Rock Star Redemption

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Rock Star Redemption Page 20

by Jenna Galicki

  “You girls need to get something to eat.” Her stepmother was back with the coffee. “You’ve been here all day. If you plan on staying, at least get a bite in the cafeteria.” She studied her husband, still asleep and attached to machines that blipped continually in the background. “I’ll be here with him. Go.”

  Audra wasn’t hungry. Her stomach was a giant knot and barely tolerated the coffee, but she wanted to call Jimmy. They were supposed to have lunch hours ago, and she hadn’t left the ICU all day, so she never had the opportunity to call him. He had no idea what had happened.

  When she got to the lounge area and turned her phone on, there were a half dozen missed calls from him. He was probably worried something happened to her.

  He answered on the first ring. “Babe! Where’ve you been? I’ve been trying to reach you and Kira all day. What happened?”

  The concern and worry in his voice made her heart melt. She loved him so much. “My father had a heart attack. We’re at New York Presbyterian.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Audra sat at her father’s bedside and held his hand. Her stepmother had convinced Kira to go home for the night, but Audra didn’t want to leave yet. She needed to make up for the emotional abandonment she had inflicted upon her father. They were both so stubborn that neither would concede, and it drove a wedge between them. She vowed to make it up to him, even though she didn’t know how. She needed to ease her guilty conscious and get back the time they had lost. She needed to vindicate herself in her father’s eyes.

  “Miss Abelman?” A nurse stuck her head in the room. “There’s a visitor here who wants to come in. He said his name is Jimmy. I told him visitors were for immediate family only, but he’s very persistent.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  She met her father’s gaze, hoping Jimmy’s presence didn’t upset him. Her father looked more defeated than agitated, probably because of the medication.

  He squeezed her hand. “You’d better go before Mr. Wilder gets himself into trouble.”

  She smiled at the formal way in which he still addressed Jimmy. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”

  “Thank you, but it’s not necessary. Goodnight, dear.”

  She kissed her father on the forehead. “Goodnight, Daddy.” She said goodbye to her stepmother and reluctantly left her father’s room. She saw Jimmy hovering at the entrance to the ICU, several yards away. His face was twisted with worry and concern.

  “What happened? Is he okay?”

  She nodded and then fell into his arms. She held onto him with all her might and the tears fell. She buried her face in Jimmy’s shoulder, while he continually stroked her back and pressed a soothing kiss into the side of her head.

  “I’m here for you, sweetie. Just let me know what I can do.”

  She wiped her eyes and sniffled. “I’ve never seen him look vulnerable before. He’s always projected an empowering presence, and he’s just lying there, helpless, attached to all these machines.”

  “How bad is it? Does he need a bypass?” Jimmy wouldn’t let go of her. He kept his hands on her shoulders and his head lowered so he could study her face.

  “No. The doctors opened his arteries with stents, but who knows how long that’s going to last?” She knew the stents were only buying him time. If he didn’t slow down and take care of himself, he’d end up needing open heart surgery. She shuddered at the thought of the surgeons cracking her father’s chest open.

  “He was lucky. It could have been much worse. How are you, babe? And Kira?”

  “I’m okay,” she lied. “Kira’s a little more shaken up, but as long as my father is okay, she’ll be fine.” She took Jimmy’s hand, and it brought her comfort. “Take me home, please.”

  “She just left him there?” Audra couldn’t believe that Kendall could be that cold-hearted and selfish. Her heart broke for the little boy. “She just abandoned him?”

  Jimmy slung his arm over her shoulder as they walked up the long driveway to Angel, Tommy and Jessi’s house. “According to her, she wants to stay in Mason’s life, but yeah – she’s gone. I have no guarantee she’s coming back. Kendall could disappear and never see Mason again.”

  Audra almost lost her father, and Mason just lost his mother. Today was such a fucked up day. She wrapped her arm around Jimmy’s waist and leaned into him for support – both physical and emotional. “How is Mason taking it?”

  An ironic chuckle left Jimmy’s lips. “He’s having the time of his life. He watched us rehearse and played the drums alongside me. Tommy was teaching him the guitar when I left. I’m not sure who’s having more fun – Mason or the guys. And Jessi is coddling him like a newborn baby. I think she may want one.”

  “A baby?” She was unsure why the remark surprised her so much. The three-way relationship Angel, Tommy and Jessi shared was unusual, but the love they had for one another was intense.

  “Yeah. I guess that’s the next logical step for them, if anything about their relationship is logical.” Jimmy looked into the distance, and a smile spread across his lips. “Man, it’d be nice for Mason to have someone his age to play with.”

  They stopped in front of the massive set of double doors that framed the entranceway, and Audra turned to study Jimmy. He was a good father. She would have never guessed he would embrace parenthood so quickly and so easily. His love for Mason blossomed every day.

  “Who knows? Maybe Damien and Alyssa will have a kid too.” Jimmy laughed while he rang the doorbell. “We could have our own traveling day care center.”

  Damien answered with a sandwich in his hand. “You’re just in time for leftovers, dude. Angel’s refrigerator is like a goldmine. This pulled pork roast is killer.” He locked eyes with Audra, and his gaze turned serious. “How’s Bossman? I mean, your father.”

  The unexpected nickname almost made her laugh. “Is that what you call him?”

  Damien shrugged one shoulder. “Yeah. He’s our boss.”

  Audra’s thoughts drifted back to her father, and she worried. She fished her phone from her pocket to make sure she didn’t miss a call from her stepmother. “He’s better than expected. Three stents, but at least he doesn’t need surgery. Not yet, anyway.” She double-checked her phone, but there was still no sign of a message from her stepmother. She sighed with relief. “He’s a strong man. He just works too hard.”

  “God knows we’ve given him enough anguish.” Angel swooped in and gave her a big hug. “I’m so glad he’s going to be okay. I was worried sick. I called the hospital but they wouldn’t give me any information. I even called Marissa, but she didn’t know anything either.”

  Audra had forgotten to call Marissa. The woman was like family, and it completely slipped Audra’s mind to get in touch with her. She sent a quick text to Kira and asked her to give Marissa an update. “Thank you, Angel. I know that out of everyone in the band, you’re closest to him. He has tremendous respect for you.” She caught Jimmy’s eye and it contained a hint of sadness. She hadn’t meant to point out that her father despised him. So much happened today that she didn’t have the sense to think straight.

  Angel took both of her hands in his. “I have nothing but respect for your father as well. He’s a giant in the business and has always treated us more than fairly. Please send him my well wishes. Let me know if you or Kira need anything.”

  “I will. Thank you.” Angel had a huge heart, and he was one of the sweetest people she knew.

  They headed through the house toward the great room, and Mason’s laughter echoed off the cathedral ceiling. “He’s still up?” Jimmy asked. “It’s ten o’clock.”

  “One late night won’t spoil him,” Angel said. “He’s having fun.”

  Tommy’s laughter followed Mason’s. Apparently, Jimmy’s son wasn’t the only one having a good time. When they reached the great room, Mason squealed and ran toward his father. “Jimmyyyyyy!”

  “Hey Mase. Did my friends take good ca
re of you while I picked up Audra?”

  “Audraaaaa!” Mason wrapped his arms around her legs in a hug. She smiled down at him and her heart was suddenly lifted. The child was filled with love for everyone and had Jimmy’s perpetual good spirits. She knelt down next to Mason, and his little arms squeezed her face. His hug drove the sadness and turmoil from her heart. She had never known the power of a child’s hug before, and it made a tear moisten her eye.

  Tommy had a big smile on his face. He pushed his hair behind one ear and laughter trickled from his lips. “Tell Jimmy what I taught you,” he told Mason.

  Mason giggled. “Tommy Blade is awwwwwesome!”

  Tommy threw his head back and laughed, while Jimmy just smiled and shook his head.

  Audra couldn’t help laughing, as well. Mason really was having the time of his life. “I’m glad you guys had fun together.” Audra pulled up Mason’s pajama pants. They were a little too big for him and kept slipping down his small waist. They looked brand new. “Where’d he get these?”

  “Jessi ran out and got them,” Tommy answered. “She thought he was going to fall asleep, but this kid’s got more energy than all of us put together. How’s your father?”

  “The doctors said he’s going to be fine. Thank you for asking.”

  “Thank God,” Jessi said, giving her a quick hug. “You must be a wreck. I’ll be more than happy to watch little Mason if you two want to go to the hospital tomorrow.” She tickled his belly, which sent him into a fit of laughter.

  Alyssa entered the great room with several shopping bags. “Did I hear you say your dad was going to be okay?”

  Audra nodded again. “Yeah. He should be out of the hospital in a couple of days, but he needs to take it easy.”

  “Good. Here’s the rest of Mason’s things.” Alyssa placed the shopping bags on the couch, which was already overflowing with bags. “Look at this one.” She pulled a pint-sized Ozzy Osborne T-shirt from one of the bags. “Isn’t this cool?”

  Jimmy took it from Alyssa with a smile of approval and glanced at the purchases strewn across the couch. “You got Mason all this stuff?”

  “Yeah,” Jessi said, still crouched next to Mason, engaged in a game of tickle war. “Me and Alyssa went shopping while the guys watched Mason.”

  “We went a little crazy,” Alyssa admitted. “This miniaturized stuff is so cute.” She pulled out a pair of Doc Martins. They were too big for Mason, but he’d probably grow into them in a few months.

  Audra glanced over the packages on the couch and was struck with sentiment. They all loved Mason, and she wondered if he was used to so much attention. She stared at the light blue pajamas and the dinosaurs printed on the front, and she wondered if Kendall tucked him in bed at night, the same way her father had always done when she was a child. Memories flooded her head and pulled her back to when she was a little girl.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” Jimmy was watching her, reading her thoughts.

  She pressed her lips together and nodded. “I just want to talk to my sister.” She stepped out of the room and punched Kira’s number into her phone.

  “Hi. I just got off the phone with Claudia,” Kira said. “How did you know I just called to check on him?”

  “I knew you’d call around now. When he was traveling, he’d always call us by 11:00 so he could say goodnight to us. Remember?”

  There was a silent pause on Kira’s end. “Yeah. I remember. That’s why I called the hospital. He’s sleeping. No change.”

  It was a relief. “He’s going to be okay, Kira.”

  “He’d better start taking care of himself and stop working so hard.”

  “Yeah. We need to pick up the slack at the office. Maybe get someone to fill in for him for a while.”

  “He’s never going to let someone do his job, you know that.”

  “He has to. He can’t handle any more stress right now.” Audra gazed down the long hallway in the direction of Jimmy’s voice. Her heart hurt. She had her doubts about continuing the relationship with Jimmy when she saw the fragile state of her father’s health and the stress it caused him, but the second Jimmy hugged her in the hospital, and the moment Mason wrapped his arms around her legs, she knew she could never walk away.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  A strange noise woke Jimmy. It was the middle of the night, and he was still groggy, but he was disturbed by the unfamiliar sound. He sat up, pulled his legs out from under the covers, and listened. Shit! It was Mason. He ran to Mason’s room with guilt kicking at his heels for not recognizing his son’s cries right away. He flipped on the light in the former drum studio that was now converted to Mason’s new bedroom. His child-sized Pearl kit sat in the corner, while both of Jimmy’s drum set-ups now resided in the dining room. “What’s wrong, Mase? Did you have a bad dream?”

  Mason sat in the middle of his race car shaped bed with one fist rubbing his teary eye. “Where’s my mommy?”

  Jimmy’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. He knew Mason would ask about his mother sooner or later. He had no idea where Kendall was and didn’t know how to answer his son. He sat on the bed next to Mason and put his arm around his son’s shoulder. “She lives in another state now. Aunt Mary told you about it before you came to stay here with me. Remember?”

  Mason stilled for a few seconds. “Y-yeah.” He sniffled and his little chest heaved with a small sob. “How long?”

  It was another question that had no answer. “I don’t know, buddy. Probably for a while.” He rubbed Mason’s back, unsure how to comfort the child.

  Jimmy was torn between intense hatred and anger toward Kendall for abandoning Mason, and empathy and compassion for his son’s loss. He pushed the hair from his son’s forehead, and watched a new set of tears roll down the boy’s reddened cheeks. Jimmy took Mason in his arms and hugged him. His heart ached for the child. The kid shouldn’t be forced to suffer such pain and anguish at his young age.

  “It’s okay, Mason. I’m here with you, and we’re always gonna be together.” The emotion in Jimmy’s throat made his voice quiver. He wanted to be strong for the kid, but his insides were a twisted mess. A small tear seeped from the corner of Jimmy’s eye, and he hugged his son a little tighter, while it rolled down his cheek.

  Mason clung to him, but Jimmy had no idea how to soothe his son. He had no experience with children and no parental skills. The only thing he knew how to do was love the boy. His arms covered Mason’s small body with a hug, and he didn’t let go. He rocked his son in his arms and sang a soft lullaby he remembered from his childhood. It was barely more than a whisper in Mason’s ear, but it seemed to alleviate some of his distress, and the boy’s sobs slowly quieted. Mason remained locked in Jimmy’s embrace and rested his weary head on Jimmy’s shoulder.

  Audra appeared in the doorway with a small cup of water in her hand, and Jimmy nodded for her to enter. She sat on the bed next to them and placed a loving hand on Mason’s back. “It’s okay, Mason. Don’t cry.”

  Her voice startled Mason, and for a second, a look of recognition passed over his face that indicated he thought Audra was his mother.

  “Would you like a drink of water?”

  Mason stared at her with large, round eyes and slowly nodded. She gave him a warm and reassuring smile that calmed him. He slid off Jimmy’s lap and turned so he sat cross-legged on the bed between Jimmy and Audra. She helped Mason take a sip of water with a loving and gentle hand.

  Audra looked at Jimmy, and they silently stared at one another, each with a comforting hand on Mason’s shoulder. Her eyes reflected the same heart-wrenching sadness that tore at Jimmy’s gut. He never loved her more than he did at that moment, while she voluntarily consoled his son.

  Exhausted, Mason rubbed his eyes with his fists and yawned.

  Jimmy patted the pillow. “Lie down, buddy. We’ll stay with you until you fall back to sleep. Everything’s gonna be okay.”

  Mason curled up into a ball and hugged his knees to
his chest. Jimmy and Audra both squeezed next to him in the small, juvenile bed and placed an arm around Mason. Maybe this kid didn’t have his mother in his life anymore, but there were more than a half dozen new people in his life that loved him. He kissed his son on the forehead. “I love you, Mase.”

  Heavy with sleep, Mason’s eyelids only flickered, but he managed to sling one tiny arm around Jimmy’s neck before he fell back to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jimmy didn’t bother with the elevator. He ran up the stairs to Audra’s apartment, too excited to wait the extra sixty seconds for the elevator. His telltale knock announced his arrival.

  When Audra opened the door, she held a key out in front of her. “Take this before I forget to give it to you again. I meant to give it to you a week ago. There’s no reason why you can’t let yourself into my apartment.”

  Surprise knocked the smile off his face. He knew it was just a key, but the symbolism cemented her commitment, and just about floored him.

  “Why do you look so shocked? We’re together every night.”

  “I never had the key to anyone’s apartment before. It’s a big deal to me.”

  “Are you getting cold feet?” she teased him. “Because we can go back to a strictly business relationship, you know.”

  He snatched the key out of her hand and pulled her close to him by her waist. “Not on your life. You’re my lady now. I’m not letting you go for anything.” He cherished the key and held it up to admire. “Man, I still can’t believe it sometimes. You and me.” He slipped the key into his pocket. “I have something for you, too.”


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