The Contract: Sunshine

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The Contract: Sunshine Page 7

by McCarver, Shiree

  “Because you’re not a good liar,” Yoon yelled. “And I can tell.”

  “Your girlfriend believed we were engaged,” Sunshine reminded him. “So I must be better than you think.”

  “For one, Leslie is not my girlfriend,” he countered. “Also--”

  “Do you have one?”

  “Have one what?” Yoon asked his face momentarily blank in confusion.

  “A girlfriend?”

  “I have a few,” he admitted.

  “Oh,” she rolled her eyes. “I should have known you’re one of those guys. I thought Asian guys were supposed to be loyal to one girl. Usually a girl they’ve known since pre-school.”

  “You’ve watched too many Korean dramas.” He was the one to roll his eyes this time.

  “I haven’t seen any.”

  “You’re trying to change the subject off of you,” Yoon pointed out with a suspicious glare.

  “How many is a few girlfriends?”

  “It’s not like that. I have women friends. Is that okay with you?” He leaned in closer. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  “Would I be out on a blind date with that horn toad preacher? Would I allow myself to be dry bounced against a hard and scratchy brick wall for unseen public viewing by some horny stranger if I had a boyfriend at home waiting to give me what I need?”

  “Don’t make it seem like I threw myself at you!”

  “Oh pleeease,” Sunshine pfft. “Get it right. I threw myself at you!”

  He grinned. “Are you excited too?” Yoon looked at her speculatively.

  “Yeah,” she admitted with no shame returning his smile. Her chest heaved and she felt the stirring she had from earlier when she was catching a ride on his back.

  He grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her against his body. She cried out when her hip hit the gearshift.

  “Sorry,” he murmured against her mouth.

  He cried out when his knee hit the steering wheel.

  “Oops,” she muttered clasping his face in her hands holding his mouth in place.

  Sunshine cursed when her lower back hit the steering wheel as he drew her into his lap.

  Yoon cursed when her knee nearly crushed the parts he would need as she spread her legs and sat astride him.

  Finally they were face to face. Her aching sensitive breasts were flattened against his chest. She could feel his heart racing to keep up with hers. He loosened his hold but only a little as she worked at his tie and pushed his jacket aside to get to the buttons on his shirt.

  “Do you like this shirt?” She blew hot and heavy against his mouth, face and neck as she kissed every spot of flesh she could get to. She grabbed and yanked; buttons flew everywhere.

  “I did,” he groaned.

  She could feel his breath. He could feel hers. Their arousal was evident on their faces and in their eyes.

  “Did it get real hot in here?” she muttered heatedly. But the way he was lifting his hips and grinding the enclosed erection against her covered mons, she didn’t think he was mourning the loss of the shirt too much.

  “Steaming baby,” he ran his tongue along the deep V of her blouse and nipped at the soft jiggling flesh of breasts that was pushed up from the cups as he squeezed them together to bury his face.

  It didn’t take long to realize the extra heat also came from the fact they still had on too much clothing. Because the difficulty of their current situation, there wasn’t much they could do about it; not in the limited space of the car. There was no way Sunshine was going to get out of her pants without moving and possibly putting his penis completely out of commission with another misplaced knee.

  Ah ha! He could get to her nipples! Oh do it! Do it!

  As if he read her mind, he started tugging the silky blouse from the waistband of her pants. She brushed his hands aside once they achieved that goal to start on getting his zipper down so she could at least see it and touch it this time.

  Their heads bumped. Hard.

  “Shit!” They both cursed in accordance and automatically their hands reached up to sooth the throbbing spots on their foreheads. He recovered before she did and went diving into her bra to expose her nipples to his hungry mouth.

  “Wait a minute! Wait a minute!” Sunshine slapped at his greedy hands. Her brain was fuzzy but she didn’t reach complete idiot stage until after she had her first orgasm. Yoon obviously got there a lot quicker because she actually had to yank on his hair to get his full attention.

  “What! What!” He scowled at her.

  She scowled back at him. “Why are we acting like fumbling teenagers, banging up our bodies for no good reason trying to make out in this car? Don’t you have a bed?”

  “A bed?” He repeated. “I do!” Yoon nodded with a big grin. “I do. Four of them!”

  With more painful maneuvering, he managed to get his car door open. As he was carefully trying to help Sunshine back into her seat so he could get out. He fell sideways out of the car laughing and caught himself on his hand before easing his legs out.

  Poking her head out his side of the car, she laughingly asked, “Are you okay?”

  “I won’t be in the morning. Everything is going to hurt tomorrow,” he predicted.

  He pushed himself up and reached out a hand for her.

  “My purse,” she muttered. After reaching and lifting her small purse from the floorboard on her side of the car, she accepted his hand and let him pull her out of the car into his arms where he stole more kisses while leading her towards a door she assumed led inside his condo. She was wrong.

  Giggling, they rushed through a deserted hall that led to elevators. Once inside, the kissing and heavy petting started up again as for the second time in one night her back hit a wall.

  There was a ding and he turned her to where her back was towards the open elevator doors and he was guiding her through them. Although his eyes were open and she knew it because hers were also, he still was kissing her.

  Reluctantly she broke the kiss and turned around. He drew her back against him as if he was afraid if he broke the contact it would give her time to cool down. Sunshine knew he had nothing to worry about. It had been awhile since she had a lover. Since her last painful breakup, she was more than ready to break the dry spell. Feeling his erection nestled against her back, she knew she’d picked the right partner to get her back into the dating game again.

  “Okay, let’s be good. Someone could look out their door or walk down the hall.” She pushed away his hands that were cupping her breasts from behind.

  “This entire floor is mine.” He nuzzled her neck and tugged on her ear, mindful of the diamond stud there. “I agree with you about the lack of open floor plan so I bought the unit next to mine and had extensive renovations done to give me four bedrooms instead of two and a larger space for entertaining.”

  He stopped bumping against her as he walked her to a large wooden double door then reached around her to press the key pad on the door. There was a clicking sound.

  “Go ahead,” he murmured, returning his attention back to her neck, jaw and ear. “Push down the handle and open the door. My hands are busy.”

  Oh yes they were.

  Her lips parted in a gasp and sigh. Feeling as if her knees were about to give out on her, she gave him most of her weight and moved her head from one side to the other as he ran the padding of his fingers across her scalp, brushing her hair up and over to give him better access.

  Sunshine grasped the handle and pressed down. The door opened and Yoon reached around her to push it wide, walking her forward through it.

  When she halted with a gasp, Yoon bumped his chin on the top of her head. “Why...”

  “Yoon, look at this mess!” Sunshine cried out in shock. “It looks like someone broke in, threw a party and trashed the place!” She cried. “Who would do this? How would they be able to get in?”

  “Shit,” Yoon said peering over her head at the mess. He ran both his hands through his mussed hair and push
ed it off his brow with fingers interlocked on top of his head. A look of misery was on his face. “It’s much worse than you think” he moaned.

  “What could be worse?”

  “Another damn housekeeper has quit on me!”

  Chapter 5

  Her kisses left something to be craved...the rest of her...

  By the time Yoon concluded his video meeting with the two investors threatening to pull out of an important redevelopment deal and emerged from behind the closed door of his home office, it was well past three in the morning.

  He was mentally exhausted from the early evening dealing with an emotional Leslie only to come home and find he no longer had a housekeeper. She didn’t have the decency to earn the extra tip he added for the mess that was made from the evening before dinner party for a few of his employees that closed a new deal.

  Making his way back to his bedroom with bare feet, Yoon yanked off the tie and relieved himself of the starched collar white shirt immediately after. With the last signs of Yoon the business tycoon peeled away, he also let go of the residual irritation the business video meeting left on him.

  The sound of the television blaring from the living room was a soothing reminder that he wasn’t alone. Except for work he found he spent more time alone than he liked and there was something about working hard and knowing you had a woman waiting to help ease away all the stress.

  From where he stood, Sunshine was good at helping to relieve stress. He didn’t remember having so much fun in one evening since his college days. She made him laugh. She made him angry. She made him horny as hell and frustrated to damn near madness.

  Another thing he liked about her was she gave as good as she got in an argument and she didn’t back down from an adventure. She handled her back against that brick wall without one complaint. She ripped his expensive shirt with an apology and she didn’t shy away from his fingers as he ran them through her thick shoulder length hair.

  Again, Sunshine had dispelled one of the myths he’d heard about how all Black women felt about men playing in their hair. It may be true for most women no matter their race, but he was happy Sunshine wasn’t one of them for healthy clean hair on a woman was as big a turn on for him as a clean body and healthy teeth.

  He had good intentions of taking Sunshine home when he offered her the ride. It never crossed his mind to want anything else from her than to help him with Leslie. Then he spoke with her and argued with her and he found her interesting and mysterious.

  An heiress? He shook his head and laughed softly. Come on, who comes up with that one these days when it could be checked out easily enough. Reaching for an ironed t-shirt that read: SMILE AND SAY KIMCHI with a camera emblazed on the front of it from his walk-in closet shelf, he tugged it over his head and shoved his arms through the sleeves. He raked his fingers through the feathered and razor edged bangs combing it out of his eyes.

  The more he argued with Sunshine, the more attractive he found her. Being a man in his position of power and wealth, rarely did anyone mouth off at him, much less call him an “ass” to his face. And that had been the kindest thing amongst the other things she thought he hadn’t heard her mumble under her breath.

  His mouth curved into an unconscious smile.

  Yoon knew the smart thing would have been to let her walk away from him, but after the first kiss all he could think was he wanted more of her. More kisses would have been fine. While against the wall when he got the more kisses, he found he wanted to see her body beneath him naked; hear more of her moaning his name hotly in his ears; the tightness of her legs wrapped around his hips. She was so generous and unlike him, uninhibited.

  It would never have occurred to him to actually act upon any thoughts of exhibitionistic behaviors he may have fantasized about doing in a public place.

  Two things happened to Yoon at once: his heart felt as if it was about to leap up and out of his throat and his dick was waving a weepy reminder that it had yet to get properly dipped and served.

  Deciding he’d left Sunshine to her own devices with instructions to make herself at home long enough, he rushed out of his bedroom and down the hall only to slow his steps and take in a deep breath before he rounded the corner into the living room.

  Yoon didn’t want to seem eager. She might assume him one of those “jack rabbit” type of guys who go at it quickly for a minute or two and shoot his load.

  Okay. That is what he did with her against the brick wall so he had every intention of representing Korean men in a better light than that. If there were bad rumors about Asian men as lovers, he was going to make sure it wasn’t the Korean men that were causing the bad rumors.

  It had been a couple of hours since they had worked up a sweat in the car and he knew he was going to have to work on building the mood again, but he was more than up for the challenge.

  Yoon had expected to see Sunshine when he walked around the corner. Hell, he was actually looking forward to it, but he didn’t expect what he did find. The place was damn near spotless. Nearly because black bags of what he assumed was trash were lined up near the door to be taken out. The bottles of leftover liquor were grouped together on the dining room table along with cleaned larger kitchen items that she must hadn’t been sure where they needed to go.

  She had found the vacuum cleaner but hadn’t yet put it back in the utility closet most likely because from what he could see in the clear holder, it needed emptying. There was also still a bottle of glass cleaner and can of furniture polish on the now clean oak and glass coffee table waiting to be put away.

  He saw all of what Sunshine had done, but he didn’t see what he was looking for—Sunshine. He felt a panic feeling in the pit of his stomach that she had left before he got her number or for all he knew what if she had lied about her name. He wouldn’t ever get the chance to see and kiss her again and that thought bothered him more than he wanted to take the time at the moment to reflect on.

  No sooner had Yoon rushed past the sofa, his bare feet skidded and nearly pitched him against the front door that he spotted her asleep on the sofa that faced the door.

  He stood there, blank, amazed that she hadn’t left, and very shaken by the cold knot of emotions unfurling within him. For a moment his breath seemed to have solidified in his throat.

  Sunshine had removed her expensive suit and now wore one of his t-shirts. It was the one he had pulled off in the laundry room earlier in the day after showering and not wanting to dress for his dinner date with Leslie until closer to time to leave.

  She had piled her hair atop her head in a pigtail. That made her too cute. His eyes roamed over her arms and legs thinking, all that bare skin, looking healthy, nice and brown just waiting for him to touch and caress every bit of it. He started to grin like an idiot then stopped once he realized he’d been busy working and missed her bending over cleaning in that shirt. Damn.

  Then the suspicion crept in. He was curious as to what kind of woman had he brought into his home? She’s offered herself to him so freely that he couldn’t help being suspicious. It wouldn’t be the first time a man of his wealth and standing had been approached by one of Washington’s “escorts” to the elite politicians and business men of D.C. and he’s hired a few to work parties for his clients.

  Could that be why oddly enough she looked familiar to him? Had she been at his party with the other escorts and he hadn’t noticed her in the crowd? There were a lot of people there. What if all of this was a ruse to garner his attention and like an idiot he fell for it?

  No. Yoon mentally shook away the creeping suspicions. How could that even be possible? There was no way she could have predicted his actions. She wouldn’t know that he was going to try and persuade Leslie to lose her interest in him. He hadn’t even realized until the end of the dinner that Leslie was expecting a marriage match.

  He walked over to the leather burgundy sectional to look down at her sleeping form. It was amazing how this slip of a woman could be a burning ball of fire abo
ut to consume him down in the car, yet look so damn sweet and vulnerable now lying half naked in his t-shirt.

  Yoon felt a ridiculous protective stirring inside. He couldn’t imagine her having a hard life where she had to rely on her body as a means to help her survive. This type of work was very dangerous no matter what caliber of clients they catered to. There was always some inherited risk in the escort profession. Could that be why her mother was setting her up with a preacher? Albeit, a horn dog of a preacher. But maybe her mother had good intentions and hoped the preacher could get her out of a not so chaste lifestyle.

  Damn. Why did he keep coming back to this conclusion? What did it say about him that it was easier for him to believe Sunshine could be a professional hooker quicker than he could believe her claim to be an heiress?

  He eased onto the sofa beside her, placed a soft cream, colored throw pillow beneath her head and scooted over until her head was resting on the pillow in his lap. At his interruption, she only stirred and the corner of her mouth turned upward in a smile. Before sighing deeply, she shifted onto her side facing away from him.

  Yoon ran his forefinger and index fingers along the delicate length of her nose, over the full softness of her lips and along the high peaks of her cheeks.

  Silently he forgave himself for his earlier thoughts of her character. He had a good reason to think Sunshine had lied to him about whom she was. He might have believed she was an heiress if she hadn’t claimed to be the Dupree Food’s Heiress.

  Yoon had done business with Sophia Dupree and although he hadn’t seen her granddaughter in person, she saw a picture of her amongst all the other pictures atop the grand piano in the parlor of that spacious mausoleum Mrs. Dupree called home.

  The Dupree family was one of the few wealthy African Americans, not only in the Washington area, but in the United States in general.

  Gaining Sophia Dupree as an investor had been a feather in his cap and it had garnered him a lot of free publicity in every major financial and business magazine in Asian, Europe and America.

  Sophia Dupree came from old Southern money. She was also able to trace her multicultural ancestry back two centuries, which was something she was very proud of.


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