Intercepted Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 5)

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Intercepted Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 5) Page 16

by Sidney Bristol

  The instant those people knew, Logan and Kelsey were going to lose control of the situation.

  “Let me check upstairs again. Just in case. Are we certain there isn’t a second panic room we don’t know about?” Logan could hope.

  “No. Just the one we know about.”

  He turned and headed back out to the hall.

  “Can you quietly talk to the cops? See if they can’t do something?” Logan still couldn’t believe the senator had gotten past the cops.

  Either Dixon had more skills than they knew about, or the cops hadn’t done their job. Logan didn’t like either option. An unpredictable Dixon was bad for their team. Cops they couldn’t count on was also bad for their team.

  Wasn’t it about time they caught a break?

  “Let’s see if I can—shit.” Rustling replaced voices.

  He couldn’t make out what was being said, but at least one of the tones was Bernstein sounding none too happy.


  Logan jogged down the hall toward the stairs. He went past them to glance down the hall.

  Kelsey stood with the two officers while Bernstein loomed over her, saying something in a low, hard voice.

  Logan grit his teeth and hung up the call. He wanted to punt that guy off the property. Instead of interfering, Logan headed up the stairs. Kelsey could handle this. All she had to do was spin the guy’s tires some. Didn’t mean Logan had to like it, though. She didn’t deserve to put up with that asshole.

  “If you’ll just give us a bit more time?” Her voice was coming closer.


  Logan took the last few stairs three at a time and nearly barreled over a guy down on the floor scrubbing the carpet.

  “Sorry,” Logan blurted and bolted.

  He didn’t think Dixon was hiding in his bedroom. Logan had looked in there earlier. It was the first place he’d searched. But maybe he’d missed something?

  Dixon’s bedroom was at the front of the house. To get there, Logan had to go down one hall, turn and go to the very end of that one.

  The double doors were still shut, just as he’d left them.

  Logan slowed and glanced over his shoulder, half expecting to see Bernstein barreling toward him.

  So far, so good.

  What were they going to do if Dixon weren’t in here?

  Logan didn’t have an answer for that. He opened a door and slipped inside the darkened bedroom. A single bedside lamp was on.

  He took two steps before focusing on the lamp.

  The lights had been off when he’d checked the room earlier.

  He’d left them off after the installation was complete.

  So who’d been in the bedroom?

  Logan didn’t hear so much as sense movement. He whirled as a knife sliced through where he’d just been. The dim lamplight allowed him to see a figure swathed head to toe in black. Two blades gleamed in the low light.


  All he could see of the attacker was a white strip of skin and his eyes. Some sort of hazel or green color. Was that a mole at the corner of his left eye?

  “I’m not Dixon,” Logan said as calmly as possible. “We don’t have to do this.”

  There was something about the way the guy stood and how he held his hands that tickled a bit of information in the back of Logan’s head. Whatever it was, a sense of dread settled over him.

  The man darted forward on an angle toward Logan’s left.


  Kali Eskrima.

  Logan moved quickly in the direction his attacker had come from. There was a dark bit of shadow between the door and a standing wardrobe where he’d no doubt hidden to take Dixon unaware.

  “I don’t want to do this,” Logan said.

  Kali Eskrima was a Filipino martial art that focused on using weapons, even improvised one's like a rolled-up magazine, chair legs, anything. It was brutal and deadly.

  This time Logan’s opponent didn’t hesitate again. Instead of trying to circle to Logan’s side, he rushed in. Logan threw himself toward the wardrobe as the other man feinted right in the direction Logan hadn’t gone.

  His attacker turned neatly, all his focus on Logan.

  Logan needed a weapon. Something to defend himself with.

  It would take too long to draw his gun. The act of reaching for it would signal the time for a deadly attack. He’d be left open in such close quarters. Besides, Logan couldn’t just fire without taking into consideration the other people in the house.

  No, he needed something else, and to get away from this guy.

  The fireplace. It was between Logan and the entry to the bathroom. He could picture the tools sitting in a brass bucket.

  He grabbed a chair and dragged it between him and his attacker. It wasn’t much, but anything that kept distance between them was ideal.

  “We don’t have to do this.” Logan took one step back, keeping a grip on the chair and using it as a shield.

  His attacker followed.

  The man hadn’t said a word yet. Logan had the growing sense of dread that he was facing down a master. Someone who knew how to kill and had killed a number of times.

  Logan was halfway to the fire poker.

  Just a few more feet.

  The man in black surged forward.

  Logan shoved the chair at him.

  The man planted a foot on the chair and went up and over it.

  Logan whirled, grabbing wildly for the poker. His hand wrapped around it as a knife slashed into his shoulder. Logan cried out and struck out wildly with the heavy poker, hitting his attacker with the sharp end and knocking him back.

  Pain radiated down Logan’s left arm. He could feel blood oozing out, soaking his clothes.

  This was bad. He needed help, but he needed the right help.

  The bathroom. If Logan could get into the bathroom and shut the door, he could alert everyone in the house to vacate.

  The bedroom doors opened and light spilled in. Logan saw two figures in his peripheral vision. One tall and masculine. The other petite and feminine.

  The man in black turned his head slightly.

  “Stay back!” he shouted and swung the poker.

  It was a wild swing. Logan was desperate to keep the man away from Kelsey.

  The man in black easily parried the attack with his off-hand knife. Logan realized his mistake too late. His weapon was too heavy and unwieldy to maneuver quickly. The man in black rushed in with his blade.

  Logan knew this time he couldn’t avoid the blow.

  The knife never reached him.

  Kelsey ran full tilt into the man.

  Logan was to off-balance to react in time. He pitched sideways, catching himself on the bed.

  The attacker whirled, howling in pain. Kelsey leapt back, something silver gleaming in her hand.

  She waved her free hand. “Get back. Get out!”

  Her eyes never left the now cornered attacker.

  Logan regained his feet, brandishing the poker.

  “Just calm down,” he said. “We—”

  Kelsey attacked.

  The man leapt to the side, but she whirled, slashing out with her stiletto blade and catching the man in the side. Quicker than Logan could blink, she stabbed and pulled back.

  Logan threw himself at the man and they both went to the floor.

  “Move and I will end you.” Kelsey’s voice was killer cold.

  The man stilled, the fight gone completely out of him.

  Logan pushed up enough to secure both knives while Kelsey and the attacker glared at one another.

  “In here! He’s in here,” Bernstein called out.

  Logan sucked down air. His shoulder burned still.

  “Get away from him, Logan,” she said.

  “But, you—”

  “Move now,” she snapped.

  He didn’t like the idea of letting go of the guy, but Logan trusted that Kelsey had her reasons.

  Logan pushed up and very carefully extracted h
imself. He drew his gun and opted to stand in the doorway to the bathroom where he had a clear view of everything.

  Four cops rushed in, guns up, but neither Logan nor Kelsey took their eyes off the knife-wielding attacker.

  Logan held up his hand. “Hold.”

  “Take the mask off.” Kelsey’s tone was frosty and quite deadly.

  Logan’s gaze slid toward her. She’d busted in there and switched modes faster than he’d have been able to. She was fucking amazing. On the other hand, he wanted to shake her for being so reckless.

  The man reached up and pulled the knit cap off.

  He had strong, angular features and an olive cast to his skin. The stubble on his face and the top of his head was dark. Logan estimated the guy at maybe five foot six. There was no way he weighed more than one seventy, if that.

  “Up.” Kelsey crouched, not giving him an inch to play with as she kept her thin blade at his neck.

  Logan kept his gun aimed at the man, however there was no way Logan could take a shot with Kelsey so close.

  Both the man in black and Kelsey rose slowly, neither ever glancing away from the other.

  It was kind of hot how well Kelsey was handling the situation. Now was absolutely not the time for that kind of a thought, but there it was.

  “Hands,” she said in that same I-will-cut-you tone.

  The man stood there.

  She leaned toward him and spoke lower. Logan barely heard her, which he reckoned was accidental. “You either take those gloves off and hold your hands behind you, or I start cutting.”

  The man finally glanced away from her to Logan, then over his shoulder at the others.

  Assessing whether or not he had a chance?

  He shifted his weight and began tugging at each finger of his gloves, easing them off slowly. He dropped one glove, then worked on the other, until he finally held his hands behind him.

  Kelsey gestured at the cops. “Cuff him, but be careful. He probably has more shit hidden on him than Inspector Gadget. Never take your eyes off him and don’t be within six feet of him once he’s secured in a cruiser, understand?”

  Logan studied her. What did she know that he didn’t?

  Her warnings had an obvious effect on the cops. Two moved in, checking his pockets, removing his belt and securing his wrists. The other two kept their guns up.

  Logan tested his arm, rotating his shoulder, and winced.

  “I, uh, think I might need stitches,” he said.

  “What?” Kelsey’s head whipped around and she gaped at him.

  “I’m fine.” And yet Logan could feel the blood running down his arm, soaking his sleeve and likely his jacket.

  “Get him out of my sight and someone call an ambulance, please?” Kelsey’s eyes flashed as she took a step back from the attacker.

  Logan flinched and backed away from her.

  Maybe now wasn’t the time to mention that?

  She crowded him back into Dixon’s spacious bathroom and grabbed a fluffy towel off a rack.

  “Let me see,” she demanded.

  “It’s a scratch.”

  Kelsey yanked at his jacket. “Shit. Logan.”

  Blood soaked the front of his shirt, too.

  She helped him out of the suit jacket then unbuttoned his shirt without so much as a, may I? He was turning under her direction for her to pull the shirt off him when Bernstein stepped through the door.

  “I take it Dixon is still indisposed?” the man asked.

  Logan winced as Kelsey grabbed his bicep.

  “Dixon’s not here,” she said. “Wherever he is, I’m guessing you’ll have better ideas than we do. So, if you don’t want to find him dead, I’d suggest telling us anything and everything you know.”

  Logan bit the inside of his mouth to keep from grinning. Kelsey had abandoned her smiles and playing nice. He was used to her brisk demeanor. He actually preferred it.

  “He’s—where is he?” Bernstein blinked while his gaze bounced from one to the other.

  Kelsey stood on tip-toe and frowned at him. “Damn it, Logan. This is deep. I think I can see your bone. This is gross.”

  Bernstein’s face paled.

  Kelsey pointed at the man without looking at him. “Don’t go anywhere. This is your problem, too.”

  “I don’t know where he is. None of us do. Honest.” Bernstein held up his hands.

  Kelsey pressed the fluffy white towel to Logan’s arm. “What’s he hiding then? Butters called Dixon a pedophile. Do you know anything about that?”

  Logan pursed his lips in an attempt to keep his expression neutral. Now wasn’t the time, even if he was thoroughly enjoying this no nonsense Kelsey.

  Bernstein’s eyes bulged. “John would never.”

  Kelsey stared at Bernstein. “He did something bad enough to make Butters get hired by him, then try to attack him. So John has done something.”

  Bernstein shifted his weight from foot to foot.

  “Even if it’s a rumor. It could still help,” Logan said.

  Bernstein blew out a breath. “Okay, fine. John has been very involved with immigration legislation. He’s come under fire for things that have happened to illegal immigrants upon returning to their home countries. But that’s out of his control.”

  Logan wasn’t sure that he believed all of that. A man like Butters didn’t turn killer overnight over nothing.

  “Sir? Sir, the ambulance is here,” someone called out.

  “That’s your cue,” Kelsey said in a hard tone.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Logan muttered.

  His phone vibrated the same moment Kelsey reached for his.


  Now what?

  Logan glanced at his screen then at Kelsey staring back at him with wide eyes.

  “What? What is it?” Bernstein asked.

  Logan breathed his first truly easy breath that day. “Dixon just tried to use an ATM. My team is on their way to pick him up.”

  “If it’s him,” Kelsey whispered.

  He draped his good arm around her shoulders. She didn’t move away from him. “One problem at a time.”


  Saturday. Task Force Headquarters. Washington, DC.

  Kelsey was glad to be back at headquarters. She was even happier about not having to play nice anymore. Honestly, being Dixon’s office girl for a whopping few days had driven home how much Kelsey did not want to work for people in a typical office ever again.

  She pulled out her phone.

  No updates on Logan’s condition.

  That damn man. He’d probably gone off and gotten himself seriously hurt.

  When she’d walked through those doors and seen Logan facing off with a man wielding two knives, she’d thought she’d just about die.

  Anyone could shoot a gun or take a stab at someone.

  That man, whoever he was, had moved like a master. And Logan hadn’t a weapon to defend himself.

  She’d brought up the point that not one but two men preferring knives had targeted Dixon. So far the two couldn’t be connected, but Kelsey was willing to bet there was something there. If only they’d turn over the right stone.


  She whipped her head around and stared at Nadine.

  “Hey.” Kelsey turned and walked straight into the slim older woman.

  She was enveloped in a tight hug.

  Nadine might be tough as nails, but she had a soft side, too. One Kelsey appreciated.

  “Heard you had a rough day, kiddo.” Nadine leaned away from Kelsey, regarding her with concern. “Everything alright?”

  Kelsey wanted so badly to vent about the morning to Nadine, but she wasn’t on the approved list. How silly was that?

  “Yes, it’s fine now.” Kelsey straightened.

  “Something’s different,” Nadine said slowly.

  “Hm?” Kelsey froze. “What?”

  Nadine’s eyes narrowed. “There’s something different about you.”

put a hand up. “I, uh, tied my hair back. It looks stupid, doesn’t it?”

  She pulled the tiny ponytail out and shoved her hands through the strands.

  “Not your hair, no.” Nadine smacked Kelsey’s shoulder, then turned and began walking away from her. “Whatever it is, keep doing it.”

  Kelsey watched her go.

  Could Nadine tell? About Logan?

  That wasn’t a comforting thought.

  “There you are!” Felecia squealed.

  Kelsey braced herself. A moment later Felecia pounced, squeezing Kelsey until she thought her guts might come out.

  “Holy shit, can’t breathe,” Kelsey gasped.

  Felecia laughed and spun her around. “You’re back. I missed you!”

  “I’ve been gone, what? Two days? Chill out, cupcake.” Kelsey grinned back at the other woman. It was nice to have friends and be missed. She might tell Felecia to chill out, but deep down Kelsey hoped she never changed.

  Felecia waved her hand, dismissing Kelsey’s words. “You could be gone one day, and I’d miss you.”

  They both laughed and almost in total synch turned. Felecia draped her arm around Kelsey’s shoulders and in turn Kelsey wrapped an arm around Felecia’s waist.

  “Where are we going?” Kelsey asked.

  Felecia glanced behind them, then leaned closer. “Meeting in the lab.”

  Kelsey bit her lip. A meeting was always going to happen. That wasn’t what worried her. “Do you happen to know if Logan’s back from the hospital?”

  “Yeah, I think he got back ages ago. Last Evan said they’re all in his office or something.”

  That man.

  That infuriating man.

  And to think, she’d been worried about him.

  “So, how was it? The job, I mean.”

  “Stifling. Have we been updated on Robert’s condition?”

  “Mostly the same. A little better. They’re keeping him sedated.”

  “A little better is great.”


  Felecia used her free hand to open the door to what they all affectionately called the lab. It was where Diha did her techno-magic with the help of Felecia, Cat and a few other assistants. They’d done some rearranging to put those three in a room by themselves, thereby creating a secure and safe space for them to work on finding their mole.

  Kelsey greeted the lab assistants in the front area by name and followed Felecia in to the back room.


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