Farron'S Rebellious Mate (English Edition) (Lords of Arr'Carthian 2.5)

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Farron'S Rebellious Mate (English Edition) (Lords of Arr'Carthian 2.5) Page 4

by Cathy McAllister

  Jenny’s thoughts run wild. She felt like, stuck in a vacuum. She lost the sense for her surroundings and time. At some point, somebody picked her up. Voices swirled around her, but she didn’t understand a word of it. A sharp pinching pain in her upper arm, then everything went black.

  Jenny dreamed about a dragon. He had white scales on his whole body except his back – there they were red. For some reason the beast seemed familiar. It was like she would know him. It couldn’t be Farron. She could clearly picture his dragon before her eyes. No! This dragon from her dream was somebody else. Could it …? – No! That couldn’t be! – Or could it? Could it be that she saw herself – her own dragon – in her dream? Would she look like that after her transformation?

  Then the dream changed and became something different altogether. Farron – not his dragon – held her in his arms and kissed her. Dream-Jenny not only let him – she responded to his kiss with passion. Heat spread from her lower regions to her nipples, which stiffened and started to ache. Farron picked her up and carried her to a big bed, gently laying her down. Dream-Jenny whimpered in protest when he stepped back from the bed to look at her. Then he began to undress without turning his gaze from her. Dream-Jenny looked at him greedily, wanted to stroke over his muscular chest down to his six-pack and to the waistband of his kilt-like skirt, which he by now started to take off. Not only Scots seemed to keep to the tradition of not wearing any underwear beneath their kilt. Farron, too, was naked under the skirt. The sight of his big – fully erect cock – made her ache in all the good ways. She wanted to feel him inside her. She didn’t even wonder why she reacted to him that way, when she thought of herself as asexual for so long. She anticipated the moment, when Farron would join her on the bed and take her, but the dream ended when a voice reached her in her slumber.

  “… I wished there had been another option.”

  “She’ll need some time to get over this, but someday she will understand and be grateful that you saved her.”


  “Shouldn’t she be awake by now?” Farron asked, worried.

  “She had to go through a lot,” the healer explained. “Give her time!”

  “I didn’t want it this way,” Farron said and clasping his hands to his face. “Yes – I wanted her – but I didn’t want it to be like this. I wanted it to be her choice. I … I wanted to win her love and trust. – Now she will hate me, because I bound her to me and …”

  “You did what was necessary to save her. She would be dead now, if you, or your dragon, would not have done what had to be done,” Kordan tried to reassure him. “The more I think about it – I would have done the same, if it where Lory. I would rather have her hate me, than let her die.”

  “You’re right,” Farron agreed quietly. “But I wished there had been another option.”

  “She’ll need some time to get over this, but someday she will understand and be grateful that you saved her.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am right!” Kordan assured. “You’ll see. She only needs some …”

  A groan let Kordan stop mid-sentence.

  “She comes ‘round!” Farron said. His heart suddenly raced and he waited that his mate opened her eyes. What would she do? Would she be frightened? Angry? Would she give him hell, because he did what had to be done?

  “Hello, milady,” the healer greeted and pushed Farron and Kordan away, to get a better look at his patient. “How are you?”

  “Where …?”

  “You are at the medicine ward. You have been unconscious. Everybody was worried about you,” the healer explained. “Let me see!”

  The healer put a hand to her forehead and then a little device to her temple.

  “Well, well! All readings normal.” He turned to Farron and Kordan. “I will keep her here for today, to be sure she is alright. I would suggest you leave her now. Give her time – to adjust to the situation.”

  Chapter 6


  Silently Jenny looked out of the window of the glider. Next to her, Mia was as silent as she. Farron, who sat in front of them, tried a few times to talk to them, but gave up, since neither Jenny nor Mia responded. Under other circumstances, Jenny would have enjoyed the flight and the sight of the alien world below. This was exactly that kind of adventure, she had been looking for. Now, all she could think of was the giant alien in front of her, who recued her and with that, had bound her to him irrevocably.

  They approached a massive mountain. Far away she saw big birds circling, but when they came closer she saw that it hadn’t been birds, but dragons. She felt a strange sensation in her chest; so as if all her internal organs would swell twice the normal size. She felt faint. That she would some day change into one of those beasts was still beyond her imagination. A humorless laugh escaped her, and then tears of anger and frustration welled up.

  The mountains were now so close that Jenny could make out houses, which were built into the mountain. They were now flying towards a large cleft and a group of small dragons flapped around them excitedly. They had to be kids, Jenny thought.

  “Were nearly there,” Farron informed them. He didn’t give away any emotions.

  ‘Probably he isn’t so happy about having me bound to him, as well.’ Her inner voice assumed. For some unknown reason, the thought came with some very unpleasant feelings. Wounded pride. Loneliness. Pain.

  ‘You really are a stupid cow!’ She scolded herself for the unwanted feelings.

  The glider slowly went down and made a sharp turn into the big cleft, which opened after some time into a big lively market square. Men, women and children rushed about. There were market stalls and a fountain in dragon form. A lot of windows and balconies were carved into one side of the mountain. Huge pillars flanked a big entrance, where armed men guarded the door. The glider landed close to the guards, who showed no emotion on their faces. They didn’t even blink. It was, as if they would not see the new arrivals.

  Farron exited first and tried to help Mia out of the vehicle, but she gave him an evil look and he stepped aside, and he let the women climb out by themselves. A few children came and starred at them out of big, curious eyes. An older lady shooed the kids away.

  “Welcome home, milord,” the woman greeted.

  “Thank you, Mirrkana.”

  “Milord?” Jenny asked irritated.

  Farron just grunted and gestured Mia and her, to follow him.

  The guards retreated respectfully when Farron came closer, and they entered a great hall. A man hurried towards them and bowed before Farron.

  “Milord! Shall I inform their Highnesses about your arrival?”

  “That won’t be necessary, Torrmaz. Make sure that my chamber is prepared, also the chamber next to it.”

  “As you wish milord,” the servant replied and left the hall.

  “We’ll wait in the reception room for our rooms to be prepared,” Farron informed the woman, and they followed him into a room, which was furnished with a comfortable seating area, several cupboards and chests. Paintings hung at the walls, showing different sceneries, mostly with dragons in different settings. At the ceiling was another painting with two intertwined dragons.

  “Have a seat,” Farron said.

  After a few minutes of awkward silence, a door opened and a woman with a tray entered. She served them pastries and fruity tea.

  Jenny sipped her drink, lost in her thoughts, when suddenly a face appeared out of thin air. It was the face of a middle-aged woman. Startled, Jenny nearly spilled her tea.

  “Greetings,” the woman in the hologram said. Then she turned her gaze to Farron. “Son. Welcome home.”

  “Mother,” Farron replied stiffly.

  “Please excuse me that I am not there to great you in person. I feel a bit ill. But I will try to accompany you at the evening meal.”

  “Where is father?” Farron asked icily.

  “With King Lathar, to find a peaceful solution for the problem you caused,
and that could cost us many lives, if we can not solve the situation,” his mother replied accusingly. Then she turned her attention to the women on the couch. “Which one is now the cause for your … irresponsible conduct?”

  “I warn you, mother! You will treat my mate with respect or I’ll leave this house for good. I had no choice. I had to mate her. And believe it or not: Jenny is no happier about it than you!”

  “No choice! Have you lost your mind?” Queen Licija laughed without humor. “Nobody becomes the mate of a Moliwe by accident. Did she blackmail you? Did she force you somehow to become a prince’s mate? Maybe the opposition planted her …”

  “That is so much bullshit, that I am lost for words!” Farron flared up.

  “He speaks the truth!” Jenny cut in. “He saved my life. I would be happier if I would not be bound to your son! And certainly I don’t want to become a damn dragon! And I don’t give a fuck about your holy family and all that royal bullshit!” Jenny’s voice got more and more agitated.

  “How does this … this ordinary person speak to me?” The Queen asked in disgust. “You’ve brought nothing but trouble for this family. Since you were just a little boy!”

  “No wonder with a mother like you,” Jenny defended Farron. He might have his flaws and she wasn’t happy about being his mate, but how could a mother speak about her child that way?

  Farron gazed at her bewildered. Mia rose, her hands at her hips.

  “I don’t know how you feel about it, Jenny, but I won’t stay in this house any longer!”

  “You’re right,” Farron said and rose, too. “We’ll leave! Come!”

  “If you leave this house now, you are not more my son!” Queen Licija threatened.

  Farron laughed bitterly.

  “I never was, Licija! Did you forget?” Farron asked in a deadly voice.

  Jenny glanced between Farron and the woman’s image back and forth. They didn’t share any features. Did that mean, she wasn’t his biological mother? Was this the cause for all the lack of peace in this family?

  “We go!” Farron decided and charged out of the room. Jenny and Mia followed him.

  “Where are we going?” Mia requested as they crossed the market place.

  “Where we should have gone in the first place. – HOME! I should have known better than to think, I could stay a day under my parents roof!”

  “I thought the palace would be your home,” Jenny put in.

  “I have my own house,” Farron explained. “I never spent much time in the palace. But since my parents started to pester me about mating princess Dijola, I started traveling a lot. I haven’t been in my own house for nearly a year now.”

  Jenny glanced at Farron. He was looking grim, but she’d detected a hint of pain and bitterness in his voice. She was curious as to what had really caused the family dispute. It was obvious that there was something wrong even before he’d rejected the princess as his mate. To Jenny’s surprise she felt somewhat relieved that Farron didn’t want this other woman. He even rejected her in the face of political turmoil. But yet – he didn’t think twice about bounding himself to Jenny in order to save her.

  “How far is it to your house?” Mia wanted to know.

  “Not far.”

  “But what about our stuff?” Jenny asked, just realizing that they left their entire luggage in the glider.

  “Somebody from the palace will bring it,” Farron reassured.

  On their way through the alleys, Jenny felt some hateful glances. It was obvious that not all welcomed them being here. Farron didn’t seem to notice, or he didn’t care.

  Some minutes later they turned into a tunnel, which was lit by a green light.

  “Now it’s not much further,” Farron promised.

  They reached a green and gold gate, and Farron knocked. Some time passed before Jenny heard approaching footsteps, then one part of the gate opened and an old man with wild locks put his head through the gap to see who stood before the gate. His glance found Farron and a toothless smile brightened the old man’s face.

  “Milord. Pardon me, that I didn’t open more quickly … my old bones …”

  “Never mind, Orrigh. I haven’t been here for a long time. I should have sent notice, but until shortly I didn’t know, that I would come, myself.”

  Orrigh’s gaze fell on Jenny and Mia.

  “Milord, having guests?”

  “May I introduce, Orrigh? This is Jenny – my mate. And Mia, her friend. – Jenny. Mia. This is Orrigh, who tanned my ass more then once, when I was still a boy.”

  Farron grinned. It was obvious that he didn’t hold a grudge for the long ago punishment and they seemed to have a good relationship.

  “You’ve been a real grriak,” the old man said, giggling.

  “Yes, that may be true,” Farron admitted amused.

  “What’s a grriak?” Mia asked.

  “I think, the right word for it in your language would be devil or demon,” Farron explained.

  The old man slowly opened the gate wider, so that they could enter. They landed in a big garden with countless flowers, bushes and trees. A stone path wound its self through the jungle like garden. They followed the old man, who gave his best to walk faster than he would usually. He had a bald spot at the back his head, and a strange tattoo showed there. Jenny intended to ask Farron about it later when they would be alone.

  A little later the jungle opened into big lawns, only that the grass was not as green as on earth, it had a slight purple coloring. A big house made of white stones stood at the end of the path. In front of the blue door stood an older woman, her hands at her voluminous hips, shaking her head.

  “Milord! You should have told us,” she said disapprovingly. “I am not prepared for guests and we’ve nothing to prepare a proper meal. Really!”

  “Mamika! Do I not get a hug?” Farron asked with a laugh, and a faint smile softened the stern face of the woman.

  “Not with all that dust on your clothes. Refresh yourself and I will see in the mean time what I can do with the kitchen scraps.”

  “You will perform a miracle, like always,” Farron said with open affection.

  The room, which Jenny would share with Mia, had large windows to the wide lawns and a balcony. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room and two doors led to a bathroom with a big pool like tub, and a walk in closet.

  “Wow!” Mia marveled.

  “Do you want to bath first?” Jenny asked.

  “Why do we not share the bath? It’s big enough for several people.”

  Jenny wasn’t used to undressing in front of others, not even women she called friends. But she didn’t want to look skirmish; so a few minutes later they were sitting in the warm water and relaxed after all the awkwardness of the last hours.


  Farron spent a sleepless night alone in his bed. He’d often imagined that one day his mate – if he would ever find one – would live with him in this house. But in his imagination he would share his bed with his mate, not have her sleep in another room. It was frustrating. The whole night, he had thought about how to make Jenny forgive and love him. He was already deeply in love with his little firelady – as he secretly called her.

  He heard the door to the dining room slide open and turned. Jenny and Mia entered the room.

  “Good morning,” he greeted. “I hope you slept well?”

  “Thank you. We did indeed,” Jenny replied.

  Farron hoped she would sit down next to him, but to his disappointment she sat across from him. Mia looked bleak. Maybe the affair with Rodriff still got to her. He thought it had to be tough to love somebody and then loose him. Even if the one proved to be a monster.

  They ate in silence. The women didn’t speak and Farron could not think of anything to open a conversation. It was frustrating. Usually he had no difficulty to communicate with the opposite sex. Women found him attractive and he had charm and a good sense of humor. Both seemed inappropriate in this situation and s
o he was shy of words. He would try to talk to Jenny after dinner, when she had had some time to herself. Soon she would go through the transformation and he wanted to prepare her as best as he could, given the awkward circumstances. It would be much easier if she could trust him. The time was simply too short to win her trust.

  Silently sighing, he looked at his mate from across the table. She seemed to have noticed his gaze, as she blushed slightly. Maybe she wasn’t as unaffected by him, as she wanted to be.


  Jenny ate her breakfast without tasting any of it. Like a robot she took one bite after the other, while trying not to think about the man across the table from her. He glanced at her from time to time and that made her nervous, even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself.

  She’d dreamt about the dragon again – the white one with the red scales at the back. At least, Farron hadn’t entered her dreams this time. The last erotic dream had been highly disturbing. When she felt Farron’s gaze on her again, she had to think about the forbidden lust the dreams had stirred in her and she felt herself blushing.

  ‘Damn, girl, get a grip!’ She scolded herself.

  She was relieved when the meal was over and she and Mia could get back to their room. Poor Mia didn’t sleep well, either. She had tossed and turned in her sleep. No wonder after all what had happened. There was an awkward diffidence between them. That Mia’s suitor had tried to rape Jenny, and Jenny’s mate had killed him hadn’t benefitted the friendship between Jenny and Mia.

  Back in their room, Mia sat down on the bed, looking at Jenny quizzically.

  “What are we going to do now?”

  Jenny shrugged.

  “No idea! The whole adventure had turned out very different from what I expected.”

  “No kidding,” Mia sighed.


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