Gaming The System

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Gaming The System Page 8

by Parker Mayhem

  He popped the pills dry and swallowed before replacing the bottle. Closing his eyes, he pictured some far off beach, secluded and warm. Sun for days. A drink in his hand. He could almost feel the ice cold glass against his palm. Almost hear the waves lapping the beach.

  Fuckin’ paradise.

  The door behind him opened and he heard Jenkins' annoying, gravelly laugh, echo around the room. God, the pills just couldn't work fast enough.

  Jenkins opened his own locker as he pulled off his duty belt and tossed it inside. He undid his shirt, letting it hang open as he whistled to himself. Anything for the dick to show off his less than tone, beer sculpted gut. A moment later, he stopped and Ortiz glanced over at him.

  Jenkins looked over his shoulder as Pusitz sauntered in, closely followed by Piper and her crew.

  Ortiz closed his locker and retreated to a chair across the room. If he put some distance between them maybe he could dodge any conversation attempt.

  "One more week down," Jenkins said as he turned and leaned back against the row of lockers as Pusitz opened his.

  "You goin' out tonight?" Pusitz asked.

  Ortiz snorted under his breath as the rookie undid his own shirt and leaned casually against the lockers like Jenkins’ little shadow.

  Fuckin’ suck up. Gonna get him killed.

  "Course, gotta have some unwind time if ya know what I mean?" Jenkins said as he grabbed the front of his pants then faked a punch to Pusitz’s gut.

  Pusitz forced a smile and flinched away turning toward Piper and started to ask her if she wanted to join. Ortiz cringed for the poor rookie. Pusitz was so mild and timid, Piper hadn't even realized he was talking to her. It was painful to watch. Piper's focus was all on her Jackpad as she moved to the chair across from him.

  Ortiz watched as Pusitz quieted and rubbed the back of his neck. The rookie's face was 7 different shades of shame. It didn't go unnoticed by Jenkins either.

  Jenkins leaned in and said something to the rookie before slapping him on the back and moving closer to Piper.

  "How 'bout you take a break from all this..." Jenkins said as he reached out and pulled the Jackpad from Piper's hands and laid it on the coffee table as he sat on the arm of the couch next to her. “and come out with us tonight? Unplug, ya know? Maybe see how the real heroes here unwind?"

  Piper looked like she might verbally attack the guy. "Bitchface", didn't even begin to describe the look she had. He had no doubt Piper could mentally and verbally dismantle the officer and reduce him to a broken mess. God, he wanted to see that! He hoped she'd snap and knock the cocky son of a bitch down a notch or two. Yes, Piper was a pain in his ass. Yes, he felt like her intentions there weren't quite what she said, but she was tough. Tougher than he'd originally given her credit for and he respected that. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was starting to like her.

  It was like a switch flipped. Piper's expression went from raging bitch to cheerful smile. She wasn't someone to mess with. A snake in the grass. Ortiz hoped she was just coiling, getting ready to strike.

  Piper looked at Rico and Jason, asking if they wanted to have a night out. Jason quickly declined. No big surprise, Ortiz could count on one hand how many times he'd actually heard the guy talk. A gritty bar just didn't seem like his scene.

  "Why not? I could use a little booze in my life,” Rico said with a shrug.

  Piper agreed and gave Jenkins one last smile before picking up her Jackpad.

  "Just give Rico the address, we'll meet you there."

  "There we go, now we're talkin'." Jenkins slapped Pusitz on the back in celebration then turned to Ortiz. "What about you man? You comin' to wreck the town?"

  Ortiz forced a smile. "Nah, man. You all have fun."

  "Oh, come on." Jenkins tried again.

  "Can't, picked up a shift tonight."

  "Your loss brother." Jenkins shrugged, then turned to Piper. "workaholic, that one,” he said hooking a thumb at Ortiz. “Oh well, his loss.”

  Ortiz stood and left the room behind. Might as well start his next shift a little early. At least he wouldn’t have to deal with Jenkins any longer.

  Ch 22 Lenox


  It was the only way Lenox could describe the feeling of cruising the deserted streets. Bike beneath her, wind at her face. No bullshit, no rules, no thinking. With the last couple of days she'd had, it was nice to get away.

  When Brevek hit her up, she'd instantly said “yes”. She was fine being on her own, even preferred it, usually. But there were those days when she just needed someone that got her. Someone to keep her level, keep her sane. Or there was a good chance she'd end up punching some poor bastard in the face.

  Or worse.

  Truth was, Brevek’s timing couldn’t have been better. It was just what she needed to help ground herself.

  When she pulled into the parking lot of the Wasted Space bar, Brevek was waiting for her. Tall, hulking guy. Imposing and intimidating as hell.

  “One fit mother fucker”, she'd heard someone describe him once. The memory made her smile.

  She climbed off her bike and greeted her old friend with a handshake and a hug.

  The pair walked into the bar and found a table easily. People seemed to naturally flow out of their way. Even vacating tables if they got too close. People knew who they were. What they were. They stood out. Their old school tattoos out of place among the brilliant colored nanite ink people favored.

  "Lenox, Brevek." A plump red-haired waitress greeted them with a tray in her hand. "Got your usual. Can I grab you two anything else?"

  "You know us too well, Mags." Brevek smiled as she sat a couple of beers down on the table.

  "Shots, whiskey, please," Lenox said.

  Mags looked carefully to Brevek. He fixed his eyes on her and Lenox just stared back. Brevek nodded and Mags left.

  “Shots it is,” Mags said before shuffling off.

  "You okay?" Brevek asked.

  Lenox took a long drink of her beer. "I'm good."

  Brevek's eyes narrowed as he lifted his own glass. She knew him well enough to know he wasn't quite buying it.

  “You look like shit, you know?”

  “And you look like an asshole.”

  Breve smiled but it never quite reached his eyes.

  "Been a rough week. But I'm good, promise."

  Mags returned with a couple of shots and sat them on the table. She looked at Brevek then straightened.

  "Anything else you two?" Mags asked with a smile.

  "Just ke—“

  "Keep 'em coming." Mags finished for her with a wink. "I got you covered, sugar."

  The pair watched the woman waddle away and Brevek lifted his shot. Lenox followed his lead.

  "She likes you." Brevek toasted and downed the shot.

  Lenox smiled and knocked her's back too.

  "Mags likes everyone,” she said as she thudded the empty shot glass upside down on the table next to his.

  "Hmm, good point." Brevek agreed, leaning back in his chair. “Still, she seems to really have taken a shining to you.”

  “Must be my winning personality,” Lenox said with a half grin as she downed half her beer.

  The two caught up on old times and Lenox gave Brevek the rundown on Delgado. He definitely shared her hatred of the woman. She and Brevek came from a different world. No bullshit, just did what needed to be done. Made the hard decisions others couldn't even fathom. Simple as that. No games. Well...almost none.

  "Friends of yours?" Brevek asked over the rim of his beer as he gestured to a table near the door.

  Lenox turned and glanced over her shoulder.

  "Fuck," Lenox said out loud as she spotted a group of officers taking a seat at a table and glancing their way.

  She shouldn't be surprised by their presence, it was the closest bar in the "Dead Zone". She just wasn't in the mood. She'd reached her asshole limit.

  Lenox took another drink then glanced behind her again. Having t
he group at her back irritated her beyond words. If Brevek hadn't been with her, she would've switched seats, would've kept her eyes trained on them but she trusted Brevek, something extremely rare.

  As the night went on, the officers got louder and louder with every drink. Every glance she stole, they seemed to be watching them. A few times, she heard pointed insults thrown their way. She could feel the blood in her veins rush and heat.

  "Pieces of shit. We get called to do all the dirty work and keep those assholes safe, and they wanna shit talk?" Lenox said hotly as she finished her beer.

  "Not one of them could do what we do." Brevek agreed and polished off his own glass.

  Mags materialized out of thin air and sat two fresh beers along with more shots down in front of them. Lenox nodded a thanks and the woman smiled as she left.

  "Who's the fresh meat?" Brevek asked. "New guards? Gotta be desperate to be bringin' them in."

  "Not guards." Lenox took a swig. "Delgado brought 'em in. Some documentary publicity stunt thing."

  "The fuck? Seriously?" Brevek seemed stunned.

  Something very rare. Like her, nothing seemed to shock him. They'd seen too much to be phased by almost anything.

  "I shit you not."

  "Wow, the new levels of bullshit just never stop. Well, that bitch will get her publicity when they get themselves killed."

  Lenox raised her glass to that.

  "So where they sending you next?" Lenox asked.

  "Fuck, after quota tomorrow, I'm due at Loland. Lotta shit goin' down lately, I guess. Russo thinks there might be an attempt soon."

  "They bringin' in anyone else?"

  Brevek was silent as he stared down at his drink.

  "You gotta be shittin' me." Lenox fell back against her chair.

  "Anezka was the closest one out."

  She shouldn't be surprised. She knew Anezka would pop up sooner or later. She was really hoping for later.

  "Fuck." Lenox shook her head.

  "Fuck." Brevek agreed, nodded, and took a drink.

  Brevek shifted in his seat then leaned in slightly. "I saw the news..."

  Lenox traced her finger across the rim of an empty shot glass. She tried to remind herself he was just concerned for her.

  She leaned back in her seat and pulled out a cigarette and lit up. A long, slow drag later, she twisted the smoke between her thumb and finger as she exhaled.

  "Nice shot, right?" She joked.

  Brevek watched her closely, the worry never quite leaving his eyes. "That's not what I meant."

  "I'm fine. I've got it under control,” Lenox said looking him dead on.

  His eyes drifted to the empty shot glasses in front of her then back up.

  "I've got it under control."

  The two stared at each other for several intense seconds.

  Brevek finally conceded, nodding slowly. "Okay."

  Laughter echoed over the gritty bar music and Lenox felt her skin tingle. The officers were poking the bear. She gritted her teeth.

  "They're basically rabid dogs. Can't believe MAX would let them off their leash, doesn't public safety matter?" The insult drifted from the officer’s table.

  Lenox clenched her fist on the table and Brevek stared her down shaking his head.

  “Deep breaths. In through the nose…” Brevek coached quietly. “Hold...out through—”

  "I wonder how it feels? Delgado's a handsome woman, but takin’ it up the ass from her?" Another officer laughed as he bent over the table, acting it out.

  "I'm sure the freak loves it." Another chimed in.

  Lenox slammed her fist on the table, splashing her beer and stood up so abruptly her chair fell over backward.

  Brevek stood with both hands on the table, leaning in, trying to talk her down. "They're not worth it. They're just too stupid to know when they're beat."

  Lenox paused, gritting her teeth. Brevek was right. She needed to rein herself back in.

  Deep breath in...

  "I knew Delgado's bitch didn't have it in her. " The voice drifted loudly from across the room.

  Fuck it!

  Before Lenox could move, Brevek flew from the table. He covered the distance to the officers at an incredible rate, so fast they didn't seem to realize what was happening. But Lenox did.

  Brevek drew back and swung. He struck Vega in the jaw and the officer crumpled to the ground.

  "Fuck yeah," Lenox said as she tossed her cigarette into an ashtray and rushed the table too.

  Brevek easily dodged a clumsy punch from Pusitz and shoved the rookie back into his seat. Lenox reached them just as Jenkins went to swing at Brevek's back. She caught him by the wrist and twisted, forcing him back. Jenkins stumbled a few steps until he tumbled backward into his chair.

  Again, the drunken rookie tried to stand, his fists balled up, ready for a fight. Lenox leaned over and grabbed the front of his uniform, pulling his tie onto the table. She drew her knife and slammed it through the fabric, pinning Pusitz to the table’s surface.

  A quick movement to her left had her ready to pounce but as she turned, fist ready to strike, she saw Piper scooting her chair back, distancing herself from the mayhem.

  Lenox straightened and looked to Brevek. Vega and another officer, she couldn't recall his name, were on the ground bleeding, holding their faces and what was left of their pride.

  Lenox caught Brevek's eyes and he nodded. He stepped over Vega as he moved towards the bar top. The bar was eerily quiet. The only sound were Brevek's boots on the wooden floor.

  Mags slid a Jackpad across the bar to him and he paid their tab. No doubt leaving an astronomical tip.

  "Sorry ‘bout the trouble Mags," Brevek said.

  "Don't worry ‘bout it sugar. Not the first time, won't be the last," Mags said with a smile. "Thanks for not breaking anything this time."

  Mags looked right at Lenox as she said it.

  Lenox nodded, giving her a half smiled as Brevek passed her on the way to the door. She turned to leave but remembered her knife. She yanked it from the table top, freeing Pusitz. The rookie shied back in his chair, his eyes wide and scared. Next to him, Jenkins looked just as terrified. It was all she could do to resist the urge to go further.

  Don’t do anything stupid, too many witnesses.

  She could feel all eyes on them as they reached the door.

  "That's right, crawl back under Delgado's desk." Jenkins snapped from behind her.

  Lenox smiled, she was genuinely impressed they had the balls to taunt her again. She flipped her knife in her palm, snapped back around, and threw the blade.

  The officer looked like he pissed himself as the blade buried into the table nearly touching his hand wrapped around his glass. He looked like he wanted to say something but the words never came out. The entire table was deathly silent. Not a single soul moved. Lenox flashed a menacing smile and disappeared with Brevek out the door.

  Ch 23 Piper LaRue

  Piper had never seen anything like it. The fight, if you wanted to call it that, was so one-sided, she wasn't sure it qualified as one. Call it more of an altercation really. Or incident. It had only lasted a minute or so but, it had felt like hours.

  It had all happened so fast yet seemed to be stuck in slow motion. She couldn't quite wrap her brain around it. She'd been frozen in place while the fear and adrenaline coursed through her, tugging her in different directions but cementing her in place.

  She blinked several times but couldn't drive the image of their purple, luminescent eyes from her mind. She could see why the officers feared them. They were terrifying, dark...unnatural.


  She had a sneaking suspicion the alcohol had done most of the officers' talking. No one sober would've dared taunt the demons.

  The precision with which Lenox had thrown the knife was terrifying and dazzling all at once. Lenox was a killer, you knew it as soon as you looked at her, yet she stood on the opposite side of the bars. That was a story she needed to b

  Rico had barely said a word since entering the bar, but after the excitement, he couldn't seem to shut up. He was sounding dangerously close to a teenage schoolgirl drooling over a crush. It was slightly embarrassing, especially when Jenkins glared their way.

  "Fuckin' Reapers. Animals. Should lock 'em up in MAX with the other monsters," Jenkins said as he lifted his glass.

  Piper didn't miss the way his hand trembled. She wondered if anyone else noticed. It was easy to shit talk when the subject of your ridicule left the building.

  He was so wrapped up in trashing the Reapers, Piper couldn't pass up the opportunity to grab the knife out of the table. She turned the knife over in her hand beneath the table and was surprised by how light and sleek the blade was. It fit almost perfectly in her palm. She wondered if it was custom made for the Reaper. If it was, maybe it was one more avenue they could use to track down more info. With a quick glance around the table, she tucked it in her bag. If anyone noticed, they didn't show it.

  The rumble of the Reaper's engines pulled Piper's attention out the door. Rico caught her eye and the two were on their feet in an instant. She could always count on Rico to go along with her crazy. It's why she loved working with him. He had balls. Almost as big as hers.

  Together they darted from the bar and spotted the Reapers pulling from the parking lot. Rico was already two steps ahead of her, dashing towards the van.

  He hopped in and fired it up just as she reached the door and slipped into the front seat.

  "Hurry, we'll lose them," Piper said as she glanced behind them, watching the motorcycle lights fading in the distance. "Come on, come on!"

  “I'm trying, I'm trying, this isn't exactly the easiest thing to explain to the DRIV,” Rico said without looking up.


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