Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You

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Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You Page 9

by Marcus Chown

  Helium-4, the second most common atom in the Universe, is one of nature’s most peculiar substances.4 It was the only element to have been discovered on the Sun before it was discovered on Earth, and it has the lowest boiling point of any liquid, –269 degrees Celsius. In fact, it is the only liquid that never freezes to become a solid, at least not at normal atmospheric pressure. All these things, however, pale into insignificance beside the behaviour of helium below about –271 degrees Celsius. Below this “lambda point,” it becomes a superfluid.

  Usually, a liquid resists any attempt to move one part relative to another. For instance, treacle resists when you stir it with a spoon and water resists when you try to swim through it. Physicists call this resistance viscosity. It is really just liquid friction. But whereas we are used to friction between solids moving relative to each other—for instance, the friction between a car’s tyres and the road—we are not familiar with the friction between parts of a liquid moving relative to each other. Treacle, because it resists strongly, is said to have a high viscosity, or simply to be very viscous.

  Clearly, viscosity can manifest itself only when one part of a liquid moves differently from the rest. At the microscopic level of atoms, this means that it must be possible to knock some liquid atoms into states that are different from those occupied by other liquid atoms.

  In a liquid at normal temperature, the atoms can be in many possible states in each of which they jiggle about at different speeds. But as the temperature falls, they become more and more sluggish and fewer and fewer states are open to them. Despite this effect, however, not all atoms will be in the same state, even at the lowest temperatures.

  But things are different for a liquid of bosons such as liquid helium. Remember, if there are already n bosons in a particular state, the probability of another one entering the state is n + 1 bigger than if there were no other particles in the state. And for liquid helium, with countless helium atoms, n is a very large number indeed. Consequently, there comes a time, as liquid helium is cooled to sufficiently low temperatures, when all the helium atoms suddenly try to crowd into the same state. It’s called the Bose-Einstein condensation.

  With all the helium atoms in the same state, it is impossible—or at least extremely difficult—for one part of the liquid to move differently from another part. If some atoms are moving along, all the atoms have to move along together. Consequently, the liquid helium has no viscosity whatsoever. It has become a superfluid.

  In superfluid liquid helium there is a kind of rigidity to the motion of the atoms. It is very hard to make the liquid do anything because you either have to get all of its atoms to do the thing together or they simply do not do the thing at all. For instance, if you put water in a bucket and spin the bucket about its axis, the water will end up spinning with the bucket. This is because the bucket drags around the water atoms—strictly speaking, the water molecules—that are in direct contact with the sides, and these in turn drag around the atoms farther from the sides, and so on, until the entire body of water is turning with the bucket. Clearly, for the water to get to the state in which it is spinning along with the bucket, different parts of the liquid must move relative to each other. But as just pointed out, this is very hard for a superfluid. All the atoms move together or they do not move at all. Consequently, if superfluid liquid helium is put in a bucket and the bucket is spun, it has no means open to it to attain the spin of the bucket. Instead, the superfluid helium stays stubbornly still while the bucket spins.

  The cooperative motion of atoms in superfluid liquid helium leads to even more bizarre phenomena. For instance, the superfluid can flow through impossibly small holes that no other liquid can flow through. It is also the only liquid that can flow uphill. Interestingly, helium has a rare, lightweight cousin. Helium-3 turns out to be a normal, boring liquid. The reason is that helium-3 particles are fermions. And superfluidity is a property solely of bosons.

  Actually, this isn’t entirely true. The microscopic world is full of surprising phenomena. And in a special case, fermions can behave like bosons!


  The special case, when fermions behave like bosons, is that of an electric current in a metal. Because the outermost electrons of metal atoms are very loosely bound, they can break free. If a voltage is then applied between the ends of the metal by a battery, all the countless liberated electrons will surge through the material as an electric current.5

  Electrons are, of course, fermions, which means they are antisocial. Imagine a ladder, with the rungs corresponding to ever higher energy states. Electrons would fill up the rungs two at a time from the bottom (bosons would happily crowd on the lowest rungs). The need for a separate rung for each pair of electrons means that the electrons in a metal have far more energy on average than might be naively expected.

  But something really weird happens when a metal is cooled to close to absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature. Usually, each electron travels through the metal entirely independently of all other electrons. However, as the temperature falls, the metal atoms vibrate ever more sluggishly. Although they are thousands of times more massive than electrons, the attractive electrical force between an electron and a metal atom is enough to tug the atom toward it as the electron passes by.6 The tugged atom, in turn, tugs on another electron. In this way, one electron attracts another through the intermediary of the metal atom.

  This effect radically changes the nature of the current flowing through the metal. Instead of being composed of single electrons, it is composed of paired-up electrons known as Cooper pairs. But the electrons in each Cooper pair spin in an opposite manner and cancel out. Consequently, Cooper pairs are bosons!

  A Cooper pair is a peculiar thing. The electrons that make it up may not even be close to each other in the metal. There could easily be thousands of other electrons between one member of a Cooper pair and its partner. This is just a curious detail, however. The key thing is that Cooper pairs are bosons. And at the ultralow temperature of the superconductor all the bosons crowd into the same state. They therefore behave as a single, irresistible entity. Once they are flowing en masse, it is extremely difficult to stop them.

  In a normal metal an electrical current is resisted by nonmetal, impurity atoms, which get in the way of electrons, obstructing their progress through the metal. But whereas an impurity atom can easily hinder an electron in a normal metal, it is nearly impossible for it to hinder a Cooper pair in a superconductor. This is because each Cooper pair is in lockstep with billions upon billions of others. An impurity atom can no more thwart this flow than a single soldier can stop the advance of an enemy army. Once started, the current in a superconductor will flow forever.

  1 Since photons come with different wavelengths, we are of course talking here about photons with the same wavelength being identical to each other.

  2 John Wheeler and Richard Feynman once came up with an interesting suggestion for why electrons are utterly indistinguishable—because there is only one electron in the Universe! It weaves backwards and forwards in time like a thread going back and forth through a tapestry. We see the multitude of places where the thread goes through the fabric of the tapestry and mistakenly attribute each to a separate electron.

  3 Physicists call two alternatives spin “up” and spin “down.” But that is just a technicality.

  4 Helium-4 has four particles in its nucleus—two protons and two neutrons. It has a less common cousin, helium-3, which has the same number of protons but one fewer neutron.

  5 Why then doesn’t a metal fall apart? The full explanation requires quantum theory. But, simplistically, the stripped, or conduction, electrons form a negatively charged cloud permeating the metal. It is the attraction between this cloud and the positively charged electron-stripped metal ions that glues the metal together.

  6 Strictly speaking, the atoms are positive ions, the name given to atoms that have lost electrons.

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  When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute—it’s longer than an hour. That’s relativity!

  Albert Einstein

  It’s the most peculiar 100 metres anyone has ever seen. As the sprinters explode out of their starting blocks and get into their stride, it seems to the spectators in the grandstand that the runners get ever slimmer. Now, as they dash past the cheering crowd, they appear as flat as pancakes. But that’s not the most peculiar thing—not by a long shot. The arms and legs of the athletes are pumping in ultraslow motion, as if they are running not through air but through molasses. Already, the crowd is beginning to slow-hand-clap. Some people are even ripping up their tickets and angrily tossing them into the air. At this pathetic rate of progress, it could take an hour for the sprinters to reach the finishing tape. Disgusted and disappointed, the spectators get up from their seats and, one by one, traipse out of the stadium.

  This scene seems totally ridiculous. But, actually, it is wrong in essentially only one detail—the speed of the sprinters. If they could run 10 million times faster, this is exactly what everyone would see. When objects fly past at ultrahigh speed, space shrinks while time slows down.1 It’s an inevitable consequence of one thing—the impossibility of ever catching up with a light beam.

  Naively, you might think that the only thing that is not catch-upable is something travelling at infinite speed. Infinity, after all, is defined as the biggest number imaginable. Whatever number you think of, infinity is bigger. So if there were something that could travel infinitely fast, it is clear you could never get abreast of it. It would represent the ultimate cosmic speed limit.

  Light travels tremendously fast—300,000 kilometres per second in empty space—but this is far short of infinite speed. Nevertheless, you can never catch up with a light beam, no matter how fast you travel. In our universe, for reasons nobody completely understands, the speed of light plays the role of infinite speed. It represents the ultimate cosmic speed limit.

  The first person to recognise this peculiar fact was Albert Einstein. Reputedly at the age of only 16, he asked himself: What would a beam of light look like if you could catch up with it?

  Einstein could ask such a question and hope to answer it only because of a discovery made by the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell. In 1868, Maxwell summarised all known electrical and magnetic phenomena—from the operation of electric motors to the behaviour of magnets—with a handful of elegant mathematical equations. The unexpected bonus of Maxwell’s equations was that they predicted the existence of a hitherto unsuspected wave, a wave of electricity and magnetism.

  Maxwell’s wave, which propagated through space like a ripple spreading on a pond, had a very striking feature. It travelled at 300,000 kilometres per second—the same as the speed of light in empty space. It was too much of a coincidence. Maxwell guessed—correctly—that the wave of electricity and magnetism was none other than a wave of light. Nobody, apart perhaps from the electrical pioneer Michael Faraday, had the slightest inkling that light was connected with electricity and magnetism. But there it was, written indelibly in Maxwell’s equations: light was an electromagnetic wave.

  Magnetism is an invisible force field that reaches out into the space surrounding a magnet. The magnetic field of a bar magnet, for instance, attracts nearby metal objects such as paperclips. Nature also boasts an electric field, an invisible force field that extends into the space around a body that is electrically charged. The electric field of a plastic comb rubbed against a nylon sweater, for instance, can pick up small scraps of paper.

  Light, according to Maxwell’s equations, is a wave rippling through these invisible force fields, much like a wave rippling through water. In the case of a water wave, the thing that changes as the wave passes by is the level of the water, which goes up and down, up and down. In the case of light, it is the strength of the magnetic and electric force fields, which grow and die, grow and die. (Actually, one field grows while the other dies, and vice versa, but that’s not important here.)

  Why go into such gory detail about what an electromagnetic wave is? The answer is because it is necessary in order to understand Einstein’s question: What would a light beam look like if you could catch up with it?

  Say you are driving a car on a motorway and you catch up with another car travelling at 100 kilometres per hour. What does the other car look like as you come abreast of it? Obviously, it appears stationary. If you wind down your window, you may even be able to shout to the other driver above the noise of the engine. In exactly the same way, if you could catch up with a light beam, it ought to appear stationary, like a series of ripples frozen on a pond.

  However—and this is the key thing noticed by the 16-year-old Einstein—Maxwell’s equations have something important to say about a frozen electromagnetic wave, one in which the electric and magnetic fields never grow or fade but remain motionless forever. No such thing exists! A stationary electromagnetic wave is an impossibility.

  Einstein, with his precocious question, had put his finger on a paradox, or inconsistency, in the laws of physics. If you were able to catch up with a beam of light, you would see a stationary electromagnetic wave, which is impossible. Since seeing impossible things is, well, impossible, you can never catch up with a light beam! In other words, the thing that is uncatchable—the thing that plays the role of infinite speed in our Universe—is light.


  The uncatchability of light can be put another way. Imagine that the cosmic speed limit really is infinity (though, of course, we now know it isn’t). And say for instance, a missile is fired from a fighter plane that can fly at infinite speed. Is the speed of the missile relative to someone standing on the ground infinity plus the speed of the plane? If it is, the missile’s speed relative to the ground is greater than infinity. But this is impossible since infinity is the biggest number imaginable. The only thing that makes sense is that the speed of the missile is still infinitely fast. In other words, its speed does not depend on the speed of its source—the speed of the fighter plane.

  It follows that in the real Universe, where the role of infinite speed is played by the speed of light, the speed of light does not depend on the motion of its source either. It’s the same—300,000 kilometres per second—no matter how fast the light source is travelling.

  The speed of light’s lack of dependence on the motion of its source is one of the two pillars on which Einstein, in his “miraculous year” of 1905, proceeded to build a new and revolutionary picture of space and time—his “special” theory of relativity. The other one—equally important—is the principle of relativity.

  In the 17th century the great Italian physicist Galileo noticed that the laws of physics are unaffected by relative motion. In other words, they appear the same, no matter how fast you are moving relative to someone else. Think of standing in a field and throwing a ball to a friend 10 metres away. Now imagine you are on a moving train instead and throwing the ball to your friend, who is standing 10 metres along the aisle. The ball in both cases loops between you on a similar trajectory. In other words, the path the ball follows takes no account of the fact that you are in a field or on a train barrelling along at, say 120 kilometres per hour.

  In fact, if the windows of the train are blacked out, and the train has such brilliant suspension that it is vibration free, you will be unable to tell from the motion of the ball—or any other object inside the train, for that matter—whether or not the train is moving. For reasons nobody knows, the laws of physics are the same no matter what speed you are travelling, as long as that speed remains constant.

  When Galileo made this observation, the laws he had in mind were the laws of motion that gov
ern such things as the trajectory of cannonballs flying through the air. Einstein’s audacious leap was to extend the idea to all laws of physics, including the laws of optics that govern the behaviour of light. According to his principle of relativity, all laws appear the same for observers moving with constant speed relative to each other. In a blacked-out train, in other words, you could not tell even from the way light was reflected back and forth whether or not the train was moving.

  By combining the principle of relativity with the fact that the speed of light is the same irrespective of the motion of its source, it is possible to deduce another remarkable property of light. Say you are travelling towards a source of light at high speed. At what speed does the light come towards you? Well, remember there is no experiment you can do to determine whether it is you or the light source that is moving (recall the blacked-out train). So an equally valid point of view is to assume that you are stationary and the light source is moving towards you. But remember, the speed of light does not depend on the speed of its source. It always leaves the source at precisely 300,000 kilometres per second. Since you are stationary, therefore, the light must arrive at precisely 300,000 kilometres per second.

  Consequently, not only is the speed of light independent of the motion of its source, it is also independent of the motion of anyone observing the light. In other words, everyone in the Universe, no matter how fast they are moving, always measures exactly the same speed of light—300,000 kilometres per second.


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