My Son's Next Wife

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My Son's Next Wife Page 4

by Shelia E. Lipsey

  “No, I think I got the things I wanted after mother’s death. Maybe Francesca would like to get some of the things you’ll have left. If not, then we’ll just rent the house as furnished, or sell it, maybe even donate it to someone less fortunate. There are plenty of options, and we don’t have to worry about that right away. I mean, your house is paid for, so you can take your time looking for someone to rent it. We can start that process after this pretty lady here and I become officially wedded.” Stiles pulled Detria against him and kissed her on the top of her head.

  Detria glowed with a plastered, genuine look of love.

  Pastor smiled.

  It was the day of the wedding, which was being held at Holy Rock with Pastor officiating as planned. The music began to play, and the guests rose to their feet for the entrance of the bride. Stiles stared with a sparkle in his eyes that could have outshined the brightest star.

  Francesca was at the wedding, which made Pastor and Stiles proud. She really was trying to make a change in her life, and it showed. She looked rather pretty. Her jet-black, short double-strand twists rested along her neck. She seemed to have on just the slightest bit of makeup, and wore an elegant wine red and cream pantsuit with rhinestone buttons and satin French cuffs.

  With his arm intertwined in his daughter’s, Mr. Mackey proudly escorted Detria down the carpeted aisle. Detria looked stunning in a pure white strapless gown with a flowing, layered train following behind her. Her dress was made of silk, organza, taffeta, and chiffon, and had bits of lace strategically placed. The veil was made from the same material and was adorned with delicate embroidery. Her ears displayed the most luxurious pair of white gold earrings with swinging freshwater pearls.

  Stiles couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off the woman coming up the aisle toward him. He appeared to be mesmerized. The guests stared at Detria with looks of awe and pleasure. Detria stopped at the wedding altar along with her father, and the ceremony proceeded.

  Pastor looked teary-eyed as he sat in the chair that was specially decorated for the wedding and for him to officiate. He started off with the traditional procedures of the wedding, and Detria’s father took his seat at the proper time.

  When the couple recited their vows, there was barely a dry eye in the sanctuary. Stiles said his vows with a voice that rang with honesty and, most of all, love for the woman standing in front of him.

  Detria refused to cry. She did not want to ruin her makeup. She wanted everything to be perfect for the man she loved. She exhaled slightly when they said the words “I do,” and Pastor introduced them to the guests as Rev. and Mrs. Stiles Graham.

  “You may salute your bride,” Pastor told his son.

  Stiles inched in slowly and lifted the veil from Detria’s head. He placed his hands on each side of her tiny waist and gently pulled her to him. He kissed her with passion, not rushed, but lingering. Detria did the same in return while some of the guests oohed and aahed.

  Afterward, Stiles and Detria interlocked hands, then turned to face the church full of guests. With smiles as large as half-moons, the couple made their way down the aisle and off into their future. What that future held, no one knew exactly. Whatever it brought, the newlyweds would discover soon enough.

  Chapter 5

  No man is worth your tears,

  but once you find one that is,

  he won’t make you cry.


  Detria stood at the mantel and surveyed the wood-burning fireplace in their upstairs bonus room. “Stiles, I love it here. Now that fall is settling in, I can’t wait for you to start our first fire in this lovely fireplace.” She inhaled deeply. “I can imagine it now—the smell of fresh-cut wood, embers popping.” She closed her eyes. “We’ll be sitting in front of it, cozy and snuggled up, sipping on hot cocoa or spiced tea.” Detria exhaled and opened her eyes.

  Stiles was within inches of her. He smelled her minty fresh breath, wrapped his arms eagerly around his bride, and began kissing her passionately. His hunger for her was evident as he groaned and moved his hands over her curvaceous body. Stiles picked her up and carried her into their master bedroom suite. Gently, he laid her on the bed and mounted his body on top of hers. He continued to caress her, stroke her, and she met his desire with that of her own.

  Saving her virginity for marriage had been the right thing to do. On her wedding night, she was able to give herself to her husband totally and completely. And like Brooke had told her, everything turned out fine. Stiles was a gentleman. He took his time with her. Now, they were here at this moment, in their home, with their bodies burning as hot as the fire that would soon be ablaze in the fireplace. The rise and fall of their bodies were in tune with one another. Her cries of pleasure rang throughout the house.

  It was one of those times that proved to be perfect because Pastor was not at home. Two of the deacons had come by earlier to pick him up to take him with them to a birthday party being held for one of their wives. Stiles and Detria had been invited but declined so they could use the opportunity to bask in their newlywed status.

  The couple devoured each other until their needs were satisfied and they lay spent on the king-sized bed.

  “I love you,” Stiles told Detria as he held her in his arms and her head rested on his hairy chest.

  “I love you more,” she told him and lightly planted tiny kisses on his torso. “God has blessed me beyond measure.”

  He lifted his head enough so he could kiss her while he embraced her tightly. They drifted off into a light sleep.

  Detria was aroused from her sleep when she heard the door downstairs close. She eased from underneath Stiles’s grip and went inside the bathroom to take a shower. Afterward, she slipped into a pair of flannel house pants and a pullover tee, and then went downstairs.

  “Pastor,” she called, and then wandered downstairs toward his wing of the house.

  Pastor appeared in the hallway. “Hey, there.” He had a smile on his face.

  “How was the party?” Detria asked him.

  “It was nice. I had a great time. Where is that husband of yours?”

  “He’s upstairs taking a nap. Would you like something to eat? I can make you a sandwich and some soup if you’d like.”

  Pastor waved his hand and shook his head simultaneously. “No, that won’t be necessary.” He patted his flat stomach. “I had plenty to eat at the party. One of the ladies even fixed me a care package to bring home with me. I just put it in the fridge.”

  “Oh, so is this one of the ladies that has her eye set on capturing you?” Detria teased.

  Stiles came downstairs and appeared before the two of them, yawning. He had on his bottom pj’s and was shirtless.

  “What’s up, Pastor? Did I just hear my amazing wife talking about you and another woman?” he said gleefully as he approached Detria, wrapped his arm around her, and kissed her cheek.

  “No, it’s nothing like that. I’m afraid those days are over for me. No one can replace my Audrey,” Pastor said, and a soft smile formed on his thick lips.

  “You never know what God has in store, Pastor,” Stiles told him and then changed the subject. “Did you bring any leftovers from the party?” Stiles turned and walked toward the kitchen, with Pastor and Detria following.

  “There’s a plate in the fridge one of the ladies fixed for me. You’re welcome to have some. I’m sure there’s plenty of stuff on it.”

  “No, I was just joshing with you. I’m going to take Detria out to dinner this evening.”

  Detria gasped. “Oh, I didn’t know that.” A pleasant look of surprise rushed over her countenance. “Where are we going?”

  “Anywhere your heart desires, my lady,” Stiles answered.

  “Well, let’s see. Let me think about what I have a taste for while I go and get changed into something else.” She flippantly turned around, but before she raced to her room, she pecked Pastor on the cheek, then ran up to Stiles and gave him a whopper of a kiss on his luscious lips.
/>   Stiles and Pastor laughed lightly as they watched Detria dash off down the hallway and out of sight.

  “How long has it been?” asked Pastor.

  As if he could read Pastor’s mind, Stiles answered without hesitation, “Three months and seven days.”

  “You’ve got it bad, and that’s a good thing. The Word of God says, ‘He who findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.’ You’ve been given a second chance to be the husband God desires for you to be.” Pastor walked to one of the bar stools parked in front of the kitchen island and sat.

  “I thank God for Detria every day. She has been a blessing in my life.”

  “Mine, too. I can’t thank you two enough for wanting to have me here in your home. I honestly thought I would be interfering in your marriage, and that’s the last thing I want to do.”

  “Pastor, we love having you here. You seem to be feeling better, unless that’s in my mind.”

  “Nope, you’re right. I do feel better. I think moving from Emerald Estates was a good thing. There was so much there to remind me of Audrey. And don’t get me wrong, that’s not a bad thing, but it kept me from being able to move on and grieve healthily. I don’t feel as depressed as I had been when I was there alone in that house. I’m enjoying getting out and spending time with some of my friends. I think it’s good for my health, too.”

  “Definitely. Detria told me that when she took you to the doctor last week, he said your blood pressure was better, not as high as it has been. That was good news,” Stiles told his father while he walked to the refrigerator and removed a bottle of vitamin water. “Want one?” offered Stiles.

  “No, I’m satisfied. How are things going at church with the new ministries you’re trying to start?” Pastor asked. He liked to sit and talk with Stiles and hear his plans for reaching out to the community through various programs and ministries at Holy Rock.

  “I think the men’s ministry is one of the best. I’m sure you’ve noticed that we’ve had an increase in men joining the church.”

  Pastor nodded.

  “And the youth ministry is also growing,” Stiles added. “Ever since I brought on the new youth pastor, I’ve been hearing good things. His weekly youth jam meeting has been a huge success. Every Friday night, he has something planned for the youth. Whether it’s going to a Grizzlies game, a lock-in at the church, a special youth speaker—whatever it takes to keep our young people interested, that man seems to be doing it. He told me the other day at a staff meeting that he’s had several new volunteers who’ve signed up to help with the youth.”

  “Now, that is impressive. To God be the glory,” Pastor said.

  “Yes, to God be the glory. The favor of God is pouring all over my life, Pastor, and spreading through to Holy Rock.” Stiles took a big swallow of the vitamin water and rested one palm on the granite countertop while he leaned his sleek body against it.

  “Well, you better decide where you’re going to take your lovely bride, and then go get ready,” Pastor told him.

  Stiles took two more swallows and finished off the water. He placed the empty plastic bottle in the recycle bin located on the other side of the kitchen door that led to the garage. He walked over and hugged Pastor. “Thanks, Pastor.”

  “For what?” Pastor raised his eyebrows.

  “For being you.” Stiles didn’t wait on a response. He walked out and went in the direction of where Detria had gone.

  Stiles and Detria prepared to go out for their dinner date when the landline phone rang.

  “I’ve got it,” Stiles said. “You just keep getting your pretty self ready.” He laughed and walked to the table and picked up the phone. “Hello,” he said.

  Detria continued to get dressed but stopped when she heard Stiles’s end of the conversation.

  “Things are good,” he said. “No, Pastor is fine, too. He’s living with me and my wife, as a matter of fact.” Stiles paused for a moment.

  Detria stood still next to the walk-in closet.

  “We had a small wedding,” Stiles said. “How are Mr. and Mrs. Jackson? That’s good. Thanks for calling. Maybe you’ll be saying ‘I do’ next.” Stiles laughed into the phone. He sat in the bedroom chair with his back turned to Detria and chatted like he was having the time of his life. “Ha, ha, we’ll see. Well, I better let you go, or this newlywed might end up in the doghouse. No, she’s nothing like you. She doesn’t take any mess.” Stiles laughed. “Okay, bye now.” He hung up the phone, stood, went to the bed, and picked up his freshly dry-cleaned shirt.

  “And who was that on the phone?” Detria asked in a pouty voice.

  Stiles could tell from the look in her eyes and the dry sound of her voice that Detria wasn’t too pleased about the phone call.

  “Sure didn’t sound like anyone from church,” she added.

  Stiles paused. “No, you’re right. It wasn’t anyone from church. That was my ex-wife. She was calling to congratulate us on our marriage. That was nice of her, don’t you think?” he said to Detria while he put on his shirt and started buttoning it.

  “Funny, I don’t exactly see it that way. A card would have been fine. And how did she get this number, anyway?”

  “Detria, don’t go there. You know our phone number is available to the public. One of the things Pastor taught me is to always be accessible to the congregation. But you know this already. So what’s the big deal?” Stiles answered in an aggravated tone and rubbed his forehead.

  “I don’t have a problem with you being available to your congregation. But she’s not part of your congregation. So there’s no reason for Rena to be calling you, me, or anyone in this household, for that matter. She’s your ex-wife. Remember what I said—ex. How dare she take the liberty to call here, and how dare you sit over there like a schoolboy?” Detria said harshly. “You were practically blushing.”

  “Look, don’t do this. It was an innocent phone call, Detria. I didn’t know you were the jealous type.”

  “I’m not jealous, but when my husband’s ex-wife feels she has the right to call my house and speak to my husband like the two of you are the best of friends, then that’s a problem.” Detria’s voice escalated and her disapproval was apparent.

  Stiles walked over to where she stood. “Hey, it was nothing. You’re my wife now. Not Rena. And you know how she betrayed me with my sister, so why do you think I would be the least bit interested in her?” Stiles tried to smooth things over.

  “I didn’t say anything about you being interested in her, but I’m a woman, Stiles. I know how women do. You may not be interested in her, but that doesn’t mean she’s gotten over you. You told me she didn’t want the marriage to end in the first place. It was your decision to divorce her. I’m telling you this one time and one time only.” Detria pointed a finger in Stiles’s face.

  Stiles frowned. He didn’t like the side of Detria he was seeing.

  Detria turned around swiftly, but Stiles caught her by the arm. “Wait,” he said.

  “Turn me loose,” she yelled and then she hit him with force in his chest with her petite, balled-up fist.

  Stiles was stunned.

  “I’m not going to say this again. I do not want that woman calling my house ever again. Can you handle that or do I need to take care of it myself?”

  “Hold up,” cautioned Stiles. “You’ve taken this way out of proportion. I love you.” Stiles pointed at her. “I married you. Forgive me, please? But she really was trying to be nice.”

  Detria exhaled. “Sure. You’re right. I’m sorry. I guess I did overreact.”

  “That’s my girl,” Stiles said and then pecked her on the lips. “Come on, let’s forget about Rena, the phone call, everything, and go out and enjoy dinner.”

  “Okay,” Detria agreed.

  Detria and Stiles went to Bonefish Grill. They laughed, enjoyed fun conversation, and dined on a delicious meal. Detria showed no signs of still being upset about Rena’s earlier call.

,” Detria said between bites of food. “This spinach bacon salmon is superb. I’ve heard about this restaurant. Now I know why people rave over this place.”

  “Anything for my baby,” Stiles told her and reached over to squeeze her hand. “You should taste a bite of this Lobster Dorado. It’s wood-grilled, yum. It’s topped with sweet lobster, and see this?” Stiles pointed with his fork. “That’s crab with a creamy sauce and a hint of sherry.” Stiles placed a portion on his fork and put it in front of Detria’s mouth.

  Detria opened her mouth and allowed the delicacy to rest on her tongue. She sat quietly and seemed to be taking in the flavor before she said, “Yum. That is superb.” Detria savored the last bite of the food.

  At the end of their meal, they returned home to a quiet house. Detria checked in on Pastor, whom she found sleeping soundly in his bed.

  “He’s asleep,” Detria whispered as Stiles nuzzled her on the side of her neck. “Stop it.” She affectionately tapped him on his wrist.

  “Time for us to play,” Stiles told her in a seductive tone. Slowly his hands moved downward and skimmed both sides of her body to her thighs. He swooped her up in his arms and carried her into their bedroom. Her body meshed against his. He kissed her until they reached the bed. They spent the remainder of the night in each other’s arms, the evening’s earlier drama long forgotten.

  Chapter 6

  Have the courage to live. Anyone can die.

  —Robert Cody

  Pastor’s day had gone well. He couldn’t have been feeling better. He’d had lunch with one of the women from church who had insisted on preparing a meal in celebration of his fifty-eighth birthday, which was the following day. He had plans to spend his birthday with Stiles, Francesca, Detria, and Mr. and Mrs. Mackey, and he looked forward to the celebration.


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