Origin: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams 1.5)

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Origin: A Superhero Adventure Novel (Axel Adams 1.5) Page 11

by Dee Benson


  Michael raked a hand through his hair. "You probably haven't seen the news today. Like I warned you yesterday, The Firemaster attacked the king. I'm so glad you weren't with him at the time. The masked Super appeared and saved the king."

  "That's good."

  "We believe the masked Super is dead."

  Katie said nothing, but Michael told her all about it anyway, and about how this was the second time that the Super had spared his life. He also told her about what had happened two days ago when the masked Super came to check on him after blasting him away from the selection ceremony.

  He omitted of the part about discovering that she was a woman. Aeric had told him not to tell anybody about that. That included Katie, although he was dying to tell her.

  He was beginning to wonder whether she was really a woman, though. She'd had that booming man's voice, yesterday. Maybe she was some kind of weird creature that had both masculine and feminine features. Or maybe she'd been a woman on Saturday, but a man yesterday, and a woman again today. Who knew what strange powers she—or he—possessed?

  But the fact that Aeric had commanded him to stay quiet about it implied that she must be a woman. Or maybe Aeric just didn't want him to say anything about Black Thunder that might lead to the discovery of her—or his—identity.

  Michael sniffed. "What in the world is that horrible smell?"

  "I don't know," Katie replied.

  Michael wondered why she was so down. Maybe it was because they'd made love, and she was scared. He leaned down and kissed her lips. He was about to tell her about the plan he'd come up with to make sure she passed the virginity test, when he realized that the smell was definitely coming from her.

  He kissed her again. Suddenly, he realized what it was. He buried his face in her hair, and inhaled deeply. The smell was thick in her hair.

  A mixture of horror and awe hit him square in the chest as he drew away from her.

  "You smell like lava," he said softly.

  There was a flash of fear in her eyes, but she quickly masked it. "No, I just…need to take a shower."

  Michael stood and walked away a few steps. He looked down at her on the ground, unable to believe it.

  Katie was the masked Super.

  He'd slept with her, and then left her to go and join a meeting in which they'd brainstormed how to kill her. Forming a confederation had even been his idea.

  Michael's heart was beating too fast. More pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. It also explained why she'd come to check on him after she blasted him out of the palace during the selection ceremony on Saturday. It explained why she'd saved his life today.

  She saved me at her own expense.

  That thought had been scary before he knew the identity of the masked Super. Now it was even scarier.

  Katie loves me that much?

  "What?" Katie asked.

  Michael could only stare at her. He thought of how he'd punched her on Saturday, and his heart broke. He thought of how hard they'd hit her today, and pushed her down into the volcano. How had she coped with that, watching him fight against her?

  Tears filled his eyes.

  Katie scrambled to her feet, not looking at him. "I need to go. The king will be wondering where I am."

  "You're Black Thunder."

  Katie froze. Then she laughed. "Me? I wish."

  Michael studied her. She was a rubbish liar.

  "The only power I have is remote touch."

  "I should give you up to The Firemaster," Michael said.

  Fear filled her eyes. "You wouldn't do that?"

  Michael grinned. "Of course not. I just wanted to see how you would react. And your reaction is a dead giveaway. You are Black Thunder."

  Katie was quiet. Her gaze was fixed on the ground. "I'm not." Her voice sounded pained.

  Michael ran at her. He pulled a punch.

  She caught his fist. Her eyes were ablaze with anger.

  Michael smiled. He looked at her hand on his fist. Her grip was almost crushing his fist. The extent of her strength was crazy. It was almost the exact same move she'd pulled on him on Saturday. Catching his fist and then throwing him through the window. "So, you're not Black Thunder, huh?"

  Katie's blue eyes burned with anger. "Don't you dare tell a soul."

  He kissed her lips. "You know I would never do that."

  She vanished into thin air.

  Chapter 15

  I HAVE TO STAY away from Michael. I have to focus.

  Those were the thoughts that dominated Katie's mind for the rest of the day, as she tended the king's wounds.

  The first thing she'd done when she got back was take a shower. In her dejection, she hadn't recognized the thought to take a shower as Aeric's voice. With hindsight she did. She'd stank of lava. The smell had blown her cover to Michael. Thank goodness it was only Michael.

  Can I trust him to stay quiet?

  What if Michael got fed up of seeing her with the king and decided to blow her cover? Or tell The Firemaster where to find her?

  Katie shook her head. Michael would never do that.

  "Black Thunder," the king muttered.

  He'd been muttering the name all day, distraught that Black Thunder might be dead.

  His eyes were glued to the TV across the room, which was replaying footage of Black Thunder's 'death' over and over, and sometimes showing the celebrations going on in The Firemaster's camp.

  The Firemaster was going to get a rude shock when she arose to challenge him the next time he went on the rampage. Katie couldn't wait. This time, she wouldn't spare him.

  But what about Michael? If he was close by, would she be able to do what she needed to do?

  Now that he knew she was Black Thunder, maybe he would stay away. She needed to speak to him, and tell him to stay away from The Firemaster whenever she appeared as Black Thunder.

  A series of images blazed through her mind. Katie gasped at the sudden invasion. They were all images of The Firemaster making preparations to attack again.

  The king looked at her? "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing," Katie said quickly.

  The king frowned.

  "I'm just tired," Katie told him. "All this excitement is taking its toll on me."

  "Why don't you go and lie down?"

  "That would be nice." Katie smiled. "Thank you."

  The king touched her hand as she was about to rise. "I feel I have been neglecting you. I'm sorry."

  "It is quite understandable, Your Majesty."

  "My name is Darius," he replied. He grinned. "'Your Majesty' is not a term of endearment. Either call me by my name, or use a real term of endearment, like 'honey' or 'darling'."

  Katie laughed in spite of herself.

  "How about we take our time before getting married?" the king suggested. "I know you say you want to marry me, but we hardly know each other. Let's take time to date, and then at the end of it we can decide we want to go ahead and be married."

  "Really? But you've already presented me to the kingdom as queen."

  The king shrugged. "We can always change our minds. I get the impression you don't really want to marry me."

  "What makes you think that?" Katie asked carefully.

  The king sighed wistfully. "I really like you, but there's no fire between us." He smiled. "I want fire."

  Katie wasn't quite sure what to say, but she was relieved. She didn't have to marry the king. And he wasn't upset about it.

  "Unfortunately, it's going to be hard to go out on dates for a while," the king said. "With Black Thunder possibly gone, it's probably best if neither of us appears in public."

  "That's true."

  "Don't worry. I'll work something out." The king sighed. "My army is ready. We will begin to fight The Firemaster very soon."

  "The sooner he is stopped, the better," Katie replied.

  More images of The Firemaster making preparations filled her mind as she left the king's room. She made
her way to the wing of the palace she'd been using. The palace hadn't been redecorated yet, and all the previous queen's art still adorned the walls.

  Katie figured she'd move into the king's wing if they ever got married.

  We're not going to get married.

  She still needed to be considered the queen so that The Firemaster would keep trying to get her, but once she defeated The Firemaster, she would tell the king that she wanted her freedom, then she would go be with Michael.

  But Aeric had told her to get chosen as queen. Did he want her to marry the king, or would he be okay with her marrying Michael?

  Her stomach growled. She realized she hadn't eaten all day. She entered the kitchen in her wing.

  A pair of strong arms wrapped around her from behind.

  This time Katie wasn't afraid. "How did you get in?"

  She heard Michael laugh softly. "I was hoping to scare you, and have you beat me up."

  Katie broke free from his arms and tossed him a scowl as she opened the fridge. "Why do you want me to beat you up?"

  "I like seeing you manifesting your amazing powers. It's kind of hot."

  Her scowl deepened. "What do you want, Michael? You can't be in here."

  "I thought I'd come and tell you that The Firemaster is planning to attack tomorrow. It's just a test to see if Black Thunder is still alive. It's a setup."

  That must be what the images she'd been receiving were about. Katie nodded. "Thanks for telling me. Make sure you stay away from him. I don't want to hurt you."


  "Why does whatever I do to you happen to The Firemaster?" Katie asked. "I was trying to save only you earlier today, but saving you meant saving him."

  Michael's eyes became apologetic. "Since Black Thunder had the chance to kill me on Saturday, but didn't, we figured there was something about me that made her not want to kill me so we did a ritual to link The Firemaster's fate to mine."

  "Reverse it before his next attack," Katie ordered. "Or you will die with him."

  Michael stared at her for a moment. And then he nodded slowly. "Okay."

  THE FIREMASTER'S ATTACK CAME the next day in the late evening. By then, Katie was getting sick of waiting for him to come.

  She summoned her energy and looked through the ceiling. The Firemaster and legions of his cohorts filled the sky. She reached out with her senses and scanned through the whole of the palace building. The east wing, the king's quarters, was already ablaze.

  Katie searched the wing for the king. He was in his room, still weak from yesterday. Katie herself still felt weak.

  But she had to fight.

  Don't go. It's a setup.

  Katie paused at that thought. Was that Aeric? Or was it because of what Michael had told her yesterday?

  Aeric commissioned me to fight, so I must fight.

  From her room, she reached out towards the fire burning in the east wing. She could feel the heat, as though she were there physically. The king was trying to put it out with his water, but he was weak. Katie sucked out all the air from the wing, and the fire instantly went out. But the king, and everyone else in his wing instantly began to suffocate. Katie quickly sent a blast of air through the wing, and they were all able to breathe again.

  She looked up through the ceiling. The Firemaster and his friends were still there. She knew they weren't going to give up so easily.

  Super suit and mask, she thought.

  Instantly, her clothes changed, and she felt the material of the mask settle around her whole head.

  Don't go! The thought was more urgent this time.

  Katie was confused. Was that Aeric, or was it her own fear as a result of what Michael had told her about The Firemaster seeking to test whether she was still alive?

  You are weak right now, and you will be unable to control your power.

  Katie laughed. Now she knew it wasn't Aeric, because that didn't make sense. If she was weak that meant she had no power, not that she would be unable to control her power.

  She made herself invisible, and then appeared from thin air in the sky, before The Firemaster.

  The sound of cheering broke out from below. Katie looked down and realized that crowds had gathered around the palace. Dozens of journalists with cameras were also present. She could vaguely hear chants of 'Black Thunder' and 'Still alive'.

  "I gathered them to witness my seizing of the throne," The Firemaster said. "Not you."

  A force slammed over Katie. It was just like yesterday. It was pressing down on her.

  A ball of fire appeared beneath her, no doubt created by The Firemaster. The force was pressing her down towards it.

  She tried to break through the force. She couldn't.

  What was it that Regina had said to her yesterday? She should be able to overcome a confederation. She was a Thunder Master. She had crazy power that she hadn't tapped into yet.

  As those thoughts filled her mind, a surge of energy filled her so strong she felt like she was about to erupt.

  She looked around for Michael. She couldn't see him. He didn't seem to be here. Good.

  She looked at The Firemaster, who was gazing at her in glee, obviously thinking he had the upper hand.

  Katie focused the energy welling up inside her towards him, and then released it. Thunder groaned in the sky. Blinding light filled the air, and there was a deafening clap of thunder.

  Stop! came a shout in her mind. It was Regina. Stop! You're killing innocent people.

  Katie couldn't. She felt more energy radiate out of her, and there was a loud boom.

  She blacked out for a moment. When she came to, she was lying on the ground in the palace grounds. Dozens of other people were lying around her stock still.

  Were they dead?

  Change my clothes, she thought quickly. Instantly, her clothes changed, and the mask disappeared.

  She stood up and looked around at all the people. What was wrong with them?

  "There she is," came a shout.

  Katie turned. Men were hurrying towards her. They were wearing the combat suits of the army, which meant they were on The Firemaster's side.

  Before she knew what was happening, they'd grabbed her and handcuffed her. She considered defending herself, but they were not supposed to know that she was Black Thunder. She would only give herself away. She'd wait until a more convenient time to set herself free.

  She noticed the mountain of rubble a little distance away.

  "What happened?" she asked, horror filling her.

  "Your ally, Black Thunder, destroyed you himself," one of the men said, with a smirk.

  "What did he do?" she asked.

  "Thunder, lightning, sonic boom." The man shrugged. "Killed hundreds of innocent people, blinded and deafened hundreds more."

  Another man shook his head. "One wonders why he did that. Maybe he's not the benevolent freedom fighter everyone thought he was. Maybe this was his plan all along."

  They began to pick their way through all the people lying on the ground. The man who'd cuffed Katie, dragged her along.

  "Did The Firemaster die?" Katie asked.

  "Of course not. He got himself out of here."

  What about the king?

  "We got him," one of the men said. "And now we've got you. The Firemaster is going to be so pleased."

  Where is the king? Katie thought.

  An image filled her mind of King Darius being led through a street full of people.

  She tried to teleport him away. Nothing happened. No doubt, The Firemaster had guarded against that after she'd been able to teleport the king yesterday.

  Think! Katie yelled at herself internally.

  She caused darkness to fill the air where he was. As though she were there, she heard the frantic screams of people terrified by the sudden darkness. She disguised the king, shape shifting him into a little girl. The handcuffs around his wrists were suddenly to loose and he was able to free himself. He lost himself in the crowd of frantic people.
  Katie lifted the darkness, and everyone went quiet, wondering what had happened. Then they realized the king had gone. The men who'd been leading him away were confused, while the king, disguised as a little girl, was among those looking around, also supposedly wondering where the king was. They began to search the whole area.

  Katie spoke to the king's mind in the voice of Black Thunder. Go, Your Majesty. Hide. Do not challenge The Firemaster until you have the power to overcome him.

  "Thank you…Katie?" the king whispered, running away.

  Katie froze. She stopped walking. How did he know?

  The men pushed her forward, and she stumbled along with them.

  "You're the only person who ever calls me 'Your Majesty.' Everyone else addresses me as 'My king'."

  Katie's heart sank.

  "I take it you no longer want to fight?" the king whispered, still running.

  Nobody paid any attention to the little girl running off, assuming she was going to find her parents.

  Katie looked at all the dead bodies around her. Her sonic boom and everything else should have killed her too. The only reason it hadn't was because of her special powers.

  I should be dead too.

  "You made a mistake," the king whispered.

  A terrible, costly mistake.

  Katie withdrew from the king.

  Chapter 16

  MICHAEL FEIGNED ILLNESS SO that he didn't have to join The Firemaster's celebrations that night.

  But he'd heard that the celebrations were short-lived when the king somehow managed to escape.

  "I have this weird feeling that Katie is Black Thunder," Brett said, as watched they footage of Katie's capture on the news.

  "Why on earth would you think that?" Michael asked. He'd come to hang out with Brett, needing some normalcy in his life.

  "They have the same physique."

  "You think so? Katie is…curvier." Michael wiggled his brows.

  "No. They're the same. You have the stupidest crush on her ever. You should know her physique, too."

  Michael lifted his brows. "Okay. Guilty as charged. I have a pathetic crush on her. What's your excuse for knowing her physique so well?"

  Michael didn't expect the blush that reddened Brett's cheeks.


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