play Hapgood: “Now make a fist, and if your fist is as big as the nucleus of an atom then the atom is as big as St Paul’s, and if it happens to be a hydrogen atom then it has a single electron flitting about like a moth in an empty cathedral, now by the dome, now by the altar.”

  Despite its appearance of solidity, the familiar world was actually no more substantial than a ghost. Matter, whether in the form of a chair, a human being, or a star, was almost exclusively empty space. What substance an atom possessed resided in its impossibly small nucleus—100,000 times smaller than a complete atom.

  Put another way, matter is spread extremely thinly. If it were possible to squeeze out all the surplus empty space, matter would take up hardly any room at all. In fact, this is perfectly possible. Although an easy way to squeeze the human race down to the size of a sugar cube probably does not exist, a way does exist to squeeze the matter of a massive star into the smallest volume possible. The squeezing is done by tremendously strong gravity, and the result is a neutron star. Such an object packs the enormous mass of a body the size of the Sun into a volume no bigger than Mount Everest.4


  Rutherford’s picture of the atom as a miniature solar system with tiny electrons flitting about a dense atomic nucleus like planets around the Sun was a triumph of experimental science. Unfortunately, it had a slight problem. It was totally incompatible with all known physics!

  According to Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism—which described all electrical and magnetic phenomena—whenever a charged particle accelerates, changing its speed or direction of motion, it gives out electromagnetic waves—light. An electron is a charged particle. As it circles a nucleus, it perpetually changes its direction; so it should act like a miniature lighthouse, constantly broadcasting light waves into space. The problem is that this would be a catastrophe for any atom. After all, the energy radiated as light has to come from somewhere, and it can only come from the electron itself. Sapped continually of energy, it should spiral ever closer to the centre of the atom. Calculations showed that it would collide with the nucleus within a mere hundred-millionth of a second. By rights, atoms should not exist.

  But atoms do exist. We and the world around us are proof enough of that. Far from expiring in a hundred-millionth of a second, atoms have survived intact since the earliest times of the Universe almost 14 billion years ago. Some crucial ingredient must be missing from Rutherford’s picture of the atom. That ingredient is a revolutionary new kind of physics—quantum theory.

  1 Some of these ideas were covered in my earlier book, The Magic Furnace (Vintage, London, 2000). Apologies to those who have read it. In my defense, it is necessary to know some basic things about the atom in order to appreciate the chapters that follow on quantum theory, which is essentially a theory of the atomic world.

  2 Of course, there is no way a needle can actually feel a surface like a human finger can. However, if the needle is charged with electricity and placed extremely close to a conducting surface, a minuscule but measurable electric current leaps the gap between the tip of the needle and the surface. It is known as a “tunnelling current”, and it has a crucial property that can be exploited: the size of the current is extraordinarily sensitive to the width of the gap. If the needle is moved even a shade closer to the surface, the current grows very rapidly; if it is pulled away a fraction, the current plummets. The size of the tunnelling current therefore reveals the distance between the needle tip and the surface. It gives the needle an artificial sense of touch.

  3 Eventually, physicists would discover that the nucleus contains two particles: positively charged protons and uncharged, or neutral, neutrons. The number of protons in a nucleus is always exactly balanced by an equal number of electrons in orbit about it. The difference between atoms is in the number of protons in their nuclei (and consequently the number of electrons in orbit). For instance, hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus and uranium a whopping 92.
  4 See Chapter 4, “Uncertainty and the Limits of Knowledge.”




  A philosopher once said, “It is necessary for the very existence of science that the same conditions always produce the same results.” Well, they don’t!

  Richard Feynman

  It’s 2025 and high on a desolate mountain top a giant 100-metre telescope tracks around the night sky. It locks onto a proto-galaxy at the edge of the observable Universe and feeble light, which has been travelling through space since long before Earth was born, is concentrated by the telescope mirror onto ultrasensitive electronic detectors. Inside the telescope dome, seated at a control panel not unlike the console of the starship Enterprise, the astronomers watch a fuzzy image of the galaxy swim into view on a computer monitor. Someone turns up a loudspeaker and a deafening crackle fills the control room. It sounds like machine gun fire; it sounds like rain drumming on a tin roof. In fact, it is the sound of tiny particles of light raining down on the telescope’s detectors from the very depths of space.

  To these astronomers, who spend their careers straining to see the weakest sources of light in the Universe, it is a self-evident fact that light is a stream of tiny bulletlike particles—photons. Not long ago, however, the scientific community had to be dragged kicking and screaming to an acceptance of this idea. In fact, it’s fair to say that the discovery that light comes in discrete chunks, or quanta, was the single most shocking discovery in the history of science. It swept away the comfort blanket of pre-20th-century science and exposed physicists to the harsh reality of an Alice in Wonderland universe where things happen because they happen, with utter disregard for the civilised laws of cause and effect.

  The first person to realise that light was made of photons was Einstein. Only by imagining it as a stream of tiny particles could he make sense of a phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect. When you walk into a supermarket and the doors open for you automatically, they are being controlled by the photoelectric effect. Certain metals, when exposed to light, eject particles of electricity—electrons. When incorporated into a photocell, such a metal generates a small electric current as long as a light beam is falling on it. A shopper who breaks the beam chokes off the current, signalling the supermarket doors to swish aside.

  One of the many peculiar characteristics of the photoelectric effect is that, even if a very weak light is used, the electrons are kicked out of the metal instantaneously—that is, with no delay whatsoever.1 This is inexplicable if light is a wave. The reason is that a wave, being a spread-out thing, will interact with a large number of electrons in the metal. Some will inevitably be kicked out after others. In fact, some of the electrons could easily be emitted 10 minutes or so after light is shone on the metal.

  So how is it possible that the electrons are kicked out of the metal instantaneously? There is only one way—if each electron is kicked out of the metal by a single particle of light.

  Even stronger evidence that light consists of tiny bulletlike particles comes from the Compton effect. When electrons are exposed to X-rays—a high-energy kind of light—they recoil in exactly the way they would if they were billiard balls being struck by other billiard balls.

  On the surface, the discovery that light behaves like a stream of tiny particles may not appear very remarkable or surprising. But it is. The reason is that there is also abundant and compelling evidence that light is something as different from a stream of particles as it is possible to imagine—a wave.


  At the beginning of the 19th century, the English physician Thomas Young, famous for decoding the Rosetta stone independently of the Frenchman Jean François Champollion, took an opaque screen, made two vertical slits in it very close together, and shone light of a single colour onto them. If light were a wave, he reasoned, each slit would serve as a new source of waves, which would spread out on the far side of the screen like concentric ripples on a pond.

  A characteristic property exhibited by waves is interference. When two similar waves pass through each other, they reinforce each other where the crest of one wave coincides with the crest of another, and they cancel each other out where the crest of one coincides with the trough of the other. Look at a puddle during a rain shower and you will see the ripples from each raindrop spreading out and “constructively” and “destructively” interfering with each other.

  In the path of the light emerging from his two slits Young interposed a second, white, screen. He immediately saw a series of alternating dark and light vertical stripes, much like the lines on a supermarket bar code. This interference pattern was irrefutable evidence that light was a wave. Where the light ripples from the two slits were in step, matching crest for crest, the light was boosted in brightness; where they were out of step, the light was cancelled out.

  Using his “double slit” apparatus, Young was able to determine the wavelength of light. He discovered it was a mere thousandth of a millimetre—far smaller than the width of a human hair—explaining why nobody had guessed light was a wave before.

  For the next two centuries, Young’s picture of light as ripples on a sea of space reigned supreme in explaining all known phenomena involving light. But by the end of the 19th century, trouble was brewing. Although few people noticed at first, the picture of light as a wave and the picture of the atom as a tiny mote of matter were irreconcilable. The difficulty was at the interface, the place where light meets matter.


  The interaction between light and matter is of crucial importance to the everyday world. If the atoms in the filament of a bulb did not spit out light, we could not illuminate our homes. If the atoms in the retina of your eye did not absorb light, you would be unable to read these words. The trouble is that the emission and absorption of light by atoms are impossible to understand if light is a wave.

  An atom is a highly localised thing, confined to a tiny region of space, whereas a light wave is a spread-out thing that fills a large amount of space. So, when light is absorbed by an atom, how does such a big thing manage to squeeze into such a tiny thing? And when light is emitted by an atom, how does such a small thing manage to cough out such a big thing?

  Common sense says that the only way light can be absorbed or emitted by a small localised thing is if it too is a small, localised thing. “Nothing fits inside a snake like another snake,” as the saying goes. Light, however, is known to be a wave. The only way out of the conundrum was for physicists to throw up their hands in despair and grudgingly accept that light is both a wave and a particle. But surely something cannot be simultaneously localised and spreadout? In the everyday world, this is perfectly true. Crucially, however, we are not talking about the everyday world; we are talking about the microscopic world.

  The microscopic world of atoms and photons turns out to be nothing like the familiar realm of trees and clouds and people. Since it is a domain millions of times smaller than the realm of familiar objects, why should it be? Light really is both a particle and a wave. Or more correctly, light is “something else” for which there is no word in our everyday language and nothing to compare it with in the everyday world. Like a coin with two faces, all we can see are its particlelike face and its wavelike face. What light actually is is as unknowable as the colour blue is to a blind man.

  Light sometimes behaves like a wave and sometimes like a stream of particles. This was an extremely difficult thing for the physicists of the early 20th century to accept. But they had no choice; it was what nature was telling them. “On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we teach the wave theory and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays the particle theory,” joked the English physicist William Bragg in 1921.

  Bragg’s pragmatism was admirable. Unfortunately, it was not enough to save physics from disaster. As Einstein first realised, the dual w
ave-particle nature of light was a catastrophe. It was not just impossible to visualise, it was completely incompatible with all physics that had gone before.


  Take a window. If you look closely you can see a faint reflection of your face. This is because glass is not perfectly transparent. It transmits about 95 per cent of the light striking it while reflecting the remaining 5 per cent. If light is a wave, this is perfectly easy to understand. The wave simply splits into a big wave that goes through the window and a much smaller wave that comes back. Think of the bow wave from a speedboat. If it encounters a half-submerged piece of driftwood, a large part of the wave continues on its way while a small part doubles back on itself.

  But while this behaviour is easy to understand if light is a wave, it is extremely difficult to understand if light is a stream of identical bulletlike particles. After all, if all the photons are identical, it stands to reason that each should be affected by the window in an identical way. Think of David Beckham taking a free kick over and over again. If the soccer balls are identical and he kicks each one in exactly the same way, they will all curl through the air and hit the same spot at the back of goal. It’s hard to imagine the majority of the balls peppering the same spot while a minority flies off to the corner flag.

  How, then, is it possible that a stream of absolutely identical photons can impinge on a window and 95 per cent can go right through while 5 per cent come back? As Einstein realised, there is only one way: if the word “identical” has a very different meaning in the microscopic world than in the everyday world—a diminished, cut-down meaning.


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