A Bar Tender Tale

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A Bar Tender Tale Page 11

by Melanie Tushmore

Was he thinking of an answer, Nathan wondered, or an excuse?

  “I do want to spend time with you,” Auryn said softly.

  “Right.” Nathan still tried to keep his voice steady. “But this is the second time I’ve invited you in and you’ve said no.

  Fair enough, the first time I was roaring drunk, and I’m sorry about that, but what is it this time?”

  “I… um….” Auryn ran a hand through his hair, mussing up those black waves. It wasn’t helping Nathan’s resolve; his fingers were itching to do the same thing with the man’s hair.

  “What?” Nathan sighed.

  “I just… didn’t want to rush.”

  “This is hardly rushing,” Nathan replied. “Maybe you should give me a time frame of what you think is acceptable?”


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  “Because that would make things a lot clearer!” Oh boy. He hadn’t meant to raise his voice. Auryn looked a little startled.

  Nathan quickly calmed down and said quietly, “I’m sorry, okay? I’m in a crap mood. I’m sorry, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He took a step back, about to close his door. To his surprise Auryn stepped forward, as if he were about to come inside. Nathan blinked up at him.

  “I don’t want to leave it like this,” Auryn said.

  Nathan only took a moment to consider, then he shoved his door open as wide as it would go and pointed inside.

  “Then get your Welsh butt in here, before I lose my rag.” Auryn darted a glance at him. The beginnings of a smile were tugging at his mouth.

  “All right,” he said, carefully stepping through the door.

  “We’ll just watch a film, but that’s it.” Once Auryn was inside, Nathan quickly shut the door, allowing the darkness to envelop them so his sly smile went unseen.

  “Oh, of course.”

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  Chapter 6

  “UM, IT’S a bit dark, Nathan?”

  Nathan snorted a laugh. “Yeah, hang on, I haven’t turned any lights on yet. Stay there, and don’t move or you’ll walk into something. It’s a bit… er, cozy.” He moved forward in the dark, demonstrating his own warning by bashing his elbow on a shelf. Nathan swore but continued on into his main room. No way was he turning on the main lights. Oh no, this situation called for mood lighting.

  Carefully navigating his way forward, he also forgot about the laundry hanging up on its drying stand until he walked into it. “God’s sake,” he muttered, edging around the laundry and fumbling for his TV. When his hands found the TV, he located the power button and switched it on. The screen flashed blue, bright, and near blinded him. Nathan squinted and bent down to fiddle with his DVD player, hurriedly putting a disc into the slot and hitting play. As the DVD whirred to life and the screen flashed through the opening trailers, Nathan grabbed his laundry stand and tried to fold it down. The damn thing wouldn’t cooperate.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” he hissed under his breath.

  “Having some trouble?”

  Nathan looked over at the door. Auryn had found his way through the gloom and was watching him with a smile on his face, bathed in the flashing glow from the TV.

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  “No,” Nathan quipped. “I always wrestle with the laundry. Don’t you?”

  “I’ll give you a hand,” Auryn said.

  I want more than a hand. Nathan smiled back at him.

  “Why, thank you. Don’t trip over anything. I did actually tidy up for you, though.”

  “For me?” Auryn neared him and took hold of the laundry stand. “I’m touched.”

  Nathan laughed, numerous flirty comebacks on the tip of his tongue, but he left it for now.

  Auryn dismantled the stand with ease. Nathan thanked him and propped it against the wall. Without the clothes in the way, the flat-screen TV could be seen in all its glory.

  “Nice set,” Auryn commented.

  “Yes, it’s my baby.” Nathan handed him the DVD and TV remotes. “Now, do me a favor and start the film. Take a seat.” He gestured with a wave of his hand towards the futon, currently sitting in its upright position. Like a good boy, Auryn did as he was told. Nathan turned away, mostly to hide his smirk, and also to face his kitchenette.

  “You want a rum?” he called over his shoulder. “It’s all I got.”

  “What, neat?”

  “No.” Nathan laughed. “I've got Coke.” Or flat, supermarket brand cola anyway.

  “Okay,” Auryn relented. “Just a small one.”

  “No problem.” Nathan took out two glasses and loaded them with ice, mixing up the drinks.

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  Auryn was currently skipping through the various trailers to get to the film. Nathan spun round, brandishing the drinks. As he neared the futon, he smiled at Auryn, then glanced down to the floor. Spying his plug sockets on the lower wall, Nathan balanced on one foot and used the other to kick on one of the switches. After the third attempt it worked, and a mixture of soft green and orange light joined the glow of the TV.

  Auryn glanced above them at the source of the light; a collection of Halloween themed fairy lights were draped around the walls. Pumpkins and ghosts hung next to monsters and little bats with toothy grins.

  “Very cute, Nathan,” Auryn chuckled. “What are the green ones?”

  Nathan smiled as he sat down next to Auryn. “Not sure,” he replied, handing the man his drink. “Think they’re supposed to be Frankenstein heads, but they just look like generic zombies or something.”

  “Hmm.” Auryn took his drink and held it absently as he gazed around. “I was kinda expecting your place to be like this.”

  Nathan took a glance around his nest. Any flat surface available had a collection of B-movie inspired memorabilia and toys on it, while the walls were covered haphazardly in posters for various films and punk rock bands.

  “Hmm.” Nathan shrugged. “You mean your place isn’t?”

  “Um… well, I haven’t really unpacked yet,” Auryn explained. “I have a few collections boxed away. I guess I A Bar Tender Tale | Melanie Tushmore 131

  could put them up now. My ex wasn’t really keen on any of it.”

  “Oh.” Nathan was surprised. “Well yeah, now you can put up what you like.” He gestured at the room with a sweep of his hand. “And you too can live in what amounts to a teenage nerd’s bedroom.”

  Auryn laughed. “I like it. I could never decorate this well. Certainly makes the right setting to watch scary movies in.”

  “Definitely!” Nathan agreed. “I’ll drink to that. Start the film, then.” He took a large gulp of his drink as Auryn obediently selected start. Nathan grabbed the TV remote and turned up the volume to a satisfying level.

  House of 1000 Corpses started with one of Nathan’s all-time favorite scenes, and he intended to watch it. He settled into the futon, sitting close but not overly close to Auryn.

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Auryn take a sip of his drink.

  “Oh, I like it strong, by the way,” Nathan said innocently. He tipped his head to gulp down more of his own drink. When he looked back to the TV, he tried to ignore Auryn giving him a look.

  “I’ll say, Nathan. I could probably get drunk on one sip of this.”

  “You want me to make it weaker?” Nathan replied, pressing his lips together so he wouldn’t smile.

  Auryn smiled and shook his head slightly. “No, it’s fine.” Nathan couldn’t help smiling as well when he saw Auryn take another sip.

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  “Let’s watch the film, shall we?” Auryn said.

  “That’s what I’m trying to do,” Nathan settled back down.

  Little did Auryn know, Nathan was only interested in the first scene. It was like the opener before the film really started. They’d both seen it before anyway, and Nathan happened to watch this film on a regu
lar basis. He could probably quote it word for word. Patiently, he sat still and sipped his drink, watching and only offering the odd comment.

  “I love Captain Spaulding.”

  “Hm,” Auryn replied. “He creeps me out.” Nathan almost choked on his drink. Laughing, he set it aside. “But he rocks! He has all the best lines too.”

  “He’s great, but he still creeps me out.”

  “Not a fan of clowns?” Nathan teased.

  “Not really.”

  “Better behave yourself then, or I’ll put on IT.” They chuckled as the scene played out. Nathan enjoyed their banter and almost wished they could watch the whole film… but he really couldn’t wait much longer.

  After the scene ended the credits started to roll with the opening song. As the grinding beat and dirty guitar licks filled the air Nathan’s heart started to pound hard. He sneaked a discreet look at Auryn, who was eyes front watching the TV. Nathan weighed up whether what he planned to do was a good idea.

  Oh hell, of course it is!

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  Nathan made his decision. With one fluid move he launched across and swung his leg over Auryn. The drink was knocked out of Auryn’s hand and went flying.

  “Shit! Nathan—”

  Nathan straddled Auryn’s lap, sliding his weight onto him. He briefly glanced at the drink on the floor as it spread over the carpet. “Oops,” he said, biting his lip. He nervously looked back at Auryn, worried he had upset him.

  But a smile broke over the man’s face. “Smooth,” he said.

  Nathan couldn’t help a chuckle. “Well, you know me.”

  “Yes, I think I do.”

  “Oh? That's good, then.”

  Encouraged, Nathan relaxed himself into Auryn’s lap. It was a more than satisfying seat, and the feel of his rapidly hardening cock resting on the man’s groin was pure heaven.

  Nathan didn’t waste a moment to press his lips against Auryn’s and kiss him. His hands clutched at the man’s shoulders, holding on as if he expected to be thrown off at any moment.

  He was almost surprised when he felt Auryn kiss him back. Just to reassure himself, he leaned back slightly to ask, “Um, is this... okay?”

  He felt Auryn’s hands as they crept onto his legs and squeezed. “This is okay,” he said. Slowly, he tilted his face up and caught Nathan’s mouth with his own.

  Nathan gasped as they kissed and Auryn’s tongue dipped into his mouth. Nathan sighed and rolled his hips to relieve the ever-growing pressure in his jeans, rubbing A Bar Tender Tale | Melanie Tushmore 134

  himself into Auryn’s lap. There was a definite hardness blooming underneath him.

  “Mmm,” Nathan murmured against the man’s lips. “Is that for me?”

  His hands slipped away from Auryn’s neck, up onto the back of the upright futon. Nathan held onto it as he began to grind his hips down, leaving no question to what he wanted.

  His lips at Auryn’s cheek skimmed the skin and whispered near his ear, “You make me so hard. I want you.” A sharp intake of breath preceded the words “God, yes.” Nathan brushed his lips back to Auryn’s mouth and covered it. He kissed roughly, shoved his tongue in, then licked along the man’s lips. He made groaning noises in his throat as he continued to roll his hips, dry humping and friction warming their cocks.

  He felt Auryn’s hands inch up his thighs then squeeze his hips. Nathan pulled his face away with a faint smirk and a knowing glint in his eye. They were both breathing hard; he could feel each intake of air against him as the man breathed. Nathan’s hands dropped onto and trailed over Auryn’s shoulders, dragged down his chest then lightly over his groin. Nathan watched Auryn’s eyes silently tracking his hands, almost if as the man didn’t dare to move.

  It felt like they were teetering on the edge. The sound of the TV was distant; all Nathan could hear now was their breathing and his own heartbeat. He wanted to push things further. He had to get this man into bed; he simply couldn’t wait a second longer. Nathan’s hands kept moving. He crossed them at the wrists then hooked his fingers under the fabric of his top and pulled his T-shirt off, dropping it on the A Bar Tender Tale | Melanie Tushmore 135

  floor. A light sparkle of silver was in the air, some of the glitter from Nathan’s hair dusted loose upon the removal. He noticed it, but nothing could tear his eyes away from the man beneath him.

  Nathan took hold of the warm, strong hands that gripped his legs and moved both of them higher. He wanted Auryn to touch his bare skin, and he didn’t mind leading the way. He could see Auryn’s gaze settle on his chest; was he staring at the tattoo of the smiling demon nestled there? Or maybe he hadn’t even noticed it. The man’s dark eyes were following the journey of his own hands as Nathan guided them along his skin.

  Nathan brought one of those hands higher, caught the long index finger in his lips and sucked it into his mouth.

  His eyes closed briefly as he sucked passionately on that finger, working it in and out of his mouth. Nathan knew he put on a good show; he sucked loudly, wetting the digit and making appreciative noises.

  He felt Auryn shift under him, felt that growing bulge under his legs become harder still. Nathan opened his eyes and caught the man’s gaze. Those eyes looked almost black in their intensity. Nathan’s lips curled up in a smile.

  That was it. Auryn snapped into motion, and before Nathan could react the world had shifted, and he was flat on his back. Nathan’s smile turned into a grin as Auryn’s face was at his neck, kissing urgently, nipping and trailing onto his collarbone. He knelt over Nathan as he kissed down, his hands already grappling with the assortment of belts on Nathan’s jeans.

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  Nathan was so elated his cock swelled even bigger inside his jeans, desperate to break free. He also wanted to clap his hands together and cheer. However, Auryn was struggling a bit with one belt….

  “Here,” Nathan offered and quickly flipped a catch on the buckle. He tried not to laugh. If he’d known they would be doing this he wouldn’t have worn those belts.

  Auryn managed to get them all open and yanked Nathan’s jeans down roughly. Nathan didn’t mind; he loved it. His hands hovered at the man’s shoulders, guiding and pushing him down. Auryn lowered his head and rubbed his lips across the front of Nathan’s tight black boxers. He took in a deep breath then exhaled, his breath blowing out hot.

  Nathan closed his eyes when he felt those lips on him through the fabric, gently mouthing him. He squirmed, trying to push himself against that mouth. His fingers touched Auryn’s head, weaved through his hair, gently insisting. Even he could feel how wet he was; his cock had left a wet trail against his own skin inside his pants. Not one for waiting, Nathan dropped a hand and tugged at his own underwear. “While I’m young, yeah?”

  Auryn laughed softly. “Bit bossy, aren’t you?” It was on the tip of Nathan’s tongue to retort you ain’t seen nothing yet, but he thought better of it. The image of a nag was not what he wanted to project right now. So instead he settled for what he hoped was an ambiguous smile.

  At least Auryn did as he was told. He pulled the boxers down to Nathan’s knees to rest where his jeans were currently bunched. Not the easiest way to do things, but Nathan was past caring, as Auryn leaned over him and A Bar Tender Tale | Melanie Tushmore 137

  licked a long, wet line from the base of his cock all the way to the tip.

  Nathan groaned wildly, both his hands finding and gripping the head between his legs. He didn’t think he was going to last long. He couldn’t help it! He had wanted this so much he’d been in a perpetual state of arousal for the last three days just thinking about it.

  When Auryn opened his mouth and swallowed his cock down, a shudder broke through Nathan’s body. Auryn sucked his way back to the tip, going tortuously slow. He tongued around the weeping slit then swallowed his cock down again. Nathan thrust his hips up, pushing harder into that hot, wet mouth.

  Nope, he wasn�
�t going to last. All it took was one touch; Nathan was oversensitized, and as soon as he felt Auryn’s hand start to massage his balls, that was it.

  “Oh, babe, I’m coming….” His hands fisted in Auryn’s hair, pushing his mouth away. Auryn understood and used his hands in place of his mouth, wrapping his fingers around Nathan’s cock as it pulsed. Nathan came hard, as if all the tension of the past few days and tonight especially burst out of him in one hit. His release spurted onto his own stomach and chest, pooling on his skin. “Oh, man,” he groaned, a lazy smile spreading on his lips.

  Auryn’s hands left him. “Um… should I get a towel?” Nathan gazed down his body as Auryn hovered over him. He pointed vaguely at the floor. “Hand me my T-shirt?”

  “What? Let me get you a towel,” Auryn offered.

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  “No, it’s cool.” Nathan couldn’t help snickering. He flexed his outstretched fingers in command. He knew he only had one clean towel anyway. That stupid cherry T-shirt could take one for the team.

  Auryn got up gently and retrieved the T-shirt, handing it to Nathan.

  “Thank you,” Nathan smiled as he used it to wipe himself off.

  Not terribly romantic, but he didn’t really care. He didn’t want Auryn to swallow anyway, not yet. While Nathan only had tests done recently and came back all clear, he reasoned he’d better have some more now he was no longer with Danny.

  Nathan pushed that to the back of his mind. All that could wait. Right now he wanted to concentrate on the good stuff.

  “Um….” Auryn stood next to the futon.

  Nathan’s eyebrow quirked. The man looked nervous, like he was about to take off. What was he doing?

  “Look, this is fine,” Auryn said, eyes glancing down Nathan’s body. “More than fine. I like you, Nathan. But…


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