Heat_A Stone Billionaire Series Novel

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Heat_A Stone Billionaire Series Novel Page 27

by Kaya Woodward

  There’s roaring in my ears that just won’t go away, and somehow, I find myself a seat.

  When I look up, it’s Athena who’s led me to the couch.

  “Are you alright? You look like you’re about to pass out?” she asks.

  “I’m-” I can’t speak.

  There are no words for Evan’s sudden decision.

  I knew he wanted to fly again, but I can’t imagine that he made this decision on his own.

  “Where is he?” I ask

  “They’re at the reading of the Will,” Athena explains.

  “Oh, Victoire! Isn’t it just the most dreadful thing you’ve ever heard! Why would he leave us!” Athena wails.

  I cannot cry, no tears come even though I beg them to because I need to feel something.

  Evan didn’t tell me.

  Evan is going to leave me.

  Without a word.

  “Are you sure?” I say.

  My voice shakes.

  “Noah and Evan had a horrible fight about it,” Athena informs me.

  I sink further into the couch.

  “Athena, I’m pregnant,” I say.

  I say it out loud.

  The first person who hears that I am pregnant is not the father of my baby, but the mother figure in his life.

  “You’re pregnant?” Athena gasps.

  “He doesn’t know,” I tell her.

  “You need to tell him! Make him stay! Please!” Athena begs me.

  Even though that’s exactly what I want to do, I feel its a low move, and I am not that kind of woman.

  “Please Victoire! I can’t lose someone else in my life!” Athena pleads.

  “You and I both know it’s wrong!” I cry.

  “It would be wrong for me to do it,” I clarify.

  I must convince myself that it’s best if Evan does what he really wants to.

  For the first time since I found out, the gravity of this pregnancy has set in.

  I’ll be a single mother, I’ll have to raise the baby alone while Evan is off in the RAF, and then he’ll find his real family.

  I am just the girl he got to play his games with.

  Long ago, I promised myself that I would never, ever, let a man decide for me.

  That I would always be the one to walk first, and I would never, ever, let a man break me into pieces.

  Broken is what I am now.

  Smashed into tiny pieces, like the two vases on the floor.

  I can’t even begin to try to pull myself together.

  This is always how my life has been; nothing works out.

  Tears stream down my cheeks and I try to hide them, but Athena wipes them away with a tissue.

  “Listen to me, no matter what he does, you are not alone, you are part of this family,” Athena tells me clearly.

  “What if Evan and I don’t last?” I ask her.

  “That’s his baby, you will always be a part of this family, and I will not let you raise that child alone if Evan decides that! But he won’t, he loves you!” Athena says.

  “And the RAF?” I ask.

  “Insignificant,” Athena says.

  “That baby is a Stone, no matter what happens with Evan, I will not let you be a single mother like I know you think you will be. It takes a village to raise a child. Hell, I practically raised Evan myself, so I get it. You’re not alone,” Athena tries to convince me.

  “Athena, I feel so alone,” I say.

  I’ve never felt this kind of emotion.

  “You’re not alone,” Athena reassures me.

  “But, Evan does deserve to know before he makes his decision. I’m sure he never would’ve even considered leaving if he’d known you’re pregnant,” Athena says.

  “I’m only a few weeks along, I don’t want him to stay and then have something happen, and have him regret it,” I confess.

  “But he won’t, because I know Evan best. Evan wouldn’t put that ring on your finger, if he didn’t mean it,” she says.

  But, I know the truth.

  He didn’t really propose?

  Did he?

  It’s all just a ruse to keep me out of trouble, his way of paying me back.

  In retrospect, I’m sure that Noah would’ve done whatever he could to keep me out of trouble.

  Somehow, I’ve convinced myself that I am just a bother to Evan, and maybe it’s best if I just let him go.

  Not one shred of me wants to let that man out of my life, but what choice has he given me?


  The only two people I find comfort in are the twins.

  I’m babysitting them while Magda and Athena and everyone else is at the reading of the Will.

  It’s just the three of us in this big house.

  And, of course, and the mountain of security guards.

  Landon and Grayson look so much alike, sleeping side by side in cribs that match the yellow wallpapered walls.

  They soothe me in a way.

  When Landon, I think, begins to fuss I pick him up, sit in Ava’s chair, and rock him back to sleep slowly.

  “I could do this,” I tell myself.

  Babies were scary to me, until that moment I held Landon, or Grayson, in my arms.

  From that moment on I knew I was meant to be a mother.

  I must tell Evan, because he deserves to know.

  It’s his baby too.

  I’m twelve weeks pregnant today, so there’s no reason to hide it from Evan any longer.

  I’ve been too afraid to admit to myself that Evan might not want me.

  So, I will just make it clear to him that though I would like to raise our baby together, if he really wants nothing to do with me, then we can co-parent, and I will be okay with that.

  If he wants nothing to do with either of us, then I’m just going to write him off.

  So many scenarios run through my head.

  But I focus on the happy one; Evan and I together for real.

  Evan and I raise our child in his family home, have more children.

  I’m lost in this fantasy when I hear someone coming up the steps.

  There are shouts, and I hear noises.

  When the door opens, I barely look up.

  “Such cute little ones,” she says.

  In shock, my eyes slowly turn to see the woman most hated by my family, standing in front of me, and Ava’s babies.

  Elizabeth is standing there, a gun in her hand.

  Her smile makes my blood run cold.



  February 26, 2017

  I’ve never been this nervous in my life.

  As the executor of Ava Darlington Senior’s will, I know what is about to happen.

  I understand why she did it; I begged her not to.

  I couldn’t control her back then.

  By the time I had her power of attorney, after her Alzheimer’s was discovered, there was no way for me to undo what she’d done.

  She’d fixed her Will while declared able to do so.

  I had no way of proving she wasn’t of sound mind.

  I keep thinking I should’ve faked it.

  Now the real Will, the one I’d hidden for the safety of Ava’s twins, is gone.

  That’s why they tried to shoot Vic so they could get the Will.

  How the bloody Hell did they even know where it was hidden!?

  “Alright, do we have everyone in attendance?” says the attorney of record.

  Mr. Zeke Horvath, the lawyer for the Darlington family, looks dapper and professional.

  And, very, very serious.

  Everyone nods.

  “Yes,” I say.

  I’m damn near ready to jump out of my skin.

  Lawrence, Alexander, and Bernard have no idea what is about to happen.

  Bernard’s son, Caleb, has no children.

  Lawrence has twin boys, both of who have not yet married.

  Alexander’s daughter, Ellen, died a few years ago in a car crash.

  Evan and
Ava are expecting their inheritance as well.

  Everyone is going to be blindsided.

  It would’ve been wrong for me to tell them.

  “I will state, for the record,” Mr. Horvath begins.

  “In attendance, we have Lawrence Darlington Junior, Alexander Darlington, Bernard Darlington, Ava Stone, Evan Stone, and Noah Stone, executor of the will,” Zeke speaks into the microphone.

  Of course, this is being recorded.

  The camera’s red eye blinks occasionally, evidence we are all being watched.

  Zeke Horvath takes a deep breath, his eyes on me.

  We both know this is going to descend into chaos quite quickly.

  “Absent, Lauren Darlington and Elizabeth Darlington,” Zeke continues.

  “They shouldn’t even be here, why are we-” Lawrence begins to demand.

  “Can we please, just proceed?” Zeke interrupts him.

  “Mr. Darlington, if that’s alright?” he says, peering at Lawrence, severely.

  Lawrence shrugs.

  “On Tuesday, October 2, 2001, Mrs. Ava Darlington amended her will. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s November 18, 2009,” Zeke says.

  “Mr. Stone, is that correct?” Zeke asks me.

  “Yes,” I nod.

  “And there are no other Wills?” Zeke looks at me directly.

  I count my blessings that I hardly had the time to fake one.

  “No, sir. She never expressed any desire to change the 2001 will, as it reflects the entirety of her estate,” I sigh.

  By now everyone has a quizzical look on their faces.

  The Darlington Estate combined with the Langely Estate, of her late husband, is worth billions.

  I know they are all expecting a piece.

  Zeke reads through the first part of the will, stating her name, her age, all the boring information no one wants to know.

  I suck in a breath as Zeke gets to the next part.

  “Beneficiaries,” Zeke says, and pauses.

  He smiles slightly.

  “I always enjoy this part,” he tells the eager crowd, somewhat cynically.

  Those in attendance look at each other, then at Zeke.

  His voice booms out, and it sounds like the voice of Doom.

  “I leave all my property and holdings to the first-born great-grandchild of my issue. If they are not the age of twenty-one at the time this will is read, all funds will be held in trust, until they are the age of twenty-one,” Zeke says and finishes quietly.

  There’s dead silence.

  “I’m not sure I know what just happened…” Ava speaks first.

  I swallow hard and remain silent.

  “Mrs. Darlington wanted to ensure that ‘certain parties’, as we say, euphemistically, wouldn’t be able to obtain anything of benefit from her estate. She took great pains to make this clear, during the recording of her wishes, in October of 2001. Therefore, she sealed everything into a trust, and that trust currently belongs to the firstborn great-grandchild,” Zeke explains.

  “So, not us, but our children’s children?” Alexander seems to understand.

  “Alexander,” Zeke shakes his head, sadly.

  “Then what?” asks Lawrence.

  “What?” Alexander looks confused.

  “Ava is her grandchild,” Zeke replies.

  “Out of wedlock!” Alexander roars.

  “All her issue,” Zeke replies firmly.

  “That means, any grand-children of hers, whether they are out of wedlock or not.”

  “So…” Ava starts, finally beginning to understand the gravity of the situation.

  She looks at me nervously.

  “You mean that whore, Elizabeth! After all, she’s put our family through that fucking daughter of hers gets everything!” Alexander suddenly roars.

  “Do not call my mother a whore!” Evan screams, standing up.

  “She’s the craziest out of all of us, and suddenly her bastard children are getting the entire fucking estate! What madness is this?” Lawrence screams, even louder than Evan.

  “All of you!” I bellow.

  I don’t do it often, but the effect is immediate.

  There’s total silence.

  I step in front of the camera and take the microphone from Zeke.

  “Thank you, sir,” I say.

  Zeke stands to one side.

  “Now, then,” I say.

  “I want you all to listen very carefully, because Mr. Horvath’s time is immensely valuable. And, expensive,” I add with a wink.

  “Ava Senior was in her right mind, and able-bodied when she recorded this Will, in October of 2001. And, as was clearly communicated, she made no substantive changes. Do you all understand what I just said?” I ask.

  I glance at the camera.

  This may be important evidence if it ever needs to go to court.

  I see them follow my gaze.

  There are grumblings and a few muffled swears, but every head is nodding.

  I continue, my voice much more subdued.

  “There is nothing you can do. Believe me, I tried to convince her not to do this, because I foresaw the consequences of such a momentous decision. Mr. Horvath will verify that, if you like?” I explain calmly.

  The congregation turns to Zeke.

  I motion for him to take the microphone.

  “Zeke?” I say.

  He steps in front of the video camera again.

  “Quite correct. yes. Mr. Stone was adamant that, when she asked him to bring her here, we clearly explain the ramifications of her actions. I strongly advised her against this. But, she tested of sound mind and clarity. We couldn’t stop her,” Zeke explains.

  “But the main point,” he continues, “is that this trust is sealed until that child turns twenty-one.”

  “Grayson…” is all Ava says.

  She’s in complete shock, almost catatonic.

  “Are you alright?” I ask.

  I bend down to wipe a tear away from Ava’s face.

  “There is more,” Zeke says regretfully.

  I look up at him, pleading with him not to say it.

  “If the first-born to my grandchild, does not survive this will by 30 days, the trust will be donated across various charities,” he seemingly quotes.

  He lied.

  Bloody hell.

  Thank the sweet baby Jesus that Zeke is smarter than most!

  I must actively keep my expression stoic.

  “I’m going to fight this!” Alexander declares.

  “Mr. Darlington, I highly encourage you not to. This will was signed in the presence of multiple witnesses. It’s well documented. All of them can presently testify that she was of sound mind when this will was made,” Zeke states with authority.

  He regains control of the room swiftly.

  “You all received plenty when your father died, and that was hard enough on your mother as it was. Do you really think that she would want you all fighting over this decision, disrespecting her memory like that?” he says.

  Zeke’s tone shames them all instantly.

  They are Darlington’s.

  They are proper.

  Their squabbles are kept private for the most part.

  A Darlington fight over Ava Darlington Senior’s Will?

  A public court battle?

  I know no one in this room would do anything to tarnish the memory of Ava Darlington Senior.

  She was counting on that.

  She told me as much.

  Zeke sends off the Darlington brothers with their final letters from Ava senior.

  He waits until he’s got Ava and me alone before he speaks again.

  “Noah, I lied for you! I lied to protect that boy!” he says instantly.

  Ava looks up at me, suddenly worried.

  “She didn’t need to know Zeke,” I shake my head.

  “It is imperative that you understand this,” Zeke tells me sharply.

  “If anything happens to that baby before the 30
days is up, then the entire trust goes to the first-born grandchild.”

  “That’s still Ava. Caleb is younger than her,” I tell Zeke.

  “Noah, if Elizabeth or Lauren know anything about this, I highly suggest you beef up your security,” Zeke pleads with me.

  “They don’t know anything. I’ve kept it secret from everyone else this long haven’t I?” I argue with him.

  “Then, why was this delivered to my office?” Zeke whispers fiercely.

  We had forged another will, to keep the peace, but somehow, Elizabeth and Lauren made sure that the real will was on Zeke’s desk, today.

  “Dad!” Ava screams.

  “Ava?” I answer.

  When I look at her, there is a panic-stricken look on her face, her eyes wide with worry.

  “Those are my boys, my babies, nothing can happen to them, nothing!” she pleads with me.

  “And nothing will, no one knows,” I soothe her.

  “Besides, the oldest after you is actually Evan,” I laugh.

  “You really think we’re safe?” she pleads for the answer she wants to hear.

  I don’t.

  I wonder myself.

  But I lie anyway.

  “Ava, no one else knows, I promise you that,” I soothe her.

  “Right,” she nods.

  Ava signs the papers and takes her letter.

  Then, she leaves with Evan.

  I rush straight to the house.



  February 26, 2017

  My head spins as I sit in the quiet office of the bank manager.

  We both sit in silence as the trust is transferred into my name.

  “Pending 30 days,” the banker says, looking bored by the entire affair.

  “This trust will be, in your name in favor of Mr. Grayson Stone-Winthrop,” he asks.

  I snap out of my trance.

  “Okay,” is all I can manage to say.

  He smiles all too graciously.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you? Mrs. Winthrop?” he says, his voice smooth and cultured.

  There is a touch of insolence to it, though.

  “It’s Mrs. Stone,” I correct him.

  “We’re the Stones,” Evan says.

  “I apologize,” he nods curtly.

  “Do you perhaps need a moment before you sign?” he asks.


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