How To Steal A Highlander

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How To Steal A Highlander Page 15

by Olivia Norem

  Kat rankled at his tone, yet a tiny part of her was thrilled he hadn’t elected to stay with the pair of now protesting women behind her and elected to help. Simeon was halfway to the door when she decided to follow, but the manicured nails stroking his coat made her pause. Angrily, she snatched his jacket from the hands of the sultry brunette who had offered the flagrant invitation.

  “Back off, sister. He’s mine!” Kat growled low.

  “Ye rude American bitch! Ye think ye can come o’er here and jus’ take our men?”

  Kat bit back a response and turned away. She wasn’t about to engage with a drunken woman in a pub.

  Simeon spun Ian around at the door, wondering why Katherine wasn’t by his side. He frowned at the woman who was now bearing down on his lass. Kat saw his expression darken, and since it was directed over her shoulder, she quickly whirled around. The woman lunged for a fistful of hair. On pure reflex Kat’s right arm deflected her grip. Her left fist connected solidly to the woman’s jaw with a loud crack!

  The woman stumbled backward in surprise, her eyes wide in shock. A dozen pairs of eyes turned toward them. Kat bobbed into a defensive pose, ready for the attack she knew was coming.

  Simeon propped Ian against the wall, intent on plucking Katherine from the fray, but the man sank to the floor.

  “Och mon, now is nae the time for this,” Simeon cursed and lifted him upright.

  “Ye hit me!” the brunette glared, holding her hand to her face.

  “Brilliant deduction, Sherlock. Do you want some more? Or are you done attacking me?” Kat’s threat was low and calm. The woman sprang across the short space. Before Simeon could reach the pair, Kat moved with a flurry of kicks and punches so fast, he could barely track them. The brunette was sprawled on the floor, unconscious. Several patrons rushed forward, bending to the fallen woman.

  Her blood was up, and as she bounced on her toes, Kat growled to the crowd. “Anyone else?”

  His Katherine was a fighter to be sure, and a fierce one at that. Simeon had no doubt she would take on everyone in the place, but he wouldn’t risk her getting hurt. His arms wrapped around her tightly from behind, pinning her useless. He lifted her hard against his chest, her toes skimming the floor.

  “Damn it, put me down!” Kat wiggled in his hold as he shuffled them backward toward the door.

  “Nae chance, lass,” Simeon said in her ear. His arms tightened.

  The barkeep rushed forward and looked at the woman on the floor and then up at Simeon with the struggling Kat in his arms. His eyes twinkled as Kat turned loose a string of epithets that would make a sailor blush.

  “I dinnae want any trouble, we’ll just be taken our leave,” Simeon announced.

  “Seems ye hae eno’ trouble with that wee hellion there,” The barkeep laughed, as did several others circling around him.

  “Och, mon, ye hae nae idea.” Simeon shook his head.

  Chapter 14

  Kat was still squirming and spitting mad when Simeon released her outside the door of the pub. He issued a crisp warning for her to stay put and ventured back inside to retrieve Ian. Someone tossed his jacket, and Simeon caught it easily in one hand.

  She could feel the irritation radiating from him. Well, she was irritated too. The rush of the altercation was still affecting her. The vision of those women draped over Simeon was in her mind’s eye with such irritating clarity that Kat had no intention of calming down anytime soon.

  They stood under the arched awning of the pub, scowling face to scowling face. Simeon tugged his ear thoughtfully, and Kat glared up at him. “I dinnae think laying a poor lass oot on the floor is in keepin’ with yer advice of blendin’ in.”

  “Neither is you and my brother getting shit-faced in public! And I wouldn’t have had to lay her out if you hadn’t been… encouraging her,” Kat snapped and waved her hand in front of her.

  “Is that whot ye ken, lass? I swear yer bonny eyes were shootin’ daggers at her the moment ye arrived.” Simeon was barely holding back a smile. He was absently pondering Katherine’s use of shite and face, but one look at her flushed cheeks and he was unable to contain himself any longer. Simeon broke into hearty laughter.

  “What the hell do you find so funny?”

  “I dinnae ever ken seein’ a lass fight with such skill a’fore, Katherine. And here I was kenning ye needed me protection. Had I known, I’d hae rushed to the aid o’ the other lass.”

  Kat’s anger subsided a bit when she realized he was teasing her. Did his eyes have to sparkle like that when he spoke?

  “Let’s be off, then,” Simeon said, adjusting Ian’s all but dead weight against him.

  “In this downpour?” Kat pointed at the rain, falling steadily.

  “Come. The walk will cool yer head, and I dinnae think ye will melt.” He tossed her his jacket, which she held over her head to shield against the rain. Without giving her a chance to argue, Simeon stepped out onto the street. The rain immediately soaked through his shirt, outlining his broad back, as he all but carried Ian.

  Kat’s mind wandered, pondering what it would be like to make love to him in the rain. She would run her tongue all over his skin and taste the heat of him, wet and slippery. With an audible groan, she dashed through the puddles on the cobbled street to catch up.

  Barely keeping up with his long strides, Kat side-stepped the deeper puddles. She stole a glance sideways at him. The rain didn’t seem to bother him at all, and he wasn’t even breathing hard, despite lugging Ian’s useless carcass. In fact, as they passed under the streetlights, his face briefly illuminated between the shadows of the night, she caught him smiling.

  “What are you so happy about?” Kat grimaced as she sidestepped ankle-deep into a puddle. Figures. The split-second she took her eyes from where she was going. Damn, she was going to make Ian pay for this misery — and he was going to buy her a new pair of boots, too.

  “I’m glad yer back safe, lass,” Simeon’s voice stretched out lazily across the shadows.

  “Your concern is touching,” Kat said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “I missed ye, Katherine,” Simeon surprised himself as soon as the words left his lips. He’d never yearned for a woman’s presence as much as this one.

  “Save it, laddie. You’re drunk.” Kat shoved the key in the lock and pushed open the door to the house. She stepped back and made a wide sweeping gesture with her arm.

  “Nae. ‘Twould take more than a few bottles tae see me drunk. Yer brother tho’… seems he cannae haud his drink verra well,” Simeon chuckled. He kicked off his shoes and headed toward the bedroom Ian was using.

  “Don’t speak to me about my brother. Between the two of you, you haven’t got a lick of sense,” Kat called out, bent over untying her boots. After shrugging off her wet coat, she darted after him. Simeon deposited Ian on his bed. Her brother didn’t even groan. Kat continued her tirade as she peeled off Ian’s wet shirt.

  “I kind of understand you, Simeon, but Ian… well, I’ll deal with him in the morning.”

  “I think the lad will suffer eno’ when he rises, Katherine,” Simeon said, pulling off Ian’s shoes. He regarded Kat curiously as she pulled a blanket up around her brother.

  “Whot do ye mean, ye understand me?”

  Kat brushed her wet hair back as she faced him with her hands on her hips. “Look, you’ve been cooped up a long time, and you are a man. And just because we… well, you know… last night, don’t think I’m putting in some sort of claim or anything. You’re free to… you know… with whoever.”

  Simeon crossed his arms and stroked his chin with one hand, hiding his smile. Katherine had certainly used a curious choice of words, considering her actions spoke otherwise. Unless he was mistaken, Katherine had most assuredly declared her claim on him when she told the lass in the pub, ‘he’s mine.’

  “Ye think I wanted tae bed those lasses? If ye do, then ye dinnae ken me at all, Katherine.” His voice was gentle, and the words strangely warmed
her, but the miserable events of the night had plunged her into a foul temper.

  Kat snorted. “Well from where I was standing, your lasses didn’t exactly look discouraged.”

  Simeon smiled broadly. “Nae I suppose they dinnae.”

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Yer jealous.”

  “Oh, I’m so not jealous.” Kat raised her hands defensively.

  “’Tis verra flattering, lass. Unfounded for certs, but flattering nonetheless.”

  “Look, I’m not going to stand here and argue with you. I’m cold, and hungry, and tired. And right now, I just want to get out of these wet clothes and into a hot shower.” Kat moved to walk past him, but his hand snaked out and held her arm.

  “I’m nae arguin’ with ye, lass. Getting ye oot o’ those clothes is exactly whot I was kenning from the moment ye entered that pub.” Simeon’s eyes darkened to indigo as his hand brushed her shoulder. Kat stiffened away from him like she’d been stung.

  “Oooh, don’t you twist my words. And stop that! You — you don’t get to touch me. What happened last night was a mistake. God, what was I thinking?”

  “’Twas nae mistake, Katherine. I want ye. And ye want me as well.” his voice was like a silky purr and Kat shivered.

  “I don’t want you, Simeon.”

  “I dinnae believe ye, lass,” He said quietly and moved closer to her. Kat could feel the heat coming from his body despite their wet clothes.

  “Oh really? So you think I’m lying to you again? Well I’m not,” she raised her chin a notch.

  “Yer eyes say otherwise, Katherine. Come.” He calmly held out his hand, and Kat just stared at it, frowning. His cool demeanor seemed to agitate her even more.

  “You arrogant, chauvinistic, egotistical, pompous… hey! What do you think you’re doing?” Kat protested as Simeon cut her tirade short, scooping her up easily and pinned her tightly against his chest.

  “Yer shiverin’ and ye talk too much, lass,” Simeon said and carried her out of the room. Kat tried to squirm out of his grip, kicking her legs furiously.

  “Damn it, Simeon! Put me down!”

  “I will,” he promised. Without looking at her, he strode purposely toward his room. Ignoring her protests and the fact she was twisting about like a wee hellion in his arms, Simeon opened the door to his room.

  “Oh, if you think… this is so not going to happen,” Kat sputtered and struggled harder as they entered his room.

  “Aye, ‘tis happening,” he said with renewed determination. Much to her surprise, he moved past the bed and deposited her in his bathroom. Holding her arm firmly with one hand, he twisted the shower knobs to full blast.

  “Yer as cold as an icicle, Katherine. I mean tae get ye warm a’fore ye catch yer death.”

  “I’m not showering here. I’ll go to my own bathroom, thank you,” Kat tried to wrench her arm away without success. The man was stubborn. Gorgeous and frustratingly stubborn.

  “If ye dinnae get oot o’ yer wet clothes right now, I’ll assume ye want me tae remove them for ye.”

  Kat gasped. Seeing the determined expression on his face, she knew he’d do it too. The cold of the tile crept into her bones despite the rising steam coming from the shower. Kat started shaking again as chills snaked up her body.

  “Gee, b-bossy much?” she said through chattering teeth.

  “Och, but yer a stubborn, lass,” Simeon said, his mouth pressed in a firm line. He plucked her easily off the floor and walked straight into the shower enclosure with her. The shock of what he’d done, combined with the warm water rushing over her clothes, left her gasping for breath. She pushed weakly at his chest. The man was immovable.

  “Have you lost y-your mind?” Kat choked out when she finally found her voice.

  “Verra likely.”

  Before Kat could say another word, he pulled her tightly to him and covered her mouth with his. Simeon was kissing her so deeply, so fiercely, suddenly it didn’t seem so ridiculous to be standing with him fully-clothed inside his shower. She was remotely aware of the faint sound of water hitting their clothes, and then Simeon’s hands peeled away her soaked garments.

  Every inch of skin he exposed freed her, removing a cold weight from her body, giving way to a rush of liquid warmth. Time slowed as the rising steam enveloped them in a dreamy cloud. Somehow, her dress landed behind them with a sodden thwap! on the tile.

  Pushing her bra aside, Simeon’s hands skimmed her breasts. He cupped their weight in his palms and stroked her pebbled nipples, causing Kat to moan loudly as his tongue probed her mouth possessively. Oh God his hands! Those wonderfully strong hands — she’d never get enough of him touching her.

  Kat unhooked her bra and let it slip to the floor. Simeon’s head dipped, licking, tugging at her taut nipples. Kat arched against him, and her fingers wound in his hair as he nibbled at her tender flesh. Working soft bites up along her neck and shoulders, his fingers splayed around her hips, dipping low to cup her buttocks and pull her against him. Soft moans groaned low in her throat as her hands worked frantically at his shirt. Tugging off his drenched shirt, it soon landed unheeded somewhere behind them, joining her dress.

  Kat ran her hands over the corded muscles of his shoulders, his chest. Her fingers trailed along his wet skin, exploring around his abs as her underwear magically disappeared. He wound his left hand behind her neck and forced her to look up at him. Surrounded in a cloud of steam, the rest of the bathroom all but disappeared. His eyes were so intense, Kat felt herself careening along an invisible precipice that threatened to buckle her knees. Simeon’s right hand covered hers as he guided her, pressing her palm firmly against his straining arousal. He thrust his hips toward her.

  “This is whot ye do tae me, lass. Nae other.” His lips trailed against her throat. They both worked his trousers free, frantic now, as he murmured indecipherable Gaelic against her neck. His skin was hot, slick, and perfect. Kat’s eyes fluttered closed, kneading the solid lines of his shoulders, as his hands turned more forceful. His erection was hot and hard against her belly, and Kat distantly wished she were about three inches taller.

  His hand pushed her thighs apart, and Kat’s fingers dug into his skin. She was so weak with need, she doubted if she could remain standing. As if sensing her thoughts, Simeon’s voice was a husky promise against her ear. “Haud on tae me, lass. I willnae let ye fall.”

  His mouth descended on hers again as Kat wound her arms up around his neck. The water pounded over her, and Kat screamed into his mouth as he plunged two fingers inside of her. Her body clenched around him. He gripped her waist tighter and moved his fingers deeper, with agonizing slowness. His tongue thrust in and out of her mouth as his hand worked in perfect rhythm. Pulses of the orgasm shot straight through to her core. Everything ricocheted inside, expanding in intensity with each passing second.

  Kat tore her mouth away from his, the waves breaking over her as she rasped for breath against his shoulder. The more he touched her, the more she wanted him. Her hand moved lower, and Simeon hissed with an intake of breath as her fingers closed over him. Parting her soft folds wider, Kat’s back arched as she strained against him, her breasts thrust into his chest.

  Simeon took her to the apex again, and then once more, until Kat was delirious with pleasure. Her fingers tightened around him, stroking so hard her arm began to tingle, but he didn’t care. Simeon was caught up in her frenzied desire.

  He slowly pulled his hand from her and cupped her buttocks in both hands, lifting her up. Her arms locked around his neck, and Kat arched back as he stroked his hard length provocatively against her core.

  “Sim! Please,” she moaned.

  “Look at me,” Simeon ordered, his voice gruff with need. Kat met his gaze, feeling like she was in a stupor — a magical, crazed, pleasure stupor. The only thing that existed was his powerful body pressed to hers and those eyes that seemed to penetrate her soul.

  Simeon saw the glazed look in Kat’s eyes, vaguely wonde
ring if his own matched hers. He was certain they must. Her fingers twined in his hair and her lips parted. “Sim,” she whispered. He would never tire of the sound of his name on her lips as he stared into her eyes.

  She gasped aloud as he thrust into her in one long, smooth stroke. “Yes, oh yes,” she cried out, her fingers clutching him desperately. She marveled at the velvety steel of him, the strength of the lines of his chest. Passion wiped away all the fear, the danger, and the tense uncertainty of the ragged trip. She wrapped her legs tighter around him, urging him deeper as his hips arched into hers with each stroke.

  Simeon’s chest tightened as Kat still held his gaze. Her eyes were hypnotic, piercing the steam surrounded her, like a misty veil, wreathing them in an enchanted embrace. Her curves, her yielding softness, made him acutely conscious of his masculine strength, his warrior’s body, his raw maleness as she met him with a fervent urgency that matched his own.

  “Katherine, me lass,” he said hoarsely before he took her mouth more fiercely than ever before. Their bodies strained in the foggy room, now filled with the sounds of the impassioned pair. The unabashed cries of her ecstasy, the sweet tightness of her around him, made it impossible to postpone his body’s jerking response.

  Simeon arched back and let the spasms consume him; savage pleasure tore through him, as he pulled Katherine to him so hard, surely she would be bruised tomorrow. The release slammed his body so abruptly, the edges of his vision became indistinct. By the sheer force of will, he summoned everything within him to remain upright and conscious.

  Simeon buried his face against her neck, his breath ragged. His awareness of the water flowing over them returned in slow degrees. Katherine trembled against him, and he gently lowered her legs to the floor. His arms tightened around her as he leaned his forehead against hers.

  Whatever forces allowed the timing of his release from the incessant curse, Simeon had no doubt that Katherine was the reason. The sheer rightness of this woman in his arms suddenly seized him with brutal clarity. She was part of him. Every event — mistaken, cursed, or righteous — had led him to this moment. To Katherine.


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