Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You

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Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You Page 17

by Marcus Chown


  ABSOLUTE ZERO Lowest temperature attainable. As a body is cooled, its atoms move more and more sluggishly. At absolute zero, equivalent to –273.15 on the Celsius scale, they cease to move altogether. (Actually, this is not entirely true since the Heisenberg uncertainty principle produces a residual jitter even at absolute zero.)

  ACCRETION DISC CD-shaped disc of in-swirling matter that forms around a strong source of gravity such as a black hole. Since gravity weakens with distance from its source, matter in the outer portion of the disc orbits more slowly than in the inner portion. Friction between regions where matter is travelling at different speeds heats the disc to millions of degrees. Quasars are thought to owe their prodigious brightness to ferociously hot accretion discs surrounding “supermassive” black holes.

  ALPHA CENTAURI The nearest star system to the Sun. It consists of three stars and is 4.3 light-years distant.

  ALPHA DECAY The spitting out of a high-speed alpha particle by a large, unstable nucleus in an attempt to turn itself into a lighter, stable nucleus.

  ALPHA PARTICLE A bound state of two protons and two neutrons—essentially a helium nucleus—that rockets out of an unstable nucleus during radioactive alpha decay.

  ANTHROPIC PRINCIPLE The idea that the Universe is the way it is because, if it was not, we would not be here to notice it. In other words, the fact of our existence is an important scientific observation.

  ANTIMATTER Term for a large accumulation of antiparticles. Anti-protons, antineutrons, and positrons can in fact come together to make anti-atoms. And there is nothing in principle to rule out the possibility of antistars, antiplanets, or antilife. One of the greatest mysteries of physics is why we appear to live in a Universe made solely of matter when the laws of physics seem to predict a pretty much 50/ 50 mix of matter and antimatter.

  ANTIPARTICLE Every subatomic particle has an associated antiparticle with opposite properties, such as electrical charge. For instance, the negatively charged electron is twinned with a positively charged antiparticle known as the positron. When a particle and its antiparticle meet, they self-destruct, or “annihilate,” in a flash of high-energy light, or gamma rays.

  ATOM The building block of all normal matter. An atom consists of a nucleus orbited by a cloud of electrons. The positive charge of the nucleus is exactly balanced by the negative charge of the electrons. An atom is about one 10-millionth of a millimetre across.

  ATOMIC ENERGY See Nuclear Energy.

  ATOMIC NUCLEUS The tight cluster of protons and neutrons (a single proton in the case of hydrogen) at the centre of an atom. The nucleus contains more than 99.9 per cent of the mass of an atom.

  BIG BANG The titanic explosion in which the Universe is thought to have been born 13.7 billion years ago. “Explosion” is actually a misnomer since the Big Bang happened everywhere at once and there was no preexisting void into which the Universe erupted. Space, time, and energy all came into being in the Big Bang.

  BIG BANG THEORY The idea that the Universe began in a superdense, superhot state 13.7 billion years ago and has been expanding and cooling ever since.

  BIG CRUNCH If there is enough matter in the Universe, its gravity will one day halt and reverse the Universe’s expansion so that it shrinks down to a Big Crunch. This is a sort of mirror image of the Big Bang.

  BLACK BODY A body that absorbs all the heat that falls on it. The heat is shared among the atoms in such a way that the heat radiation it gives out takes no account of what the body is made of but depends solely on its temperature and has a characteristic and easily recognisable form. The stars are approximate black bodies.

  BLACK HOLE The grossly warped space-time left behind when a massive body’s gravity causes it to shrink down to a point. Nothing, not even light, can escape—hence a black hole’s blackness. The Universe appears to contain at least two distinct types of black hole—stellar-sized black holes that form when very massive stars can no longer generate internal heat to counterbalance the gravity trying to crush them and “supermassive” black holes. Most galaxies appear to have a supermassive black hole in their heart. They range from millions of times the mass of the Sun in our Milky Way to billions of solar masses in the powerful quasars.

  BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATION Phenomenon in which all the microscopic particles in a body suddenly crowd into the same state. The particles must be bosons and the temperature must generally be very low. Helium atoms, for instance, crowd into the same state below –271 degrees Celsius, turning liquid helium into a superfluid.

  BOSON A microscopic particle with integer spin—that is, 0 units, 1 unit, 2 units, and so on. By virtue of their spin, such particles are hugely gregarious, participating in collective behaviour that leads to lasers, superfluids, and superconductors.

  BOYLE’S LAW The observation that the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure—that is, doubling the pressure halves the volume.

  BROWNIAN MOTION The random, jittery motion of a large body under machine-gun bombardment from smaller bodies. The most famous instance is of pollen grains zigzagging through water as they are repeatedly hit by water molecules. The phenomenon, discovered by botanist Robert Brown in 1827 and triumphantly explained by Einstein in 1905, was powerful proof of the existence of atoms.

  CAUSALITY The idea that a cause always precedes an effect. Causality is a much-cherished principle in physics. However, quantum events such as the decay of atoms appear to be effects with no prior cause.

  CHANDRASEKHAR LIMIT The largest possible mass for a white dwarf. It depends on a star’s chemical composition, but for a white dwarf made of helium it is about 44 per cent more massive than the Sun. For a star bigger than this, the electron degeneracy pressure inside is insufficient to prevent gravity from crushing the star farther.

  CHARGE-COUPLED DEVICE (CCD) Supersensitive electronic light detector that can register close to 100 per cent of the light that falls on it. Since photographic plates register a mere 1 per cent, CCDs allow a telescope to perform as well as a telescope with 100 times the light-collecting area.

  CHEMICAL BOND The “glue” that sticks atoms together to make molecules.

  CHRONOLOGY PROTECTION CONJECTURE The stricture that time travel is impossible. No one has yet managed to prove it—in fact, the laws of physics appear to permit time travel—but physicists such as Stephen Hawking remain convinced that some, as-yet-undiscovered law of nature forbids time machines.

  CLASSICAL PHYSICS Nonquantum physics. In effect, all physics before 1900 when the German physicist Max Planck first proposed that energy might come in discrete chunks, or quanta. Einstein was the first to realise that this idea was totally incompatible with all physics that had gone before.

  CLOSED TIME-LIKE CURVE (CTC) Region of space-time so dramatically warped that time loops back on itself in much the same way that space loops back on itself on an athletics track. A CTC, in common parlance, is a time machine. It is permitted to exist by the current laws of physics.

  COMET Small icy body—usually mere kilometres across—that orbits a star. Most comets orbit the Sun beyond the outermost planets in an enormous cloud known as the Oort Cloud. Like asteroids, comets are builders’ rubble left over from the formation of the planets.

  COMPTON EFFECT The recoil of an electron when exposed to high-energy light just as if the electron is a tiny billiard ball struck by another tiny billiard ball. The effect is a graphic demonstration that light is ultimately made of tiny bulletlike particles, or photons.

  CONDUCTOR A material through which an electrical current can flow.

  CONSERVATION LAW Law of physics that expresses the fact that a quantity can never change. For instance, the conservation of energy states that energy can never be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. For example, the chemical energy of petrol can be converted into the energy of motion of a car.

  CONSERVATION OF ENERGY Principle that energy can never be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to a

  COOPER PAIR Two electrons with opposite spin that pair up in some metals at extremely low temperature. Cooper pairs, unlike individual electrons, are bosons. Consequently, they can crowd into the same state, moving together in lockstep through the metal like an irresistible army on the move. The electrical current in such a “superconductor” can run forever.

  COPERNICAN PRINCIPLE The idea that there is nothing special about our position in the Universe, in either space or time. This is a generalised version of Copernicus’s recognition that Earth is not in a special position at the centre of the solar system but is just another planet circling the Sun.

  COSMIC BACKGROUND RADIATION The “afterglow” of the Big Bang fireball. Incredibly, it still permeates all of space 13.7 billion years after the event, a tepid radiation corresponding to a temperature of –270 degrees Celsius.

  COSMIC RAYS High-speed atomic nuclei, mostly protons, from space. Low-energy ones come from the Sun; high-energy ones probably come from supernovas. The origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, particles millions of times more energetic than anything we can currently produce on Earth, is one of the great unsolved puzzles of astronomy.

  COSMOLOGY The ultimate science. The science whose subject matter is the origin, evolution, and fate of the entire Universe.

  COSMOS Another word for Universe.

  DARK ENERGY Mysterious “material” with repulsive gravity. Discovered unexpectedly in 1998, it is invisible, fills all of space and appears to be pushing apart the galaxies and speeding up the expansion of the Universe. Nobody has much of a clue what it is.

  DARK MATTER Matter in the Universe that gives out no light. Astronomers know it exists because the gravity of the invisible stuff bends the paths of visible stars and galaxies as they fly through space. There is between 6 and 7 times as much dark matter in the Universe as ordinary, light-emitting matter. The identity of the dark matter is the outstanding problem of astronomy.

  DECOHERENCE The mechanism that destroys the weird quantum nature of a body—so that, for instance, it appears localised rather than in many different places simultaneously. Decoherence occurs if the outside world gets to “know” about the body. The knowledge may be taken away by a single photon of light or an air molecule that bounces off the body. Since big bodies like tables are continually struck by photons and air molecules and cannot remain isolated from their surroundings for long, they lose their ability to be in many places at once in a fantastically short time—far too short for us to notice.

  DEGENERACY PRESSURE The bee-in-a-box-like pressure exerted by electrons squeezed into a small volume of space. A consequence of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, it arises because a microscopic particle whose location is known very well necessarily has a large uncertainty in its velocity. The degeneracy pressure of electrons prevents white dwarfs from shrinking under their own gravity, whereas the degeneracy pressure of neutrons does the same thing for neutron stars.

  DENSITY The mass of an object divided by its volume. Air has a low density, and iron has a high density.

  DIMENSION An independent direction in space-time. The familiar world around us has three space dimensions (east–west, north–south, up-down) and one of time (past-future). Superstring theory requires the Universe to have six extra space dimensions. These differ radically from the other dimensions because they are rolled up very small.

  DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT Experiment in which microscopic particles are shot at a screen with two closely spaced, parallel slits cut in it. On the far side of the screen, the particles mingle, or “interfere,” with each other to produce a characteristic “interference pattern” on a second screen. The bizarre thing is that the pattern forms even if the particles are shot at the slits one at a time, with long gaps between—in other words, when there is no possibility of them mingling with each other. This result, claimed Richard Feynman, highlighted the “central mystery” of quantum theory.

  ELECTRIC CHARGE A property of microscopic particles that comes in two types—positive and negative. Electrons, for instance, carry a negative charge and protons a positive charge. Particles with the same charge repel each other, while particles with unlike charge attract. ELECTRIC CURRENT A river of charged particles, usually electrons, that can flow through a conductor.

  ELECTRIC FIELD The field of force that surrounds an electric charge.

  ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE One of the four fundamental forces of nature. It is responsible for gluing together all ordinary matter, including the atoms in our bodies and the atoms in the rocks beneath our feet.

  ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE A wave that consists of an electric field that periodically grows and dies, alternating with a magnetic field that periodically dies and grows. An electromagnetic wave is generated by a vibrating electric charge and travels through space at the speed of light.

  ELECTRON Negatively charged subatomic particle typically found orbiting the nucleus of an atom. As far as anyone can tell, it is a truly elementary particle, incapable of being subdivided.

  ELEMENT A substance that cannot be reduced any further by chemical means. All atoms of a given element possess the same number of protons in their nucleus. For instance, all atoms of hydrogen have one proton, all atoms of chlorine have 17, and so on.

  ENERGY A quantity that is almost impossible to define! Energy can never be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. Among the many familiar forms are heat energy, energy of motion, electrical energy, and sound energy.

  ENTANGLEMENT The intermingling of two or more microscopic particles so that they lose their individuality and in many ways be-have as a single entity.

  EVENT HORIZON The one-way “membrane” that surrounds a black hole. Anything that falls through—whether matter or light—can never get out again.

  EXOTIC MATTER Hypothetical matter with repulsive gravity.

  EXPANDING UNIVERSE The fleeing of the galaxies from each other in the aftermath of the Big Bang.

  FERMION A microscopic particle with half-integer spin—that is, 1/2 unit, 3/2 units, 5/2 units, and so on. By virtue of their spin, such particles shun each other. Their unsociability is the reason that atoms exist and the ground beneath our feet is solid.

  FRAME DRAGGING The dragging around of space-time by a massive rotating body. The effect is very small—though potentially measurable—in the vicinity of Earth but enormous near a fast-rotating black hole. Such a black hole sits at the eye of a tornado of whirling space-time.

  FUNDAMENTAL FORCE One of the four basic forces that are believed to underlie all phenomena. The four forces are the gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong force, and weak force. The strong suspicion among physicists is that these forces are actually facets of a single superforce. In fact, experiments have already shown the electromagnetic and weak forces to be different sides of the same coin.

  FUNDAMENTAL PARTICLE One of the basic building blocks of all matter. Currently, physicists believe there are six different quarks and six different leptons, making a total of 12 truly fundamental particles. The hope is that the quarks will turn out to be merely different faces of the leptons.

  FUSION See Nuclear Fusion.

  GALAXY One of the basic building blocks of the Universe. Galaxies are great islands of stars. Our own island, the Milky Way, is spiral in shape and contains about 200,000 million stars.

  GAS Collection of atoms that fly about through space like a swarm of tiny bees.

  GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY Einstein’s theory of gravity that shows gravity to be nothing more than the warpage of spacetime. The theory incorporates several ideas that were not incorporated in Newton’s theory of gravity. One was that nothing, not even gravity, can travel faster than light. Another was that all forms of energy have mass and so are sources of gravity. Among other things, the theory predicted black holes, the expanding Universe, and that gravity would bend the path of light.

  GEODESIC The shortest path between two points in warped, or curved, space.

VITATIONAL FORCE The weakest of the four fundamental forces of nature. Gravity is approximately described by Newton’s universal law of gravity but more accurately described by Einstein’s theory of gravity—the general theory of relativity. General relativity breaks down at the singularity at the heart of a black hole and the singularity at the birth of the Universe. Physicists are currently looking for a better description of gravity. The theory, already dubbed quantum gravity, will explain gravity in terms of the exchange of particles called gravitons.

  GRAVITATIONAL LIGHT BENDING The bending of the trajectory of light that passes by a massive body. Because the space in the vicinity of such a body is warped like a valley, the light has no choice but to travel along a curved path.

  GRAVITATIONAL RED SHIFT The loss of energy as light climbs out of the valley in space-time around a massive celestial body. Since the “colour” of light is related to its energy, with red light having less energy than blue light, astronomers talk of light being shifted to the red end of the spectrum or “red-shifted.”

  GRAVITATIONAL WAVE A ripple spreading out through spacetime. Gravitational waves are generated by violent motions of mass, such as the merger of black holes. Because they are weak, they have not yet been detected directly.

  GRAVITY See Gravitational Force.

  HALF-LIFE The time it takes half the nuclei in a radioactive sample to disintegrate. After one half-life, half the atoms will be left; after two half-lives, a quarter; after three, an eighth, and so on. Half-lives can vary from the merest split-second to many billions of years.

  HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE A principle of quantum theory that there are pairs of quantities such as a particle’s location and speed that cannot simultaneously be known with absolute precision. The uncertainty principle puts a limit on how well the product of such a pair of quantities can be known. In practice, this means that if the speed of a particle is known precisely, it is impossible to have any idea where the particle is. Conversely, if the location is known with certainty, the particle’s speed is unknown. By limiting what we can know, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle imposes “fuzziness” on nature. If we look too closely, everything blurs like a newspaper picture dissolving into meaningless dots.


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