Tyler's Undoing (Gloves Off Book 3)

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Tyler's Undoing (Gloves Off Book 3) Page 7

by Dover, L. P.

  She smiled at me once before closing her eyes and falling asleep. This was probably the last time I’d speak to her until the following morning. Maybe I could get Tyler to have breakfast with me again . . . she’d like that.

  “I can’t believe you’re going out with that other guy when you could’ve come with me on a road trip with Tyler and Cole,” Bree scolded. “Just think of all the fun we’d be having right now.”

  The fight was a little over three hours away in Los Angeles at the Staples Center, and my brother was most definitely going to be there. My family and I were mainly from the Sacramento area, but we moved around a lot. San Francisco was my favorite place, and I would love to go back—I just couldn’t risk it.

  “I know it would be fun, but I told Liam I’d go out with him. You know I like to keep my word. Tyler can’t hear you right now, can he?”

  Chuckling, her voice echoed in the background. “No, silly, I’m in the bathroom. All he’s talked about on the way out here is you. Even Cole said he’s never heard him talk like that about anyone other than—”

  Abruptly, she stopped and tried to talk about something else, but I caught it. “Other than who, Bree?” I demanded.

  She sighed. “Cole told me not to say anything because it was like this huge secret, but Tyler and Gabriella Reynolds had a thing going on for a while. Apparently, they both decided to stop seeing each other.”

  They were both in the video that was taken just a few short weeks ago with the fight against my brother at Tyler’s gym. If they had something going on, it apparently wasn’t that long ago.

  “How long ago did they call it quits?” I asked, clenching my teeth. I wasn’t about to be the rebound girl.

  “Cole didn’t exactly say, but I know it was recent. I wouldn’t worry about it though. He’s obviously really into you. Cole said that Tyler was glad they called it off.”

  “Yeah, well let’s see how long that lasts,” I remarked dryly. “Is she going to be there at the arena tonight?”

  “No, I don’t think so. If she is, I’ll see how they are together. I have a good eye for that kind of stuff. I’ll be able to tell if they have feelings for each other.”

  “Thanks, Bree. I know he wasn’t too thrilled about me going out with Liam tonight.”

  “You got that right,” she laughed. “He hasn’t shut up about it. It also didn’t help that Cole was pushing the knife in a little bit deeper. I thought they were going to fight it out at one point. My guy wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  No one could stand a chance against Tyler . . . not even my brother. At least this way, Tyler would be ready for the fight tonight and kick some ass.

  “All right, Bree, I need to go. Liam will be here in about ten minutes.”

  “Okay, girl. Be careful tonight. I’ll call you later.”

  After we said our goodbyes, I rushed to put on my white flared skirt and light blue sleeveless top, before putting the final coat of lip gloss on my lips. I felt guilty going out with Liam, but I already knew it was going to be a one night thing.

  It wasn’t long before I heard the sound of a sports car revving its engine down the road. When I looked out the window, a red Jaguar XK convertible pulled in beside my Camry. That sure put everything into perspective. Tyler didn’t flaunt his wealth, nor did he act like he had a lot of money. With Liam getting out of his car in his tailored suit and his hair all gelled to perfection, I could see I was out of his league.

  Cindy met me out in the hallway and smiled. “Is that Tyler? Your grandmother told me all about him.”

  “No,” I admitted regretfully. “This is Liam. I agreed to go out to dinner with him and I didn’t want to break my promise. We’re just going as friends.”

  “Well, make sure he knows that. Your grandmother is a good judge of character. If she likes Tyler, I kind of have to side with her. Just be careful tonight. This one looks like trouble.”

  After she disappeared down the hall, I opened the door just as he was walking up the front steps. His eyes went wide and he smiled. “You look amazing, Kacey.”

  “So do you,” I replied. He was wearing a pale green button down under his suit, and the green matched his eyes perfectly.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked.

  No, but I was going anyway.

  ONCE WE GOT to the Staples Center, Cole walked with Bree to her seat and I went to the dressing rooms to get ready. I was angry as hell knowing Kacey was with another guy. I just wanted to fight and get the fuck out of there.


  Turning around, my agent rushed up to me. Todd was dressed in a black, MMA Pride T-shirt with jeans and a huge smile on his face.

  “What’s with the grin?” I asked as I kept on walking.

  “Because you, my friend, are going to want to thank me big time for what I’m about to tell you. Where’s your dad?” He caught up to me and blocked my path.

  Aggravated, I stopped and gritted my teeth. “He couldn’t come. Cole’s in my corner tonight.”

  “I see. So . . . aren’t you going to ask me what’s going on?”

  Knowing him, it probably had to do with a club and a shit ton of women. “If it’s about plans for after the fight, I can’t make it tonight. I’m going back home.”

  Todd chuckled and shook his head. “Damn, Ty, calm down. I actually have my own plans for the night. I wanted to give you the good news.” He paused for a second, waiting on me to show interest. When all I did was stare deadpan at him, he shook his head and laughed. “Guess whose face is going to be all over every single cover of the Physique Sports and Fitness Magazine next month?”

  “Are you serious?” I asked, mouth gaping open.

  “You’re damn right, I am. Shelby’s going to do the ten page spread on you.”

  Physique was the most well-known fitness magazine in the world, and Shelby was one of the best journalists around. She also happened to be Gabriella’s sister-in-law. For months, I’d been waiting on this opportunity.

  “Did Gabriella set it up?”

  “No,” Todd replied. “Shelby contacted me and asked when you’d be available. She wants to meet with you sometime next month. Since she’s working from home with the baby, she asked if you’d be able to fly down to San Francisco for the interview.”

  “Yeah, of course,” I agreed. “I’d do anything for this opportunity.”

  Todd slapped me on the back. “That’s what I thought. Now, do you want to tell me what’s going on with you? Is it Gabriella?”

  Shaking my head, I started off down the hall until we got to my room. “No, it’s not her. We’re not seeing each other anymore.”

  He sat down on the brown leather couch in my dressing room and sighed. “I kind of thought that when I saw her with that baseball player the other day. They looked awfully close. Do you know about him?”

  When he said it, I expected to feel some pang of jealousy, but I didn’t. “Yeah, she told me. We mutually agreed to end it. I’m actually seeing someone else, or at least trying to.”

  “Trying to? Since when do you have to try?”

  Halfheartedly, I chuckled. “Since I met this girl who’s unlike any other woman I’ve ever met. She’s not making it easy on me.”

  “How so? Is she here tonight?”

  “Nope, she’s out with another guy.”

  With a loud belly laugh, Todd slapped his knee and shouted, “So that’s why you’re all pissed off! I never would’ve guessed it’d be over a female. Why don’t you find someone else?”

  Because I didn’t want to find anyone else . . . I wanted her.

  When I didn’t answer, Todd whistled and got to his feet. “Well, I’ll be damned. I never thought I’d see the day when Tyler Rushing actually gave a fuck about someone, other than Gabriella.”

  “This girl is different. I would choose her over Gabriella any day.”

  “Well, whoever she is, I pity her for having to deal with your crazy ass,” he joked. “But for now, get her out of your mind. If yo
u win this fight and Kyle wins his, you’ll only be two fights away from battling each other. That’s what you need to focus on.”

  “Oh, I’m focused. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  My opponent was going down tonight.

  “Tyler! Tyler! Tyler!”

  “All right, man, let’s see if you can beat my record tonight,” Cole exclaimed. “I knocked Jamie out in the first round.”

  His right eye was swollen from his fight earlier in the night, but he’d still won, advancing closer to the Light Heavyweight title. It was the beginning of the first round and the crowd was screaming my name. It wasn’t Bastian Tober’s, it was mine.

  “What do I win if I beat you?” I asked.

  Slyly, he looked down at the seats where Bree sat, smiling up at us. “It’s not necessarily something to win, but it’s probably something you’ll want to know. It’ll make the ride home more bearable for all of us.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Fighters, take your positions,” the announcer called out.

  Before I started forward, Cole winked and nodded toward Bastian. “Trust me. Now go out there and kick his ass.”

  Bastian Tober had only been fighting for about a year, but he was one of the best up-and-coming fighters in the league. Not to mention, he wasn’t a fuckwad like a lot of the other guys. He was about the same height and build as me, with long, brown hair pulled into a ponytail. I used to do the same thing before I had mine cut.

  Grinning, I bumped Bastian’s gloved hand with mine. “Good luck tonight,” I told him.

  He chuckled and put his fists up in defense. “Same to you. I promise to go easy.”

  Ding, ding, ding.

  Usually Bastian waited on his opponent to attack, but tonight he struck first. I dodged it easily. “Switching it up tonight, I see.”

  He winked and struck again. “I like to keep you on your toes. Dance monkey, dance.” He swung and I avoided his fist again.

  Looking at the clock, thirty seconds had already passed. I had to take him down soon. All it would take is one hit and I’d have him knocked out. “That’s a good strategy, B. However, tonight it’s not going to work.”

  He jabbed and I ducked. “Oh yeah, why is that?” he asked humorously.

  “Because,” I stated, pretending to go for his stomach, “of this.” As soon as his arms lowered to protect his body, I swung hard and fast to the right side of his head. His legs fell out from under him and he went down . . . completely limp.

  The crowd screamed as the announcer lifted my arm in the air victoriously. “And the winner by TKO after one minute and ten seconds. . . Tyler . . . The Terror . . . Russshhhiiinnnggg!”

  After my arm was let go, I reached down and helped Bastian get up on his feet.

  Unstable and shaking his head, he opened and closed his jaw, rubbing it with his gloved hand. “Damn, Rushing, I didn’t expect to get knocked out that fucking fast. Next time give me a little bit more time.”

  “Sorry about that, bro. Cole said I couldn’t knock you out in under two minutes. I had to prove him wrong.”

  Chuckling, he looked over in my corner and flipped him off, which only made Cole laugh. “Payback’s a bitch, Bennett,” Bastian joked. “You guys going to the party tonight?”

  “No, we’re heading back home. Maybe we’ll catch you next time.”

  “Sounds good, Rushing. I’m sure I’ll see you around next weekend.”

  The crowd was still going wild, so I made my rounds around the ring and climbed the fence, raising my arms in the air. I fucking loved the sound of them hollering my name. I’d waited years to hear it.

  Waving at the crowd one last time, I jumped down and followed Cole out of the ring to where Bree stood waiting on us.

  “You did amazing, Tyler,” she gushed. “I wish Kacey could’ve been here. I sent her the video of you fighting though. She absolutely loved it.”

  “So you’re texting her while she’s on her date? I bet the guy loves that,” I stated with a huge smirk.

  Bree bit her lip and looked sheepishly over at Cole before turning back to me. “Actually, she’s having a terrible time.”

  Was it bad that I was happy about that? Fuck no.

  “She’s still with him?” I asked. “What the hell have they been doing for the past four hours?”

  She looked down at her phone and scrolled through her messages. “They went out to eat and now they’re at one of the bars in the Bellagio. She says she’s ready to leave, but he ran into some people he knew. Apparently, he’s busy talking to them.”

  “Tell her to call a cab and go home,” I hissed. “What fucking asshole takes a girl on a date and ignores her?”

  “Uh . . . you?” Cole teased.

  “Correction, cocksucker. I never took girls out on dates. I just fucked them, then ignored them.” When Bree’s mouth dropped open in disgust, I held up my hand to stop the enraged words from flying out of her mouth. “I’m not like that anymore, Bree, so stop looking at me like that.”

  “It’s just I never thought you’d be that way,” she admitted. “I mean, I knew you had a lot of women following you around, but I never thought you’d treat them like shit. I must be an awful judge of character because when we met Liam at the bar last night, I thought he was nice and really interested in her.”

  When she said the name Liam my hackles rose. Surely, it couldn’t be the same Liam I knew. If so, then Kacey needed to get the hell away from him fast.

  “What’s his last name, Bree?” I asked, grabbing her by the shoulders.

  Her eyes went wide, especially when she saw Cole looking just as nervous as I was. “Why, what’s wrong?” she shrieked. “I don’t know his last name. He has dark hair and green eyes, and he’s a sharp dresser . . . that’s it.”

  “Holy fuck, do you think it’s him?” Cole asked, exasperated. “Out of all the people Kacey could go out with, how the hell did it wind up being him?”

  “Guys, tell me what’s going on,” Bree demanded.

  It was too loud in the arena, but I had to try to get in touch with her somehow. “I need your phone,” I said to Bree. She quickly handed it to me and I dialed up Kacey’s number. When she answered, I could barely hear her over the noise on both ends.

  “Bree?” she answered, screaming into the phone.

  “No, it’s Tyler. What’s Liam’s last name?”

  “What? I can’t hear you.”

  “What’s Liam’s last name?” I yelled into the mouth piece.

  “Hello? Are you there?”

  Fuck! This wasn’t working. Reluctantly, I hung up the phone and texted her.

  Me: What’s Liam’s last name?!?!

  Kacey: Tyler?

  Me: YES, it’s me. What’s his last name?

  Kacey: Harris, why? Is everything okay?

  When I saw his last name I thought I was going to go in-fucking-sane. I was four hours away, and if anything happened I wouldn’t make it there in time. “Goddammit!” I shouted, taking off for the dressing rooms. Cole knew exactly what was going on, so he grabbed Bree’s hand and pulled her quickly along.

  “It’s him?” Cole asked.

  “Yes,” I growled. “I need to get to a place where she can hear me. I can’t believe she’s with that fucker.”

  “Guys, please,” Bree begged. “I need to know what’s going on.”

  When we got to my dressing room, I rushed inside and immediately changed out of my gear, putting on my khaki shorts and black MMA Pride T-shirt. Grabbing all my shit, I hurried out the door with Cole and Bree following closely on my heels.

  “Liam Harris has to be one of the dirtiest motherfuckers on the goddamned planet. He’s Kyle Andrews’ agent and just as bad as he is. Do you know who Kyle is?” I asked her. She’d been around enough of the fighters to get an idea on who the cocksucker was.

  “Yeah, I’ve heard stories about him. I also saw the video of you two fighting a few weeks ago.”

  Getting in
the car, I started it up and headed straight for the highway, bolting down the road at least twenty over the limit. “Okay, so you know who Kyle is. Liam, on the other hand, is even more fucked up, if that’s possible. He’s even been accused of rape a couple of times, but the courts have always let him off due to no evidence.

  “It’s the same bullshit that happens with Kyle. The slimy motherfucker never gets in trouble for any of the shit he’s done. All I know is, if Liam touches one hair on her head, I’m going to fucking kill him.”

  Bree’s eyes filled with tears. “Oh my God, if something happens it’ll all be my fault. I’m the one who pushed her to start dating. Do you know for a fact he’s guilty of the charges?”

  “I do,” I growled furiously, gripping the steering wheel so hard my fingers went numb. “One of the girls was someone I worked with at the Labyrinth, and I know she wouldn’t lie. Her name was Sadie.”

  Shortly after it happened, she left Vegas to get away from the ridicule of her family and friends, who thought she made up the story just to get revenge on Liam for turning her down. He had told the courts she was angry because he wouldn’t go out with her. In the end, he was made out to be the victim.

  Relentlessly, my heart pounded as I dialed Kacey’s number again . . . she didn’t answer. “Goddammit, Kacey, answer the fucking phone,” I shouted. Over and over I dialed her number, only to hear the sound of her voicemail.

  Please, God, let her answer the phone.

  “WHAT THE HELL is going on?” I said as I typed out the text message to Tyler. Why did he want to know Liam’s last name? I tried to get away from the noise so I could hear what he was saying, but it didn’t help.

  It wasn’t until I was walking out of the restroom when a new text message came through. As I was looking down to read it, I was stopped with a set of hands grasping my shoulders.

  “There you are,” Liam chuckled. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  “Funny,” I snapped. “I didn’t think you noticed when I walked away. You were a little preoccupied with your friends.”


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