Matchmaker Abduction: Aliens In Kilts, Abduction 1

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Matchmaker Abduction: Aliens In Kilts, Abduction 1 Page 19

by Donna McDonald

  “That won’t be the case with me.”

  Erin laughed again. “Are ya sure? Ya are not in bed with me yet. I’m starting to think I did something this evening that’s making ya keep yer distance.”

  Angus laughed. “There are lies and secrets around every corner in this place. Yer wicked plain-speaking tongue is a godsend. I think I’ve learned that lesson well enough.”

  Erin smiled. “I must be a wicked woman. That compliment thrills me as much as hearing ya say I’m beautiful.”

  Angus laughed again. “Okay. I think I know what to say to ya now. Are ya ready to hear my confession?”

  Erin made a face as she winced. “Confession? Och… that sounds pretty bad, Angus.”

  “Well, it sort of is…” he admitted.

  Shaking her head, Erin shrugged. “Okay. Just tell me. I’d rather hear it than wonder.”

  “Okay,” Angus said as well. He walked to the edge of the bed and sat on it. He looked into Erin’s eyes. “I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart, Erin O’Shea.”

  Erin snickered, then frowned. “Sorry for what? Did ya cheat on me, Angus?”

  “No. Feck no,” Angus declared. “The women on this airship scare me. Why would ya say such a thing in this place full of strangers?”

  Erin laughed. “I suppose because I’ve managed to get over nearly everything else. Such a statement probably makes me one of the dumbest women in any universe, but I see no reason to lie to ya. I’m not revealing any secrets here. Ya knew I loved ya long before Agent Black abducted us.”

  Angus nodded. “Yes… I did know… and that’s the fecking problem I’m ineptly addressing here. Back in our universe, I was every bit the coward ya accused me of being. I wanted ya all the time. I just didn’t want to love ya too. But coming here I’ve realized that what I really didn’t want was to lose ya the way I lost Mary. I didn’t think I could handle losing another woman I cared about. At sixty-seven, losing ya would have killed me for sure.”

  “Oh Angus…” Erin closed her eyes at his honesty, then looked at him squarely. “I knew that and I knew ya wanted me. Yer rejection after we slept together was the only reason I quit trying to charm ya into loving me. I figured I’d offered ya everything at that point. I had too much pride to push myself on ya a second time in bed.”

  Angus lowered his gaze and nodded. “I know. That’s fecking all on me. That day they came for us… I was just done fighting myself. I figured if I was out of the picture for good, ya would have to move on.”

  Erin shook her head. Men were so stupid. Nate. Angus. It’s a wonder anything ever worked out for any of them. “So ya weren’t planning to shoot yerself just so ya could be with Mary? Avoiding me was yer real reason?”

  Angus reluctantly nodded. “Yes. I was doing it to escape the torment of wanting ya.”

  “Ya know, I actually think I might have preferred not ever knowing that truth. People are not like hats or a pair of fecking shoes that ya can just tuck away without thought. The love of yer life can’t be replaced with another. When ya love someone, it's always goddess damn different from anything before it. I gave Nate this lecture just yesterday. I didn’t realize I’d be giving it to ya today as well.”

  “Gods, I’m sorry I hurt ya, Erin.”

  “Well, ya should be. Yer stupid confession has ruined my tipsy intentions towards yer cock this evening. Now he’s going to be brooding again tomorrow and it will be all yer fault, Angus. Make sure ya tell him it was because ya were a fecking eegit. I won’t have him blaming me for yer stupidity.”

  Angus groaned. “Wait… stop yer teasing. There’s more. Want to hear the rest? Or do ya want me to go sleep in the other room?”

  Erin waved a hand. “Ya are being a real pain in my impatient arse tonight. Fecking finish yer story then. Ya know I’ll not sleep a wink until ya do.”

  “Okay. Well, ya see… I dreamed while I was cooking in the box,” Angus said softly. “First, I dreamed of Mary. We had a right big row and then she told me I was being an eegit about everything. Then after that I dreamed only of ya. All the times we argued. All the times ya talked me into doing the right things when it came to matching my children. And I dreamed about all the times ya looked at me with longing, while I pretended not to notice so I wouldn’t have to confess to wanting ya back.”

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Is it really fecking necessary to revisit my idiocy? The people of Lisdoonvarna did a good enough job of pointing my sad life out to me every chance they got. I couldn’t even buy a loaf of bread without people asking if I’d made any headway with yer stubborn arse. After nine years, I was tired of hearing about it.”

  Angus groaned again and put his face in his hand. “I’m sorry… so fecking sorry. For all that stupid shit and anything more of yer pride that I cost ya.”

  “Fine. Let’s just put that shit behind us once and for all. Do ya have any good news to share? If not, I’ll be going to sleep now. Where ya sleep is yer choice, but ya have to shut up if ya choose to sleep here tonight. I’m tired of talking about the past.”

  Angus put a hand on her thigh. Erin felt the heat of it through the covers.

  “I do actually have some good news,” he said.

  “Good… because yer touch makes all my woman parts clench in longing… and I’d rather ya be putting yer full attention on that problem instead of this.”

  Erin put her hand over his. Beneath her fingers, his hand was strong and smooth. Those long fingers of his could deliver more pleasure than she’d ever hoped to have until they ended up here. She wouldn’t be wasting any time regretting their abduction.

  “Spit the rest out, Angus. Purge the rest of yer shit from yer guilty conscience and let’s move the feck on with our lives.”

  “When I woke up after being in the box that first time, ya were bending over me and looking at me with that same look on yer face that I was trying so hard to avoid. I felt yer concern and yer caring. I knew ya would come back to me and not just because ya said ya would. There was a moment where I grabbed yer hand and held on because I didn’t want to let ya go. By then, I understood that if ya never came back, I would suffer the worst of torments. I knew then I had been fooling myself for nine fecking years. That was more overwhelming to me than what they’d done to my body.”

  Angus rolled his hand over and captured hers.

  “When ya returned to get me that day, instead of being grateful, I was pissy to ya because of my conclusions. When ya sat down and cried over me, I felt like the biggest arse who ever lived. But in the sick, twisted way of most men who get lucky enough to find a caring woman, I also felt happy as hell because I knew yer tears meant ya still loved me. My only concern these weeks has been if I was going to be able to give ya what ya needed back.”

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Lovely sentiments. Now climb under these covers and I’ll show ya what I need.”

  “Erin, listen to me… I’m telling ya now… I know I can give it to ya. More… I want to give ya whatever ya want in life. What we have going for us is more than just great sex. Yer pussy can wait a bit longer. First, I want ya to really hear what I’m saying to ya.”

  “How much ale did ya have tonight, Angus? I could have sworn ya only had one glass.”

  Angus rolled his eyes and then shook his head. “I had about as much as Brianna and I’m not drunk. Bollocks, ya are a lot of trouble, Erin O’Shea. I’m trying to tell ya that I love ya. Is it getting through?”

  “Ya love me?” Erin asked in mild shock. “After nine years of fighting yer feelings? Now ya are finally going to be my one and only?”

  “Yes,” Angus said firmly. “I love ya. And I want to be yer husband for real, not just a fecking pretend one. I want us to be like the originals. I want us to have a love story everyone in this fecking universe will envy.”

  Erin nodded. “Fine. I accept yer proposal, Angus MacNamara. Now come to bed and practice being my real husband. Talk is cheap. Show me ya mean what ya say.”

  Angus pulled back the covers t
o slide in beside Erin. “Do ya believe me or not, woman? When it comes to affairs of the heart, I can never tell with ya.”

  “Yes. And I love ya too, Angus. I have for ages so I have to believe yer words to be happy.”

  Angus pulled Erin close. He kissed her forehead and brushed back her hair. “Ya are going to make me work for yer devotion though, aren’t ya? I hear it in yer tone.”

  “Only for nine years or so,” Erin said with a smile. Her hand got busy between them. Soon the blood would leave his brain and Angus would forget to talk. “I may still have a bit of trouble with trusting ya not to disappoint me again, but at least I love yer cock unconditionally. Lucky for you, he and I are on the best of terms. That’s a great start to any relationship, don’t ya think?”

  Angus’s sputtering laughter filled the bedroom before his mouth covered hers. When he finally rolled onto her a few minutes later, she welcomed home her perfect match.

  —The Fecking End For Now—

  Want more in this series?

  KEEP READING in this ebook for a preview of Book 2.

  Sheena’s coming. Nate’s fuming. Brianna’s staying.

  Angus and Erin? They will be busy making another match.

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  Note From the Author

  Hi. I hope you enjoyed reading Matchmaker Abduction.

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  You are the reason I write these stories and I sincerely appreciate each of you!

  ~ Donna McDonald

  Follow this link to see more books in the Aliens In Kilts series. Want to hear about my new releases in this series Join my sci-fi/paranormal books mailing list!

  More About The Aliens In Kilts Series

  As I’ve confessed before, Science Fiction Romance is my guilty author secret. I love reading it and I love writing it. There is nothing better for me than a hot romance happening in the middle of non-stop action and adventure somewhere in space or on a different planet. This is what happens to romance authors who grew up watching Star Trek and Lost in Space.

  In the past year or two, I’ve gotten a lot of requests to write “alien abduction” romances, and I know what readers wanted from me, but that’s just not what I ended up doing in these stories. My warped sense of humor won out.

  Aliens In Kilts is spoofy, and silly, and yes, I’m making fun of alien abductions, as well as every other SciFi trope out there. Sorry Whovians, Trekkies, those who have the Force strong within them. My Irish hero and heroine have no idea about any of that. They are ground up technophobes from the 1950s who are trying as hard as they can to catch up.

  I can’t really fully explain the humor in these books, but if like movies like Galaxy Quest, Spaceballs, or more recently Guardians of the Galaxy, then you’re probably going to like this series. I’m writing more of them so I hope someone out there has a sense of humor like mine. I would love for this series to live long and prosper.

  Excerpt: Nate’s Fated Mate

  Aliens In Kilts, Abduction 2

  Chapter One

  Universe 1, above Dargoona Castle located on a privately owned island…

  “Dr. McNamara?”

  “Yes,” Sheena answered, lifting her gaze from the useless staring she’d been doing at her hands to look at her pilot. “I greatly appreciate you coming to pick me up here. Please remember to remove the island’s exact location from your flight log. It’s a level 1 priority to protect the residence of the AAS Matchmakers.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered. “My orders from central said as much.”

  Sheena sighed internally. She’d left several of her older, reprogrammed droids behind with Carleton and Elsa. She hoped they would be enough.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? People who visit the Alien Abduction Services airship tend not to return. There are few exceptions.”

  The conscientious airship captain was used to flying her all kinds of questionable places, but he’d been reluctant to make this particular flight with her. She completely understood his worry, shared some of it even, but worry would not change her decision or lessen the burden of what she had to do to help Brianna.

  “Don’t worry about me, Captain. As a precaution, I’m taking a few of my special boys with me,” Sheena replied, wishing she felt as confident as she sounded. It wasn’t getting back off the airship she feared. She’d been to the ship many times and left when she wanted—or at least she had a hundred years ago when she’d been married to its current admiral.

  The rumors most believed about the airship—the ones about the danger were all true—tended to keep the airship safe from hostile takeovers. She accepted that her nervousness merely validated what might be the most propagated political ruse on New Earth. The real reason for her apprehension, which was having to deal with her ex-husband again, only made Sheena angry at herself. Such a personal issue wasn’t something she’d be sharing with her worried pilot though.

  “How will you recharge the SDDs on the floating airship? It’s not really equipped for the kind of power they require, is it?”

  Sheena was glad their discussion was moving to more comfortable ground. She could talk about her self-directed droids all day. “The boys are self-charging now. Their batteries are good for fifty years so long as they can shut down for a few hours a day to rest their processors. I intend to rotate them on guard duty to make sure that happens. That’s why I brought all four. I’m well prepared for whatever happens.”

  Sheena smiled when her pilot’s interested gaze went to the four walking weapons sitting behind her. All four were staring off into space, but instantly turned to smile at the pilot. She was still very proud about teaching them to know when someone stared their way. And to think, it was nothing more than a simple face recognition program. In every case where they had tested self-directed droids interacting with humans, the responses of hers were so human-like no one knew the difference until an arm suddenly transformed into one of several dangerous weapons.

  “No offense, Dr. McNamara, but I’d feel much better if General Montgomery was accompanying you like he usually does. At the risk of sounding as sexist as my wife accuses me of being at times, I wish you had some friendly human company for your trip.”

  Sheena sighed again internally, fighting hard not to let it out. She’d inherited the sighing tendency from her mother who was also her biological egg donor. She’d inherited her quick temper from her father, the man contributing the sperm that had no doubt eagerly invaded that donated egg. The woman scientist who’d actually carried her in her womb had contributed nothing genetic that managed to stick… or at least nothing Sheena had ever been able to identify. What she had gotten from the woman though was an insatiable curiosity about her beginnings that had led her to her current life’s work.

  “General Montgomery was too busy to come on this trip. Also, he has no involvement with its purpose or outcome. Unfortunately, this is more of a personal quest than an official mission,” Sheena said stiffly, her gaze dropping to her hands again. “If successful, we’ll be adding a person to our return trip, Captain. I’ll keep you posted about that. The identity of the passenger needs to be kept secret until I’ve secured her agreement to return with me.”

  “As you wish, Doctor. Sorry if I’m overstepping with my questions.”

  “It’s okay, Captain. I’m sure General Montgomery would appreciate your concern for my welfare. I know I do. It’s nice to have someone like you covering my back.”

  Another truth she couldn’t share with her pilot was that General Scott Montgomery, her latest intimate relationship, had been too busy to be involved in her life for several months now. She well knew the woman keeping him occupied had every right to do so. Though he had an legally open marriage, Scott was still
bound to his wife. They had children together and he had to spend time with them as well. There was nothing she could say about Scott putting the welfare of his marriage before her. It was his both his moral duty and his obligation.

  Their intimate side relationship was just a matter of convenience for Scott, and for her as well, when Sheena felt like being super honest with herself. Most of her relationships with men were just that kind—on the side and only a convenience. In fact, she’d been careful not to date anyone who didn’t have a legal commitment to someone else.

  What was most inconvenient about this particular trip was being forced to visit a one hundred year old ex-husband she’d never quite gotten over. Her brat of a sister was the only idiot she loved enough to endure the torture just so she rescue her rebellious ass. She’d refused to visit her insane matchmaking parents while they had worked on that damn airship Nate has chosen to honor instead of their exclusive vows.

  So Scott spending time with his legal wife? That was absolutely not a problem for her. More men should be that committed to the woman in their life. She had learned long ago that there were many, many ways a New Earth born man could manage to be unfaithful.

  “They were not far from the castle. We’ll be docking in three minutes, Doctor.”

  Her gaze lifted so she could nod because Captain Jordy would not dock without knowing she was ready to debark. “Set our transport down whenever you’re ready, Captain. I’m anxious to get this over with. I’ll contact you when I need a ride home.”

  “Yes, ma’am, Dr. McNamara. Docking now.”

  A hundred years had passed since Nate had seen Sheena in person, but the lapse still surprised him every time he thought about how much time had gone by. He’d maintained near daily contact with her matchmaking parents during that time period, yet both the MacNamara’s legal born daughters had somehow managed to keep their distance from him.


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