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Without a Word: How a Boy’s Unspoken Love Changed Everything

Page 22

by Jill Kelly

  I shared with Robert this morning the memory of Hunter baking. Robert and I then baked your cake, which is an exact replica of that birthday cake baked several years ago by Hunter himself, although it is quite a bit bigger. This has become Hunter’s cake, and I’m enclosing the recipe for your enjoyment. Robert mixed the cake with the big mixer and not his hands because that would be the way that Hunter would do it now that he is eight. We sang Hunter’s favorite songs and wanted to make the cake as beautiful and delicious as we could to honor his memory.

  Robert decided on the cake’s decoration himself, again thinking about what Hunter would want to do for his mom on her special day. He wanted the Hunter’s Hope insignia and also to put “Trust in God” on the cake. The Hunter’s Hope insignia is, of course, green because of “hunter green,” and the writing is in red to represent Hunter’s sometimes-favorite color and the blood of Christ. The gold sprinkles represent the riches Hunter has received in heaven—riches that await us all if we only trust in Him.

  Most of all, Jill, I want you to know that we are continuing to build memories of Hunter. We felt his love and presence here today, as I know you do every minute of every day. We thank you for sharing the gift of Hunter with us and hope our memory fills your heart with the love we feel for your son.

  With Hope,

  Elizabeth (Hunter’s physical therapist) and Robert (Hunter’s best friend)

  September 9, 2005

  My Memories of Hunter

  There are so many… where do I start? It is hard to find the right words for what my special, quality time with Hunter was all about. I can start by saying that Hunter was a teacher and a student, thoughtful and patient, courageous and joyful. Six years is a long time to spend with such a special person, yet the years went so fast. Because Hunter loved to learn, my list of memories is practically endless. I wanted to write down a few of our special moments.

  When I arrived at Hunter’s house, I was pretty nervous and I kept thinking to myself: I hope I say the right things to him and I hope he can trust me. It didn’t take long to realize that Hunter was a three-year-old little boy who wanted to explore and learn. During our first year together, we tried every switch toy we could get our hands on and picked out his favorite computer games. He loved toys that made noise (not too loud, though—he told me that right away), and he loved the good old-fashioned learning toys. One of Hunter’s favorite games was when I set a race-car track on his shoulder and together we would make the car go downhill. It didn’t take long to realize that Hunter loved to learn about opposites (up and down; stop and go).

  Once Hunter told me with his eyes that he was comfortable with any challenging activity, we moved on to shaving cream games, pudding games, cotton balls, and feathers. The feathers: that was Hunter’s chance to show everyone how much air he could get into his lungs! We would take turns blowing, and he would always blink for enjoyment with that game.

  Special moments between Hunter and I always surfaced when something I brought was a little more challenging. When he was four years old, we moved into many crafts. Boy, was Hunter an artist. Whenever someone would take a peek at our activity for the day, whether it was painting, coloring, or gluing, a look would come across their face as if to say, “Can Hunter really do this?” He always surprised everyone with his creative use of his hands, arms, shoulders, and even elbows.

  Hunter even wrote many book reports, as he was ready to enter his school years. He loved making a picture to illustrate the story he had just read.

  Hunter loved making gifts for Mommy and cards for everyone. His gifts always came from the heart, even if he needed a little help with the materials. He enjoyed making sunflowers for Mommy and special poems for Daddy. He always made time to make cards for his sisters too.

  As Hunter’s school years began, he proved to everyone that he could learn school-age material, just in a different way. The way he answered questions so consistently and effortlessly is a very special memory I keep in my mind. Hunter would always be calm and at ease when it was time to learn, even if he was having a difficult day with his breathing.

  I feel like Hunter and I shared so much. But the most important memory that I will keep in my heart is that Hunter was a teacher. When I walked into Hunter’s house for the first time, I was thinking, I am his teacher and I will teach him so much. But what I didn’t realize is that Hunter was my teacher too. He taught me how to be brave in difficult times; how to encourage others to keep learning, and you can always learn more; how to love people closest to you because no one knows you better than they do; never take your days for granted—there is always a challenge lying ahead; your children come first when you get home, and don’t lose precious time; and to always have hope for the days that lie ahead.

  I miss Hunter deeply, and it is very difficult to change a routine that I had with one of my closest friends after six years. But I do know that it was a great privilege and honor to get to know Hunter in such a special way.

  I will never forget you, Hunter.



  (Hunter’s speech therapist)

  Wow! There are so many memories of Hunter that I cherish! Some are when Hunter received the coveted Boy Scout Award; just hanging out, praying, or reading to him at home; watching him with you, Jill, on his first horse ride; and of course, getting to hold him in the swimming pool at Grammie’s. Although all of these and tons more are precious, one that stands out the most for me at this time is the “late night with Hunterboy” memory.

  Everyone was settled down for the night. We all said Scriptures together and prayed. What amazing times! Hunter had his therapy and had finished watching a video… probably Young Black Stallion or Joseph. While you were getting ready for bed, Hunter and I talked about our day. He had the usual busy day with therapy, school, playtime, and Jacuzzi. Hunter should have been tuckered out big-time. I was asking him so many questions and he was so talkative, it just cracked me up! We laughed together as we talked about the Night Creatures story we’d read earlier in the playroom. We laughed a lot because Kimmy tried to draw some of those creatures after we read about them. Hunter was telling me what else I should draw or how I could make it look even better. He was so patient with me.

  As we were discussing more of our day, you came into the room and told Hunter, “It’s time to go to sleep, young man. It’s almost one in the morning.” You asked Hunter if he was ready for his eye band, and he said he wasn’t. Then he told you that he did not want to go to sleep, but he wanted to stay up with us and talk. So talk we did. I said that I knew I was a night owl, but didn’t know that he was. By his blinking, he told me he was a night bat because that was more boyish. (We’d read about owls and bats earlier that day.)

  We asked if he wanted to stay up so he wouldn’t miss anything that was happening, and he said yes! This may have been the same night of the counting and toe/foot moving game too. He wanted to stay awake to entertain us and hear our laughter. I think he was laughing pretty hard inside too.

  Hunter was so funny and brought joy to my life. I remember all the serious, intense times of prayer and encouragement, but I love to recall all the times he made me laugh. This account is just one of so many. Life is not the same without my little buddy, but he lives on in my heart forever.

  Love Always,


  (A dear friend and nanny)

  My favorite memories of Hunter are times when I got to watch Hunter when the nurses needed a break. I loved to talk to him and sing to him. I loved to look in his beautiful eyes and tell him how special he was and still is. I also have wonderful memories of doing kids’ church, arts and crafts, baking, and going for walks with Hunter. I could go on and on. He is a little warrior for God. I will always love him. Psalm 116:15—“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”

  Love, Jessica

  (My cousin and dear friend)

  My most vivid memories of Hunter involve his acceptance and uncondition
al love of all those around him. He appreciated everything anyone did for him. This even included my singing worship songs, which he always so graciously endured whenever I was able to sit with him. I also enjoyed those special times when I read him Bible stories, and I was always happy to help him and Aunt Dodie select his outfit for the day.

  But perhaps one of my favorite remembrances of Hunter involves his sense of humor. This wonderful gift from God enabled Hunter and all of us to get through some of those tough days.

  Hunter was and is a special child of God. In his own quiet way, he communicated mightily. He had a way of pointing me to Jesus without saying anything. It was actually through this “silence” that he spoke volumes, as God’s still small voice was able to transcend Hunter’s earthly limitations. I do believe the Holy Spirit moved through him, touching me and all with whom he came in contact. What a vehicle for God’s love Hunter became!

  Love, Karen

  (Housecleaner, friend, and whatever else we needed)

  Appendix D

  Hot Chocolate with God

  Camryn was six years old when her older brother, Hunter, went to heaven. As a result of this loss, Camryn began at an early age to express her heart and grief through writing and continues to do so now. Camryn’s original journal entries are a testimony to the faithfulness and gracious heart of a good and loving God.

  We have compiled Camryn’s journal entries into a book-like format and have titled her work Hot Chocolate with God. Camryn began writing Hot Chocolate with God in her Hello Kitty notebooks and sparkly journals during her journey of grief.

  While she eloquently and freely exposes her struggles and fears, Camryn also shares her joy and hope. Her writing is filled with childlike faith and silly girl talk, and yet the profound truths woven throughout are clearly from the throne of grace.

  While she is uninhibited in her approach and very elementary in style, her writing reaches into places most people run from. And though she is young, it’s obvious that God has given Camryn a message to share with children her age… and grown-ups who are smart enough to understand. (To read more from Hot Chocolate with God, you can visit

  I Am Free to Run!

  We are free to run.

  We are free to run with God today.

  When we get to heaven we will run free.

  And horses run free forever in heaven.

  I am free to run, God.

  I am free!

  We are free in You, Lord.

  God will let us go free.

  We will take off the chains of hell and run free.

  When we ask God into our heart we are free.

  We are free to run in heaven.

  God, we are free today.

  We should say all the time, we are free.

  Don’t let sin get you, just say, I’m free to run!

  I love You, God, so much.

  Free, free, free.

  We will open the gates and run free!

  We are saved in God and free.

  Day by Day

  Day by day we pray with God and talk to Him.

  Day by day we say thank You, God, for the things we have.

  Day by day I worship You and my family does too.

  Day by day we think of my brother Hunter and pray.

  Day by day we read the Bible.

  Day by day we pray for people.

  Day by day we have faith.


  Our heart is full of things.

  Our heart is full of God.

  Our heart is beating so fast.

  Our heart is important to God.

  Our heart has God in it and everything that we love.

  My family is in my heart forever but most of all God is in my heart.

  Our heart is as red as Jesus’ blood.

  Our heart is full of love.

  Our heart has sin in it.

  But God changes our heart.

  He makes our heart pure white.


  God will save us from all fear.

  God will help me.

  God will save me.

  God will teach me to read more of His Word in the Bible.

  I will believe in God.

  I love God.

  I love God so much because He died for us and for our sins on the cross.

  He loves us.

  God knows every thought in our head.

  He teaches us to pray for people.

  He loves us.

  God, will You help me to know You more each and every day?

  God will help me to grow.

  God is amazing.


  When we cry, we are sad.

  We have tears of joy too.

  Did you know that it’s okay to cry?

  It’s okay to cry.

  When I am sad, I cry.

  But God knows that our tears can be happy tears too.

  God has a bottle and He catches our tears in His bottle.

  Tears are joyful and happy.

  Tears, tears, tears are good.

  I love tears.

  It’s okay to cry every day if you have to.


  My thoughts these days are just not godly.

  But, I know that God will change my heart and that He is

  preparing a place for me in heaven.

  I know that full well.

  God Speaks to You

  God speaks to you and says—you are Mine; no one can

  snatch you away from Me.

  God can speak to you through His Word.

  We speak to Him through prayer.

  When you are afraid, just talk to God and He will help you.

  You can trust God. He will help you get through tough times, so you can be happy and have a joyful heart.

  God will speak to you and say—child, don’t be afraid.

  You can say to God—help me get through tough times with

  my friends because I love them too much.

  And I love you even more, God, and I know You will work

  it all out and help me get through hard times.

  God will speak to you and say—don’t be afraid, just trust in

  Me and you will be fine. And you will have a great life on

  earth and in heaven.

  Dear God

  I love You so much.

  How do You make everything so beautiful?

  It’s amazing!

  I love You, Lord, and I will praise You forever.

  And when I am in trouble You will help me.

  I need You, God, to help me get through life.

  And I hope You will cherish me forever in Your heart.

  You spoke to everyone and said—

  You are mine forever and ever.

  You will never leave me nor forsake me.

  I love You too much to let go of You, Lord.

  You are my best friend and will always be my One and Only.

  You made the stars and the sky.

  And You made us so beautiful and handsome.

  I Love You!

  Lord, You made the heavens and the earth.

  I love You more than anything!

  Love, Camryn Kelly

  Appendix E

  Jim Kelly’s Hall of Fame Induction Speech

  It’s only fitting that I would follow Marv Levy. For years people have always credited me with being the leader of the Bills, but I can honestly tell you, the real leader for our great teams is that man right there, Marv Levy.

  Congratulations to my fellow inductees. It is truly a great honor to be here today. I have had the distinct pleasure of playing on some pretty good football teams. Today, I join the greatest team of them all—the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

  My life has been a series of crossing patterns involving family and football. I can’t remember a time when football hasn’t been a part of my life. But I can tell you I never would have made it this far without the constant love, support, and dedication of my family, friends, and yo
u—the Buffalo Bills fans… the greatest fans in the NFL.

  The head coach is the leader of the team, and my dad has been the best head coach a family could ever have. This is a man who taught us that dedication carries its own reward. This was a tough lesson to learn, especially during those few times when I was hiding at the neighbors’ to avoid one of his daily passing drills for me at lunch and after school.

  It has been written throughout my career that toughness is my trademark. Growing up with five brothers, you learn at an early age that you need to be tough to survive. Not only on the field, but at the dinner table.

  Of course, we might have thought we were tough, but the toughest Kelly of them all was my mother, Alice, or “St. Alice,” as we always called her. She did everything from putting food on our personal training table to scrubbing all our uniforms, including those of many of our teammates. On more than one occasion she told people: “I wouldn’t trade my boys for the world, but there were days where I would have gladly given them away.” My mother had tremendous pride in all of her sons, and I know she is smiling down on all of us today.

  My oldest brother, Pat, taught me about hard work and has always provided wisdom and advice. Pat has written me letters since my college days. They congratulated me in times of victory and inspired me in times of trouble. He has always been the real field general amongst the Kelly brothers.

  My brother Ed was the original quarterback of the family. Quiet and smart… and something he’s never known… he’s a part of the reason I chose to be a quarterback.

  I could always count on my brother Ray to be my honest critic. He always told it the way it was, never sugarcoating anything. Thanks, Ray. I appreciate your straightforward comments more than you’ll ever know.

  My twin brothers, Danny and Kevin, have physically been with me every step of the way. Danny has been my most trusted confidant. To this day, I trust no one like I trust Danny.


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