Mary's Men

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Mary's Men Page 12

by Stephanie Beck

  “You two really want to go all the way to Utah?”

  “Nope,” Thomas admitted. “Not at all, but we’re willing to go wherever you need to for peace. We’ll make sure you see your mom again and say whatever you need to say.”

  * * * *

  Thomas waited by the door for Mary to finish in the bath. After the shakeup and long drive, she’d retreated for a soak. He hoped she returned refreshed and feeling better.

  Somehow Paul and his ranch hands found the time to put up an awning the ten feet to the outhouse. If they were keeping the cabin, they could have just added rooms between, but Paul’s plan for a new house was better. With the sale final, they’d break ground soon and the walks between the house and bathroom would no longer be an issue.

  Paul had headed to the barn to finish a few projects so he could be back at the cabin at a decent hour. Even with the sale, he had more than his fair share of work waiting. That left Thomas to make travel plans.

  The door opened and Mary stepped out. They’d made progress during the discussion about her family and Duane, but more could be done. He’d been working a lot and had never really atoned for the night he spent away. He still felt he’d done nothing wrong, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t make up for it anyway.

  She looked so small walking down the short path. The mature trees towered over her and with her pink rob clenched to her throat she added another layer of vulnerability. Mary smiled at him, and her eyes no longer looked red from crying. Adjusting to her emotions and learning what helped would take time. He wanted to figure it out sooner than later.

  She stopped in front of him, towel on her arm. “Hi. Listen, I’m sorry about earlier today. I should have told you about what was bothering me instead of letting it all blow up.”

  He tucked a strand of her wet hair behind her ear. “I wish we could anticipate these issues better, but Paul and I don’t see things like you. And don’t worry about telling us stuff. We honestly want to make life good for you. Let us help.”

  “Thanks for not making me feel dumb about it. I really appreciate you guys. Why are you waiting out here?”

  “Paul headed out to get a few orders ready and I wanted to catch you as soon as you were done.”

  She cocked her eyebrow. “Oh? Did you have something in mind?”

  He took her towel and held the door open. “You could say that. I definitely have a desire to see you smiling.”

  * * * *

  Mary followed Thomas into the cabin, pleasantly tired, and ready to roll around in bed with him. She turned off the main lights, but liked that he left the bedside lamp glowing. She set her robe aside and cuddled under the blankets.

  “Want a glass of water?” He dropped his shirt and worked on his slacks button.

  So thoughtful. She shook her head. “Nope, but I’m interested to learn more about this smiling stuff.”

  He climbed into bed, lying on his side with his arm across her belly. She rubbed his cheek. “I really missed you.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that never happens again.”

  “Thank you.”

  He caressed her waist, taking the motions further until he’d traveled the length of her torso. She ran her hand over his collar bones and moved down, but instead of stopping as he did, she kept stroking until she wrapped her fingers around his cock.

  His breath caught. She loved the power she had over him. He reached over and turned the light off. She brought his hand back to her breasts where she wanted his touch.

  “Oh? No light?”

  His lips descended onto her neck, biting kisses raining down on her throat. “I love that ‘oh’, but I want to hear more.”

  * * * *

  Thomas didn’t know who he had to thank for Mary, but he did, profusely. Her breasts weren’t more than a palmful, but when she led his hands to them, she’d given him the keys to the kingdom. Her ultra sensitive breasts deserved all the attention he could give them.

  She pressed into his hand, moaning and whimpering when he rolled her nipples between his fingers. His cock hurt, but he didn’t want to rush the evening. He nibbled beneath her nipple, teasing her, wanting her wild.

  Mary shimmied toward the headboard, her thighs squeezing his torso along the way. He abandoned her breasts and grabbed tight to her hips. She frowned at him. He ran his hands up her back and tipped her forward. She caught herself, but landed right where he planned. He wrapped his lips around her nipple, flicking his tongue over the little tip. She gasped when he sucked, so he sucked harder.

  He wanted more, but their height difference only allowed him one fun place at a time. He focused on her breasts, massaging one while teasing the other. He moved to the breast he’d neglected so far and gave it the same tender attention. She slammed her palm against his shoulder a few times and he regretfully let loose, giving the pretty bud one last kiss. She wiggled down and straddled his hips.

  “No more teasing, Thomas.” She scowled at him, but her lips twitched.

  He took her by the hips and lifted her up to where he wanted her most. He could be done teasing, but only because he knew they had time later for more. When she wrapped her fingers around his dick he gritted his teeth for control. He craved more than to lose it in her hand, but being so close tested his control. She gave it a squeeze, just shy of too hard.

  His gaze jerked up to hers and she winked before sinking over him. Her eyelids fluttered closed. He fought his instinct to close his eyes, wanting to watch every second of her response. Hot and tight, she wrapped him to the base of his cock with the kind of welcome he hoped to always find at home.

  She rocked her hips, rolling into him with lazy precision. He took hold of her hips and lifted her up and brought her down, thrusting as he took over. She gasped and clenched around him. Her vocalizations combined with the picture she presented tested his control, but he maintained, moving her faster.

  Mary tangled her hands in her hair and rode with the rhythm he set. He closed his eyes, unable to watch and keep himself in check. Closing his eyes didn’t help as much as he’d hoped. Her warm skin shivered beneath his fingertips, and her vagina clenched tighter every time he surged within her. She gasped helplessly until her cries turned louder. He bit his tongue to keep from coming.

  Her hands slammed against his chest, forcing his eyes open. The smile on her face looked in turns ecstatic and pained. A whirlwind of emotions passed her face in a moment, but the one that mattered was the pleasure. Her mouth opened wide, gasps and cries emerging without rhyme or reason, but loud and continuous. He flipped her on her back, maintaining his thrusts. She cried out again, louder and higher.

  He grabbed onto the headboard, trying to distract himself for a second longer, anything to give her more. Her fingers sunk into his hips and Thomas cursed, the finish he’d delayed erupted without his consent, but in the moment of release, he couldn’t care.

  Chapter 15

  Mary fiddled with her coffee cup as the sounds of the busy diner circled around them. With Aunt Marcy’s help, Mary got a call through to her mother. Going to her mother’s home would have been disrespectful, so as much as she wanted to take Paul and Thomas up on their offer to drive all the way south, she’d chosen to simply offer to meet with her mother at a diner an hour north of their community.

  Paul and Thomas sat beside her in the sticky booth, plates of breakfast food in front of them. The dry pancakes on her own plate held little appeal. They’d left early and drove several hours without stopping to arrive within the hour window Mary gave her mother. She looked out the shiny windows, hoping for the blue Buick to pull up and her mother to step out in her favorite pink dress.

  “I’m sure she’ll be here if she can,” Thomas said quietly.

  Mary shook her head. “I wouldn’t bet on that. When she dropped me off at Aunt Marcy’s house she told me it was most likely the last time I’d see her. The community we live in… It doesn’t like to lose marriageable-age daughters. I�
��ll never say a bad word about my parents or their faith, but it’s best I’m not part of it.”

  Both brothers nodded, but they’d confessed to not understanding the community she grew up in. It was another world, one she never wanted to return to. So why was she there? She didn’t need that world, didn’t want the restrictions or judgments—yet there she waited.

  “Excuse me, ma’am? Are you Mary Dawson?”

  Mary looked up at the harried young waitress whose blonde hair barely stayed contained in its ponytail.

  “Yes, I’m Mary Dawson.”

  She pulled a paper from her pocket. “My manager gave this to me at the start of my shift. He said some lady dropped it off last week. I’ve been asking everyone today if they’re Mary Dawson. I’m glad I found you.”

  She offered a blue envelope. Mary took it and stared at the fanciful bluebird on the envelope flap. The first few weeks after her mother dropped her off, the letters came often. Encouragement and assurances of love all within the pages. After a few months they’d tapered down to once a month and then stopped altogether after her eighteenth birthday.

  “Can I bring more coffee?” the waitress asked.

  Mary shook her head and the woman walked away. Her mother wasn’t coming. Mary ran her finger over the bird. In her heart of hearts she’d known her mother wouldn’t show up, but the letter was something.

  She ripped the top and pulled out the single sheet. She’d hoped for so much more than one piece of paper could possibly deliver. Notes on her brothers, her other mothers, details about their lives over the past five years. She opened the thick cream paper and the familiar handwriting made her eyes tear even before she read the words.

  Dear Mary,

  I thought this was best. There are times in every woman’s life that she makes irreversible decisions. My marriage, my commitment to God…giving up my daughter for the sake of her happiness all qualify. I can’t have you back, my sweet, but I can wish the very best for you as you embark on your journey, making your own decisions.

  I am comforted because I’ve made my life decisions out of love, and I am confident in your future because I taught you the same. Be happy, Mary, and know that even far away, you’re in my heart forever.

  Love always,


  Someone pressed a napkin into her hand. Mary wiped her eyes and closed the letter, tucking it back in the envelope. What had she hoped for? Really?

  She leaned against her palm and traced a circle in the condensation of her water glass. Her mother told her long ago the family she made was the one she’d have the rest of her life. Her mother wouldn’t have approved of her life anyway. With only a note, she’d given a different kind of blessing. Mary sniffled hard and set aside her tears.

  “Is she coming?” Paul asked.

  Mary shook her head, knowing tears would show in her voice. She handed the note to him instead. It didn’t take him long to read it, but by the time he set it down, she’d reined in her bigger emotions.

  “That’s a nice note,” Paul said, though very cautiously.

  “A very nice note,” Thomas seconded. “It’s obvious she loves you very much.”

  She patted each of their hands, grateful for the attempted understanding. They thought she would break, but if anything, her mother’s note gave her the cement she needed to fill the cracks in her heart.

  “Yes, it was nice and she loves me. I would have loved to see her, but this is better. She wouldn’t have approved of our relationship.”

  “You don’t think so?” Paul asked. “I guess I still don’t understand why it’s fine for them, but not for you.”

  She shook her head. “Different reasoning—the kind that would make this relationship unfathomable. But she loves me and wishes me the best. Sometimes a woman has to make the choices she mentioned. She made hers and now I’m making mine.”

  “Does this mean you’re okay with everything now?” Paul asked.

  “Jeez, wouldn’t that be magical?” She squeezed Paul’s wrist. “But this helped. Mother didn’t raise a fighter, I don’t think any of us are, but she always encouraged us to follow our dreams and to put our whole heart into our decisions. Maybe I haven’t been doing that.”

  Thomas reached around her shoulders. “You love us.”

  “I do, for sure. Everything happened so fast… I’m going to keep getting better. Thank you for being so patient.”

  Paul snorted. “Darlin’, it’s us who need to be more patient. You’re doing great. Do you want more coffee? Pie? Anything?”

  She slid the envelope into her purse. She’d keep it close and pull it out when she needed a boost.

  “You know, I think I’m okay with food, at least here. I’m ready to take the next step and get Duane. I’ve never been more ready. Maybe when we get to the hotel we can go out for dinner and dessert. Or maybe we can have dessert delivered. I’m thinking we’ll all be in the mood for something sweet when we settle in tonight.”

  Chapter 16

  Thomas pulled into the hotel near Grand Falls, only a few miles from the Malmstrom Air Force Base. The building sported new siding and shiny windows. The area kept growing, especially since the Korean War. He hoped the government got its shit together so the need for drafts and war would quit. Grand Falls was big enough.

  He turned off the engine and poked Paul, who snoozed with Mary on his shoulder. His brother opened one eye then slowly opened the other. “We here?”

  “Yeah, let’s get checked in. I’m about sick of driving.”

  Paul lifted Mary as Thomas pulled out their luggage. They were two hours from home, but they had to pick up Duane the next day, and he had no intention of saving a few bucks just to spend it tomorrow on gas. When he rounded the truck Mary stretched on her tiptoes, her eyes clear and happy. She’d been quiet during the drive, but not sad. He and Paul worried, but he couldn’t be happier at the change he’d already seen in her.

  “Thank you for driving.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll drive home tomorrow.”

  “You’ll be too busy chatting up Duane.” Paul ruffled her hair. “But I’ll drive and give Thomas a break. Anything good at this hotel?”

  “Color TV with remotes,” Thomas said. “Seemed like a pretty good perk to me. When I’m working again I want one.”

  “If we’re going to play the ‘I want’ game, I’m thinking a microwave,” Mary said. “Have you seen those? If they work half as well as I’ve heard they’d be worth the price tag. Come on, boys, let’s go try out the beds.”

  * * * *

  They’d spent more time in hotels in the last month than they had in their entire life. Paul rolled to the middle of the king-sized space, once again adding a bigger bed to the to-get list. He’d once swore to spend everything on the house and cows. A big bed took priority now.

  Giggling from the hall had him throwing the blankets back and and tossing aside his boxers. After checking in, Mary and Thomas had searched out a nearby diner the front desk lady said had great ice cream.

  He’d stayed behind, and as the doorknob turn, he hoped Mary appreciated his eagerness. Thomas stepped in first and groaned.

  “Jeez, warn a man, will ya?”

  Paul threw his arms and legs out. “What the hell happened to ladies first?”

  Mary peeked around Thomas’s side. “Oooh, naked man. Nothing goes with vanilla ice cream like naked man. Thomas, lose the clothes.”

  She carried a small cup with a red spoon. Thomas set down the two cups he carried and did as Mary bid. Instead of setting aside her treat, she kept it as she crept across the bed. Her naughty grin promised the fun he’d hoped for.

  She tipped the cup and dribbled vanilla cream on his belly. “Uh-oh. Spilled.”

  She leaned down, dragging her tongue across the drops and down further. He didn’t know how his dick would do in the cold, but if it encouraged her to lick him, he would try. She poured more cool cream at his beltline before licking it up. This time, though, she didn’t bother with more
ice cream before diving her mouth over his dick. He groaned. The sight of her dark head bobbing up and down combined with the pressure and moisture from her mouth pushed away the stress of the day.

  He threaded his fingers through her hair, petting and encouraging her on. She treated his cock like an ice cream cone, sucking and slurping, the sounds filling the room. She tickled his balls with her fingertips. He moaned again and a hard banging came from the wall behind him. He jumped, his dick pushing deeper in Mary’s mouth even as she pulled away.

  Thomas tossed him a pillow. “Put it over your face, you moaner. You’re creeping out the neighbors.”

  He caught it. “They’re in for a long night if this bothers them. Break out the condoms.”

  Thomas pulled out a small box from his back pocket. “Way ahead of you.”

  Mary’s lips pressed to the head of his cock. She flipped over and sat on her butt, ice cream in hand. She offered him a bite from her spoon. Paul sat up, took the bite and held it in his mouth as he wrapped his tongue around her nipple through her shirt. She squealed and pulled away.

  “That’s going to stain,” she scolded.

  “Well, better take it off then, Thomas can soak it or something.”

  “Thomas is busy,” his brother said.

  Paul looked over his shoulder to find Thomas naked on the bed not far from him. He groaned. “Hell, give me the shirt.”

  She peeled off the soiled top, her white bra showing a wet spot over her left nipple. She shook her head and unhooked the cups in the front. “You are a naughty boy, Paul Paraby. I like the cold. I wonder what else it would feel good on.”

  Thomas jumped from the bed and grabbed his ice cream. “I’m willing to find out right now.”


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