Love Redeemed

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Love Redeemed Page 12

by Lindsey Beck

  From the Author:

  Hello Reader,

  Thank you so much for reading my book. As I wrote Janie and Matthew’s story, I fell in love with their characters. It was so fun to write about someone whose walk of life was so different than my own and yet, we shared some of the same problems. Janie and Matthew have inspired me to get my very own first tattoo (one day - if I can gather enough courage and find the right artist).

  Janie and Matthew’s story was actually inspired by a song written by Fire Flight. The song played on my heartstrings as the group sang about being wrapped in someone’s arms. The song is a love song about God and how we are always wrapped in His arms. Later, as I was writing the story, Janie’s character actually spoke to me through a more secular song by Lady Antebellum. It was then I realized just how hard Matthew’s leaving was for Janie. It was then that God revealed to me Janie had her own road to walk and her own need for redemption.

  Much like Janie I was raised as a Christian and had believed in Jesus from an early age. During my college years and after my graduation, I strayed far away from the truth I had grown up with. Although I did not struggle with drugs or alcohol, I still had some very strong addictions sucking the strength out of my life. It was through the love of Christ and the love of my husband that I found God again.

  I hope that you were able to see the story of Redemption through Janie and Matthew. Most of all, I hope that you see that we all make mistakes and that none of us are perfect. We all need Jesus as our own true redeemer.

  If you’ve never accepted Jesus into your heart, I hope that through reading this story, you are encourage by just how much God loves you and how He has been chasing you your entire life in a effort to redeem you. I hope that you will accept Him and allow Him into your own heart. It’s easy to do. Talk to Him just like you would talk to a close friend. The bible says that He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother. The bible also says that when we call upon Him and ask for His forgiveness, He is faithful and just and will forgive us all our sins. Simply, confess your sins, your need for Jesus as a Savior, and believe that you are forgiven. After that, find a church home where you can continue to learn and grow.

  If you are already a Christian, I hope this story has edified and encouraged you. If you find yourself, like me, far away from His truth, please know that your Redeemer is only a heartfelt prayer away. He is desperately waiting to redeem you, Beloved.

  “Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. “

  Isaiah 1:18

  Thank you again for taking the time to read my story.

  Yours In Christ Always,


  Now available at smash and

  Kinsmen Redeemer by Lindsey Beck

  Katherine Williams was a young and inexperienced captain in the Republic’s Navy. During a routine border patrol, she loses her first command and the lives of her crew. Seeking refuge, Katie returns to her old naval academy as an instructor. Her dreams for a future take an unlikely turn as she falls in love with her commanding officer and uncovers a deadly secret held by key politicians.


  Katie deposited the left over food into the compactor. She grinned, glancing up at Jacob who was trying his best to sound aloof. “Were you eavesdropping, Admiral Boise?”

  “And what if I was? These are my quarters.”

  Katie groaned with mock agitation as she moved to gather the plates he had brought into the kitchen. “Well, its still impolite.”

  “You should have accepted his invitation,” he quietly countered. Her shirt sleeve moved slightly as she stretched to reach his plates and Jacob’s eyes caught the edges of ink peeking out from the rim of her short sleeve uniform.

  Jacob gently caught her wrist, halting her from her task. His left hand slowly peeled back her sleeve to reveal the beautiful ink impressions on her upper arm. An intricate design of roses surrounded the blackened lettering of Redemption. His thumb carefully traced the outline of the delicate intrusion on her skin.

  “When did you get this?” Jacob softly asked, pulling his eyes away to meet her gaze.

  Katie’s blush deepened as she tried to remove her wrist from his grasp. He refused to relinquish his hold. “On my leave.”


  “I needed to get it…I wanted a way to express the pain…a way to remember them all,” Katie whispered, her eyes blurring with tears.

  Jacob released her wrist and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “We need to talk, Katie-girl. It’s not good for you to hold all of this inside.”

  Katie shook her head and reached again for the dirty plates. Jacob seized her hand and pulled her out of the kitchenette. Silently, he guided them until they sat on his overstuffed couch.

  “It’s against military relegations for you to have that,” Jacob finally whispered. “It’s archaic.”

  Katie tugged on her shirt sleeve, subconsciously trying to cover up her sorrow. “I know.”

  “As your commanding officer, I’m supposed to report it.”

  “I understand.”

  “As your friend…”

  “I can’t ask you to bend the rules for me,” Katie whispered, blinking back her tears. “I would understand.”

  Jacob leaned forward slightly, catching her gaze. He slowly reached out and moved the sleeve back again to reveal the intricate impression on her skin. “As your friend, I think its beautiful…and appropriate.”

  “Why haven’t you ever married, Admiral?” Katie blurted out, desperately needing to change the subject. She needed to distract herself from the way his hand felt on her arm.

  Jacob grinned. “Why didn’t you accept Eric’s invitation?”

  “Because I’m not interested in him,” Katie replied.

  “And?” Jacob asked, lifting an eyebrow.

  “And?” Katie roughly exhaled, angered by the turn of the conversation. “I’ve got enough to deal with.”

  Jacob chuckled and shook his head.

  “Okay, but your first reason was your real reason. Who are you interested in?”

  Katie blushed again, cursing her fair complexion. How would she ever explain her feelings to him…her commanding officer? The evening with him and her colleagues had been her most pleasant evening in the last four months. And if she was being truthful, the evening was more pleasant because she had spent it with him. His presence soothed her. He was like a magnet for her. She couldn’t pull herself away from him no matter how hard she tried. Until a few minutes ago, she had been utterly in control of her emotions. His touch had sent a myriad of sensations through her body. Her mind had been consumed by the feel of his hand enclosed around her wrist and the touch of his cool fingers on her upper arm. She was surprised that she had been able to even coherently answer his questions.

  She had never experienced anything like this before. He was opening up a whole new world of sensations to her…emotions that she had never known existed. How did she explain that? How did she explain to him that she was like a moth drawn to the dangerous flame when she didn’t even understand it herself.




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