Deadlier than the H-Bomb

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by Leonard Young

  The Herods were Idumeans and were responsible for the destruction of the priestly line, the murder of the infants in an attempt to prevent the coming of the Messiah, the slaying of John the Baptist; and the Herodian party played no small part in the bringing of Our Lord to the Cross.

  From 66 A.D. onwards the Idumeans were largely responsible, with the Jewish Zealots, for bringing about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. It would also appear that the infiltration by the Idumeans into the Jewish nation had been such that the subsequent dispersion of the Jews included Idumean and other proselytes.

  John viii, verses 33, 37 and 44, suggest that our Lord was addressing Idumean members of the nation because the Jews had been in captivity.

  The Jewish faith, under the priests, had been based on the O.T. Scriptures and the Temple, but with the destruction of the priestly line the Jews came under the rule of the Kahal, based on the Talmud and the synagogue which had been developed in Palestine after the captivity. The Kahal was a development from the political clubs which existed during the time of the Pharisees and Sadducees and it concealed, under a religious masque, the grasping aims of a clique.

  By secret society techniques the Kahal obtained complete control over the daily life of the Jews and, with the dispersion and the formation of Jewish communities or fraternities about the world, each community became a miniature Kahal whose aims were intimately related with those of the central body upon which their existence depended.

  The ruling clique which had started by grinding down its own race, now saw that, by drafting them into its own organisation, it could exploit the Gentiles on a far grander scale. It developed and perfected the system of espionage which it still maintains in order to strengthen its control and advance the interests of the Jews as a whole. For, although the individual Jew is the slave of the Kahal, he is rewarded for his submission by its support in his struggle with non-Jewish competitors.

  The teaching in the synagogue incited the Jews to a thorough exploitation of their Gentile neighbours and the doctrine was eventually embodied in a book, called the Shulchan Aruk. A few quotations will suffice to show its character:

  “When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and, in his turn, deceive him so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile (according to our law) belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has the full right to seize it.”

  “When a Jew makes a deal with a Gentile and another Jew comes up and deceives the Gentile no matter in what manner, whether he give him false measure or overcharge him, then both Jews must share between them the profits thus sent by Jehovah.”

  “Although it is not a direct obligation for a Jew to kill a Gentile with whom he lives in peace yet, in no case is he allowed to save a Gentile's life.”

  “It is always a meritorious deed to get hold of a Gentile's possessions.”

  “Marriages taking place among Gentiles have no binding strength, i.e., their cohabitation is just as the coupling of horses, therefore their children do not stand as humanly related to their parents.”

  For success a Jewish community depended upon the absolute subordination of its members and the secrecy of its proceedings.

  The Kahal concealed its activities from the outside world under the guise of religion and, in order to guard against traitors and renegades, shrouded itself in mystery and mysticism, even from its members. Through the ages the Jewish fraternities have kept their typical character of a secret government disguised under the form of synagogue and schools. They have a heavy heritage, a Jewish conscientiousness, a hatred of non—Jews, a love of deceiving; all this they cannot easily shake off and, with it, the yoke of the Kahal.

  After the dispersion the Jews, with many Edomites and other proselytes, settled around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and Caspian areas. During the 8th century A.D. the Khazars of Russia, an unpleasantly aggressive people, adopted Judaism and the result has been large numbers of Jews in Central Europe. These Jews, or more properly, Khazars, known as the Ashkenazim or “Polish” Jews, contain very few Israelites being nearly all descendants of various proselytes and possibly including some Edomite descendants.

  Throughout the ages the Jews have been great secret society adepts and have infiltrated governmental, financial, secret society and other organisations until they have obtained control behind the scenes but they take great care to try to hide the fact as, if it became known, their ability to retain control would probably be lost.

  It seems possible, according to the records of secret Jewish Zionism, that Solomon and other learned Jews had, as far back as 929 B.C., thought out a scheme, in theory, for a peaceful conquest of the whole world by Zion and that, as time passed, this scheme was worked out in detail and completed by men who were subsequently initiated into the subject. But these plans were always kept secret even from the Jewish nation itself. The idea was to subdue other countries by an economical conquest.

  (See Waters Flowing Eastward, by L. Fry and A Short Study of Esau-Edam in Jewry, by C. F. Parker.)

  3. The Khazars

  MUCH of the sympathy which many people feel for the people they look upon as Jews is probably due to their thinking of them as descendants of Israel and to not having any idea that they are, in fact, mostly of pagan and aggressive Tartar—Khazar race. Perhaps it is worth giving the following information about these people from B. Jenzen‘s The Palestine Plot.

  “Authorities agree that persons of the Jewish Faith in Eastern Europe are the descendants largely of a non—semitic TurkishFinnish race which came into Europe from Asia about the 1st century A.D. by a land route north of the Caspian Sea. These people are known in history as Khazars. The Khazars had always been a pagan people. They settled in Eastern Europe and there established the Khazar kingdom. By continuous and successful conquests for which the Khazars became famous in history, their kingdom increased in size until, by the 8th century A.D., it occupied the greater part of Eastern Europe located west of the Urals and North of the Black Sea and extending far westwards into Europe. The Khazar nation was converted to Judaism at about the end of the 7th century A.D. The Khazar king in (ca.) 692 selected Judaism rather than either the Christian or Moslem religions which were striving to convert the Khazar king and the Khazar nation to Christianity or to Mohammedanism.

  “After the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism, only a Jewish king could occupy the Khazar throne. Conversion of the Khazars to Judaism was very successful. Judaism became the state religion.

  Synagogues and schools for teaching Judaism to the Khazars and peoples conquered by them were built throughout the kingdom. Rabbis to officiate in synagogues and teachers for the schools, were imported from Spain. These non—Semitic Turkish—Finnish people from Asia, now converted to Judaism, formed the Khazar kingdom which dominated eastern Europe: this great and powerful Jewish kingdom at the peak of its power, was collecting tribute from no less than twenty—five conquered peoples. Conquest was their vocation.”

  “This great and powerful Jewish kingdom flourished for almost five hundred years without a setback. Even the neighbouring mighty Byzantine and Persian empires feared the Khazars and eagerly sought military alliances with them. Towards the end of the 10th century A.D., the Khazars were defeated in a war with the Russians (Varangians) who came down on them from the north. For the first time in their history this Jewish kingdom was defeated and the Khazars were conquered. This conquest of the Khazars was completed in the middle of the 13th century A.D. The Khazar population and former Khazar territory were thus incorporated into the expanded Russian state.”

  “The Khazar kingdom disappears at this time from the history of the world. The conquest of the Khazar kingdom by the Russians accounts for the presence in Southern Russia of the large and concentrated population of the Jewish faith. During the next few centuries, large parts of this concentrated Jewish population were included in the newly formed Polish, Lithuanian, Galician, Rumanian and other st
ates which, through conquests were carved out of the former greater Russia. These new states were, in their turn, reconquered by Russia and these large Jewish populations were reunited again as Russians. From the 13th century A.D. to the outbreak of World War II the Eastern European area of Southern Russia underwent very little ethnic change and continued to include the descendants of the former Khazar Jewish Kingdom.”

  Ever since that day Russia has been invading and occupying neighbouring territory: “Conquest was their vocation.” Disraeli remarked about the “mysterious Russian diplomacy” which was controlled by his co-racialists. With the 1917 Revolution the Khazars wiped out the Czar and the Russian aristocracy and completely reconquered Russia which they have kept in subjection ever since with the most appalling cruelty. They are also now well on the way to world domination by a combination of cool cheek and the use of all the dirtiest means which are effective for their purpose.

  4. The Jews In Britain

  THE Jews now come into the British story. In 1066 when William of Normandy came to England he had Jews in his train. It is pretty certain that these Jews would have been responsible for the idea of compiling the Doomsday Book in order to acquire a complete inventory of the country to give information to guide them in exploiting it by means of usurious money lending.

  They became unpopular with the English but appear to have stayed in the country under the protection of successive kings who probably found them useful for revenue purposes until, in 1290, that great king and man of vision, Edward I, decided that it was necessary to expel them from the country for many grave offences endangering the safety of his realm and lieges. Twenty years later, Edward II suppressed the Knights Templar who were the bankers of the period and also the ancestors of Freemasonry. As a result England was prosperous during the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries and was known as Merrie England.

  Later the Jews were also expelled from France, the Knights Templar having also been suppressed, as in England. The result in France was also great prosperity until the end of the 18th century when the secret societies and Ashkenazim Jews ruined it with the French Revolution. After that the Jews got a grip on the country and it has been in trouble ever since. A study of Nesta Webster's books on Secret Societies and Subversive Movements and on The French Revolution are of the greatest importance in connection with this. They are a most exhaustive study of the subject and one which is essential to our understanding of what is going on in the world. One slight criticism of Mrs. Webster's work is that she does not seem to have realised the anti—Christian significance of British Masonry or of its real connection behind the scenes with other societies, such as Grand Orient.

  It would probably astonish at least 99 per cent of British Freemasons to be told that it is anti-Christian and, in essence, Judaic. The vast majority just become Masons and leave it at that. They have no understanding of fundamental values and do not think of investigating. Most of them join because they have been told it is a good thing and that it will help them in their trade or profession. But, like all the other secret societies it is, in the final resort, under Jewish control and can therefore be used to exert influence on men in all walks of life and usually in leading positions, to take courses which are designed to lead, in the long run, to the destruction of Gentile and, in particular, of British and Nordic power and prestige and the eventual complete domination of the world by the Sanhedrin or the inner ring of international financiers or the Elders of Zion or whatever you like to call the body of about 300 men referred to by Disraeli and Walter Rathenau.

  Investigation shows that movements like Theosophy, Grand Orient, Freemasonry, Illuminism, The Templars, Rosicrucians, etc., derive their ideas from the Jewish Cabala. It is true that many of the leading lights in these movements have been Gentiles and that some of them have apparently been started by Gentiles. In fact, Adam Weishaupt the Bavarian Illuminist, seems to have been the chief architect of the modern secret society movements, but the control in all cases eventually passes into the hands of the Sanhedrin. In fact, in the final analysis, it all comes from Satan, as is proved by the black magic basis although, normally, this is only known to the most secret and advanced adepts. It is to be noted that the works of all these societies never further but are always to the detriment of the Nordic peoples. They are always against individual and national sovereignty. On the other hand they always work to further destructive purposes by means of Nihilism, Socialism or Communism. Also, they are always in favour of World Jewry purposes and were, for some time, of PanGermanism, because Germany was the base of the Jew financiers and Pan-Germanism was a means of greatly weakening the Nordic peoples and of spreading the chaos necessary for the breeding of Communism.

  It has been stated above that the Reformation was really the result in England of the age-long resistance of the British Church to Roman domination but this does not mean that Britain was not influenced in any way by the Continental movements of Luther and Calvin. Calvin went to Geneva from France where his name was spelt Cauin, possibly a French effort to spell Cohen. The Jews claim that he was of Jewish extraction. An unfortunate result of his efforts, as far as Britain was concerned, was that he organised great numbers of revolutionary orators who were spread about Western Europe, with a good sprinkling in England and Scotland. These men laid the ground work for revolution under a cloak of religious fervour.

  It should be noted that this religious fervour did not show much of the love of Christ. It was much more inclined to display the rigid legalism of the Mosaic Law and of the influence of the Talmud and to contract all religion into rigid observance of the “Sabbath”, a Jewish ordinance and regarded as such by Calvin. In fact it was more like Judaism than Christianity. And Judaism, be it remembered, was based on the Talmud and the Shulchan Aruk and inculcated a spirit teaching that all non—Jews are animals.

  Although they had been expelled, it is clear that the Jews retained, or in time regained contacts in England because, during the reign of Charles I, they organised the English Revolution by similar methods to those used later to organise the French Revolution. In both cases the revolutions were brought about by the activities of secret societies and the use of “mobs”, organised and paid from behind the scenes in London and Paris respectively. In the case of Paris, at least, the men who made up the ruffianly crowd were definitely imported into Paris for the purpose.

  Cromwell was financed by the Amsterdam Jewish Rabbi Manasseh Ben Israel and Fernandez Carvajal, “The Great Jew” as he was called, was the chief contractor of the New Model Army. It was the Jews who insisted upon and had the power to bring about, through the control of money, the execution or really murder of Charles I, in order then to be able to regain admission to England which they did, illegally, under Cromwell.

  The “Levellers” and the “Rationalists” in the army had the same doctrines as the French Revolutionaries and they were what we, to—day, know as Communists. The evidence for all this is available from Jewish sources, e.g., the writing of Isaac Disraeli, father of Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield, the writings of Benjamin himself and in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which fell into Gentile hands in 1897, is the sentence “Remember the French Revolution, the secrets of its preparation are well known to us for it was entirely the work of our hands.”

  But Cromwell, even with the assistance of his Geneva sympathisers, dispensing Judaic barbarity, failed to subdue Scotland where Charles II was still called King. It is of interest that Charles accepted the Presbyterian form of Christianity for Scotland and that this form is probably more like the old British Church than that of any other kind of modern times. Steadily the feeling in England came round to the Scottish point of view and, on Cromwell's death, all Britain welcomed the restoration of Charles II.

  Unfortunately, Charles had no idea of the Jewish problem or plans. The wisdom and experience of Edward I had become lost in centuries of segregation from the Jewish poison. And the enemies of Kingship were now entrenched within his kingdom. Charles was, however,
aware of the dangers of a “Popish Plot” cry and worked against it but, with the accession of James II the Jews developed propaganda against the Papacy and got the people divided on it, while, under cover of it, plans were prepared for placing control of the finances of both England and Scotland in their hands.

  The chief figure amongst those who deserted James at the crucial moment was John Churchill, first Duke of Marlborough. According to the Jewish Encyclopaedia this duke, for many years, received not less than £6,000 a year from the Dutch Jew, Solomon Medina.

  For further evidence on what is said above, reference should be made to The Nameless War by the late Capt. A. H. M. Ramsay, M.P. Nesta Webster's books and Isaac Disraeli's two volume Life of Charles I, published in 1851 and referred to by Ramsay.

  After the Amsterdam Jews had successfully financed the rebellion against James II, in 1689, the chief of them, Solomon Medina, followed William of Orange to England. The result was to bring about a closer connection between the London and Amsterdam Jewish communities and the transfer of the centre of finance from the Dutch to the English capital. According to Disraeli its practice in England has been equally injurious. (Sybil, Book I.)

  The real objective of the “Glorious Revolution” was achieved in 1694 when the Royal consent was given for the setting up of the Bank of “England” and the institution of the National Debt. This Charter handed over to an anonymous and private committee the Royal prerogative of creating money and converted the basis of wealth to gold. The money thus created was “negative money”, a book entry, a debt which, by virtue of the mechanism itself could never be repaid. The charter enabled the international moneylenders to secure their loans on the taxes of the country instead of on the doubtful undertaking of some ruler or potentate which was all the security they could previously obtain.


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