Deadlier than the H-Bomb

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by Leonard Young

  “Silver, certificates and treasury notes must be retired and national bank notes upon a gold basis made the only money. This will require the authorisation of 500 millions to 1,000 millions of new bonds as the basis of circulation. You will at once retire one-third of your circulation and call in one half of your loans. Be careful to make a money stringency among your patrons, especially among influential business men. Advocate an extra session of Congress to repeal the purchasing clause of the Sherman Law. “

  Owing to the power of the Sanhedrin, India was brought in to help the campaign by stopping the minting of silver and this, with the panic deliberately caused by the New York Bankers, led to the closing down of silver mines, the shutting of factories, the crashing of banks, widespread ruin—and, of course, the repeal of the offending Act. Gold was to be the sole basis of currency in future, as the bankers planned.

  But crashes of this diabolical kind, which often had a political motive, also enabled those in the centre of the conspiracy to turn the chaos to their own advantage. One result of the 1893 panic was that the Union Pacific Railroad came into the hands of Jacob Schiff, head of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. A few years later, Schiff brought the Great Northern Pacific Railway crashing to the ground, and from the ensuing panic his firm emerged as the complete masters of American railway finance and became an acknowledged member of the Money Trust which dominated the entire field of American Capitalism.

  At this period, the main leaders of international finance were the German-Jew bankers and notably the Warburgs. As they thought William Jennings Bryan and his bi-metallist campaign in America more menacing to the money-power than anything in Europe, Felix and Paul Warburg crossed to Chicago and New York to become “Americans” and Paul joined Jacob Schiff in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Steps were now taken to gain control of all currency through a central banking system. In 1907 there was another great crisis when the Knickerbocker Trust failed because manipulators of the millionaire class wilfully created a run on the banks, from which they emerged incomparably more powerful, having bought up the stock of the ruined victims which they held to resell at par. At the same time, the Steel Trust was able to complete its absolute monopoly. Solomon Loeb, of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., was a member of the Knickerbocker Trust.

  Appalled at the ducks and drakes being played with the money system, genuine idealists like Woodrow Wilson and Bryan determined upon large-scale reforms to create order. Unfortunately they were lacking in technical understanding of the problem and when Paul Warburg assured them that he knew just how to attain their aim of securing stability in the price level by means of a Federal Reserve System, they fell in with his plan. The idea was to hold reserves centrally and despatch supplies of credit to any necessitous bank in the system that might call for them. At the end of 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed. When introduced, the vital clause was a provision for fixing the discount rate to promote stability in the price level. When the bill emerged the words “to promote stability in the price level” were surreptitiously dropped. At subsequent investigations, officials of the Federal Reserve Board even denied that such had ever been its function.

  The attainment of this Act had taken five years of skilful propaganda, backed by unlimited funds and the full influence of Masonic Lodges. And Paul Warburg was head of the Federal Reserve Board so that he and his friends now had exclusive power of note issue to the reserve banks and power to fix the discount rate, meaning power to determine the amount of money in existence. They had conquered America and were now ready to conquer the world.

  In order to account for the emigration of the immensely wealthy and successful Warburgs to America, it is necessary to understand first that the “City of London” was a very large creditor both of the United States and Russia, and so Great Britain was in a position to make representations on foreign policy to both of them and was interested in constantly improving relations with her debtors, and second, that war with Great Britain had, for some time, been the settled policy of those who controlled Germany. It was therefore most important to minimise the importance of Great Britain's creditor position and to paralyse Russia, the ever—present threat to Germany's eastern flank.

  Warburg was in control of American credit when the war started in 1914. War has great advantages for the financiers. It places nations at war in urgent need of credits which the financiers can bestow on their own terms. It also unsettles things, making it easier to change the masters of a people. These Jew financiers wished to get rid of monarchs, particularly the Czar, and set up a Bankers' State.

  Under Warburg's influence, the United States was a serious handicap to the Allies until Jewish influence and bribery brought about the downfall of the Russian Empire and the withdrawal of the Russian Army from the conflict. The Bolsheviks were directly subsidised by Messrs. Schiff, Paul Warburg, Max Warburg and the rest of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and they were led by Lenin and a bunch of Jews, mostly from New York. The Communist leaders were, always have been, and still are, nearly all Jews or married to Jewesses. (See Fraudulent Conversion, etc.)

  The financiers gained their first objective with the fall of Imperial Russia. At the same time they succeeded in getting Great Britain hopelessly and inextricably into their debt, largely by guarantees on behalf of other belligerents. The 1st Lord Reading (Rufus Isaacs), a Jew, went to America in 1917 and, on behalf of Great Britain, negotiated a loan of £1,000,000,000, on the quite impossible terms that we should repay on demand, and in gold. This deal was concluded with his fellow Jews of New York and the terms have never been disclosed other than that mentioned above. Isaacs later became Viceroy of India and he and his fellow Jews and their Socialist stooges were responsible for the chain of events ending in our scuttle from that sub-Continent. After the Isaacs deal, Britain was safely “in the bag.”

  The Jew control of finance was now centred in New York. The defeat of Germany and Austria would mean two more crowned heads out of the way of a bankers‘ world state. So America entered the war and took part in the “Peace” Conference in Paris in 1919, which made the resumption of war inevitable, owing to the financial clauses which were passed.

  At this conference the chief financial adviser to the German delegation was Dr. Carl Melchior, partner of Max Warburg, whose brothers Paul and Felix were partners of Jacob Schiff, in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The chief economic adviser to the American delegation was another Jew, Bernard M. Baruch, the dictator of the allpowerful War Industries Board in America during the war and an associate in business of Jacob Schiff. The British economic delegation was headed by Lord Cunliffe, former Governor of the Bank of “England” and a partner in the international Jewish banking house of Goschen (ancestral city—Leipzig, Germany). In connection with this conference, Lloyd George wrote in his memoirs: “They (the international bankers) swept statesmen, politicians, jurists and journalists all on one side and issued their orders with an imperiousness of absolute monarchs who knew that there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees.”

  The 1st world war had ended in a great victory for the Wall Street financiers and they began to gather the fruits by extending their power to Britain and the Dominions, forcing us to surrender our command of the seas, to break our alliance with Japan and to return to the gold standard. Then their associated concerns, such as General Electric, began to acquire our capital assets. They penetrated into every part of Europe and Africa. In China they were supreme in the financial consortium formed to exploit that country. They were active in India and conquered all South America, except the Argentine. In the United States, they went from strength to strength by using the mechanism of the Federal Reserve Board for purposes diametrically opposed to that for which it had supposedly been formed; that is, instead of forwarding supplies of credit when necessary to avoid a panic, they used the opportunity again and again to cut off credit supplies altogether.

  By such means, in the early twenties, they encouraged the farmers under boom conditions to borrow and expand their enterprises, and then promptly calle
d in the loans, delivering thousands into bankruptcy.

  The same technique caused the panic of 1929, which led to the great crash of 1931. Orthodox economists attribute this later disaster to the failure of the Creditanstalt in Vienna, arguing that it set in motion the whole succession of breakdowns which followed throughout the world. That, however, is a very incomplete picture of the actual situation.

  Mr. Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Banking and Currency Committee, referring to the New York Stock Exchange collapse which began the American end of the slump, declared: “It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence … . the international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all. “ Nothing could be less [un]equivocal than that. What cannot be denied is, that in 1928 the Federal Reserve Board was feverishly expanding credit to create a boom and next year as feverishly restricting credit to create a slump. (See A. K. Chesterton‘s writings and those of C. H. Douglas, B. Jensen, etc., in whose works are an immense amount of information and penetrating observations on what has been happening.)

  After World War I, during the Weimar regime in Germany, the “American“ financiers, with their associates in Germany, had been conducting a colossal fraud at the expense of the American people. Enormous advances in return for more or less worthless German scrip poured into Germany, and through Germany into Russia.

  Steps were taken to re-arm Germany and Russia, while the British were weakened in every possible way, by calling in loans, credit squeeze, returning to the gold standard and disarmament. Central Banks were set up all over South America and in the British Dominions, following visits by Sir Otto Niemeyer, a friend of Professor Guggenheim, who was a Sir Ernest Cassel Reader of Economics in the University of London.

  In 1930 the keystone of the financial system was set in place. The Bank of International Settlements was founded. This was a world central bank to control the “national“ central banks.

  10. The League Of Nations

  OSTENSIBLY, the League of Nations had been sponsored by President Wilson, of America, a high mason and nominee of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. It was, in fact, an entirely Jew conception for leading up to World Government.

  A few days before the Paris Treaty was signed, Jacob Schiff, who had continuously urged a speedy ratification of the Covenant of the League, wrote to a friend:

  “Unless we all get together … . and co—ordinate requirements, both in materials, etc., and credits, in a large way with a view to properly controlling European requirements as well as the resources of our own country, we shall have become impotent and be no longer in a position to adapt our great resources to the need of Europe.”

  This contained the policy carried out ever since by International Finance. The League served the double purpose of training the International bureaucrats needed for the final implementation of the policy (the Cecils, Toynbees, Noel—Bakers, Zilliacuses, etc.) and served as a smoke—screen behind which suitable arrangements could be made for the continuation of the world war.

  Mr. Henry Morgenthau, Sen. (ancestral city—Mannheim, Germany), was attached to the U.S. Peace Delegation “in a capacity suited to his versatile accomplishments” and the German—AmericanJewish diplomat, Mr. Oscar Straus, “was among the unofficial delegates … . he was chiefly active in connection with the Covenant of the League of Nations which bears the impress in all its main provisions of his rich, political experience and his wise spirit of conciliation.”—(Wolf: Essays in Jewish History.)

  All important decisions were taken by the “Big Four.” President Wilson's “alter ego” was Colonel Edward Mandell House and his secretary was the Jew Brandeis. Clemenceau's omniscient secretary was the Jew M. George Mandel—Rothschild, now known as Mandel; Lloyd George's private secretary was the Jew, Sir Philip Sassoon, whose mother was Aline de Rothschild of Paris. The military adviser was a Jew called Kish and a Jew, Professor Mantoux, was head of the political department of the League and was also the interpreter and only outside person present at the meetings of the “Big Four”.

  Lloyd George and others were hazy about geography but the Jew secretaries most certainly were not. These Jews met at 6 p.m. in the evenings and mapped out the decisions for the following day's conference of the “Big Four”. The results were disastrous for humanity, and designedly so.

  A Jew, Lord Levy—Lawson—Burnham, owner of the Daily Telegraph, etc., was in charge of the Press Bureau of the League, and another Jew was President of the Council.

  The Rothschilds controlled the price of gold in the City of London, and the first act of the League was to hold the Brussels Financial Conference which drew up the principles of financial recovery and stabilisation according to the tenets of capitalist statesmanship of those days by budgets balanced by retrenchment, return to the gold standard, etc. There was a Rothschild connected with the League of Nations Commission responsible for the financial stabilisation of Austria, an operation from which that unhappy country never recovered.

  11. Hitler

  THE world-wide crashes produced by the policy of the Federal Reserve Board group had strengthened the power of the big combines everywhere and greatly increased bank holdings of industrial stock while ruining small businesses and farmers in enormous numbers, but the financiers over-reached themselves. The slump went much further than it was meant to go and led to reactions. For one thing, Great Britain, in a desperate attempt to extricate herself, was forced off gold, in common with 34 other nations, and obliged to insulate her economy with a sterling area and a system of Imperial Preference. Ever since, the financiers of Wall Street have been trying to smash the sterling area and destroy the policy of Imperial Preference. Then Hitler arose out of a Germany which had been devastated by the international financiers and practically stolen from the Germans by the Jews, and adopted a policy which challenged the entire concept of international lending by establishing as the basis of trade, the mutual exchange of goods, without recourse to the usurers.

  There had been pioneers before him—Kemal Ataturk had carried through the reconstruction of Turkey without borrowing a penny from abroad and Mussolini had safeguarded Italian currency against foreign speculators and tried, as far as possible, to build up for his people a self-contained economy. Spain and Portugal have been trying to do the same.

  The revolt of Hitler was on a par with that of Napoleon and the Jews‘ world-wide empire, built and maintained by debt, was in mortal danger of crashing to the ground.

  The Jews had succeeded with their Communist Revolution in Russia and afterwards had attempted to seize power in other European countries, but without success. In most of the countries concerned, a few voices were raised, unavailingly, to try to expose the true nature of the evils, but in Germany was the only case where a leader, Hitler, and his group, the National Socialist Party, arose who grasped the full significance of events and saw behind the mobs of native hooligans the organisation and driving power of world Jewry. So Germany was the first country in history to face up to the fact of the Jew plot against the rest of mankind.

  Hitler put his thoughts in “Mein Kampf”, which book the Jews took great care to present to the British public in a false light by all the means of publicity, which they controlled, by quoting passages out of their context, publishing abridged editions, distorting meanings and by downright misrepresentation. Its two main themes were the realisation and exposure of the Jewish scheme for world Marxism and admiration of and longing for friendship with Great Britain.

  Hitler described how he came over the years to grasp the existence of deliberate Jewish hostility and of the close relationship between Judaism and Marxism. Of how the Jewish people was always a State within a State. Of how their doctrine rejects the aristocratic principle in nature, denies the value of the individual among men, combats the importance of nationality and race, thereby depriving humanity of the whole meaning of existence.

  He gives, in great detail, the outlines
of the Jewish disruptive machine.

  Here are a few extracts:

  “By means of the Trades Unions which might have been the saving of the nation, the Jew actually destroys the nation‘s economics.”

  “By creating a press which is on the intellectual level of the least educated, the political and labour organisation obtains force of compulsion enabling it to make the lowest strata of the nation ready for the most hazardous enterprises.”

  “The Jewish press … tears down all which may be regarded as the prop of a nation‘s independence, civilisation and its economic autonomy. It roars especially against characters who refuse to bow the knee to Jewish domination, or whose intellectual capacity appears to the Jew in the light of a menace to himself.”

  “The ignorance displayed by the mass … and the lack of instinctive perception of our upper class make the people easy dupes of this campaign of Jewish lies.”

  “But the present day is working its own ruin; it introduces universal suffrage, chatters about equal rights, and can give no reason for so thinking. In its eyes, material rewards are the expression of a man‘s worth, thus shattering the basis for the noblest equality that could possibly exist.”

  “It is one of the tasks of our Movement to hold out prospects of a time when the individual will be given what he needs in order to live; but also to maintain the principle that man does not live for material enjoyment alone.”

  “The political life of to-day alone has persistently turned its back on this principle of nature, (i.e. quality) …”

  “Human civilisation is but the outcome of the creative force of personality in the community as a whole, and especially among its leaders … the principle of the dignity of the majority is beginning to poison all life below it; and, in fact, to break it up.”


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