The Pregnant Midwife

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The Pregnant Midwife Page 15

by Fiona McArthur

  ‘It was wrong, and we’re both sorry for any problems it may have caused you and Kirsten.’ Jack smiled down at his wife. ‘If it wasn’t for Kirsten telling me to give my marriage another go, I’d probably have gone straight for a divorce. I should have complained to Eva and not Kirsten, but…’ Jack smiled down at his wife. ‘This baby is going to open a whole new world for us and we wanted to start with a clean slate.’

  Eva may have lied but Hunter had believed another woman over the one he professed to love. He’d been just as guilty.

  Jack held out his hand and Hunter forced himself to shake it. He shook Eva’s as well and they were quick to leave Hunter standing in the coffee-room by himself, wondering if this new knowledge would make it easier or harder to win Kirsten’s trust.

  The conversation he and Kirsten had had on the way to Maggie’s birthday celebration came back to him. The words repeated in his head like a script.

  She’d said, ‘Think about it, Hunter. Do I hug a lot of people? Hug all my friends and the parents of the children I nurse? Did it ever enter your suspicious little mind that maybe you were wrong about me? That you threw away something precious we both had because of your insecurities?’

  The fact that he’d decided he needed Kirsten regardless of her past didn’t excuse him. He should never have believed someone else over the woman he loved. He’d thrown something precious away. And if he wasn’t mistaken, he’d nearly thrown the chance to share something equally as precious. The chance to be a father.

  He could even understand why she hadn’t told him. Then he remembered the cave and how he’d given up and she’d used the last of her strength to save him.

  He couldn’t give up now because Kirsten needed him more then ever. He would spend the rest of his life making it up to her. He’d do anything for this woman.

  Her soul was as pure as a hidden pool in an untouched cavern and he should have known that.

  He’d been a fool to trick himself into abandoning her because of his fears that he’d never recover if she betrayed him. Kirsten would never betray anybody—least of all the man she’d given her heart to. No wonder she’d been devastated when he wouldn’t admit to being wrong. How would she ever trust him not to doubt her the next time she uninhibitedly threw herself into someone’s arms?

  Finally he could see that emotion and joy and warmth and the ability to share herself was a part of the Kirsten he loved and would always love.

  She didn’t need a coward like the old him—she needed someone fearless who would take her love and be proud of her nature. The cave he’d cowered in for the last five years was more restricting than any mountain place. Kirsten had shown him the way out into the light and he’d been too frightened to follow her. But not any more.

  He glanced at his watch. It was almost the end of the shift. In another ten minutes she’d make her way over to the paediatric intensive care unit to see Lachlan and her sister. He could beat her to it if his pager didn’t go off.

  When he walked in Lachlan was asleep and Abbey was by herself, reading a magazine. She smiled a greeting and he knew that she would help if she could.

  ‘May I sit with you?’ He dragged a chair over and Abbey lifted her eyebrow in amusement at his clear intention.

  ‘Of course.’ She waited and he thought again how restful she was. But he wanted someone different, someone who would drive him mad with her energy and ensure he knew he was alive. This was no time for pussy-footing.

  ‘I love your sister.’

  Abbey looked unsurprised. ‘And you’re telling me this because…?’

  ‘I don’t think she can forgive me for not believing in her.’

  ‘Then you don’t know her very well. We Wilson girls give our heart and it stays given. If you believe in her, Hunter, you will make her one of the three happiest women in the world.’

  He had to smile at her teasing. ‘The rest being the other two Wilsons, I take it?’

  Abbey smiled and then she saw her husband approaching with Kirsten. ‘Here’s your chance. Don’t blow it.’

  Kirsten saw Hunter with Abbey and her heart sank. ‘Is Lachlan OK?’

  ‘Of course he is. Hunter’s here to see you.’

  Hunter glanced across at the family watching and then back at Kirsten. ‘Do you mind?’

  She shook her head. He drew a deep breath and in front of her family he said, ‘I love you more than life itself.’ And drew her into his arms. ‘Can you forgive me for ever doubting you?’

  Kirsten backed away. Now what was he doing? A part of her wanted to believe in his confession so much but the more prosaic side doubted his sincerity. Why now? Why in front of her family, unless he thought he’d enlist their support?

  He must have found out about the baby. Abbey and Rohan moved away and Kirsten wasn’t sure if she was glad or not.

  ‘Why the sudden change, Hunter? Why now?’

  He shook his head. ‘It’s not sudden, Kirsten. I thought if I said it in front of your family, you might believe me this time. I’ve changed, exorcised old ghosts and laid the groundwork for a new wonderful future if only you will forgive me my doubt. I love you, Kirsten, and I’m so sorry I hurt you with my lack of trust. Let me spend the rest of my life making it up to you.’

  He sighed. ‘Or maybe it’s me that needs to see that my dream isn’t yours. Have I let you down so much that you can’t forgive me?’

  ‘Shh.’ She pushed her hand against his lips. ‘I will always forgive you because I do love you, so much.’ She reached up and rested her lips against his. ‘Please, kiss me.’

  He felt the catch in his chest as years of ice splintered and gave away. ‘That’s what you said to me in the cave and it was as if my own angel was there for me.’

  ‘I’ll always be there, because I love you more than anything in the world.’

  He couldn’t believe that she was in his arms and what he was reading in her face. ‘Will you marry me, Kirsten, please? Be my wife, and spend the rest of your life with me.’

  There was no fear or doubt or conditions in that question. He wanted her and he wanted her for ever.

  Kirsten’s eyes filled with tears because she’d never thought they would find their way to this point, but this was really happening. ‘I would love to marry you, Hunter.’ And then he kissed her and all the fears and doubts and worries disappeared because she would always be a part of him.

  ‘There’s something I have to tell you,’ she said, and it was his turn to silence her.

  He ran his hand gently over her stomach and she realised he knew. ‘Did Abbey…?’ He shook his head.

  ‘Things you’ve said, a tendency to shield your stomach and some of that “lousy” instinct you say I don’t have. Besides, I love you. How could I not tell?’

  He lowered his face to hers and they both closed their eyes. Her lips were soft and pliant but this was not the place he wanted to do this. He stepped back and gently took her wrist.

  ‘We’ll come back and see the in-laws shortly.’

  They went up the stairs to Kirsten’s bedroom and when he closed the door behind them Kirsten felt that surge of excitement she always felt before an adventure. But this was the greatest adventure of all because she could finally see that Hunter loved her.

  He lifted his face. ‘I hear Gladstone might have a vacancy for a paediatrician in a couple of years. Could be the perfect place to bring up a family.’

  ‘As long as I’m with you, anywhere will be perfect.’ She kissed him and then tilted her head with a mischievous smile and he could see a little of Abbey and Bella in her face. ‘But I think you’ll enjoy being a part of the family.’


  IT WAS a strange place for a wedding reception—an airport! But Gladstone, like many regional centres, had lost its daily commercial flights. Left, was a lovely little terminal perfect for a social venue and an enormous bitumen apron area for visiting aircraft under a cobalt blue sky. Balloons and streamers hung from the departure gate where the
married couple would leave from later.

  On this day, there was a fixed-wing air ambulance poised for a quick getaway and two MIRA helicopters and several private planes from Camden Aero Club to complete the collection. It was more like the picnic races than a wedding except when you saw the radiance of the bride reflected in the eyes of the groom.

  Kirsten wore a three-quarter-length white sheath and a white straw hat, and the windsock in the corner of the airfield flew parallel to the white scarf around her new husband’s neck.

  Earlier, in the tiny church on top of the hill, Hunter had taken his bride’s hand for the final vows and the look that had passed between them had brought tears to the eyes of the two maids-of-honour. Abbey and Bella had sought their own husband’s eyes across the pulpit and young Lachlan had gurgled in the thin arms of his Great-aunt Sophie.

  A month later, back at MIRA headquarters, Kirsten Morgan held her husband’s hand as they paused outside the building before going in.

  ‘A quiet married life suits you, Mrs Morgan,’ Hunter said, and she blushed.

  ‘Quiet isn’t a word that springs to mind, but loving you is my greatest adventure.’

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5797-2


  First North American Publication 2004

  Copyright © 2004 by Fiona McArthur

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