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Hostile Contact Page 11

by Tamala Callaway

  “You know…if you keep this up, I'm going to have to jump your bones Mr. Harrison,” Symóne warned Trevor as she took a piece of her bacon and stuck it in her mouth, half turning to face him.

  “So…do you want me to stop?” he whispered in her ear.

  She spun around in her bar stool to face him and opened her legs to let him fall closer to her. Trevor cupped his right hand behind her neck and pulled her face to his and began to kiss her passionately. With heavy breathing and pounding heartbeats, neither of them heard the light tapping at the door. Symóne wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer, if that were even possible, and felt that he was ready to connect.

  He then dropped his pajama bottoms in between kisses, then grabbed her thighs and pulled her to him until they were connected. When he lifted her from the bar stool and turned to walk to the sofa, the knocking became louder. By now, they were too engrossed to be bothered and it was evident that whoever was on the other side of the door, would have to wait.

  “Mr. Harrison?” the security called out. His voice was barely audible through the door, but it sounded as though it was raised.

  “Not now!” Trevor shouted breathlessly, taking every moment he had with Symóne as though it was his last.

  She quietly begged him not to stop, holding on to him, keeping his body pressed against hers. He complied with no intention of stopping before they wanted to.

  “Mr. Harrison, it's urgent! We have a situation!” said the security on duty.

  With all the tension between Trevor and Symóne, and the interruption of the security, the excitement and adrenaline teased them both. Symóne was reaching her peak, moaning loudly as she dug her nails into Trevor's back, shivering with exhaustion, causing him to explode along with her. He was paralyzed momentarily, while his body released pressure, draining all of his energy.

  Unsure of what the emergency entailed, he reluctantly pulled himself from Symóne and rushed to slip his pants back on and opened the door. The security stepped just inside the condo and was about to explain what the situation was when Trevor's phone went off. He saw that it was Blake, his head of security, and answered.

  “What's going on Blake?” he demanded.

  “It's Symóne's apartment. It's on fire and Justin is dead!” he gulped solemnly with a tinge of anger in his voice. “Someone apparently broke in last night looking for her, and found Justin instead. The perpetrator put a bullet in his head and ransacked her apartment, then gassed the place and set it on fire,” he took a breath then waited for Trevor's response.

  His head wagged back and forth as he tried to process what was actually going on. “I'm so sorry about Justin, Blake. Please accept my sincere condolences,” he choked.

  He then told the security to stay put at the door, and also told Blake to handle things with the police and take care of the rest of the security issues. He needed to think and he would get back to everyone shortly. His mind was on how to break the news to Symóne and he had to think quickly. She was approaching him with curiosity, worry and wonder in her expression at what was going on.

  When he turned to face her, his eyes were stressed. She became cautious and guarded as he reached out a hand to her. She took his hand, but before he could speak, he embraced her.

  “What happened?” she begged almost in a whisper. The solemn look toward her and the embrace were signs that whatever was going on, clearly had something to do with her.

  “Come, take a seat first,” he suggested as he released her and put his arm around her waist and walked with her to where they had just been earlier. When she sat down, he sat facing her.

  “Symóne…there is no easy way to tell you this,” he sighed and looked away.

  “Just say it Trevor,” she urged him.

  Taking a deep breath, he exhaled his answer. “It's your apartment. It's on fire and the fire department is working on it now,” he waited as her eyes grew in shock. Seconds later, the reality of it hit her. She shook her head no as her eyes began to fill with water.

  “My whole life was in there! Everything I own is in that apartment!” she screeched. She put her hand up to her chest as if she needed help to breathe. “I have to see if there is anything salvageable left!” she stood to go get dressed, but Trevor stopped her.

  “Symóne, it's not safe right now. I can tell you from experience, that until the fire is completely extinguished and an investigation is complete, they're not going to let you back in that building. It has been evacuated and no one will be allowed back there for at least a few days. This much I know without asking,” he held her while she sobbed into his shoulder.

  “What am I going to do now?” her words were broken through her tears.

  “I will take care of you Symóne. Whatever you need, it will all be taken care of. You'll stay here as long as you want, even if its forever. I promise that I will take care of you,” he assured her, pulling back to let her see the sincerity in his eyes.

  “There were things there that can't be replaced Trevor. Things that belonged to my mother, my sketches, my plans…my life!” she began to bawl again.

  “I'm so sorry Symóne. This shouldn't have happened to you or anyone else. I can't replace anything of sentimental value, but I will do all I can to get your life back. I'm making it my mission to find whoever is doing these things to you, and make them regret it,” he vowed.

  Her phone was vibrating in her room. It was on her dresser, making an awful wood pecking sound as it moved around from the vibrations. She went to retrieve it with Trevor following behind her, and when she opened the message, it was from the anonymous texter.

  Anonymous- 9:15 am- Found you!

  Anonymous- 9:12 am- You fucking Bitch! You fucked him didn't you? I hope he was worth it, because now you have nothing!

  Anonymous- 8:48 am- I'll find you!

  Anonymous- 6:27 am- Where in the hell are you Symóne?

  Anonymous- 5:03 am- Where are you hiding Symóne?

  Anonymous- 3:15 am- You had better NOT be with that asshole!

  As Symóne read down the messages last to first, Trevor was standing behind her reading them as well. Her hands began to tremble as she lost composure, falling into his arms. She had begun to hyperventilate when he caught her, cradling her in his arms, where she then pulled away and went to lay on her bed. Symóne curled into a fetal position, unsure of how to handle such a situation.

  “I'll be right back,” Trevor assured her as he left out to make a phone call. He needed to inform his security team, his partner, and his building superintendent of what's going on. He was about to use his connection to the government to find this person immediately.

  Calling a Military Intelligence Officer who had the connections to find anyone, anywhere in the United States, Trevor called in a favor to a client he'd won a case for just six months ago. After explaining the entire situation to him, he was assured that an FBI team would be contacting him before the end of the day. He and Symóne were about to get the same security package as the President of the United States.

  Once his calls were made, he rushed back to Symóne to check on her and to see how can he help her get through this traumatic situation. She was still curled up in a fetal position, tears flowing to the blanket underneath her.

  “Symóne?” he called out to her. She only looked at him in response. Eyes red and swollen, she sniffled.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” he assured her, coming to lay across the bed in front of her. He was facing her, wiping away her tears, then leaned forward to kiss the top of her cheek. “What can I do to make you feel better right now?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she whispered.

  “Is there anything you need? Should we go shopping?”

  Symóne shrugged. She hadn't thought that far ahead. It wasn't until he asked, that she remembered that the only clothes she had was what was in her overnight bag. She raised herself—propped up on her elbow and rested her head in the palm of her hand.

ng her throat, she sighed with exhaustion, “All I have now, is what I brought with me yesterday.”

  He put his hand under her chin, raising it enough for him to get eye contact from her. “Maybe you could use a day out. I know that we were going to look for store front property for your business, but that can wait. As a matter of fact, I think we should wait until this person is caught and dealt with. Right now, I want to take you shopping. We'll go to Dallas and just get out of Austin all together?” he checked with her.

  “You don't have to do this Trevor. I have money, and I can buy more clothes,” she rejected.

  “I didn't ask if you could buy your own clothes, I said I wanted to take you shopping. This is something I've never done before, and always wanted to,” he smiled.

  She shook her head and knew how persistent Trevor could be when he wanted something. Secretly, she wanted to see what he was like away from work and home. She was also curious of how he interacted with regular people. She sat up and he sat up with her. After drying the remaining tears from her face, she finally exhaled a relieving breath of air. Giving more thought to being treated for once.

  “Okay Mr. Harrison, I'm in,” she smiled falsely.

  “Oh now, you know you can't call me that and expect me to not want to have a repeat of dessert before breakfast…?” he smirked at her.

  “Hmm, so you're one of those types huh?”

  “What do you mean?” he asked innocently.

  “Sex starved…thirsty,” she said with a shrug.

  “For you? Absolutely.” he smiled.

  “Great! So am I. I think that after all of this, if I'm going to be punished for it, I might as well really take you on a ride,” she chimed and rushed him. This time, she was unleashing her inner whore on him. The things she began doing to Trevor, had him speaking a foreign language. It caught Symóne off guard, but she continued. Undoubtedly, he had never been pleasured in this particular way, because he was trying hard not to scream, but failed miserably. He lost control, and when he finally was able to breathe again, the look he had for Symóne said a million words, but only three escaped his throat.

  “I love you,” he breathed just before he fell back on the bed. He couldn't move, nor could he open his eyes. Symóne crawled over him, leaned forward, kissing his lips. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around her. “Sorry. I didn't mean it that way,” he whispered.

  “What way?”

  “Like I only feel that way because of what you did. The feeling was there long before that. I just…had nothing else to say,” he turned onto his side, resting her on her back.

  “Oh I kind of knew you were feeling this way before now. I was just making sure that you said it first,” she smiled with a guilty shrug.

  “How did you know I would say it now?” he asked her.

  “You just seem like the giver, never being given what you need. I figured that once you finally received what you try so hard to give, your true emotions would come out,” she giggled at the shocked look on his face.

  He gazed into her eyes, “I do love you Symóne. Damn it! It's only been two weeks, and I love the hell out of you woman!” he sort of ranted in a comical way. He was rejuvenated now and was making his way over her. Too anxious to be gentle with her, he pulled up on her legs and thrust himself inside of her, the way he could tell she liked it. Only at times, did she like it slow and gentle, but this was not one of those times.

  The sun was piercingly bright, high noon, and they needed to get going. After showering and getting dressed, Trevor informed security that they were ready to head out, and that sometime this evening, they all would be meeting up with government officials. Trevor had security to keep watch over the entire building, his floor, and his condo. The garage was well secured as well, but Trevor had an unknown advantage. He didn't take his Range Rover for this particular trip. He had a Hummer that he rarely drove anywhere. It was his toy that he only took on tailgating trips.

  Symóne looked at him in question when they stopped at it and he held the door open for her.

  “You have issues Trevor,” she teased.

  “I know. I've been seeing someone about them,” he chuckled.

  “You don't get pulled over for having window tint this dark?”

  “Nope. Not as long as I have government plates, it's cool,” he smiled and closed her door. He went around to the driver's side and got in. There was no way that anyone would suspect them in this particular vehicle, nor could anyone see inside of it. He knew that by the time they were halfway to Dallas, they would know if they were being followed.

  The trip went undisturbed and they were able to get a lot of shopping done. Trevor had more than replaced Symóne's entire wardrobe in one trip. The Hummer was packed with no room for anything else. When Symóne wanted to stop at only a few things, he called the first security agent that spent the night at her apartment to get an account of how much she actually had. The agent only gave him estimated guesses of around sixty or so pairs of shoes, thirty something purses, tons of belts and scarves, and hordes of accessories. The amount of clothes were impossible to even estimate, as she used the second bedroom in her apartment as a closet. She was defeated when Trevor glared at her and gave her the run down. He wanted to make sure that she didn't go without much of anything she was used to having.

  They had also made a stop at an office supply store for sketch pads of all sizes, pencils, markers and all sorts of supplies she used to design at home.

  “So I'm hungry again, and I really want to get back home to get this meeting over with and spend some quiet time alone with you,” said Trevor.

  “Home. Is this going to be it for me?” asked Symóne. Her face was worried.

  “Wherever home is for me, it will be for you as well. Unless you feel differently?” he assured her of his intentions. They were only twenty minutes away, but were about to stop for an early dinner.

  “I feel safer with you Trevor. I just don't want to be a burden or wear out my welcome,” she looked out of the side window.

  “I'm a long term kind of guy. I'm ready for a permanent commitment. I'm just waiting for you to catch up,” he smiled at her.

  She turned to look at him and thought of something. “Does this mean that I can use the guest room for a closet since you bought so much, and perhaps bunk with you?”

  “Well now, lets see…” he chuckled. “I guess my ultimate plan worked. There is no way that you can put all of this stuff in that room and still have a place to sleep. I guess my bed will have to do,” he smirked menacingly at her.

  Symóne dropped and shook her head. She thought, how did this man get to me this deeply in such a short period of time?

  With so much going on with the both of them, she decided that being difficult would only make Trevor have to stress over a relationship with her, his case load, and finding her stalker. It would be better if she just gave in to her heart and worked with him to get past the drama. She was a strong woman, and it was time she stood behind her new man.

  “I love you Trevor Harrison,” she beamed, then smiled at the shocked look on his face. His expression was like being eight years old all over again, waking up on Christmas morning to everything he asked Santa for on a very long wish list. He pulled over in a small shopping center and parked. He got out and walked around to her side and opened her door.

  Confused, she took the hand he held out to her and got out. Trevor pulled her into an embrace, then kissed her for a long gratifying moment. When they stopped, he held her face in his hand and gazed into her eyes. “Thank you for telling me that. I promise you will never regret opening your heart to me,” he vowed.

  Now that Trevor knew that he had Symóne's heart and would have her by his side forever, he could manage his career and personal life better. They had dinner, then headed home. Trevor called the concierge to send out as many bellmen as possible to bring Symóne's wardrobe up to their condo. He stopped by the front desk to add her to his residence and had them to do a change of ad
dress for her.

  That evening, the meeting with the Lieutenant of special security, worked out a plan with Trevor on his and Symóne's safety. Once they left, he called the Austin City Police Department to contract off duty officers to do security in the Plaza, particularly their buildings and for Symóne's best friend Faye.

  Other than a few more angry texts from the anonymous texter, who was contacting her from quite a few different pre-paid phone cards, Trevor and Symóne enjoyed the rest of their weekend while building her new closet in the spare bedroom for her new wardrobe.

  Monday came, and it was almost murder for Trevor to have to part ways with Symóne to start court proceedings. She assured him that she would be careful and text him throughout the day. She and Faye had a long chat about how things were going with Trevor and got a thumbs up approval. Lunch was delivered to the girls so they didn't have to leave the building and Symóne got a few dirty messages from Trevor while he was in court. When she showed them to Faye, they both burst into laughter.

  “I knew that sexy thing had a freakish side to him,” Faye boasted.

  “Oh yes. Trevor is all business at work, but behind closed doors, and some open ones, he's a real freak,” Symóne confirmed.

  “So, Faye. I saw that you were looking a little thirsty at Officer Alexander Rose…hmm?” Symóne was fishing.

  “Well, he doesn't wear a wedding band, nor does it look like he ever has,” she spouted information while eating. “I wonder if he has a girlfriend or something?”

  “Why don't you ask him?” Symóne suggested.

  “I don't want to seem anxious or desperate. Why don't you ask him for me? He knows you're knocking boots with his boss, so there's no awkwardness there?” Faye seemed sort of shy now, which is out of character for her.

  “Okay,” Symóne shrugged. She figured she should return the favor and get her best friend hooked up so they could go out on double dates from now on and let the single life go. She got up from their table and walked right up to the officer. “Excuse me…Officer Rose?” she began.


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