Chasing Desire

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Chasing Desire Page 7

by Joya Ryan

  “Ah.” The idea of having friends you referred to as family sounded too good to be true. Which was why such a thing was for other people, not Autumn. She hadn’t been able to count on her own father, much less people who called themselves her friends. Jenna was the closest thing to someone good in her life. Even after college and distance, she’d stuck to Autumn, refusing to let their friendship die.

  But I don’t fit in this world.

  If Jenna’s wedding had taught her anything, it was that her friend had a life. A good life. With people who loved her and great friends she could count on. Autumn was just one of many, and not even a close one.

  “We’d never say or do anything to upset you, either, Autumn.” Penny’s expression turned serious, yet kind. “I hope you know that. I’m excited to get to know you better.”

  Autumn tried to smile, but it was tight. Getting to know Penny better sounded great, but she needed to remind herself that this was a two-week gig. Whatever semi-friendship or other relationship she formed with anyone here would be short lived.

  “Thanks, Penny,” she said, and took another bite. “So you and the intense looking groomsman are an item, right?” Smooth. Her attempt to girl talk and get to know Penny was failing miserably. But Penny didn’t seem to mind her blunt, unflattering babble.

  “Sebastian,” she said with a blissful sigh. “Yeah, he’s my man.”

  Autumn just nodded and took another bite, not sure where to go with that. Penny, however, had no problem being chatty. “He mentioned trying to meet up with Huck last night. But said Huck disappeared.”

  Autumn didn’t miss Penny’s little wink. “I can tell you where he is now,” she said. “If that’s helpful.”

  She had never been shy and wasn’t embarrassed by sex. She’d just never had great sex until Huck, and she wasn’t one to talk about anything personal. Not really. But the fact that people may or may not know that she and Huck had hooked up wasn’t a huge deal. After all, she wouldn’t be around long enough to deal with gossip.

  “Oh?” Penny asked sweetly. “And where is he?”

  “I left him sleeping in my bed back at Jenna’s house.”

  Penny’s face fell. “You left him?”

  Autumn glanced around like she’d just uttered the unholiest of words. She’d gathered from his friends the day before that Huck wasn’t the kind of man to “be left,” but she’d just stepped out for pancakes.

  “Huck doesn’t get left,” Penny said, confirming Autumn’s suspicions. “Mostly because he doesn’t deal with it well. Supports his theory that people can’t be relied on.”

  “He seemed to deal with it fine. Guy likes his rest, I guess.” Autumn had tried to wake him to tell him she was going to get food, but he’d been sound asleep. Almost looked peaceful. She’d figured they’d end up doing their own thing anyway. He’d made it clear last night was all he wanted from her.

  “No,” Penny said, wide-eyed. “He never sleeps over.”

  “Oh, because you and Huck…”

  “Ew, no!” Penny shook her head. “He’s like a brother to me. No, we’ve never done anything, but Huck hasn’t stayed overnight with a girl, or even fallen asleep with her for that matter. Not since…” She glanced away and bit her lower lip, like she’d caught herself saying something she shouldn’t.

  It was Autumn’s turn to press. God help her, her curiosity was piqued. She wanted to know more about Huck. “Not since what?” she asked.

  “He just had an issue a few years ago. A woman broke his heart. Ever since, he’s had some trust issues.” It was clear from Penny’s tone that she wasn’t going to go more into it. Which was fine. Actually, Autumn respected her for keeping her friend’s confidence. They really must all care about each other.

  One thing she had a hard time wrapping her mind around was the idea of Huck getting hurt. Broken heart? Really? He was so confident and sexy as hell, who would break his heart? Surely there was a mistake.

  “Broken heart or broken ego?” Autumn asked.

  Sadness crossed Penny’s face. “Heart for sure.”

  Something shifted in Autumn’s chest, and she felt like a jerk. Had he really been that hurt? Huck seemed like a man that didn’t stress over anything. He was dominant, liked control, and truth be told, she liked challenging it. But the thought of him being hurt, badly, by another person, didn’t sit well with her.

  They’d shared only a handful of hours over the past two nights, but she found herself kind of caring about the tattooed charmer. Again, stupid notion, but a notion all the same. Especially since her whole body hadn’t felt right since last night. He’d practically owned her from head to toe and everything in-between.

  She shook her head. She had to remember why her walls were up in the first place, especially against Huck. His type never made promises beyond a single night. Hell, neither did she. Not anymore. Which was why she quickly rubbed the spot over her heart and told herself to get a grip before this aching sensation became even more annoying.

  Penny must not have liked the expression on Autumn’s face, because she said, “Huck’s a great guy. He’s never rude. Never lies to women. He always makes sure his expectations are clear upfront.”

  Funny. That sounded a lot like how Autumn operated. She was starting to realize that she and Huck might be too similar for their own good.

  But good, bad, or otherwise, it was over now. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from asking…

  “What kind of expectations does he set with these women?”

  Penny shrugged. “Nothing long-term. He doesn’t take anyone to his place, and he’s never stayed the night at a woman’s house. So there must be something special about you.” Penny smiled brightly.

  What would Penny think if she knew that “special” quality was likely just that she challenged Huck?

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Autumn said.

  “I’m glad you two are getting along.”

  “Getting along” was an interesting way to put it. But yeah, she supposed they “got along” quite well. At least when he wasn’t being a jackass and representing everything she shouldn’t want.

  Knowing that he’d gone through some kind of heartbreak made it more difficult to dislike him. But whatever, she’d be fine. She knew her boundaries and how to keep herself safe. Shelf life, she reminded herself. She’d always be cursed with a shelf life.

  Counting on a man was bad, especially a man like Huck. But she wasn’t a bitch. Wasn’t out to make anyone miserable or anything. She likely wouldn’t even see much of Huck since she’d fulfilled his request of one more night.

  Round two was done. He’d gotten all he wanted from her, and now he’d be figuring out how to explain to Jenna and Colt why he’d rather do anything else than show Autumn around town.

  Her thoughts got a welcome break when she saw Sebastian come into the restaurant.

  “Hey, darlin’,” the dark-haired, intense groomsman said. He didn’t break stride until he sat next to Penny in the booth and planted a sizzling kiss on the petite redhead.

  Judging by the kiss, those two had something real and didn’t care if anyone saw it. Autumn probably wouldn’t care either if she were that blissful. Another thing to add to the Never gonna fucking happen to me list she had going.

  Penny pulled away, breathless and smiling. “Bass, this is Autumn.”

  “Of course.” Bass shook her hand.

  Autumn only then realized her hand was sticky with syrup. Whoops. “Sorry,” she said.

  He shrugged. “We met before the wedding but weren’t formally introduced. I’ve heard a lot about you.”


  “You said you were a mechanic?” Penny asked.

  Autumn nodded around another bite of pancake. “Yeah. In the market for a new job, actually.” She’d had a good phone interview with a shop in LA, and then a follow-up Skype session. She was now just waiting to hear if she’d gotten the job.

  In the meantime, she needed to earn some money and make a backup
plan. The job in LA wasn’t guaranteed. It was just an entry-level mechanic position, and she felt good about the two interviews, but who knew what they’d think when they took a closer look at her resume? She knew how it looked. A mechanic worth their salt would now be running the family shop, not crossing the country to hopefully get hired for grunt work.

  So it was time to be realistic. She wouldn’t stay in Diamond long-term, but anything to get some money would be good at this point, since her savings was practically non-existent.

  A deep and slightly annoyed voice came from behind her. “Another job, huh?”

  Annoyed or not, she recognized it right away. She looked over her shoulder to find Huck walking up to her booth.

  He glared at her like she’d kicked him in the balls or something. Didn’t he remember their time together at all? She’d been quite nice to his balls, actually.

  “Hey.” Penny stood, which meant Sebastian stood as well. She gave Huck a quick hug. “You want some pancakes, too?”

  Huck immediately took his friends’ spot across the booth from Autumn. “That would be great. Thanks, Pen.”

  She nodded and walked around the bar and back to the kitchen. Bass was right on her heels, copping a feel as they went. The sound of giggling followed them. Good lord, was something in the water around here?

  When Huck’s green eyes kept glaring at her like laser beams, she finally put her fork down and asked, “What is your problem?”

  “You,” he said instantly. “Do you make a habit out of luring men into comas, then ditching out?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about this being the second time I’ve mysteriously fallen asleep and woken up to find you gone.”

  She threaded her fingers together. With an amused grin, she said, “So you think that your passing the fuck out after we have sex is some mystery? Could it be that I exhausted you?”

  “You didn’t exhaust me, honey,” he drawled, as if attempting to keep his pride intact with a thick coat of charm. “I’m typically the one to exhaust a lady.”

  She shrugged. “Funny, I wasn’t even groggy.”

  “Bullshit. You fell asleep too. You just woke up before me, and instead of doing me the courtesy of—”

  “Letting you sleep.”

  “—waking me up, you just left.”

  “Oh, I’d beg to differ.” She shoved another bit of pancake in her mouth and pointed her fork at him. “An Oz-like tornado couldn’t have woken you from your beauty sleep this morning, big guy. I tried.”

  “Please,” he scoffed. “You must have drugged me then.”

  “Do you hear yourself when you speak? Are you really this pissy about being left?” The minute the words came out of her mouth, she thought about what Penny had said about some woman doing a number on him. Then she thought about the other things Huck had said to her.

  Things like:

  I’ll walk away.

  I’ll leave.

  He wanted to be the leaver. That’s what this was all about. That’s why he wanted another night with her. It was so he could leave. And his plan had been foiled. Again. Autumn was equal parts pissed off, excited, and…numb.

  “So what are you looking for this time?” she said. “Round three?”

  “I’m after however many rounds it takes for us to get this right.”

  She ought to tell him no, but she had to admit the challenge he presented thrilled her. Plus, all this time she’d been afraid, wondering what his angle was, why he was so desperate to be around her, but now she knew.

  He was a leaver. She’d known this from the beginning. But apparently it was his ego, not his heart suffering, despite what Penny had said.

  Penny walked over and placed Huck’s pancakes in front of him, then hustled off. Little did she know, shit was about to get real with the town playboy. Autumn wasn’t going to sit there and take his crap. No matter how sexy he looked. Which was really sexy. The man pulled off tattoos and T-shirts like no one’s business.

  Focus. She was going to call him out. Not ogle him.

  “All right, here’s how this is going to go,” Autumn said. “You’re going to stop being a brat and just say what has your panties in a wad.” Even though she could guess, the sooner he admitted it, the sooner they could move on.

  Huck looked at her with venom, and if she wasn’t mistaken, a little lust. Then something shifted in his demeanor, as if the charming side of him was back in play.

  “I’d prefer to talk more about your panties. Say tonight?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. You were just blustering about me sexually inducing you into a coma.”

  He shrugged and took a bite of his food. “Icing tasted good on you. Maybe we should try syrup tonight?”

  “You said you wanted one night.” She held up her finger, because she was getting the feeling that Huck’s thick skull needed a visual aid. If this was a game, which it was, he was changing the rules. Her will had already been tested. Hell, she’d even conceded a little and let him take over more than anyone she’d ever been with. Now he was going for more?

  Only because he wants to be the leaver.

  Nope. No way was she signing up for round two. Well…round three, technically. But whatever.

  “We did that, big guy. You wanted not just one night, but one full night. So I stayed until the sun came up. Now we’re done, and you said you’d let me be.”

  “Sun up just means we can have a little afternoon delight.”

  She rolled her eyes. He was good, and the charm was working. Time to get back to the truth though. “Just admit it. You want to walk.”

  He stared at her for a long minute. “What I want is another night.”

  “So you can walk away in the morning.” She scoffed and shook her head. “Are you that shallow? God forbid a woman exits the door before you.”

  He didn’t falter. Didn’t look rattled. Just stared her down like he didn’t know how to respond. But to his credit, he kept his control intact. Autumn didn’t need to hear the answer to know that was his intent. And yet, she was waiting another heartbeat. The tiniest twinge of hope pulsing that he’d deny it.

  One Mississippi.

  Still wasn’t denying it.

  Two Mississippi…

  He stayed silent. She’d called him out. Given him the chance to admit or deny his angle, his real reasons behind this cat and mouse game he played with her. But he did neither.

  Even if he did deny her accusation, it didn’t mean she’d believe him, though part of her wanted to so badly. Wanted to hear him tell her that he wanted her for another night not because he wanted to leave her first, but simply because he wanted her.

  Which wasn’t something she should expect from a two-night stand.

  He stayed silent, and she knew that whatever moment they might have had, it was gone. It had been sex. Nothing more. The way he’d touched her. The way he’d looked at her. The words he’d said. All of it had been nothing special. Just like her. He wanted one, two, three nights at a time? But he wouldn’t take a chance on her for more than sex.

  And I know this!

  So she was done heading down this path of self-torture. Because believing in someone wanting more from him wasn’t wise.

  Fucking men and their pride.

  She got up and laid money on the table. “I’ve got more important things to do today than play this game with you.” She waved to Penny and Sebastian before turning and walking out. She had to get out of there. Whatever had just happened made that stupid ache in her chest pulse harder.


  “What is the matter with you?” Penny said, setting a cup of coffee down in front of Huck, then swatting the back of his head with her hand. “Why are you giving that poor woman a hard time?”

  “Poor woman?” Huck laughed. “That woman is tougher than most men.”

  Sebastian sat across from him in the booth. Penny cleared Autumn’s old plate and winked at her guy. “I’ll get you
some coffee, babe. In the meantime, you can talk some sense to that one.” She motioned to Huck, and he just sighed and took a long swallow of coffee.

  “What is the matter with you?” Bass repeated Penny’s question.

  “Nothing. The woman just gets to me.”

  “She calls your bullshit and doesn’t buy into your charms.”

  “Yeah, that too,” Huck admitted. Bass just shook his head and smiled. “What’s so funny?”

  “You are. You like her and you’re fighting it. No clue why. She seems perfect for you.”

  “I’m sorry, who was it that not so long ago was fighting tooth and nail to stay away from the woman he loved?” Bass glared at him. “Oh yeah, that was you!”

  “And I realized I fucked up,” Bass said. “And who was the one who reminded me that there are good women out there worth perusing? Oh yeah, jackass, that was you.”

  Great. So now their roles were reversed and Huck was having his ass handed to him. Again. If that wasn’t enough, he’d already had that happen at every encounter with Autumn.

  “Seriously man, what the hell? You’ve never been this high strung about a female, and you’re chasing after this one to what? Prove a point?”

  Huck ran a hand through his hair. That had been his goal. He needed to leave her. Just to feel a sense of closure. It was like some OCD nervous tick. When she’d asked him point blank, he should have said yes. Should have told her that he needed to leave her, and that was his goal. But those stormy eyes thundered with something like fear.

  Fear of what she’d asked him? Fear for the answer he’d give? He didn’t know. But the tough mechanic had a soft side. And when he glimpsed it, he couldn’t utter the one word that wasn’t even 100 percent true.

  “I want another night with her,” he said out loud. Because that was true. Did he want this shitty feeling to go away? This feeling of anxiety he got first thing in the morning when he reached out and found a cold sheet and panic set in? Fuck yeah. Of course he wanted that to go away. He didn’t want to feel that shit. In a lot of ways, all Autumn had done was remind him of how easily leaveable he was. How meaningless he was to her outside of sex.


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