The Victoria Blisse Collection

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The Victoria Blisse Collection Page 2

by Victoria Blisse

  “I’ve got a handkerchief…” One of the guys accompanying me proffers a while square.

  “Thanks.” I take it off him. “Now you or your drunken slut needs to clean up the mess you’ve made.”

  “I’m not a slut.” The girl looks at me, her eyes glassy with booze.

  “Really?” I gasp. “Well, I am sorry. You are with the lying, cheating, deceptive bastard who used to be my boyfriend before I found him shagging some bint behind the local pub. So, my view point may be a bit skewed.”

  She moves her drunken gaze to Jack. “Is she telling the truth?” she slurs.

  “Well, technically,” his cheeks are flushed, his eyes lowered, “but I can explain.”

  “Fuck off.” She hisses and turns on her heel narrowly avoiding crumpling to the ground, and unsteadily heads back to the nightclub.

  “Well, thank you!” Jack fumes. “I can’t believe you were calling her a slut when I saw the cavorting you were doing with these two boys in there.”

  “What are you saying?” I hiss, stepping towards him, letting my anger boil over.

  “That you’re the fucking slut here.”

  I laugh manically, and notice my two nubile young men running after Jack’s drunk blonde.

  “Hey!” I yell after them, but they just scoop up the young girl and carry on back to the club.

  I turn to face Jack once more, even angrier than I was; even though part of me is relieved I won’t have to go through that charade tonight.

  “You’re one to talk,” I growl, stabbing my finger in the general direction of his heart. “You said you loved me but I saw you, I found you…” My voice chokes up, and I squeeze back the tears. “I found you fucking some other woman in an alleyway.” I point at his cock. “Actually fucking her, not just a kiss. I might have forgiven a kiss, but you had fucking penetration.”

  “Laura, I can explain…” His eyes are wide, his arms raised towards me, as if he’s begging.

  “You don’t need to; I know what cheating fucking looks like.”

  “I didn’t want to hurt you/ I didn’t mean to…”

  “Horse shit,” I spit.

  “I was drunk. and she took advantage of me, Laura. I didn’t want her.”

  “Oh, great! That makes it so much better! You slept with some skanky bitch you didn’t even want over coming home and being with the woman you insisted you loved.”

  “I do love you, Laura.”

  “Oh, shut up,” I hiss. “You do not treat the woman you love like that.”

  “I know.” He hangs his head and sighs, “I know. I’m a bastard, and I deserve all this. I shouldn’t have let it happen. I didn’t want it to.” He looks up again and grabs my arm, sending tingles of arousal through my enflamed body. “You’ve got to believe me, Laura. I didn’t want to. She took advantage of me; I got so pissed that I couldn’t fight her off.”

  “Unhand me.” I glare at him, pulling his strong hand off my arm. “I don’t want the excuses; it makes no difference. You broke my heart.”

  “Laura…” He gasps as I turn and head for the nearest taxi. “I love you. I’m so sorry.”

  Tears are streaming down my face as I rip open the door of the cab, oblivious to the rantings of the couple who were in the queue ahead of me. I slam the door behind me and gasp out my address.

  “Bad night, love?” The driver asks, sympathetically.

  “You could say that,” I sniff, the tears rolling down my cheeks, unstoppable in their sad journey. He doesn’t say anything else for the duration of the taxi ride as I sniff and sob in the back, still feeling the imprint of Jack’s hand on my shoulder. I give him my money and force a smile through the tears.

  “Take care.” He nods, his kindly face covered in concern. “It’ll be better after a good night’s sleep.”

  I smile back, then sob all the harder as I know I’ll find no solace in sleep, and I will wake with this same sickening ache in the pit of my stomach.

  * * * *

  “No, not tonight, Claire. I really am not in the mood.”

  “Oh, rubbish,” my best friend insists. “This party is just what you need right now, I’m not going to take no for an answer. I’ll pick you up at eight, so be ready, okay?”

  “Okay,” I sigh. There is no use arguing with her in this mood. She’s made up her mind. I guess I can always creep out of the back when she’s not looking. I am definitely in no mood to party. I haven’t been all week. It’s all just hit me afresh, the pain and humiliation of that night. What if he really had been taken advantage of? He was moaning when I got there; he was enjoying it, I’m sure. His eyes were shut tight and… Oh, I don’t want to remember. I don’t want to see that scene again. I’ve relived it a million times, and each time is harder than the last.

  I thought that I’d be able to revel in his pain. I thought that seeing the pain in his eyes like I did at the nightclub would ease mine. It hasn’t. I just feel worse. I just want to take him in my arms and soothe him. I want to kiss his full, pouting lips and love him ‘til it all doesn’t matter anymore. But every time I imagine it I see her, I see her writhing on his cock - moaning and bucking - and the angry fire inside me flares once more.

  Maybe a party will cheer me up; might help me forget him for five minutes. Thank God it’s not fancy dress though. Jack used to love dressing up. Role play I think they call it when you’re an adult, but we all know it’s just let’s pretend with a grown up twist. He bought me all kinds of outfits: a school uniform with a real school tie; a French maid’s outfit which was a size too small, but he insisted that made it all the better; and a gorgeous scarlet cape which I used to match with a basket of goodies and enjoy having the big bad wolf eating me all up. Maybe that should have tipped me off! He liked to pretend I was someone else when we fucked. I wish the bastard would just get out of my mind. If I could erase him from my memory, I certainly would. It’s just too painful to accept that I have lost the only man I’ve ever loved.

  “I knew you’d come to your senses.” Claire beams as I opened the door to her.

  “Well, I had little choice in the matter.” I sigh as I grab my coat. “You had made your mind up.”

  “Thatta girl.” She laughs, “You’re going to have a blast. James throws the best parties around here.”

  “Oh, he’s not gay, is he? I’m not going to a party where all the lads are interested in each other and not me.”

  “Oh, stop being so stereotypical. James is totally straight, and there will be plenty of straight men for you to seduce.”

  “Right, well good, and there will be booze, right?”

  “Yes, there will be.”

  “Well then, maybe I will enjoy this shindig then.”

  * * * *

  Sitting in the corner cradling another glass of fizzy champagne, I can definitely say I am not enjoying this. Claire neglected to tell me that there would be model-like waifs floating about in their designer frocks cut to show off their stick like legs and tiny breasts. No, I’m not bitter, honestly. I love the fact that every time I look up another of these supermodel wannabes is lip-locked with some good looking male. I’ve not been given a second glance all evening, and my self confidence has disappeared in a puff of expensive perfume and a size eight dress.

  I feel fat. I feel like a spare part, and this damn fizzy wine is failing to intoxicate me. I should have stayed at home. Standing up, I look left and right searching for the closest exit. Fuck this! I’m going to go home and wallow in self pity, and I might as well do it in comfort. Before I can move more than a step, a hand on my upper arm pulls me to a stop.

  “Hey, you’re Jack’s girlfriend’ aren’t you?” A smiling face is pushed in the way of mine.

  “Ex girlfriend,” I growl, trying to step away from this stranger’s unwanted grasp.

  “Oh, well I always thought you were way too good for him.�

  “So you’re one of his mates?” I ask feeling a little less aggressive towards him.

  “Well, I was.” He shrugs, his strong shoulders sending ripples through the thin white cotton shirt he’s wearing, “but I’ve not heard from him in months. When did you two split up then?”

  His eyes are animated and lively. Their blue flickers and melts into grey and green, and I feel hypnotized by their multi-coloured musings.

  “Oh, a few months ago.” I shrug.

  “What happened?”

  “Well, I don’t really want to talk about it.” I tap my toes on the hardwood floor, nervously.

  “Oh, sure, sure. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. I was…” He takes a deep breath and flicks a strand of caramel hair out of his eyes, “I was just trying to keep you here, but I didn’t know what to say.”

  He looks into my eyes, and his cheeks are flushing. he chuckles and lowers his gaze to the ground. “I get all tongue tied around beautiful ladies.”

  My cheeks take on a rosy hue as a wicked glint flicks through my gaze.

  “How are your dancing skills around beautiful ladies?”

  “Marginally better than my oral skills.” There’s that cheeky smile again, and a little hint of a blush to his cheeks, too. Nice!

  “Fancy a dance, then?” I grin, holding my hand out to him.

  “Sure, why not?” he grasps my hand and I enjoy his firm, warm grip. It excites me, and for the first time this evening, I’m glad that Claire dragged me along to this damn party.

  “I was just about to leave.” I whisper in his ear as we sway in time to the slow, sensual beat. “All the model types were giving me a complex.”

  “I was close to leaving myself,” he replies, his breath tickling my ear. “I was afraid of bumping into one of the stick insects and breaking it in two.”

  I giggle coquettishly.

  “I’m glad I stayed, though.”

  “So am I.”

  Our lips seek each other out and meet with an audible gasp of breath. His kiss is playful and teases my lips in a complex dance that forces all other thoughts out of my mind. I can feel his hands on my hips, and I press into his body as the kiss deepens and evolves, feeling the physical compliment he contains in his pants.

  “Shall we find somewhere more private?” I take the initiative as soon as our lips break apart. I really kind of fancy this guy, but I must admit the revenge angle of fucking Jack’s friend is in my mind, too.

  “Certainly.” He grins, takes my hand and leads me out of the large, packed room, into the hallway, and up the stairs. The house is massive, and we walk past room upon room, occasionally stopping to kiss and to giggle, to press a door and find it locked, or to hear the screams of occupation. We finally find an unlocked and unoccupied room.

  I actually feel waves of arousal as he kisses me, pushing me back onto the soft cotton of the bed. It’s been a while since I’ve felt anything more than the rush of vengeful satisfaction in such situations. I’ve all but forgotten Jack and my quest to hurt him, to show him just how your heart breaks when you see someone you love fucking someone else. A part of me hopes he gets to hear about this, though.

  His hands busy themselves lifting up my top and dragging my breasts out from the confines of my bra. I can tell he is a breast man as he goes straight for my nipples, sucking and nibbling on both, swapping back and forth between the two as his hands knead the pliant flesh. I press my heated crotch up and rub myself against him. He groans and slips a hand away from my bouncing breasts and down my thigh until he finds the edge of my skirt. The anticipation is delicious as his fingers climb underneath the material and trail up to the source of my heat.

  My fingers busy themselves, too. They find his buttons and fumble them open, then run up and down the soft heated flesh beneath, causing the most satisfying rumbling mumble from around my nipple. He lifts and discards his shirt, and my hands hungrily reach for his fly, popping open the button and dragging down the zipper, eager to feel the straining flesh inside. He reaches out and grasps the top of my knickers; I take my hands to my hips and help him to roll them down to my knees. He tugs them off and throws them over his shoulder, chuckling as he does so.

  His attention switches to his own body and the clothes still impeding him. He slips himself out of his trousers, and I squint through the darkness to catch a glimpse of his glorious body. There’s just a faint glimmer of a soft glow through the window, and my breath is taken in the moment that it bathes his manhood in moonlight. Yes, I want that, and I want it now. Fuck Jack. Fuck him! I don’t care anymore; I don’t want revenge right now; I just want that cock. I just want the orgasm that I know I’m going to experience around it.

  His cock is so hard, I am almost afraid to squeeze it incase it deflates like a pricked balloon. Amazingly ,it seems to harden more and to stand a little straighter as I squeeze and run my hand up and down its length. I can’t wait to feel it inside of me, so I pull gently forward, encouraging him to crawl between my sticky thighs.

  I’m surprised as he leans over, breaking the connection between my hand and his cock. He continues to move forward, but now his lips are trailing up the inside of my leg, and his tongue is darting out and tasting me, moving ever closer to my eager pussy.

  Excitement. Actual, real excitement causing a rock and roll feeling in the pit of my stomach and as his mouth kisses my lower lips, I let out a mewl of pure sexual satisfaction. I lie back and enjoy this feeling, though in the back of my mind, is a niggling, painful thought. I fight to hold it back. I just want to enjoy this for what it is: sex.

  Then the door opens, a woman giggles, and the door closes again. My sexy stranger’s tongue burrows between my folds, and he seems undisturbed by the kissing noises coming from somewhere in the corner. I expect the intruders to realise the room is occupied at any moment and go out the way they came, but it seems they are content to giggle and roll around on the floor.

  I am surprisingly aroused by the company of this other couple. The sound of their clothes being peeled off, the girly giggles, and the manly groans all seem to add a naughty edge to my sexual gratification. I actually moan louder knowing there is an audience and as the excitement builds, I let out a “Yes!” My voice cuts through all the sexual noise in the room, but the silence is quickly broken.

  “Laura?” I know that voice. All the heat, all the sexual gratification, drains out of my body.

  “What the fuck?” a disgruntled female voice chirps from the floor as the light flicks on, and I feel like I’m on the receiving end of an adult version of Candid Camera.

  “Jack, what the hell are you doing?” I try to pull a blanket over me, but it’s tucked in so tightly that I just end up making my tits jiggle.

  “I could ask the same of you?” he hisses, his eyes running up and down my naked body.

  “I thought you’d be able to work that out for yourself.” My lover lifts his head from my crotch, and Jack gets his second shock of the evening.


  “Hiya, mate. Long time no see.”

  “What the hell…?” Jack leaves the question unfinished as the sheer madness of the scene overtakes him. Four grown adults in various stages of undress all looking like stunned rabbits as their furtive party fuck is interrupted.

  “What’s the matter?” The blonde stands up, using Jack’s thigh to help her. “We’re all grown-ups here. Can’t we just have some fun together?”

  Disconcertingly, she directs this mostly towards me, and I blush panic red. I’ve never been hit on by a woman before, let alone a naked one. I look at Jack and Neil and shrug whilst I gather my thoughts. I can see it appeals to Neil as his cock is straining against my calf. Can I have a foursome? It’s not just that I’m contemplating group sex, I’m contemplating group sex with a woman and my ex who broke - no, crushed - my heart. I just want to have sex and enjoy it, to free myse
lf from that need for revenge, to get over Jack. This could be the perfect way of saying goodbye to that relationship once and for all. Closure, I think it’s called.

  Neil looks into my face, and I nod, answering his question without saying a word. He kisses my thigh and the tension isn’t broken, it is taken to another level. The blonde kneels on the bed beside me and leans over to kiss me. I accept her lips on mine with only the smallest hint of hesitation. Ladies just don’t really rock my boat, if you know what I mean, but the naughtiness of this kiss makes me forget everything but the feeling of two pairs of lips kissing me at once.

  Her lips fall to my breasts, and as I open my eyes, I notice Jack is standing beside her, his hand on her bum. From her appreciative moans, I guess he has his fingers buried inside her. His cock is pointing at my mouth, just a neck stretch away. I look up as he looks down, and my heart twists as the familiar look in his eye arouses me. He still turns me on. I take a deep breath and lift my head. I’m determined to show off my new found laissez-faire attitude. It’s just sex; I’ve moved on. I can take his cock into my mouth and do it for the sexual gratification alone, nothing more. I am not doing this for love. No! Even though I can hear those words echoing in my ear from a time long ago, no. I’m doing this for sex: for pleasure and for freedom.

  I manage to lick, kiss, and partially envelop Jack’s cock as my body is assaulted by sensation. I reach up a hand and feel a ripe breast. I knead it gently, amazed by the paradox of how alike yet so different it feels from my own. My neck aches, and so I drop my head back to the bed. As I do so, I feel a shift in the positions of the people around me. Neil’s head disappears from between my thighs, and I know he is preparing to enter me. A leg is thrown over my head, and I look straight up into a pussy, the first I have ever seen so close up. I can smell its musk, sweet and heavy. I breathe in deeply, savouring it as I feel Neil’s cock slip easily between my sodden lips and into my beckoning pussy.

  I close my eyes for a moment as I feel the tip of a tongue lapping at my clit at the same moment I’m filled with a hot, hard cock. Lust explodes and engulfs my body as pleasure shatters, sending shards of intense enjoyment throughout my whole body. When I open my eyes again, I see Jack’s cock pressed deep inside the cunt hanging over my face and I am hypnotized by its rhythm, by the soft slapping sound of his balls against her thighs and cunt, the inexcusably lewd squelching of her wet sex and the heady scent of people fucking.


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