Home at Last
Page 32
“No matter how good it was for us to be with our parents, all the good things must come to an end. My mother and father left by portal, and I fell ill the next day. A severe headache prevented me from taking a single step. Nothing helped, I felt totally rotten. My brother invited a life mage to the valley, and he made a verdict that his employer’s sister could die since he was watching the changes taking place in my nervous tissues. If half of the nerve tissues were glowing like a human mage, then the other half was shimmering like a dragon. The different types of auras and cells entered into conflict. Andy, after listening to the magician, sat down by the bed. He looked lost and determined at the same time. He thought about something for a long time, then said that him being near me and a strong magic field spurred the process of morphological changes in my body. He had hoped that he would have at least a year to teach me the basics of magic and to wield the elements, but that was not in the cards. We had no year—if we didn’t take radical action, I would die and not celebrate my tenth birthday. Was I ready to say goodbye to my usual life forever and become a dragon?
“Dummy. He didn’t have to ask. Not only was I ready, I’d been dreaming about it for half a year already! In the morning, my brother contacted Jagirra and put the question squarely. His sister needed the Ritual! The Empress refused for a long time, but he told her what Rosugar had said. My second parents rushed to the valley, first portal they got.
“The unreasonable chick once again got a tongue-lashing and went off to lick his wounds. Daddy didn’t mince words. Jaga ran off to calm the black mountain down but promised to return to the question of her negligent offspring’s mental abilities. In the evening, the Ritual began. The pain was horrible, but I survived. Andy wouldn’t hear of me being taken to Orten or to the capital of the dragons’ state, which is under construction. My brother was stubborn as a donkey and drove everyone out of the valley, saying that he and Ania and the girls themselves would cope. There was no changing his mind. It was the first time Jaga and Karegar had met an angry true blood, and they had to give in. I settled in the cave next to the fireplace, behind a curtain, and recognized my brother for real.
“I had nothing to do but observe. Day after day, I was assured of the idea that my brother considers not only Ania but me and my sister family. He also includes Olaf, Slaisa, Lilly, Tyigu, and the miur in the circle of relatives. As for Irina, she got into the School of Magic. And once when Jagirra was visiting us brought an interesting message that her ward had been seen in the company of the son of the King of Tantre often lately. Rumors were circulating in high society about an upcoming betrothal... Oh, powers that be, let Ira’s prince be half the man her brother is...
“What strength of will and perseverance it must take to sit around nearby me for hours, removing my pain and teaching me settage, letters, and Edda. He made me learn the runes, and at night, brewed broths and changed my blankets. He managed to work with Lilly, Tyigu, and the boys from the village too, despite how busy he is and how in demand. The elf and the orc played chess for which of them got to sleep under his right wing, because he covers me with the left. The loser slept with Ania. Every other day people would gather at the cave, and he would tell them fairy tales. Not only children—grown-ups listened wide-eyed too. The orcs and the miur hang around almost every day. A month and a half later, Ania gave birth. A small dragon appeared in the cave with black scales with notches and transparent inserts on his wings. In honor of his grandfather, they named him Iliyatarr. Andy’s got a lot on his plate now, but I saw one thing—he’s HAPPY!”
Alatar—the largest continent on the planet of Ilanta.
Aria—a continent located north of Alatar.
Astal Ruigara—the north-eastern province of the Principality of Ora, borders with the Freelands and the miurs’ territory.
The Scarlet Mountains—a vast mountain range located on the territory of the Celestial Empire north of the Freelands; once belonged to the miur, but three thousand years ago, all the settlements of the cat people in the Scarlet Mountains were destroyed by the Emperor Hazgar.
Ilanta—a planet.
Ilite sultanate—a state located to the east of Rimm; shares borders with the Patskoi Empire and the Steppe.
Empire of Alatar—a state existing two thousand years ago that pursued an aggressive policy of conquest. Approximately sixty percent of the total area of the continent of Alatar was subject to the Empire. The continent itself was named in honor of the Empire. Northern kingdoms such as Tantre, Mesaniya, Meriya, and Rimm were at one time secluded barbarian provinces of the Empire. As a result of civil war, the Empire of Alatar was broken into separate states and ceased to exist.
Kingdom of Mestair—a legendary human kingdom located on the territory of modern-day Taiir and the Great Principality of Mesaniya, which existed three thousand years ago during the age of the dragons. As an independent state, it was destroyed by the dragons and their allies during the war with the Forest Elves and few human states that had joined them.
Mellorny campground—the settlement of the last Forest Elves in the Freelands.
Mesaniya—A Great Principality located north of the kingdom of Tantre.
The Marble Mountains—a large mountain range crossing the northern part of Alatar from north to south. From the north, the range is bordered by the North Sea. From the south, by the Southern Rocky Ridge and the Long sea.
Nelita—The second planet in a triple solar system: Ilanta, Nelita, and Helita. Nelita is considered the dragons’ native land; it was named in honor of the goddess of life, Nel. The literal translation is “eye of the goddess of life.”
Ora—the principality of the dragons on the planet Nelita, formed three thousand years ago as a result of a break from the Celestial Empire; was named after the prince.
Ort—the largest river in the north of Alatar, flows across the territory of the kingdom of Tantre.
Patskoi Empire—a human state with the capital at the city of Pat. The Emperors of Pat consider themselves the heirs of the Empire of Alatar.
Celestial Empire—the largest state in Nelita, formed by the dragons over ten thousand years ago.
Rimm—a human kingdom located east of the Marble Mountains.
The Light Forest—the state of the Forest Elves, limited to the growth area of the Mellornys.
The Freelands—the foothills of the Lidar mountains, adjoins the Celestial Empire, the Principality of Ora, and other principalities. De-jure does not belong to any state. It is de-facto controlled by the miurs, who consider this land theirs.
Steppe—the self-designation of the kingdom of the white orcs. Located in the east of Alatar.
Tantre—a large kingdom, second largest after the Patskoi Empire, located in the central part of north-western Alatar. Geographically limited by the Marble Mountains and the Northern and Southern Rocky Ridges. Has access to the Eastern Ocean and the Long Sea. Its capital is the city of Kion.
Taiir—a dukedom.
Alat, High (also known as Younger Edda), Common—the languages spoken on the planet Nelita.
Alert-dert—a military rank corresponding to that of captain.
Astal—a word that includes several concepts: both lord and ownership. The most accurate translation will read: “One who has taken responsibility upon him/herself. A domain, for which they answer with their honor and conscience.” One of the meanings is vicegerency.
Ata-virk (ata—having taken, virk—trial)—someone who has accepted trials
Berk—a large poisonous omnivorous animal resembling an armadillo.
Chucker—a magical artifact that allows its user to throw balls of capsulized spells.
Circle of the Twelve—the ruling caste.
Concress—from the word “concrescence.” A bundle that attaches to a person, causing changes in people in the cocoons of the converte —the magically transformed chimera tree. Through the main bundle
that joins to the person in the center of the thorax, and the bundles produced by it, there is a connection with the nervous system and an intravenous “feeding” of the person being changed, and also the departure of natural waste.
Drag—a rideable flying lizard.
Dugar—literally “mute.” A magically and biologically altered person with an erased memory, the dugars possess great physical strength and extremely low intelligence, they easily obey. Used for dirty and heavy work.
Dugaria 1. The mage-derived chimera tree that enacts the magical and biological transformation of intelligent beings into dugars. 2. A prison in which people are transformed.
“Fangs”—personal bodyguards of the Emperor of the Celestial Empire.
Feather—a junior military group of twelve to fifteen rideable animals.
Fiver—a week in Nelita (five days). Month—six fivers. Every fifth day is considered a holiday.
“Ghosts”—miur intelligence agents, possessing special mimicry magic equipment that allows them to completely merge with the surrounding terrain.
The Goddesses’ Eyes are what people call the planets Nelita and Helita. Helita, Nelita, and Ilanta make up the system of planets that revolve around their sun.
The Gray Horde—the collective name for all the “gray” orcs residing in the northern coastal steppes; the strongest khanate of the “gray” orcs was also called the Gray Horde.
Gross-dert (gross- leading, dert- wing)—a military rank in the air units of Tantre’s army, corresponding to that of Colonel.
Guardians—dragons (true blood mages), who stayed on Ilanta to guard to portals. At the time the events described herein took place, all guardians are thought to be deceased.
Gunner—a hand-held weapon, functions like a magical chucker in that it fires magic, but much more powerful. Works from a crystal accumulator, unlike a chucker, which fires spells in capsule form.
Hel—mistress of the world of the dead.
Khirud—the main god in the pantheon of the “white” orcs. Khirud the lightning-armed is the god of warriors and daredevils.
“Leaves”—elf rangers.
Manyfaces—the goddess of everything that exists.
Miurs — an intelligent magical race. In appearance much like humanized cats. Average height over eight feet tall. A matriarchal society divided into castes. Females are larger than males and play the dominant role.
The Northern Alliance—an alliance of Tantre, the Rauu Principalities, and the dwarf kingdoms.
Odin—a Norse deity.
Pound, jang—the currency of the kingdom of Tantre. Pounds come in silver and gold; jangs are small copper coins.
Quork—a large amphibian, a predator, akin to a crocodile.
Rasht—miur males who do not have pouches. They are only slightly smaller than females. Besides their lack of pouches, rasht differ from the females in their skull capacity. Females sarcastically call males “big brains” when out of earshot.
Rauu—Snow Elves. The first artificial race created by the dragons for battles against the orcs.
Rix—an animal akin to a wolverine
Roi-dert—a junior officer’s rank, corresponds to that of lieutenant.
Roihe or roihe-male—males with pouches on their bellies for carrying the young.
Rune Keys—used for opening portals.
Sarun—male ceremonial dress.
Secret Chancellery—the state security organ in the kingdom of Tantre. It deals with political investigations, searches and torture, internal and external intelligence, counter-intelligence.
Servants of Death—helrats, priests of a cult forbidden in all countries which perverts the very name of the goddess Hel. Hunted dragons and actively promoted human sacrifice.
“Shadows”—the collective name for the warriors and operatives of the secret services in Nelita.
Shanyu — the high khan of the Gray Horde.
Shkas—degenerates, geeks, magical mutants, etc.
Sida—elves who prefer to settle in the hills.
Targ—the dwarf god whose name took on a negative connotation in almost all countries, often used as a curse word. Occupies the niche of mischief-maker and prankster, analogous to Loki in some sense.
Teg—the polite form of address of a nobleman; grall—to a mage. Teg grall—form of address of a noble mage. Tain, taina—titles for high-borns, male and female, respectively. Professor/master/mistress [first name] Teg grall (tain/taina) [last name].
Temple dwellers—the priest caste in miur society.
Tiv—a small dome-shaped house which can be grown from magically altered plants.
Trox—a large non-flying bird. Can grow up to thirteen feet high. Used as horses and hasses, as a transport animal.
True blood—a mage who, unlike others, can work directly with the astral and consciously take mana from it. Other mages can extract mana only from the planet’s magical field.
Vogr—a predatory animal created by the mages of the Celestial Empire, the size of a bull, resembles a bear.
Book Recommendations:
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About the Author
Alex Sapegin is a Sci-fi and fantasy author who lives in the far eastern city of Khabarovsk in Russia with his wife, two kids, a pet parakeet and an overly confident tomcat.
An electrical engineer by education, at the same time he is making time to follow his joy crafting stories.
Alex had a special flair for storytelling from as early as his high-school days, when his peers would eagerly listen to his action-packed stories with their many twists and turns. Naturally, it was only a matter of time before his friends and family persuaded him to put pen to paper, which proved to be a life-changing decision.
Becoming the Dragon is his first epic fantasy novel. It was originally released in 2010 and instantly became a bestseller all over Russia, the post-Soviet Union and Eastern European countries.