The Way, the Truth and the Dead
Page 46
Gloria Clarke
Philip Clarke
Ian Clarkson
Robin Claxton
Leisa Clements
Robert Clements
Guy Clifton
Ivan Clowsley
Jane Cohn
Marion Cole
Robert Cole
Stevyn Colgan
David Collison
Brian Condron
Lesley Cookman
Hilary and Georgia Corrick
Kerrie County
Catherine Cowan
Charlotte Cox
Wendy Crammond
David Cranstone
Mike Craven-Todd
Anthea Crawford
Terry Croft
Bes Croscombe
Simon Paul Crutchley
Paul Cumming
Nicola Curtis
Sue Daniels
Elizabeth Davey
Christopher Davies
Jonathan Davison
Tim Daw
Sue Day
John Dent
Sven Dettmer
Ian Devlin
Dave Dewey
John Dexter
Rissa Dickey
Boyd Dixon
Philip Dixon
Lydia Dockray
Steve Dockray
Jenny Doughty
Peter Dunne
Vivienne Dunstan
Robert Eardley
Frinton Earnshaw
Ann Eason and Jane Meadows
Mark Edmonds
John Edwards
Keith Edwards
Lynn Edwards
Ingrid Eglese
Elizabeth Eisenhauer
Jeannette Elrick
Kerry Ely
Dom Escott
Eton College School Library
Barbara Evans-Rees
Vanessa Farr
Peter Faulkner
Will Fletcher
David Foister
Isa Forde
Clare Fowler
Katharine Francis
Paula J. Francisco
Ian Frank
Peter Franklin & Lucy Ryder
Sarah Freck
Alex Fryer
Simon Fuller
Antonia Galloway
Dan Garner
Kasia Gdaniec
Julie Gibbon
Don Gibson
Jo Gibson
Matthew Giesbrecht
Chris Gingell
Peter Glass
Lisa Gledhill
David Gordon
Denise Gorse
Bebe Granger
Martin Green
Martin Green
Lenore Greensides
Jane Greenwood
Frederick Grounds
Trygve Guntvedt
Kate Haddock
Jim & Jackie Haile
Dorothy Halfhide
Rachael Hall
Teresa Hall
Mandy Halsall
Paul Halstead
Elizabeth Hammett
Christine Hancock
Elspeth Hardie
Phil Harding
Sandra Harling
Luke Harmer
Wendy Harper
Richard Harris
Neil Hart
Jacqueline Hartnett
Colin Haselgrove
Deborah Hastings
Mark Haworth
Iain Hazlewood
Andy Hazzard
Am Heath
Gill Hey
Mike Heyworth
Nicholas Higham
Anne Hill
John Hillam
Catherine Hills
Beth Hiscock
Peter Michael Hobbins
Michael Holdsworth
Michele Holland
Mandy Holloway
Jack Hughes
Sarah Hughes
Alice Hutchinson
James F Hutchinson
Martyn Ingram
Linda Ireson
Sarah Ives
Jordan Jacobs
Edward James
Simon James
Philip Jeffrey
Amanda Lloyd Jennings
Gregory Jennings
The John Peck Society
Colin Johnson
Richard Johnson
Tanya Johnson
Pat Johnston
Rhona Johnstone
Sue Joiner
Colin Jones
Phyl Jones
Tim Lund Jørgensen
Cordelia Karpenko
Leon Kaye
Bekz Kelleher-Walton
Paul Kenton
Dan Kieran
Nicola King
Iain Kitching
John Kjellberg
Julianne Knowles
Susan Knowles
Martin Kurzik
Susan Kyle
Beatrix Labeck
Anne Lamb
Anne Lamb
Tom Lane
Catherine Langham
Lars Larsen
Jane Lawrence
Nick Lawson
Jimmy Leach
Alex Lee
Eugene Lefeuvre
Helene Levenson
Carenza Lewis
Alice Limming
Claire Lindsay-McGrath
Suzannah Lipscomb
Frances Lynch Llewellyn
Joyce Lomas
Dr. Nick Low
Ann Lowe
Karl Ludvigsen
Sara Lunt
Ian MacInnes
Catherine Makin
Caroline Malone
John Manchip
John Manley
Eileen Marshall
Andrew Martin
Mary Masson
Richard Masters
Nigel Maule
Iain McCulloch
Chris J. McMillan
Peter Melkowski
Stephen Melville
Susan Memmott
Ute Methner
Paul Middleton
Viorel Mihalcea
Mark Miller
Martin Millett
Richard Mills
Jennifer Mirdamadi
David Mitchell
John Mitchinson
Joanna More
Anthony Morgan
Elizabeth Morgan
Mel Morpeth
Jane Morris
Martin Moucheron
Nicky Moxey
Karen-Babette Müller
Carlo Navato
Michael Nevell
Kate Nicholls
Sylvia Pryor Nicol
Martyn Notman
Anders Nyman & Görel Sundström
Julian O’Donovan
Hannah O’Toole
Keith O’Toole
Niamh O’Toole
Rosie O’Toole
Katherine Oakley
Jan Oldham
Marianne Olson
Jennifer Marie Osborne
Christopher Page
Rog Palmer
Edward and Clara Pank
Ian Panter
Rebecca Parr
Nicholas Parsons
Simon Parsons
Sarah Patmore
Lucy Payne
Mike Parker Pearson
Elizabeth Peers
Karl Pesch-Konopka
Eugéne and Carla Pesch-Stassen
Mary Peterson
Catherine Pickersgill
Caroline Pierson
Sally Pointer
Justin Pollard
Eike Wolf Postler
Dominic Powlesland
Zina Preston
Janet Pretty
Dirk Preusterink
Mark Lloyd Price
Roger Pritchard
Zoe Propper
Dorothy Prosser
Cressida Pryor
Jean Pryor
Jo Purvis
Jennie Pyatt
Huan Quayle
Sue Raikes
Kate Ramsell
Andy Randle
Helen Randle
Hans Rasmussen
Rachel Rawlins
Sharon Rea
Colette Reap
S Redlich
Graham Redman
Helen Reid
Val Reid
Ellen Richardson
Jamie Richardson
Henry Richardson and Daughters: E, S & H
Garner Roberts
Doug Robison
Doug Rocks-Macqueen
Angela Roden
Kenn W Roessler
Margaret Rogers
Andrew Rogerson
Deborah Roots
Alice Rose
David Rose
Keith Rose
Sam Ross
Peter Rowley-Conwy
Susan Royce
Zuzu Ruggiero
Susan E Russell
ML Ruwoldt
Sally Ryder
Peter Samaan
Bernie Sammon
Emma Samuel
Ruth Saunders
Carol Sayles
Rob Scaife
Kate Scarratt
Tim Schadla-Hall
Sebastian Schleussner
Suzanne Scott
Pamela Scrayfield
Dick Selwood
Moira Senior
Ruth Seymour, Oregon, USA
Rosie Shannon
Nicola J. Sharp
Nicola J. Sharp
David Shaw
Clare Shepherd
Nicholas Shepherd
Mandy Shuttlewood
Rebecca Sickinger
Eileen Silcocks
Glen Simmers
Lee Sinclair
Andrew Sinclair, Alice, Beth and Helen
Paul Skinner
Pauline Skippins
Alice Smith
Kath & Stuart Marston Smith
Lucy Smith
Nigel Smith
Samantha Smith
Steve Smith
A.M. Solomon
Carole Souter
Richard & Victoria Sowerby
William Sowerby
Martin Spencer-Whitton
Paul Spoerry
Paul Springford
Teresa Squires
Kim Stanford
Lawrence Howard Steel
Jason Stevens
Kathryn Stevenson
Marianne Stewart
Martin Stoermer
Peter Storck
Linda Stormonth
Kerry Swinnerton
Matthew Symonds
Nulani t’Acraya
Jennifer Taylor
Maisie Taylor
Adrian Teal
Gill Tebbutt
Andrew Tees
Robin Thain
Jools Thatcher
Roger Thomas
Brewer Thompson
William Thompson
Paul Tompsett
Katherine Toms
Richard Tracey
Christopher Trent
Caroline Turner
Oliver Twinch
Clive Upton
Louis van Dompselaar
Mark Vent
Kellie Vernon
Martijn Verschoor
Matthew Vincent
Manon Vraets
Laurence Vulliamy
Bill Wadsworth
Erica Wagner
Geoffrey Wainwright
Stephen Wainwright
Philip Walker
Sue Walker
Teddy Walker
Joerg Walther
Annie Warwick
Marion Washbrook
Peter Wass
Robert Waterhouse
Stan C Waterman
Caroline Watson
Chloe Watson
Frauke Watson
Harriet Webb
Chris Webster
Dee Weightman
Lorraine Welch
Nicola Wellband
Ian Wells
James West
Katy Whitaker
Richard Whitaker
Hazel Whitefoot
Steve Whitehead
David Whitehouse
Lindsay Whitehurst
Caroline Wickham-Jones
Fern Wilcox
Richard Wilde
Ian J. Williams
Derek Williamson
Justin Williamson
Tony Wilmott
Denise Wilton
Thom Winterburn
Gretchen Woelfle
Hayley Wojcikowski
Peter Wood
Emily Woodburn
Stephen Woods
Daniel Worsley
Richard Wray
Ian Wright
Rachel Wright
Linda Youdelis
Katharine Younger
This edition first published in 2017
6th Floor Mutual House, 70 Conduit Street, London W1S 2GF
All rights reserved
© Francis Pryor, 2017
The right of Francis Pryor to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
While every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright material reproduced herein, the publisher would like to apologise for any omissions and will be pleased to incorporate missing acknowledgments in any further editions.
Text Design by Ellipsis Digital Limited, Glasgow
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-78352-326-9 (trade hbk)
ISBN 978-1-78352-327-6 (ebook)
ISBN 978-1-78352-328-3 (limited edition)
Printed in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK)