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Momentum Page 14

by Cassandra Carr

  “Follow us, Jess. And get Leah and Brady started calling the others.”

  The ambulance doors slammed and Natalie’s eyes began to close. She’d never been so tired in all her life.

  “Ma’am, try to stay awake. I know you want to sleep, but fight it for me, okay?”

  “Natalie.” Her eyelids lifted at the tone of Conner’s voice. “Listen to me, darlin’.” A tear escaped and he reached down to wipe it away, his expression a mixture of worry, relief and maybe even caring. Her mind reeled. She hardly knew these people. “Marco is meeting us at the hospital. Just hang on.”

  “Hates me…” she murmured as another tear rolled down her cheek.

  Conner leaned in until she could see his entire face clearly. “He does not hate you. We’ve all been out lookin’ for you. He’s worried sick about you, but he definitely doesn’t hate you.”

  “Family. His family.”

  Conner broke out into a grin then. “Told ’em to go to hell.”

  A wave of relief, along with remorse at what Marco had turned his back on, flooded her. Unable to process everything, she let her eyes close again.

  She woke up when the stretcher was being hauled out of the ambulance. Natalie was sure they were trying to be gentle, but every little jostle was another special look into hell. The paramedic must’ve started an IV line, as several bags appeared to be lying to her right near where the IV went into a vein near her elbow. For the first time, Natalie felt lucid enough to wonder if she was going to die.

  Her eyes sought out Conner, the only link to the world that made sense. He was walking next to the stretcher, her hand firmly encased in his. She squeezed and he turned.

  “Might not make it—”

  Conner’s expression turned so fierce she would’ve shrunk back if she could’ve moved. “You are not going to die, Natalie. You need to be strong now, sugar. I know it’s hard, and I know it hurts like a bitch right now, believe me. I’ve been there. But you need to fight.”

  “For what?”

  His mouth dropped open just for a second before he said, “For yourself. For Marco. Because you deserve better than this.”

  Natalie heard a scuffle and then Marco’s panicked voice. “Wait!”

  She put her good hand on the paramedic’s arm. “Stop for just a second.”

  The paramedics glanced at each other. “Talk as we move her, sir.” Marco appeared at the foot of the stretcher, breathing hard as he trotted beside her. “Oh my God, tesora.” He looked heavenward before returning his gaze to hers. “I will be right here, cara. I will not leave you. I will never leave you.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she choked out.

  “Stop for just a second, please. She is upset.” Marco skirted around the side of the stretcher and ran a very gentle, shaking hand down the side of her face. Through the tears clogging her eyes she saw so many things in his. “Shhhh. Rest now, cara. I will not leave you,” he repeated. “I love you.” Natalie couldn’t stop the stream of tears rolling down her cheeks, and Marco cursed. “I didn’t mean to upset you. We’ll talk later. Let them take care of you.” His gaze lifted to the paramedics and nurses stationed around the stretcher. “Do everything you can for her. I don’t care what it costs.”

  “We will,” the nurse promised before punching the button to get the heavy double doors back to the emergency room treatment area to open. Natalie was whisked in, and as orders were given and more diagnostic testing and examinations were done, she tried to come to terms with what Marco had said. Could it be true? Her head hurt too much to put deep thought into it, but as the pain drugs they’d administered sank in, she fell asleep with a strange feeling of contentment.

  * * * * *

  Marco watched as the doors closed behind the woman he loved. His knees began to buckle and Conner and Paolo each grabbed an arm. Together they shuffled over to the waiting area. Marco was deposited in a chair and his friends and brother gathered around him. Balancing his elbows on his thighs, he leaned forward and put his face in his hands. A sound dangerously close to a sob escaped him.

  “If something happens to her, I will never forgive mio padre. Never.”

  “Just let the doctors work, Marco.” It was Jessica, and her gentle tone was his undoing. He’d never cried in front of other men, but he found himself burying another sob. Jumping up, he stalked away from the group to compose himself.

  A few minutes later, Paolo joined him. Placing his hand on Marco’s shoulder and squeezing, he said, “You don’t need to be strong for us, amico. We know you love her.”

  “What if—” He choked on the words and Paolo shook his head.

  “Don’t think the worst. Wait to see what the doctors say.”

  “Easy for you…”

  Paolo took a deep breath. “It’s true I don’t know Natalie the way you do, but I care about her. And if you do love her and want to be with her I will do everything I can to support both of you.”

  Marco eyes stung with unshed tears, but he let out a breath and said, “After this is over we need to talk about what we’re going to do.”

  “Don’t concern yourself with that now.” Paolo squeezed again and then released his grip. “Do you want some coffee or dinner? You haven’t eaten.”

  “Neither have you. Probably none of us has.”

  “I will go speak with Conner and Jessica and Brady and Leah and see if they’re hungry. We can tell the other guys they can go and we’ll update them when we hear word.”

  Marco ran a weary hand over his face. “Yes. They have to travel tomorrow. So do you.”

  “No, amico. I’m staying here with you.”

  “You don’t—”

  Paolo waved him off. “I’m not going to leave while you’re going through all this.”

  He nodded. Paolo was only twenty-three. When had he become an adult? Of course, now that their father had cut Marco and most likely Paolo off, he’d have to be an adult. They would need to find housing for the off-season, a trailer to travel in and so many other things.

  But right now I need Natalie to live.

  Marco told Paolo he was going to take a short walk and left his brother to talk to the group assembled at the hospital. He found himself in the hospital’s chapel. It was dimly lit and quiet, and Marco sat in one of the pews. His head bowed, he clasped his hands.

  “Dio, I know I have not always acted as you would prefer me to. But I need something from you now. Prego, I need you to help Natalie. I haven’t even known her that long but I love her. I do. I will do anything to make her happy.” He paused and took a deep breath. Raising his eyes heavenward, he said, “I feel so helpless. There is nothing I can do for her. So please, help her.” He left the chapel and made his way back to the waiting room. Everyone was still there.

  “They won’t leave,” Paolo told him, and Marco’s face must’ve registered surprise because Paolo chuckled. “That’s the same reaction I had.”

  Garret stepped forward. “We’re a family. Yes, we’ll have to go on to the next event tomorrow, but for tonight, we’re here for you.”

  The others in the group nodded and Marco felt tears welling up again. He’d had no idea that falling in love would make him so emotional, but he wouldn’t change a thing.

  Conner spoke up. “I talked to the nurse. We can order in some food so everyone can eat.”

  “Thank you. I’ll give you a credit card.” Conner started to argue, but Marco continued. “You all have been a far better family than most of my actual family has been to me. And you’re all here because of me, so I’m not going to let you all pay.” He reached into his wallet and extracted a card. “Please.”

  Conner nodded and took the card, then he and Jessica pulled up a local restaurant’s takeout menu on Jess’ phone and everyone gathered around to place their orders.

  “You need to eat too,” Paolo said.


  Leah turned to him. “We’ll get you something. You have to eat so you can be strong and aler
t for Natalie.”

  “All right,” he answered, feeling one corner of his mouth kick up. “I am afraid not to say ‘yes’ to you.”

  Rolling her eyes, she said, “Yes. The figure skater is so scary.”

  As the others moved away, Brady remained and Marco slid a wary look at the other man. He knew Brady thought he was a playboy. At least now he hopefully believed Marco wasn’t after Leah.

  “I want to say something,” Brady began. Marco waited and Brady continued. “I was wrong about you. I heard all that shit this afternoon with your uncle and that girl, and Paolo mentioned your uncle told you your father would cut you off if you didn’t come home, but you didn’t even blink. You stuck to your guns about what you wanted. I can’t help but admire that.”

  “Thank you.” Marco blew out a loud breath.

  Brady held out his hand. “She’ll be okay, man.”

  They shook and Marco nodded. “I hope so.”

  The food arrived forty-five minutes later and Marco picked at his plate until Leah and Jessica ganged up on him and made him eat. Everything was just getting cleaned up and it was after midnight when a doctor came through the double doors.

  “Is there a Marco D’Allesandro here?”

  “That’s me.”

  “Ms. Webster is asking for you.”

  “How is she?”

  The doctor paused. “Normally we’re not supposed to give out information to anyone who isn’t family, but Natalie indicated she has no next of kin and authorized me to speak with you.”

  Marco wondered if she wasn’t in contact with her mother anymore. Otherwise her saying she had no next of kin had been on purpose. He followed the man to a spot a little bit away from the group.

  “Will she be okay?”

  “Natalie’s been through a lot tonight, but I think she will be much better in a few days. The head wounds are superficial—not serious, but they still bled a lot. She’s got a mild concussion, which may give her headaches, some nausea or dizziness, and two of her ribs are bruised, but not cracked or broken. She said she tried to protect herself like she would if she was riding a bull or a bronc, and honestly, I think that’s the reason the news isn’t worse. We’ll keep her here overnight, but after that, as long as she takes it easy for the next week or two there’s no reason to be worried.”

  “She will be with me and I’ll make sure she rests.”

  “All right. I’ll write up the discharge instructions and give them to you now so you can take her home in the morning.”

  Marco thanked the doctor and then, after briefly relaying the information to everybody, he was led through the double doors into the treatment area. The doctor indicated a curtained-off area and Marco slid the curtain aside. There, looking so small in the bed, was Natalie. A large bruise marred the top of her cheek near her eye, and there was a bandage above that. Her midsection was also bandaged up. He swallowed thickly and approached the bed.

  “Cara,” he whispered, reaching to run his fingertips down the uninjured side of her face.

  Natalie’s eyes drifted open. “Hey.”

  “Hey yourself.”

  “They said I can leave tomorrow.” She bit her lip and he had to force himself not to lean down and lick over the damage.

  “If you can travel you’re coming with Paolo and me.”


  Marco sighed. He should’ve known this wasn’t going to be easy. “The guy got your purse, cara. You don’t have a license, credit cards and whatever else was in there.”

  “My suitcase! Where’s my suitcase?”

  “It’s right here under the bed. I’ll take it and keep it with me until you get out.” She nodded slowly and he continued. “I told my uncle I wasn’t coming home. He said mio padre would cut off my money, but I figured that was coming. I told him I had my own bank account.” His lips twitched as he remembered the look on his uncle’s face. “I have put my winnings in it for the entire time I’ve been on the tour. There is plenty there for my brother and I.” Marco paused and took a deep breath. “And you.”

  “I appreciate that, but how can I ever repay you? It doesn’t look as if I can try out. He said no strenuous stuff for at least six to eight weeks, and I’m guessing riding a bull would be considered strenuous. I have nothing, Marco. All the cash I had left was in that purse.” Her eyes bugged out. “Oh my God, Marco, your room key was in there!”

  “Shhhh,” he cooed. “The electronic keys don’t have numbers on them, remember?” She sank into the bed again and he said, “Cara, you don’t have to do anything. You can travel with us and I’ll take care of everything. I will take care of you. All I want is for you to be with me.”

  He’d meant it to ease her mind, but her eyes closed as a couple of tears leaked out. Marco didn’t say anything. Finally, she opened her eyes and raised her gaze to his. “Don’t do this to me,” Natalie whispered. “You’re making me helpless. I’m all I have left, and you’re taking that away.”


  “I know, Marco, I know. You’re just trying to be protective. You’re trying to make it easier. I get that. But do you understand what I’m saying? I haven’t known you long enough to put my entire life in your hands.”

  “I do understand, but I want you with me. I am in love with you, tesora. I’ve never been in love before and I don’t know the first thing about how I’m supposed to behave. I am also sure I don’t want to let you go, especially when I know you don’t have money to live on. It would kill me. I just can’t.” His voice broke and he cleared his throat. “Don’t ask me to turn my back on you. I can’t. I told you I wouldn’t leave you, and I’m not going to.” It was the longest, most impassioned speech he’d ever given a woman, and his heart pounded as he waited for her reaction.

  She was silent for several moments and Marco could swear he lived and died a thousand times before she met his gaze. “I wasn’t looking for love when I came on tour. But all of this tonight, it scared me. I don’t want to be alone, but right now I can’t contribute anything. That makes me feel useless. I have to do something.”

  “You contribute just by being with me, being someone I can laugh with, someone I can make love to each night. Don’t you see how important you are to me?”

  Natalie reached her hand out, and he took it, squeezing it gently before lowering his head to feather his lips over her knuckles.

  “But I need to be more than just your girlfriend. I do understand what you’re saying. It’s all just happening so fast.”

  “I know, cara, and I will admit it scares me too. But if I let you go I could not live with myself. Please, please let me take care of you. If you want to figure out something to do once you feel better I’ll do everything I can to make your wishes come true.”

  She sighed and he thought she was going to refuse. He swallowed around a lump and willed himself not to cry no matter what she said.

  “Okay. I have nowhere to go.” She blew out a breath. “Literally. But that’s not why I’m agreeing to this.” Natalie rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb. “You’re a good man, Marco. I wasn’t sure of that after I heard you on the phone with your father. But after seeing your uncle today, and hearing how your family is cutting you off just for pursuing your dream. That’s not right. I can’t even imagine my father doing that.” She yawned and he knew he needed to let her rest.

  “You go to sleep, cara. We’ll have plenty of time to talk about everything tomorrow. We don’t need to register for the next event until six in the evening. The event itself doesn’t start until the next day, and if we miss one, we miss one.” He shrugged. “You are more important. Paolo agrees with me. He told me he’s going to stay with me as long as I need him—as long as we need him.” Marco hauled her suitcase out, doing his damnedest not to look at the now-torn fabric with distaste. “Rest, amante. I will sleep here if you want me to.”

  “No. I want you to go back to the hotel and get a decent night’s sleep. You need to be on top of your game right now.”r />
  “Are you sure?” At Natalie’s slight nod he continued. “I will be back tomorrow early and Paolo and I will sit with you if they let us.” Natalie nodded, her eyelids already half closed. He pressed a light kiss to her forehead. “I love you. You are safe. Get some sleep.”

  “Okay,” she mumbled, and almost instantly her breathing leveled out and deepened.

  Marco went back to the waiting area to find his brother. Paolo stood. “Everyone said to call them if we needed anything. Conner and Brady offered to take me to the event if you wanted or needed to stay here, but I told them where you go, I go.”

  “You’re a good brother, amico.” He offered a tired smile. “For now let’s go back to the hotel. She won’t be able to leave until tomorrow morning.”

  Chapter Nine

  Natalie reached out blindly to protect herself. An unfamiliar misshapen man was trying to hurt her, and though she kept shouting “No!” the man just laughed. Then, in the middle of her struggles she heard a familiar voice whispering soothing words. Her forehead wrinkled. Those soothing words weren’t in English. Forcing her eyes open, she saw Marco standing to the side of the bed, looking haggard. Her hand crept over her chest, willing her heart to stop racing.

  “I did not mean to scare you, cara. I was going to come in and sit until you woke up.”

  “I’m awake. They told me early this morning the doctor would be in first thing. Apparently they need beds, so as long as I check out okay he’s going to release me.”

  Marco studied her face and she tried not to squirm. She wasn’t used to this kind of undivided attention. It was thrilling and frightening at the same time.

  “Were you having a nightmare? You were kind of mumbling and moving around.”

  “Yeah. I think it was from last night. You know, like a reenactment?”

  Marco’s expression was puzzled and she was too sleepy to explain herself. He sat down and regarded her. “Will you feel up to riding in the car? If not I can see if one of the guys with an RV can take you and then you can lie down and sleep.”


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