Tyler's Undoing (Gloves Off Book 3)

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Tyler's Undoing (Gloves Off Book 3) Page 18

by Dover, L. P.

We pulled into his driveway and parked. I swallowed hard and turned off the ignition. My Toyota Camry sat vacant beside us and I knew that after I told him the truth, I would be getting in my car and driving away. The thought terrified me, but he had to know that my brother was going to come after him again.

  “Tyler, I . . .”

  That was as far as I’d gotten before his phone rang. When he looked down at it, he groaned and ran his hands down his face. “It’s my father,” he said, “I’m sure he just found out. I’m sorry, beautiful.” He got out of the truck and I followed suit, losing my nerve with each second that passed. I grabbed my purse out of his truck and pulled out the keys to my car, leaning against it as I waited on Tyler to get off of the phone.

  When he did, he came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tight.

  “Is he angry?” I asked.

  “A little, but he needs me at the gym, so I have to go. He’s going to run my ass hard today.”

  “But I need to talk to you. It’s kind of important.”

  Pulling away, Tyler tilted my chin up with his fingers. “Are you okay? Are you mad about what happened?”

  Gently, I shook my head and leaned into his touch. “No, I’m not mad.”

  Visibly, he relaxed and kissed me, murmuring against my lips, “I tell you what. Why don’t you get some sleep and once you’ve rested up, come to the gym and you can talk to me all you want. Can you do that?”

  I didn’t want to wait, but it was looking like I had no choice—he had to go. “Okay,” I agreed reluctantly. “I’m going to go home for a while and then I’ll see you as soon as I can.”

  Before getting into my car, I kissed him quickly and watched him rush off inside his house. On the way home, I rode in silence trying to envision how I was going to tell Tyler the truth. Should I just come right out and say it? Or should I try to soften it up? Either way, it was going to be a messy disaster.

  Ring, ring, ring.

  Looking down at my phone, I figured it would be Tyler or Bree, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  “What the hell do you want?” I snapped into the phone.

  “We need to talk. It appears you’ve been a little busy behind my back. Care to tell me what that’s all about?”

  “I don’t think it’s any of your business what I do now is it? Besides, you already know what’s going on. Or at least, I assume so, judging by what happened last night.”

  He snorted. “Yeah, but it appears my plan didn’t exactly work. I must say, I don’t know whether to be disappointed or proud of you. I never thought the day would come when I’d see you fucking one of my enemies.”

  “Whatever, Kyle, it’s over. Why don’t you leave me the hell alone?”

  “That’s not how this is going to work. Either you talk to me now, or I go straight to Tyler and tell him who you are. I’m waiting for you at the house.”

  Could I not catch a break? After seeing Jordan last night, I knew Kyle had lied when he texted me saying he went home. But then again it made me wonder . . . “How long have you known about me and Tyler?” I asked.

  Kyle chuckled. “Long enough to figure out my next move. Now hurry, sis. We have lots to talk about.”

  ON THE WAY to the gym, I didn’t know what to expect. My father didn’t necessarily sound angry on the phone, but he didn’t sound happy either. I wasn’t sorry for kicking that guy’s ass, but I was sorry for doing it in front of Kacey. I didn’t want her ever looking at me with fear in her eyes ever again. When she said she needed to talk to me, the first thing that came to mind was that she was done; she’d made a mistake being with me.

  I pushed her off for that reason alone. I didn’t want to hear it just yet.

  Walking through the front doors of the gym, I found my father down by the ring, punching the bag as hard as he could. He was dressed in his black and gold fighting shorts, the same ones he wore when he competed. There was no one around . . . just me and him. I hadn’t seen him hit the bag in years.

  “I hope you’re ready to work. We have lots to do before Saturday,” he called out.

  Opening my bag, I pulled out my hand wraps and gloves and taped up my hands. “So you’re not going to bitch at me for getting arrested?”

  Breathing hard, my father steadied the punching bag and turned to face me. “No, son, I’m not. Jake called and told me what happened. I’m actually proud of you. I probably would’ve killed the guy if he did the same thing to your mother.”

  “Trust me, it was hard to control myself.” I’d wanted to keep going.

  Tightening his gloves, my father hopped up into the ring and beckoned me to join him. “Your mother and I have been talking. How would you feel about taking full responsibility of the business?”

  Wide-eyed, I joined him in the ring. “You mean, take over the gym? I didn’t think you were going to retire so soon. What changed your mind?”

  Getting into stance, my father attacked with a jab and left cross. I ducked and roundhouse kicked him in the back of his head. I didn’t hit him hard, but it still threw him off balance.

  Righting himself, he nodded his head with a huge smile on his face. “Good one, son. You’ve gotten much better at anticipating. But to answer your question, your mother and I feel you’re ready to take over. At the end of the year, we’re stepping down and you’ll be the one in charge. Do you think you can handle it?”

  For so long, my father had made comments about how I wasn’t ready and how I was never good enough. My time had finally come and I knew it was all because of Kacey. She was the one who made me want to be better, to rise above everyone else and show them I was worthy. I was more than ready to take that final step. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to let my family down.

  “Yes,” I answered wholeheartedly. “I’m more than ready.”

  My father and I trained for another hour before the doors opened up and a swarm of people came in for their early morning workouts. I wanted to call Kacey and tell her the good news, but I knew she had to be exhausted. I was on air and happier than I ever thought I could be.

  After running on the treadmill, I started toward the break room to grab an energy bar before I began my next workout routine. However, I stopped when none other than Jaden Eller stepped in my path.

  “What are you doing here?” I grumbled. “Aren’t you in the wrong city?”

  Jaden Eller was one of the UFC’s female MMA fighters and Kyle Andrews’ whore. She and Gabriella fought here in my gym just a couple of months ago when Gabriella kicked her ass. Her long dark hair was pulled tight into a ponytail and her blue eyes stared at me in full blown lust. Usually I got off on that shit, but now things had changed. I wanted her to get the fuck away from me.

  “I’m in town for the time being, at least until Kyle wants to head back home. He wanted to visit his family,” she informed me.

  “That’s great,” I commented sarcastically. “Enjoy your time in town.” Quickly, I walked around her in hopes of getting away. Unluckily, she wasn’t done with me.

  “Oh, I’ll definitely enjoy my time. But there’s something I thought I should tell you. You seem like the type of guy who likes honesty.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I snapped impatiently. “You better start making some sense before I get pissed off.”

  Smiling, she lifted her hands and nonchalantly inspected her short, pink fingernails. “Oh, I just wanted to let you know your girlfriend has a secret. I’m pretty sure she hasn’t told you yet. ‘Cause if she had, I highly doubt you’d have anything to do with her.”

  “Like I’d believe anything that came out of your mouth,” I hissed. “You need to get the fuck away from me.” I was done. Turning on my heel, I marched off to the back room, hearing her obnoxious laugh behind me. Before I could turn the handle and be done with her for good, she stopped me with her next words.

  “Kacey is Kyle’s sister, Rushing,” she blurted out.

  I froze and the whole gym grew silent. No, there�
��s no fucking way that’s true. Her last name is Andrews, but she couldn’t be related to that fucker.

  “If you don’t believe me, call her and ask. Kyle’s over at her house right now—I just came from there. I must say out of all of the things he’s done, this one takes the cake. He got you to fall in love with the enemy. I didn’t think it would be possible.”

  Hearing her cackle and the whispers in the room set me off. My body was on fire, anger and rage surging through my veins. All I could see was red, as I stormed through the gym. I had to get out of there. Clenching my teeth, I grabbed my keys and headed for the door.

  “Son,” my father called out.

  I didn’t turn around, but I did stop.

  “I’m not going to try and stop you because that would be foolish, but I want you to keep your wits about you. You can’t always believe what you hear. Don’t let your anger cloud your judgment.”

  Easier said than done. Without another word, I slammed open the door and charged toward my truck. The pieces were sliding into place and it all made perfect sense now. She knew Paxton and he was one of Kyle’s best friends, she grew up in California where Kyle was from, and I bet she knew the guy from last night that messed with her. Was it all a ploy from the very beginning? Whatever was going on, I was about to find out.

  Either way, Kyle Andrews was fucking dead.

  KYLE WAS WAITING for me on the front steps with an evil smirk. I couldn’t wait to see Tyler punch that look off of his face.

  “It’s good to see you again, sis,” he called out.

  Shutting my car door, I stormed up to him and slapped him across the cheek. His head snapped to the side, but his leer grew even bigger. I hated him. “How dare you do this to me. Why do you always have to tear people down to get ahead? Why can’t you do what normal people do and just work hard to be the best?”

  He rubbed his cheek and sat down on the steps. There was no way in hell I was going to let him inside of my house. “There’s no fun in that,” he admitted slyly. “Besides, it was kind of interesting to see how protective Captain Fuckface was over you. The fool actually fell in love. I couldn’t have planned it more perfectly.”

  “Planned what?” I snapped. “I love Tyler. I’m not going to let you come between us.”

  Snickering, he leaned back on the steps and shook his head. “Do you honestly think Tyler’s going to want anything to do with you now? Obviously he doesn’t know who you are. If he did, he wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole.”

  “He loves me, Kyle,” I spat. “He can’t blame me for wanting to keep my ties with you a secret. Anyone in their right mind would be ashamed of you.” Don’t let him see your fear.

  Kyle got to his feet, his smile gone as he approached me. “You’re ashamed of me?”

  I stood my ground and lifted my head defiantly. “Ashamed doesn’t begin to cover it. I’m mortified. I know about the things you’ve done and it makes me sick.”

  “Well, you want to know what makes me sick? You and Tyler. You’re my family, my blood. You’re supposed to be on my side. You’re going to pay for disappointing me.”

  I stepped back to my car and opened the door. “Believe me, Kyle, I’ve been paying for years. Tyler may get angry at me for keeping the truth from him, but he loves me. I’m not going to let you win.” I got in my car and shut the door.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he shouted.

  Flipping him off, I started my car and fastened my seat belt. “It’s about time I tell Tyler the truth!”

  Kyle put his hands on the hood of my car and smirked. “I think it might be a little late for that, sis. He already knows.” He nodded toward the end of the street and that was when I heard the tires squeal. In my rearview mirror, I watched in dread as Tyler sped down my road and locked his brakes in my driveway.

  “What did you do?” I shouted, getting out of my car. Immediately, the tears started to fall, especially when Tyler glared at me with utter disdain.

  Kyle, on the other hand, smiled wide. “Oh, I just had Jaden pay him a little visit. I must say, he doesn’t look too happy.”

  Tyler got out of his truck and slammed the door.

  “Babe, you have to let me explain,” I pleaded.

  “What, that you fucking lied to me?” he shouted, veins bulging from his forehead.

  I rushed over to him, but when I tried to touch him he stepped back. It broke my heart. Lips trembling, I shook my head and cried, “No, I didn’t lie. I knew if you found out Kyle was my brother, you would think I was just like him. But I’m not! I need you to trust me.”

  “Oh sis, you don’t have to keep pretending,” Kyle chided, coming to my side. “He already knows the truth. You succeeded. Now he’s just a played bitch. Let him go lick his wounds.”

  Frantic and wide-eyed, I pushed him away. “Stop lying!” Then to Tyler, I clasped my hands in front of my heart, begging with tears streaming down my face. In his eyes, I could see he was letting his anger get the best of him. Yes, he was furious at me for lying, but he couldn’t see the truth. He couldn’t see my love for him, or that it was real. How could I get him to see it? “Tyler, please, don’t listen to him. I don’t know what Jaden told you, but you have to know I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you!”

  Tyler snarled, “And you expect me to believe that?” He glared at my brother over my shoulder, completely dismissing me.

  I was so close to him, yet so far away. He wouldn’t let me touch him, and the thought of never being able to touch him again, ripped my soul apart. I needed him.

  Backing away, he pointed at my brother and growled, “If you think this got me down, Andrews, you’re wrong. I’ll be ready for you Saturday. You can count on that.” Opening the door to his truck, he got in and started it up.

  Before I could rush to him, my brother grabbed a hold of my arm and held me back. “Let me go!” I screamed, trying to yank my arm out of Kyle’s grasp.

  “Sorry, Kacey, but it’s for the best. He wants nothing to do with you now. I’m just trying to protect you from making a fool of yourself.”

  I tried to fight him off, but his grip was too tight. Tyler backed out of the driveway and never once did he look at me. “Tyler! Tyler, please, you have to trust me!”

  He kept going . . . and the farther away he went, the bigger the hole in my chest grew. I was alone for the longest time before he came along, and now I was alone again. I had nothing if I didn’t have him.

  “Trust me, Kacey, it’s for the best. You deserve much better.”

  Actually, I deserved what I got for not telling the truth, but I sure as hell was going to redeem myself. I refused to let my brother dictate my life and drag me down with him. I had to fight for what I wanted.

  Pushing my brother away, I marched up the front porch stairs and unlocked the door, slamming it in Kyle’s face when he tried to follow me in. If there was anyone who was a master at persuasion, it was Bree. I needed her help, but in getting it, I had to be honest with her too. All of my secrets had to come out.

  Reaching for my phone, I dialed her number and waited. She would just have to understand why I did what I did. Hopefully, she could convince Tyler.

  MY PHONE WENT off non-stop after I left Kacey’s. I refused to listen to any more lies, so I threw my phone across the seat and sped down the road. I had to get away. Once I got home, I rushed inside straight to my room and packed as many things as I could fit in my duffle bag. There was no way in hell I could stay in town knowing Kacey would be everywhere I went. She even worked at the gym now. What was I going to do?

  Her betrayal hit deep and I wasn’t going to give Kyle the satisfaction of knowing it broke me. Once I had my bags loaded in my truck, I started out of my driveway, but was blocked in when a little silver Honda pulled in.

  Fuck my life. It was Bree.

  I rolled my window down when she approached looking all pissed with her lip curled, and wearing a pair of Bugs Bunny pajama pants with a white tank top. “Let me gue
ss . . . you were in on it too?” I snapped.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared up at me, tapping her foot. “Don’t give me that bullshit, Tyler. I didn’t know any more than you did. You need to stop running, and talk to Kacey.”

  “Why? So she can feed me more lies?”

  “Really? So that’s how this is going to go?” she scoffed, narrowing her gaze. “How is it that I can find out the truth just a few minutes ago and understand where she’s coming from? Can you blame her for wanting to keep her life a secret? Look where she comes from, Tyler. You may not believe her, but I sure as hell do. She’s been my best friend for the past year and never once did she tell me about her brother.

  “Kacey just wanted to escape from the hell he put her through. Whatever Kyle said, it’s a bunch of horse shit. If you remember correctly, she tried to stay away from you . . . you were the one who pursued her. You know what else? I’m the one who dragged her to your gym that day. Why don’t you let that sink in for a while before you start acting like an ass?”

  Turning on her heel, she stalked off, got in her car and sped out of my driveway.

  I couldn’t listen to anymore bullshit. Reaching for my phone, I dialed my father’s number and waited on him to pick up. “Son, where are you?” he asked, answering the phone.

  “I’m at the house, but I’m going to take off for a while.” I put my truck in gear and started out of the driveway. I had a long drive ahead of me.

  “Running away from your problems isn’t the answer, Tyler, but if you feel it’s what you need to do, then go. I trust you’ll work hard this week to get ready for your fight.”

  Gripping the steering wheel tight, I imagined it was Kyle’s neck in my grasp. “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll make sure I’m more than ready.”

  I hung up the phone and sped down the highway, the start of my nine hour drive to Santa Rosa. I had friends there who could help me and I was going to need it.

  SINCE TYLER WOULDN’T answer my calls, I grew desperate and sought him out, stopping first at his house and then at the gym. When I walked in, everything was normal, people were working out and enjoying their day just like usual. My life, however, was crashing all around me. I didn’t know whether to come or go.


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