Spanking the Secretary's Bottom

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Spanking the Secretary's Bottom Page 2

by Susan Thomas

  Well of course I did accept and in the end I appointed an unambitious but very conscientious middle-aged woman as my assistant. She was quietly efficient albeit a bit limited but together we made a good team. I made sure I treated her as Miss Wheelton had treated me and as I would want to be treated by any boss. In fact she didn't want to work full time but I was able to make some changes to our procedures and routines that meant she could take three afternoons off each week. This of course reduced the cost of running the office and the Chairman of Governors called me ‘frighteningly efficient’.

  My new post meant that I now had to deal directly with governors. These are people rather like MPs, full of their own self-importance and not necessarily very bright. I had to show one of our governors, Sir Cuthbert Whittle-Woods, the new science labs. He was rather pompous and indeed patronising and I will admit I was disrespectful in a quiet way. Cheeky or sassy is probably too strong, but he picked it up and called me ‘pert’ but he didn't sound pleased and I guessed he would complain.

  Later Dr Croft called me in and I knew I would be gently told off. Dr Croft never raised his voice even to the worst offending girls and he could hardly afford me to walk out at this point, so I knew it would be gentle and mentally prepared myself to be contrite and apologetic. He was indeed gentle and without me having to say a word told me Sir Cuthbert was rather pompous at times but governors were governors and we mustn't allow our feelings to show through. He suggested that perhaps I lacked the usual high respect because my mother had introduced me to so many important people I was no longer impressed. Shrewd, wasn't he?

  I behaved impeccably and really agreed with him without hypocrisy but he laboured the point, trying hard to make his very young secretary understand how important it was to keep these governors buttered up. It was then he said something that had my blood racing.

  "You have to see it like this, if you had been an upper sixth former I would have caned you for that, without doubt four ‘superior’ as it wasn't really rude."

  Now I was clear - he wasn't saying he wanted to cane me, oh dear me no he wouldn't try that, but he was pointing out that girls of a similar age would have been caned. I suddenly saw an opportunity.

  "I understand Dr Croft. I think you are right." With that I turned and opening the door of the anteroom, walked in and stood by the chair. Behind me I heard a strange sort of gasping noise. Clearly I had taken the headmaster by surprise and as my heart pounded with sheer excitement I wondered what he would do. After an eternal minute he walked in and shut the door. He was going to cane me.

  His voice lacked his usual confidence but his words were as normal, "Bend over, Dole."

  Now of course that meant raising my skirt and that alone made me feel excited. Unlike even the sixth form girls I was, of course, allowed to wear stockings, something they were all agitating to be allowed to do. My stockings were held up by a present my mother had brought back from the USA. It was a lace garter belt in lavender with a pair of matching panties and had come in a set inside its own little plastic case. It was enough to give any man a treat.

  I felt a bit like a stripper as I raised my skirt (another strangled gasp from Dr Croft) and then bent over the chair. I had seen how hard the girls gripped the chair so I made certain to do the same. I guessed it was going to hurt but felt the pain was worth the experience.

  Everything seemed very still and my bottom cold now that it was exposed in this way. I heard Dr Croft move, and lifting my head slightly saw him go to the cupboard and get out his cane. I looked down and braced myself as he walked back behind me.

  I heard the swish of the cane then suddenly felt a blow across the centre of my bottom. There was a brief moment of respite and then the pain hit me. A sort of grunt escaped me a bit like clearing the back of my throat. I can't describe that pain. It was a hot line that burned deeply down into my bottom and from there sent shock waves all through me. I made a tiny ‘ohhh’ sound.

  Then another blow followed and more pain. I grunted again and curled my toes trying to keep still, being brave while being punished was of high importance at Lady Alice.

  This time I heard a swish. Perhaps my senses were now on full alert but the swish merged with the blow and again it bit deeply into my bottom. The thin material of my panties seemed to be no protection at all and now I had three hot lines of intense pain. My hands hurt with holding the seat so hard and I had to release another little sound.

  I also heard the fourth swish but there was no gap between hearing and feeling that cane land across my bottom. I moved my leg. I simply couldn't help it and I made a much louder sound. I stayed in position as he didn't like the girls to stand up until ordered to do so.

  "You may stand now."

  Although it was a relief to stand, the change of position hurt my bottom and I did exactly what all the girls seemed to do and put my hands onto my bottom to gently rub.

  "I apologise for the way I spoke to Sir Cuthbert and I promise it will never happen again." Dr Croft liked the girls to do that sort of thing although the ones who got it on the bare often forgot! "May I go back to work now?"

  Dr Croft seemed very disconcerted by what had happened and stammered out that it was alright to do so. I found I was walking stiffly because my bottom hurt but inside I was singing. Hurt it did, but I had been caned and now I knew. I went to the stock cupboard and got myself an exercise book and sitting very carefully at my desk ruled it off as a punishment book and wrote my punishment up. I closed it with a bulldog clip and wrote CONFIDENTIAL on the front, and hid it in my locked drawer.

  My bottom seemed fire hot where I had been caned and the four lines of pain throbbed but gradually the fire turned to simple warmth and the pain to something akin to pleasurable in a strange sort of way. I couldn't wait to get home to examine my bottom in the mirror. Dr Croft seemed embarrassed for the rest of the day.

  Of course it was now my duty to witness all the canings. My assistant, Maggie Thomas, approved heartily of the cane. It was her opinion that all girls under the age of twenty-one ought to be subject to the cane from someone, or indeed several someones. In her quiet way she included me in all that but I just smiled and ignored her and my punishment book remained my secret even though it only had the one lone caning in it.

  One afternoon when Maggie was off duty I had to witness another sixth former getting six of the best. It was the third six of the best I had witnessed, Caroline being the first and an idiot fifth former being the second. This poor girl had managed to get all the way through to the upper sixth without even getting the slipper, let alone the cane. Then after school one day she had been spotted by a member of staff in the graveyard with a boy from the grammar school. No it wasn't being in the graveyard that was wrong, it was being up against the church wall with her skirt up around her waist, his tongue halfway down her throat and one breast out of her bra and being fumbled by said boy - all that while wearing, if you can call it that, school uniform. She was lucky not to be expelled.

  "I don't know what came over me," she wailed in my ear. "I've never done anything like that before."

  Well I know what came over her and it is easy to lose count of the number of girls who get one in the oven because they don't know what came over them. What is so unfair is that he would suffer no consequences whatsoever.

  She was so ignorant that when Dr Croft told her she was to get six of the best she didn't know what to do next. I had to take her into the ante-room and tell her what to do. She flushed scarlet when she pulled her knickers down, which is a bit rich given what she had been doing with the boy. I have to say she took her six quite well given it was her first ever taste of the cane. The flood gates only opened after she had pulled her knickers back up and she was allowed to leave.

  That afternoon when Maggie was off duty Dr Croft called me in. He looked very uncomfortable and unsure of himself which was most unusual for him. After a lot of humming and hawing he finally came out with what was on his mind.

  "The time I
gave you four with the cane..."

  "Yes Sir."

  "Did you, well that is to say... what I mean is..."

  "Yes Sir?"

  "Did you actually want me to cane you as opposed to accepting a caning?"

  "Yes Sir. I was fascinated by it all and had never experienced even a smack on the bottom before so I just took the opportunity."

  This direct answer took his breath away and it was some time before he composed himself to ask another question.

  "I get the feeling you would like to experience six of the best. Is that so?"

  Now it was out in the open, my total fascination with being caned and my strange desire to experience being caned was finally exposed. Dr Croft didn't seem angry or put out, if anything it seemed more like he was hopeful.

  "To be truthful I do and I don't. I can see it really hurts the girls, but at the same time it attracts me and I keep dreaming about being caned like that. I hope that is not too awful for you."

  He seemed lost in thought but he looked up long enough to wave away any concern on my part. After a long pause he said tentatively, "I am willing to give you six of the best. If you care to stay after hours today when most have gone we can lock the outer door and I will do it then. If you change your mind just simply go and I will never mention it again."

  Well I spent the rest of the day in a dither, I was frankly scared of the pain because I could see how much it hurt, on the other hand the whole ritual of it drew me like a magnet. It was easy to find work to keep me busy after normal times and eventually that cold silence fell over the school that signalled everyone had gone and only the caretaker was left sweeping the playground.

  I tidied my desk until all that remained was for me to either go home or lock that outer door just in case. I locked the door and walked through into Dr Croft's office.

  "I am here Sir." It was a pretty silly statement really.

  We walked through to the ante-room and he left me by the chair while he went to the cupboard for his cane. It was time for me to bare my bottom and to my surprise I found that emotionally hard to do. I now understood how the girls felt. It is a really submissive and humiliating thing to do but my desire for the experience overrode everything. I was wearing a pair of what we now call tights but these were also a present from my mother who brought them back from one of her American trips to Washington. Over there they called them pantyhose and they were a very new idea indeed. They aren't as pleasant to wear as stockings and a belt but a lot less fiddly. I pulled tights and knickers down together and felt restricted, so as Dr Croft swished the cane through the air I pulled both off together and put them on the chair. I bent over the chair, flipping my skirt up onto my back and held on to the seat of the chair staring down at my discarded underwear.

  My heart was banging with the strangest mixture of sheer fright and high excitement while my mind raced wondering if I was totally and utterly mad. All that disappeared with the sudden blow of that narrow cane across my bottom.

  I had not realised how my knickers had protected me the last time but the pain of that first stroke was fierce, intense and deep. I know I made a noise of some sort but it was all lost as the next stroke landed. When you are being caned on the bare bottom it is as if your bottom has a life of its own and is screaming at you, ‘Look out, here comes another’.

  I gripped the chair tightly but each stroke made me want to quit and only shame kept me in place. I had enjoyed watching three girls getting exactly what I was getting now so felt obliged to endure what they had endured. At the fifth stroke I felt something wrong with my leg. It seemed to be shaking all by itself and I felt ashamed, but the sixth stroke was so hard I forgot about shame and burst into tears.

  Dr Croft and I couldn't look at each other but just got ready to go home. I didn't put tights or knickers back on but just walked home, my skirt whipping against my sore bottom and making me wince from time to time. Of course the house was empty when I got home (mother was at the house, father at work and my sister and brother away at university) so I let my skirt drop to the ground and stood looking at my welts in the big mirror in the hall. Those welts were huge and so tender to the touch not to mention hot. After a while though they did as before and began to have a strangely pleasant feel to them. I began to tingle all over and a weird excitement pulsed through me which I relieved by a very private visit to my bedroom. It took a good week for those welts and the bruises that followed to disappear altogether.

  We didn't talk about that caning or at least not directly but somehow we began to understand each other. I realised Dr Croft had split himself in two. When he caned the girls he was all professional carrying out a disagreeable chore with no personal interest other than good order and discipline (as he saw it that is although my own school had functioned perfectly well without using corporal punishment) but I was a different story. Although he was ashamed of it he enjoyed caning me and I enjoyed being caned in spite of the pain, although more for the after effect than the process.

  I had a sort of block in my mind, I preferred to be caned for a reason, which was a problem as I am efficient and good at my job and will not make mistakes on purpose. However, I am very young for such a post so tended to lack diplomacy (that is how Dr Croft put it) when dealing with some parents and governors. Those diplomacy incidents provided plenty for a little walk to the ante-room. It wasn't always six of the best of course. It varied and could be as little as two ‘ordinary’ which was just two over my skirt, but gradually the entries in my little punishment book grew. By the time I left there were twenty five entries and each one gave me a thrill in its own way.

  It had taken several years for my mother to realise I was actually good at something and although only twenty-one already a high-class secretary. Once realised, she acted with her usual decisiveness getting me an offer of a job in government. Frankly it was too good to turn down even if it meant working near my mother. I expect you now think that was the end of my caning career but you'd be quite wrong, it was just a whole new chapter.


  Dr Croft was most upset when I told him I intended to accept the offer my mother had arranged for me. I think some of it was the sheer loss of a highly efficient secretary but most of all I think he had come to enjoy the occasional opportunities for sending me into his little ante-room, and to be honest I wasn't too happy about leaving all that behind. There wasn't much Dr Croft could do, however, and I started to draft out an advertisement for my replacement as not only was Maggie Thomas not really up to the job, she didn't want it either.

  The advert was never placed. I made a regular visit to Miss Wheelton as I had promised and although she rarely had any tasks for me she liked me to sit and tell her all about school life. I arrived that evening for my usual visit and found the place in chaos and Miss Wheelton looking very white faced. Her mother had died that day. Even as I helped her with all the funeral arrangements an idea had formed in my mind, but timing is everything and I said nothing for a while. What I did do was put my new on hold (my mother's influence being a great asset) that gave the time for me to put it to Dr Croft that Miss Wheelton was an ideal person to come back and take over.

  To cut a long story short, when I finally left Lady Alice, Miss Wheelton took over the reins again (after showering compliments on me for the changes I had made) and I began my new job in government. Working here is an eye opener I can tell you. You see these people in the newspapers and on the TV and they sound so clever and confident. Well they aren't. Sure enough there are one or two very clever ones amongst them all but a lot are really quite stupid and I can see how my mother is able to run rings around them all. The other thing I discovered is that some of those male MPs have wandering hands, and much against my will I started to wear a girdle to work to provide a bit of protection.

  I can't tell you much about my job because some of it is highly confidential but I'm doing well. I work in particular with one junior minister, Crispin Brindle-Tockholes. He is thirty-five and anoth
er rising star. One day I came in to find him sitting in his office looking very worried and after some hesitation he suddenly decided to confide in me.

  "The thing is Miss Dole, my brother is in trouble."

  His brother is another MP, if a rather dull and pompous one with not much future other than as a backbencher.

  "Oh, what has he done?"

  What he had done caught my interest immediately. He had been spanking some of the young women who worked in his government office. He'd persuade them that whatever little misdeed or mistake they had made was one he should report, but then offer a spanking instead. In the privacy of his office he'd pop them over his knee and spank their bottoms, mainly over their knickers but in one case on the bare. Well it makes a change from prostitutes, was the only thought that went through my head.

  "So how is he in trouble?"

  It was a fair question as I hadn't heard of any girls complaining and it seemed that with one girl he had gone too far and caned her. That really got my interest although there is no way on God's earth I would have allowed that fat pompous idiot to have caned me. Oh dear that does sound arrogant doesn't it but he was (and still is) an idiot and he is fat.

  He'd told the girl she was in really serious trouble and made her remove her skirt and lower her underwear before giving her six good hard strokes of the cane. The problem was she had told her sister, who had taken photographs of her bottom and now the girl was trying blackmail or she would go to the newspapers. He could have told my mother of course as she handled all sorts of problems and made them go away, but equally he would then be in trouble with her, and of the two the newspapers were preferable.

  Heaven alone knows what made me say it but I came out with, "Leave it with me."

  Crispin (as I later came to call him) looked anxious. "I don't want your mother finding out, at least not until we absolutely have to."

  I just smiled and told him I didn't really like my mother, then I went and sought out the girl. I was awful I will admit. I gushed sympathy all over her and really persuaded her I was her friend and Crispin Brindle-Tockholes was horrified at what his brother had done. She opened a locked drawer and showed me the photographs. Her bottom looked like mine had after six of the best from Dr Croft and I found myself getting all my familiar tingles. I noticed that she also had the negatives with her and I queried the wisdom of keeping them together.


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