Rock Star Redemption

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Rock Star Redemption Page 25

by Jenna Galicki

  “Family,” Tommy and Jimmy repeated.

  “Brothers,” Damien added.

  Angel momentarily closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “The noise from the crowd fuels my soul. Let’s give them a show they’ll never forget.”

  They nodded at each other and made eye contact one last time before they broke the hold on one another. Tommy held up his Les Paul, and his signature intro sailed through the air. The curtain came down, and the whistles and shouts from the audience almost drowned out Tommy’s guitar. He took one last look at his bandmates and ran on stage. He slid across the polished floor on his knees like a runner stealing third base. He landed in front of a pack of screaming girls who practically jumped the barricade to get closer to him. His fingers flew up and down the neck of the guitar in a spontaneous riff that blew the fans away.

  Jimmy watched his friend in awe. The skill Tommy possessed on the guitar was unmatched. Jimmy’s nerves returned at the thought of accompanying Tommy on rhythm guitar later in the show, but he pushed the anxiety from his mind.

  Damien set foot on stage next, sending the crowd into another wave of shouts and whistles. His mohawk bounced with each step of his bee-bop walk, and he came to rest at his designated spot on the left-hand side of the stage.

  Angel clapped Jimmy on the back. “You’re up, my friend.”

  Jimmy was about to step on stage when Audra threw her arms around him. “Good luck!” She was out of breath and obviously ran back from whatever task she had been overseeing. “I’m so glad I made it.” She gave him a quick kiss and patted his shoulder. “Go! Hurry up!”

  He watched her as he headed to his drum kit. In the past, there had never been anyone to send him off or wish him luck before a show, and something clicked inside him. It was another reminder – another confirmation – that everything happened the way it was supposed to. All fears and uncertainties about the future vanished.

  Audra stared back at him with a proud smile. She was radiant and beautiful. She was a smart and sophisticated business woman on one hand, and a fun-loving, spirited ball of fire on the other. She blew him a kiss and waved the back of her hand at him to get behind his kit.

  He sat on the stool and watched her for a few more seconds, until the roar of the crowd broke the spell she had over him. He looked into the crowd. The lights were still down, but his eyes were acclimated enough to see that everyone had their hands in the air and girls sat on their boyfriend’s shoulders.

  Jimmy raised a fisted drumstick over his head to acknowledge the fans. They shouted back a greeting of “Woot!” and “Yeah!”

  Everyone was waiting for Angel to make his appearance, but he stood just beyond the side curtain and watched the audience with an incredulous grin. He was making them wait – stirring up their adrenaline, and in turn, fueling his energy. The crazier the audience was, the crazier Angel performed.

  Jimmy watched Immortal Angel’s famous front man. Jessi was next to him, adjusting every last detail of his outfit. She made sure the collar of his jacket was laid correctly and the codpiece was centered. Angel didn’t notice. He was too absorbed in the crowd, and he was oblivious to Jessi’s pampering.

  At last, Angel walked to the front of the stage. As soon as the crowd saw him, they shouted his name with a mighty roar. It reverberated off the interior of the venue like an echo chamber.

  Jimmy could only see the silhouette of Angel’s back, but in the dim light, the silver studs on his collar, his boots and his crotch glowed like a thousand prismatic fireflies and projected a spray of color into the audience.

  The lights went up with the wave of Angel’s arms, and Jimmy clacked his sticks together four times. The metallic blue Pearl kit made its debut with Hit & Run, and the fast-paced beat of punk rock filled the venue – and Jimmy’s soul.

  The new kit had a tight beat and fueled the fundamental undercurrent of the song. Damien and Tommy were in perfect alignment, locked into the exact same frequency. Angel took the beat of the song and propelled it to the next level with his powerhouse vocals and suggestive body language.

  Two songs later, Angel had his first outfit change. Damien kept a low beat on the bass, and Tommy engaged some people in the front row by tossing guitar picks at them. This was the break where Jimmy was going to address the fans. He shoved his sticks in the back pocket of his jeans, wiped his brow with the small hand towel, and took his first walk to the center microphone.

  The audience was stunned, and they cheered in anticipation at an up close interaction with the man who always sat in the shadows. It was different at the front of the stage. Jimmy didn’t have the filter of his bandmates or the barrier of the drums. He was one-on-one with the crowd. If he leaned over, he could touch the fans – so he did. He teetered on the edge of the stage and slapped a few outstretched hands, careful not to let them grab hold of him and pull him into the audience. He had seen that almost happen too many times to Angel. He handed a dude at the front of the barricade one of his drumsticks, and the guy held it up in the air and yelled back with appreciation. Jimmy sent the other drumstick sailing far into the back of the crowd. It disappeared from view long before anyone caught it, and Jimmy hoped no one got broadsided with the thing.

  He looked down at the front row. Girls screamed his name and tried to climb over the metal railing. One made it over and lunged at the stage. She grabbed his ankles and knocked him off balance. Damien was at his side and held his arm for support. The guy was surprisingly strong and steadied Jimmy with one firm hand wrapped around his upper arm.

  “Dude, don’t you know to stop teasing the fans by now? They’re gonna pull you into their lair and molest you.”

  The idea would have really excited Jimmy a year ago, but now it frightened him a little. His reputation with the girls had always been no-holds-barred. They had no qualms about grabbing his cock or shoving a naked tit in his face, and that’s exactly what he planned to address.

  Security pried the feisty female fan from his legs and escorted her away. They were having a hard time controlling the crowd. For once, it wasn’t Tommy who was sending the girls into a whirlwind of pandemonium. It was Jimmy and Damien. The fans weren’t used to the two rhythm makers of the band at the edge of the stage, and they wanted a chance to touch them, take a photo, or to just be noticed.

  A set of bras landed at Damien and Jimmy’s feet from the right side of the audience. The two girls who owned them lifted their shirts, flashed their tits, and then started making out. Holy shit! Damien and Jimmy stood mesmerized.

  Tommy joined them with a huge smile on his face. “What the fuck are you doing to this crowd?”

  “Don’t be jealous,” Damien teased him.

  “I don’t give a fuck,” Tommy answered. “As long as I get to watch.”

  “Maybe you should watch those two.” Damien pointed to two guys making out on the opposite side of the audience. “I think that’s for your benefit.”

  Tommy raised his brow with interest, and shifted his eyes between the two girls and the two guys. “I don’t know where to look first.”

  This wasn’t helping Jimmy’s plan – at all. A new wave of perspiration broke out across his forehead. He wiped his brow and chest with the small towel, and the girls in the section in front of him went nuts. A loud wave of screams echoed back at him, and he laughed.

  “They want your sweat, dude. That’s gross.”

  “Maybe they want yours too.” Jimmy attempted to blot Damien’s forehead with the towel, but he dodged out of the way.

  “Don’t touch me with that disgusting thing!”

  “C’mon, man. It’s for the fans.”

  Damien grabbed the towel, pushed his bass aside and wiped his crotch with it, a little too enthusiastically. He tried to hand the towel back to Jimmy, but Jimmy backed away.

  “I’m not touchin’ that thing now, man! Tommy, you take it.”

  “Me? I don’t want it!”

  Before Tommy had a chance to move out of the way, Damien swiped Tommy�
�s ass with the towel.

  The fans laughed, and Damien threw the towel into the crowd. Girls collided and fought for the sought-after prize, which pissed off security.

  Damien flashed rock and roll horns at the audience and slung his other arm around Jimmy’s neck. Tommy did the same, and Jimmy hung his arms around his friends’ shoulders so the fans could snap a bunch of photos. It seemed to get the attention of the large group of girls who were having a tug-of-war with the towel, and one lucky girl snatched it for her own.

  Angel joined them and wrapped his arms around Tommy’s waist. Phones were in the air, flashing at every angle. The photographers between the stage and the railing rushed at them. Everyone wanted the rare photo of the entire band mid-concert.

  Angel spoke through his smile. “What the fuck are you guys doing? Jimmy, you were supposed to be done with your segment. Audra’s having a nervous breakdown about the time.”

  Jimmy glanced at Audra at the side curtain. She had no idea Jimmy was making an announcement about their engagement, and her eyes were wide with panic about running over schedule. She pointed for him to get to his drum kit, but he only threw her a kiss.

  Tommy slapped Jimmy on the back. “Go ahead. The floor’s yours.”

  Tommy and Damien returned to their designated spots, and Angel stood back by the drum riser. Jimmy was alone at the center of the stage. He studied Angel’s rhinestone-covered mic stand. It was brilliant and cast a rainbow of aurora borealis across the stage. He took the mic, and the audience hollered with excitement. It was the first time he had ever addressed them during a show. “Hello, Sydney! You guys fuckin’ rock!”

  They answered with shouts and fists in the air.

  “I have a little announcement to make – some news that made me real happy, and you’re the first people I’m sharing it with.” Another round of cheers and whistles rose from the crowd before they quieted down, curious about what he was about to say. “Ladies, I’m sure you know I’ve been off the market for a while. Well, it’s official. Jimmy Wilder is an engaged man. I’m getting married to the most wonderful woman in the world.”

  A murmur spread through the audience. Disheartened female voices huffed and expressed their dismay with disappointed groans and sighs. Jimmy knew their reaction would be unfavorable, and he started to wonder if announcing it wasn’t such a good idea. He needed to cut off the disgruntled fans and held up his hand to silence them. “Please, show respect for my lady. I wouldn’t be with her if she wasn’t an extraordinary woman, and I want you all to meet her.” He looked at Audra. She was frozen with shock. Her eyes were wide, and she shook her head. Jessi and Alyssa gently encouraged her to walk on stage, but she was rooted next to the curtain.

  Jimmy went to her. “You need to show your face and say hello to the fans.”

  “I’m not going out there. They hate me.”

  He took her hand and kissed her fingertips. “Trust me. When they see us together, they’ll warm up to you. You can’t stay hidden in the shadows forever. Don’t let them intimidate you.”

  His remark seemed to hit a nerve with Audra. She stood up a little taller and pushed her shoulders back. “I’m not going to let anyone bully me. I never have. I’m going out there and claiming my man – even if it means facing an angry mob of jealous fans.”

  Jimmy beamed at her with pride. “That’s my lady.” She was tough, and the fans would respect her for standing her ground.

  “Wait.” Jessi pulled the jacket from Audra’s shoulders, exposing a tiny black, studded tank top. “You don’t want to go out there looking like a corporate executive. You want to look like a rock star’s girlfriend.” Jessi flipped open Angel’s accessory case and pulled out several heavy silver chains and a spiked leather bracelet. “Put these on and take my boots.”

  “I’m wearing Christian Louboutins,” Audra protested.

  “I know. They’re gorgeous, but mine are more rock and roll.” Jessi pulled them off of her feet. “Hurry! Just take them.”

  In ten seconds Audra transformed into a rock chick. Jimmy gave her the once over and whistled. “You look gorgeous.” He took her hand, and they returned to the stage. Tommy and Damien were having a face-off – bass against guitar – and the fans were cheering and hollering. As soon as they saw Jimmy with Audra, a hush fell over the room. Even Tommy and Damien stopped playing to stare.

  A guy in the crowd let out a loud whistle, and it echoed over the lull in the quieted room. A few more joined in, along with a couple of cat calls.

  “I’m glad I wore this short skirt,” Audra said with a smile.

  Jimmy looked into the crowd. The guys all wore happy faces, but most of the girls that he could see were sneering at Audra, and he hoped it wasn’t a bad idea to bring her on stage.

  Audra knew exactly what he was thinking. “I don’t care if they don’t like me. I’m here, and I’m making it known that you’re mine.”

  No one pushed her around. He squeezed her hand and returned to the center mic. “This is my lady, Audra Abelman. She and her sister are responsible for Immortal Angel’s record deal. She’s been one of our biggest supporters since the band first started out, and now she’s our tour manager. Please show her some Australian love and hospitality.”

  The men in the audience gave a resounding round of applause, but the response from the female fans was lackluster, and a few spat catty remarks. Jimmy felt Audra’s hand tighten around his fingers, but she kept a confident smile on her face and leaned into the microphone. “Sorry to disappoint you, ladies. He’s mine now. You can look, but you can’t touch.” She ran her hands up Jimmy’s naked chest and around his neck. She planted a soul-melting kiss on his lips. It was filled with lust and fire, and she ground her body against his.

  Jimmy’s cock strained against his jeans while Audra continued to bathe his mouth with her tongue. The fans began to cheer. It was an arousing round of applause that fueled Jimmy’s body with heat and desire.

  Audra pulled away, ran her index finger up the center of his naked chest, along his neck, and flicked it off his chin. Then she spun around and sauntered off stage with a swagger. He was left staring after her, with his hormones a jumbled mess. He put his fist over his heart, buckled his knees, and grabbed the mic stand for support.

  The fans loved it! There were still some girls who glared after Audra, but most of the crowd was riled up almost as much as Jimmy.

  Angel approached the center mic. “I love that girl.” He pointed to the front row. “For years, she was right there at every single Immortal Angel performance. She’s our number one fan, and now she runs the show.”

  Jimmy was humbled. The fans respected Angel, and his support easily tipped the scales in Audra’s favor. He nodded at his friend. “Thanks, man.”

  Angel smiled back at him and spoke into the mic. “Do you want to get back on the drums so we can play some more songs for these nice people, or do you want to take the mic again?” Angel looked into the audience and addressed them. “Maybe Jimmy wants to try his hand at some vocals. Do you think he can handle Jump Start?”

  The crowd hollered, hoping Jimmy was going to sing, but he shook his head vigorously.

  “No?” Angel asked. “Maybe you’d like to try to accompany Tommy on the guitar then. Do you think you can handle that?”

  Jimmy pursed his lips to the side and scratched the side of his head with his index finger, as if he was tossing around the idea. Then he flashed his killer smile and nodded.

  The crowd erupted into a wail of surprised howls and shouts. When Jimmy retrieved his Fender from its stand hidden behind the drum kit, the audience threw their fists in the air and let loose with a loud roar.

  Angel dropped the mic to his side so the fans couldn’t hear him. “You’re going to slay them.”

  Tommy and Damien also faced him to show their support. Almost 25,000 people filled the Allphones Arena and were waiting to hear him play the guitar for the first time, but it was the gaze of his bandmates that made Jimmy nervous.
  With the pre-recorded drum beat set to feed through the sound system, it was Angel who cued the start of the song. It was a foreign concept for Jimmy not to count off the opening beats. Playing the guitar was definitely not in his wheelhouse, but it was a fun change.

  Angel’s crystal clear vocals kicked off Jump Start. Jimmy pressed a chord into the fret board and strummed the melody. He fell into the song with ease, and his fingers glided through the piece. The additional guitar aided the melodic lines and enhanced the song.

  The fans hollered and shouted their approval. They stomped their feet and yelled with excitement. It was a boost to Jimmy’s ego. He was on top of the world.

  Tommy circled him and they locked eyes. Pride gazed back at Jimmy from his mentor. Damien joined them, and they stood in a row at the front of the stage with the necks of their guitars aligned.

  Angel jumped on the amp, and his voice carried over them and projected into the audience. He finished the song with a leap onto the stage. He turned to the crowd and held his arm out in Jimmy’s direction. “Jimmy Wilder on rhythm guitar! Fucking awesome!”

  The crowd pumped their fists in the air, clapped their hands, and shouts filled the arena. Damien slung his arm around Jimmy’s neck. “Pretty fucking cool, dude.” Tommy beamed at him with a smile and bowed. Jimmy was humbled as he received the respect and admiration of his bandmates. He put his fist to the center of his chest and pressed his lips firmly together to keep the lump in his throat at bay. “I love you guys, man.”

  Angel covered the mic with his hand to privately address Jimmy. “You’re brilliant. We’re honored to play with you.” He turned back to the crowd. “We have another little surprise for you tonight!”

  The crowd roared back with shouts of “What?” and “What now?” It was a night full of unexpected events and the fans were knocked out by the show.

  “Please welcome a surprise guest drummer, Mason Wilder!”

  A rumble erupted through the crowd as the road crew wheeled a smaller platform onto the stage. It contained Mason’s child-sized replica of Jimmy’s blue metal flake Pearl kit, complete with Immortal Angel’s logo in the center of the small bass drum.


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