The Contract: Sunshine

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The Contract: Sunshine Page 16

by McCarver, Shiree

Chapter 13

  Nothing like a good frolic in the moonlight...

  Yoon looked over at Sunshine as they sat in the car in the drive of the looming mansion estate. He was as impressed by the beauty of the property as much now as he was the first two times he visited. However, it was the first time he’d been here after sunset and it was even more impressive.

  He still found it hard to picture the woman he caught sneaking out of the restaurant was the same woman that grew up in a house like this.

  The soothing muffled sounds of the Parisian style water fountain that decorated the outer courtyard could be heard from inside the car. They had been sitting there for the last ten minutes with Sunshine looking no more ready to go inside now than she had when they arrived.

  He put a hand behind her neck and massaged the sexy slope from nape to shoulder in gentled kneading strokes. “Sweetheart, the sooner we get in there, the sooner we can leave.”

  “I know.”

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look this evening?”

  And she did look beautiful, dressed in an elegant simple black tea-length sheath dress with a modest back split, boat neckline, back drape and a decorative diamond and pearl brooch pinned to the front over her heart. Finishing off her outfit were pearl earrings, black stockings and black kitty heel open toe shoes that adorned her feet.

  When he first saw her, his first thought after he was able to breathe again was all she needed was a hat, a pair of shades and a cigarette holder and she would look like she walked out of the movie Breakfast at Tiffney’s.

  If Yoon hadn’t met her grandmother already and seen the care she took in her own lovely appearance, he would have thought Sunshine was overdressed for the summoned “family dinner.”

  “You did.” She gave him a half smile. That was a start. “Even if I didn’t feel beautiful at first, when I saw how you looked at me I felt like it was true.”

  He leaned towards her with his hand still resting on the back of her slender neck. “That’s because it’s the truth and no matter how you have been made to feel in the past by your family, it doesn’t matter now.”

  “Doesn’t it?” She fretted.

  The sadness he saw in her eyes tugged at his heart. Their lovemaking was so good it frightened him. He wasn't quite certain what he'd expected, but he'd never imagined that Sunshine would have so many facets to her: bold and insatiable, guileless and unsure, both aggressive and giving, seductive and nurturing.

  He'd wanted to withdraw and consume her at the same time, and his little mental battle was confusing the hell out of him.

  “Sunshine, most women try to look beautiful because they are trying to catch the eyes of a man. You now have a man who can’t take his eyes off of you. When I spoke to your grandmother--”

  “You spoke to my grandmother?” She squeaked out her question.

  “As if I had a choice?” He half smiled. “I came to speak with Mrs. Dupree the day after mother gave me...uh...long scolding about my manners.”

  “Scolding,” Sunshine eyes twinkle with mirth. “She beat you over the head with her purse. I’ve never seen a woman with legs that short move so fast.”

  “She’s had plenty of practice,” he laughed. “And she does have a way of never having to repeat herself,” he shook his head. “But I realized what she said was true and I came here to apologize.

  “How did it go?”

  Her eyes searched his face and he looked out the window at nothing in particular when he answered, “Nothing really.” He shrugged his shoulders. “She extended the invitation for us to come to dinner tonight.” He looked down at his other hand intertwined with her fingers on her lap.

  “Really?” He could hear the suspicion in her voice. “Nothing else? Not one threat? You want me to believe she didn’t even mention disowning me?”

  “I think with enough contriteness about my behavior she will eventually come around.” His head lifted and he winked at her.

  “Yeah, but she can be scary, Yoon,” Sunshine chuckled.

  “I thought I was the big bad wolf in this fairytale.” He nodded with a big grin. Her wedding band glimmered from the outside spotlights illuminating the front of the mansion causing him to look at their intertwined hands again.

  Seeing the ring on her finger puffed him with pride. Sunshine was his wife. My pretty African American wife. How surreal was that thought. He swore it wouldn’t ever happen but with each passing day he was growing more accustomed to the idea.

  Yoon had quickly become attached to walking in the house and finding someone there that he could talk, laugh and snuggle with. He was not one to but she was and she was distracting enough with her mouth and hands to not make him feel as if he was just sitting when he could be doing something important.

  Time was already flying by. He imagined the year was going to pass quicker than he first imagined. Sunshine wasn’t only his wife and lover, she was becoming his friend. Yoon didn’t know one could have so much fun with a woman outside of bed.

  “Yoon?” She touched his face. “Did you hear me? I know I’m being cowardly but I don’t want to go inside yet.”

  He released an inward groan. Sophia Dupree hadn’t asked him to bring her granddaughter to dinner tonight, she had demanded it. Also he didn’t want to tell Sunshine, but she did issue threats, but not about her inheritance.


  “I know,” her head dropped. “You’re disappointed in me. Here I am, wanting to continue to run from my family after you faced your mother.”

  “Remember she was waiting on me when I arrived home. I can’t say I would have been ready yet to face her and my father if she hadn’t.” His features took on a reflective look. “If you ask me, it went so well because you won her over before I got there.”

  “Yeah, sure I did.” She rolled her eyes.

  Someone stepped out of the house and Sunshine scooted down in her seat.

  “Don’t worry,” he sighed. “It’s looks to be someone from the staff coming outside to smoke a cigarette.”

  “Here I thought I had made some progress since I’ve been with you,” Sunshine said. “I’m too embarrassed for you to even look at me. What kind of person hides from their own family?”

  “A person like me,” Yoon ground the words out between his teeth. “I know you remember the grown man that asked a stranger to lie for him to a pretty decent lady just so he wouldn’t have to face his parents and give in yet again to their wishes.”

  Happy though he may be at this moment with Sunshine, no amount of happiness would change their shady beginning. If he could do it all over again he would admit to himself that he was attracted to her voice before he saw her and after he saw her, he desired her.

  His contemptuous tone sparked her anger, “You know you’re going to have to let go of that guilt if we are going to be able to move forward.”

  “How can I if it’s the truth Sunshine?”

  “If we are going to talk truths,” she began looking him in the eyes. “Then the truth is I could have accepted responsibilities for my actions and walked away from the situation by walking back into that restaurant and speaking with that manager.”

  “You didn’t handle the situation that way because of the situation with your family,” he murmured feeling the need to relieve her of any responsibilities.

  Why? Because since she told him she loved him he had been feeling guilty as hell.

  He didn’t have a good track record in relationships period. She only knew about his failed marriage. She had no idea about all the failures he had afterwards. It got so bad he deliberately started going after beautiful women that wanted him for his money. This was something he could relate to. He didn’t have to cater to any of her emotional demands because he didn’t have any emotional ties to her. When she started clinging he would buy her an expensive gift, pat her on the ass and send her on her way.

  Yeah, a real appealing son-of-a-bitch he was. It scared the hell out of him how much he cared about S
unshine’s “feelings.” When did that happen? It had to be because when they met he thought he was “saving her.”

  Yoon was suffering from the Hero Complex. This beautiful sexy woman, evicted from her home, with no money and stranded in the streets, he saved from a life of prostitution, stripping in a bar and all kinds so bullshit excuses he told himself was why he had to be the one to help and no one else.

  The mistake was kissing her. After that, he wanted her. When he offered to heroically save her hurting feet by carrying her own his back, the truth is he wanted to feel her softness against him; smell her scent and make her grateful at the same time. Grateful enough to fuck him and naive enough to think it was all her idea.

  This is why he felt like such a bastard when she told him she loved him. He didn’t want to ponder why hearing her say it gave him so much pleasure and so much guilt he continued to make love to her until the just couldn’t manage to get it up anymore.

  In his mind, he convinced himself that the more orgasms he could give her each time they fucked, the less guilty he could feel about enjoying her body and company to the point he was beginning to believe he actually like being married.

  Soon, he thought. Soon, she will expect to hear the words, I love you back to her and when I can’t say them, she will see me for the son-of-a-bitch all my ex’s said I was.

  She interrupted his thoughts by saying, “Yoon, you are really too sweet, but the truth is we both know the moment I went in there and proved who I was by inconveniencing the lawyer that handles my trust fund, it would have all been over with.”

  That was surprising revelations. “You really had someone you could have called that night?”

  She nodded.

  “Why didn’t you, damn it?” He practically yelled releasing her hand and moving to place his hands on the steering wheel. He knew he was angrier at his dark thoughts than he was at her actions.

  “Well you pissed me off. You were the third person that night to make me feel like a second class citizen by obviously not appreciating who I was,” Sunshine admitted thoughtfully.

  “I don’t think it would have mattered to me that much if I had known who you were at that time. I was desperate and you were an opportunity waiting to happen,” he spoke to her but gazed out the front windshield.

  The cigarette smoking person went back inside and through the open door he could see people. There was no way all of what he could see was part of the Dupree family. Most likely Sophia Dupree was trying to throw an impromptu gathering for them.

  There was no way Sunshine was up to that yet. They were still learning things about one another. There would be questions she couldn’t answer. Her grandmother was already suspicious; she made that clear when he spoke and apologized to her.

  Around her grandmother, Sunshine would quickly become flustered and feel guilty about lying and before he knew it, she would get that urge to be honest like she was about to do with Leslie. What was he to do? Go in or not go in? Either way he was risking a loss.

  “How is it that you managed to stay out of the public eye and not become the African American Paris Hilton?” He found himself asking.

  “When I was a teenager, I tried but my grandmother was always a step ahead of me because she didn’t want me to turn out like my mother.” She gave him a big smile. “I couldn’t tarnish the family name, you know.”

  Yoon looked down at her hand as she seemingly absently massaged the corded muscle above his kneecap as she spoke. His dick quickly grew excited. When a female’s hand played that close to the danger zone, a man couldn’t help but hope. But he knew Sunshine was naturally a touch feely person. More than once he had been fooled by the animated ways she talked with her hands.

  “She appears to have done a good job of it,” he thickly said.

  “She’s had plenty of practice,” Sunshine countered with a mischievous grin. “First with my mother and I think after my parents divorced, I took over her role of aggravating my grandmother because I felt she was the reason my parents weren’t together.”

  Yoon slowly nodded as he listened.

  “The first time I was brave enough to rebel against her will I was seventeen. That summer a young gardener had been hired to assist the main gardener and that summer I discovered that I had a hot little body,” she rolled her eyes. “His words not mine.”

  Yoon smiled at that. “So that is why I didn’t see any male staff under sixty on the grounds.”

  “Or any female staff either,” Sunshine winked. “But I’ll save that story for another time.”

  He was going to hold her to it and he hoped it was as nasty as his fantasies were at the moment. Her hand inched up his thigh to his crotch and that brought his attention back to what she was saying.

  “The gardener was this high school dropout,” she laughed. “An all around bad-ass, you know.”

  “I bet your grandmother just loved him,” he remarked, pleased at how nonchalant he sounded considering Sunshine was rubbing the length of his cock through his trousers.

  “Oh, to my satisfaction she couldn’t stand him on sight which made me take notice. The more she talked about his tattoos and piercings, the more in ‘love’ I thought I was. I figured if anyone could stand up the Grand Madam, it would be him.”

  Yoon’s head fell back against the leather interior headrest and lolled from side to side. His eyes rolled in the back of his head and closed. “Humph,” a catch rumbled in the back of his throat when she squeezed. He sucked in his bottom lip. His gut tightened. “Did...did he?”

  “If he had, do you think I would be sitting here married to you?” She released sexy low laugh that felt like fingertips along his spine. “I would have run off with him and I would be now living my great big fairytale romance.”

  “So what happened?” He asked in a lower, huskier tone. To his disappointment and building frustration, she removed her hand.

  “He chose money over love,” she answered quickly before she opened the door and slid out of the car. Peering back inside the car, she said, “If you can catch me, you can do anything you want to me.”

  “Great,” Yoon moaned. “Offer me that option knowing I can’t walk much less run after this.” He pointedly looked down at his lap.

  “If you are the man I think you are,” Sunshine winked. “You won’t let that stop you.”

  “Is that a challenge?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.

  “Does it feel like one?” She asked.

  “Hell yeah,” Yoon said, his voice was filled with sexual interest in the game she was playing.

  “I do have on the kitty-heeled pumps so I think it will make us even.”

  “If you let me stroke and touch you first, then we will be even.”

  She released that sexy little laugh he was coming to adore. “You want it, you come and get it.” She turned, slammed the car door and fled off into the gardens.

  For fear of her safety in the darkness, Yoon didn’t hesitate to quicken from the car and give chase.

  Breathless from the thrill of the chase—or was it more from the knowledge of what was to come, Yoon caught her giggling figure about the waist after she entered what look to be a gardener’s shack.

  “Gotcha,” he laughed.

  “That’s because I made it easy for you.” She reached up to undo his tie. While on tiptoes she sprinkled his mouth, chin and the skin she exposed at his throat with moist laughing kisses.

  “You want to have sex? In here?” He looked about the large moonlit place. He supposed it was clean enough considering.

  “I want to have sex with you here.” She ran her hot tongue over his bobbing Adam’s apple and his erection practically saluted from the confines of his dress trousers. “This is where I lost my virginity and it was the worst experience of my life.”

  He cupped her face to look at her. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” she shrugged. “No one can change their past, but I can make new memories of this place with you. Please say yes.�

  “You think I would say no?”

  “It isn’t the cleanest place to make love,” she pointed out unnecessarily.

  “Don’t worry, I will make sure it’s your ass on the bottom and not mind,” he teased her mouth.

  “Hmm,” she moaned against his lips. “I was thinking of a way neither one of us would find ourselves rolling in the dirt on the ground.”

  “Now you really got my attention.” He slowly worked down the zipper from the nape of her neck to the top of her pert derriere.

  “Before I get too excited at the prospect, please tell me you have a condom on you. I left my handbag in the car.”

  “I put one in my wallet on the off chance my wife would want to dollop in the car again,” he grinned.

  “You do know I married you for your brains don’t you?” He smoothed his fingers along her naked arms until they were stretched above her head. Easing up the hem of her sheath dress, he pulled it off over her head and outstretched arms. He stood back and admired the garter belt holding up sheer black stockings with matching lace panties and a half-cup bra that made her bosom appear even more generous in size.

  “Well, forgive me if I sound like a caveman but I married you for your body, baby,” he muttered going in for another kiss. Sunshine danced out of his arms.

  “One of us has on too many clothes and it’s not me,” she murmured. “Don’t you think you better shed that suit before the chilly night air cools me off completely?”

  She turned her back to him giving him a view of nothing but ass for the strip of lace that was part of her panties seemed to have been devoured by the generous cheeks of her bottom.

  He didn’t know if he wanted to fuck her with them off or just tug aside the small strip covering her snatch and fuck her with them on. His nostrils flared with his desire and he made short work of placing his suit and her discarded dress over the wooden chair sitting in front of the potter’s table.

  Yoon’s mouth went completely dry when she unhooked her bra and her brown breasts with their russet dark nipples were exposed to his hungry view.

  “Sunshine,” was all he could manage. He knew he must look foolish, bathed in the moonlight coming through the window enclosed rooftop, completely pale ass naked with an erection that even he found impressive in only his black shoes and socks.


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