Empress of Wolves

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Empress of Wolves Page 3

by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson

  “Peace, Lord kyl'Malkador. All things in due time.” Her ears flicked, twitching nervously. Beside her, both Aleister and Kasai let out low growls, their own ears pricking forward.

  “We are going to have company. Don't be alarmed, and don't do anything rash. Above all, don't allow yourselves to be baited,” Vander said.

  Even as he spoke there was a soft crack of power and Grosso stood before them, looking slightly annoyed. Kalla had to stifle a gasp at seeing the Artisan once more. The wounds they had inflicted on him in Arkaddia were healed now, albeit very inexpertly. Rough, uneven scarring covered parts of the right side of his face and what she could see of his right arm. His hand no longer seemed to function properly and, when he moved, it was with noticeable difficulty. Pale blue eyes regarded them with a flat emotionlessness.

  “What are you doing here?” Grosso hissed. “And why does another mage travel with you?” The Artisan ignored the others, though the dislike from both Lukas and Kasai was near stifling to Kalla's sensitive senses. She guessed it was just as bad for Vander, but he didn't drop his act, even in the least way.

  “I figured it wouldn't hurt to seek out alliances among those you've been working with. As for the other mage, he is a Healer. I have need of one.” Kartoff growled out the last in angry tones and Grosso flinched, just a bit.

  “My… apologies, Emperor. It will not happen again.”

  “I daresay not,” Kartoff replied in a curt tone. Grosso's eyes narrowed dangerously.

  “They say you came in on your own ship, Your Grace. You've been busy.”

  “Yes, I took it from a pair of meddling magi who sought to challenge me.”

  “Challenge you?”

  “Yes, indeed. A young Dashmari mage, Kalla her name was. The one you spoke of, with my son in tow. She challenged me for rulership and chose to play by the rules. No offensive magick. What the pup hoped to accomplish, I can't say. I won the ship and decided to make use of it, so here I am.”

  “And what of Vander?”

  “The elemental took care of him when the pup lost the battle,” Kartoff said.

  The Artisan snorted. “A fitting end. Finish your business here quickly, Emperor, so that I may finish mine.”

  “Oh, don't worry. Things will be over before you know it.”

  “Just so. See that it is.” Grosso gave Kartoff a suspicious look, cast another towards Lukas, and disappeared.

  Manny turned to Kalla after the Artisan had departed.

  “With all due respect, Lady, what is going on here?” he asked.

  Kalla shook her head and held out a hand to both Manny and Lukas. The Malkadoran Healer took it readily enough, but Lukas gave her a distrustful look, only reluctantly taking the proffered hand.

  “Emperor Kartoff was Grosso's puppet. We deposed the Dashmari ruler. The man you see before you is Vander. The other two would be Aleister and Vander's new magister, Inaba Kasai, formerly Master Harrier of Arkaddia.”

  Manny and Lukas glanced over to where the two magisters lounged against the wall. Aleister gave them a sly grin, Kasai a curt nod.

  “Master Harrier? But I thought Vander was your magister now?” Manny asked.

  “I think it will be easier to show you what we've been going through, than to tell it,” Kalla said wearily.

  Manny nodded and she opened memory links between her and the younger Healer and his magister. She took them through her memories of entering Xibalba and meeting Araun. Vander's transformation and his new skills. Her realization of who and what she and Aleister really were. Of healing Arkaddia and freeing the Khan. Grosso's involvement with Nobunaga and his subsequent flight. Aleister's injury, the breaking of her bond with Vander and his acquisition of a new magister. Their deaths and resurrection. The visit to the Hounds, her summoning of Araun and the truth behind the Lord of Living Nightmare. The li'saal ceremony.

  She guided them through their third meeting with Araun, their departure from Arkaddia and arrival at Dashmar. Aleister's growing command of his innate fox-magick. The challenge and deposing of Emperor Kartoff. Their stay in Dashmar and the return to Argoth to free Sykes from Grosso's influence.

  When she was finished, she stopped the flow of memory. Manny met her gaze with a dazed look, and he started to jerk his hand away with a mixture of awe and fear. The Solidoran Healer sighed. She was getting tired of this reaction and she gripped his hand tighter, not letting him pull away.

  “I am still Kalla. Here and now, I am Kalla.”

  “Great Fen'raal, you are not just Kalla,” Manny breathed. “And liya, Lady Kalla? Not that I am not happy for you, but isn't that what's not supposed to happen?”

  “Yes, well, I think the Prince can take care of himself.”

  “You've been busy, Lady Kalla. What is your plan now? And why did you bring me along anyway?”

  “You looked as if you could use some help. And in the end, you found what you were looking for, did you not, and saved an innocent man's life too. You know as well as I that Lukas is telling the truth,” she replied. “As for our plan, that's still unfolding.”

  “Thank you for helping me, helping both of us. I guess we should leave soon, to go back to the Kanlon.”

  “May we stay with you until this is resolved? Until you free Sykes?” Manny asked.

  “I have no objections to your staying. If you wish, perhaps Vander would even begin working with you.” Kalla laughed as she caught the younger Healer's dubious look. “Lesson number one, don't be fooled by first appearances. The War Mage is actually a very good teacher, and a much different person than before. He is what he was meant to be, now.”

  It was Manny's turn to nod. “Very well, Lady Kalla. Thank you for letting us stay. I will ask Vander for help.”

  His words were interrupted by a soft whistling from Aleister. A moment's pause, then Vander looked at Manny with an assessing look.

  “I would be glad to help,” he said.

  Manny's eyes widened. “I, but…” he sputtered. Kalla squeezed his hand gently in warning.

  “I thought you could no longer speak with him!”

  “Aleister told him. Or rather, Aleister told his brother, who told him. The Harriers have their own language and, as you saw, Aleister spent a fair bit of time during our stay in Arkaddia with the hawks. The Fox is quick and clever as his name. He learns fast.”

  “For the time being, though, continue to act as if Vander and I are nothing more than Dashmari. Grosso could be listening. So far, Aleister's fox-magick has kept us concealed. I don't want to break that until the proper time,” Kalla said.

  “Yes, Lady Kalla,” Manny said in a subdued voice.

  “As you wish, milady,” Lukas said. “Thank you, both for letting us stay and for attempting to set things straight. I do so hope that you can take care of the rogue mage while you are at it.”

  “We certainly intend to try,” she replied. “Sir Lukas, I have a question for you. Why was no truth-read done on you?”

  “Well, milady, that mage, he convinced Sykes not to. Said everyone in the throne room had seen my actions. That included Master Lefellus and I guess the sa'mir agreed with the Emperor,” Lukas replied. His gaze dropped, and his shoulders sagged. Kalla squeezed his hand, acknowledging his sadness, offering what comfort he could. Lukas looked up, giving her a tired smile.

  The Healer gently tugged her hands free, working to stifle a yawn. “I suggest we make our beds now and get some rest. Tomorrow will no doubt prove to be a long day.”

  Following Kalla's lead, the group made nests out of the blankets and pillows that had been provided. Between Kasai and Aleister, the magisters arranged to keep a surreptitious guard, with the hawk taking first watch. With a regretful sigh, Aleister made his pallet far from Kalla, for in their new roles they were not liya. Lukas they encouraged to sleep. The man kept up a tough front, but his sojourn in the Golden Palace had not been kind.

  The Healer didn't stop Manny from setting shields around the room though. They were not as strong as
the War Mage's would have been, nor even Kalla's, but she didn't want to rouse any suspicion. Grosso would expect that he would shield the room, but the Artisan would know that the young Healer wasn't skilled enough in a Defensor's craft to create very strong shields, merely the basics all magi knew.

  Evergreen Palace, Imperia Argosia, Argoth, Year of the Mythril Serpent, 2014 CE

  Kalla rose bright and early, in the grey of pre-dawn, the time between times. The mage yawned and stretched, then threaded her way through her sleeping companions and out onto the balcony of their room. She stood for a time, staring out into the foggy morn as the sun slowly rose, sending streaks of rose and pink through the greyness.

  “Good morning, milady.” Aleister's voice cut through her musings as he came out on the balcony to stand beside her, favoring her with a warm smile. “Do you have any idea yet what Grosso might be using to control Sykes?”

  Kalla nodded.

  “I am fairly certain it is the second ring he wears. The one with the more elaborate Trinity Claw graven into it is the Imperial signet. The other though, seems to be a personal choice. Did you notice, the stone was cut like an oak leaf? Something of a spiritual significance to an Argosian, like the Spiral is to the Arkaddians and, unlike Kartoff's rings, it holds no obvious magick. But then, neither did the spiral pendant. Sykes is tinged with the same corruption as Nobunaga was. I fear the same will befall him, should we destroy it. One or all three of us magi should be near him when we do destroy it.”

  Kalla turned and began pacing back and forth along the balcony, hands clasped behind her.

  “We have a bigger problem, though. Sir James is tainted as well and the corruption more firmly rooted. He, too, wears an oak leaf ring, though I haven't seen any others wearing one. The Fleet Admiral, thank the gods, is not tainted. The only thing worse would be if the Technomancer leadership has been corrupted. It seems unlikely though, if Grosso is sniffing around.” Kalla said with a heavy sigh.

  A slight noise behind the pair heralded the arrival of Vander and Kasai, the former yawning hugely. Kalla snorted at the 'Emperor's' undignified demeanour and held her hand out to him, establishing a link between them. She filled the pair in on what she and Aleister had been discussing.

  “I agree,” Vander said. “But stealing the rings as we did the pendant isn't an option. Moreover, I don't see how we can destroy both at the same time. As soon as there is any interference with Sykes, we will be attacked and we will need to react appropriately. I think the best bet would be to focus on the Emperor first and foremost. Trust me, Lady Kalla, I can craft the necessary shields to protect both you and Sykes. But as soon as we start using such magick, Grosso is sure to come running.”

  “We will have to take our chances. I will see if I can draw the Emperor into conversation later and bring the ring up. If I can get him to slip it from his finger all the better. With Vander's shields, I can concentrate on destroying the ring, then the rest of you can cover me as I heal Sykes. Keep the Guard at bay. They will not be as trusting as the Harriers,” Kalla said. “We will also need to be prepared to deal with sa'mir Lefellus. The Technomancers use a different brand of magick than we do. Should he be present, we'll have an even larger problem to deal with.”

  A knock to the door interrupted their conversation. It was Owyn, come to invite them to join Sykes for their morning meal. They were taken to the same room they had dined in the night before, with the same assembly collected.

  Two men had joined Emperor Sykes, both dressed in the formal clerical robes of the Argosian priesthood. They wore simple robes, one in shades of green and the other in shades of orange, belted with brown, tasseled cords. The men had precious little adornment. Wooden pendants carved into the likeness of oak and holly leaves hung about their necks and plain bands of malachite and carnelian were worn around the middle finger of the left hand. These were the High Clerics of Argoth, the Voice of King Holly and King Oak in the realm of men.

  Sykes introduced them as Cleric Jonas Morgansson and Cleric Zacharias Eddasson. Jonas, the priest in orange, was the head of the Order of Holly. He was an older gentleman, closer in age to Sykes and Lukas. Stocky and muscular, he had a bulldog face. White salted his black hair and neatly trimmed beard.

  Zacharias was younger, near to Manny's age. He was young to be head of the Order of Oak, Kalla reflected. Zacharias was taller than Jonas, with an unruly mane of black hair. A neat goatee was the only facial hair he sported. Dark brown eyes regarded the Dashmari with frank curiosity.

  After breakfast was done and the table cleared and cleaned, the small dining room became a conference room.

  “Well, Emperor Kartoff, why don't you tell me why you're here,” Sykes asked bluntly. Kartoff regarded the Argosian Emperor a long moment, before speaking.

  “I seek an alliance, Emperor Sykes. Dashmar has only recently become a truly unified country. We would benefit from creating alliances with other nations. My people have historically been a very reclusive one. I seek to change that. Already, border packs harbour Argosian mining enclaves”

  “Why Argoth? Why not the Crannogmarch, Kymru or Rang'moori? Arkaddia even. They are all much closer.”

  “With all due respect, I believe you know the answer to that, Emperor,” Kartoff said. Sykes gave a wry laugh.

  “Indeed. And what is your proposal? What do you seek from us and what does Dashmar have to offer in trade?” he asked. Kartoff smiled grimly. He liked Sykes' blunt manner. He sincerely hoped nothing untoward would happen to the Lord of Leaves when they freed him.

  “Dashmar is rich in metals and gems, as well as a great many other natural resources, including deposits of various mage metals, as you know. That is what I offer. What I seek…”

  The two monarchs spent the morning in negotiation. Things progressed favorably and they talked late into the afternoon, taking only two short breaks. Sykes finally called things to an end, saying they would resume things after lunch. He had the servants lead them to an outdoor courtyard for a meal of water fowl over rice, mixed squashes, and ale.

  Several of the Praetorian Guard were unobtrusively stationed around the courtyard's perimeter. The day was fairly mild and Kalla relished the chance to be outdoors. Here, too, it might be easier for her to speak to Sykes.

  Her chance came sooner than she expected. After the group finished their meal they took their ease in the courtyard, relaxing a bit before retiring back to the conference room. Kalla approached Sykes alone after surreptitiously telling Vander to be ready to shield her at her signal. The War Mage idly paced the perimeter of the courtyard, seeming lost in conversation with the Fleet Admiral and her sa'mir. Kasai and Aleister trailed behind him, though the Fox was keeping a close eye on her.

  “Pardon me, Your Grace, but I couldn't help noticing your ring. It is an unusual piece of craftsmanship. It is an Ishkaran emerald is it not, Clovis cut?” she asked. Sykes gave her an appraising look. Nearby, Sir James narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Why yes, it is. You have a good eye,” he replied.

  “Few can perfect the Clovis cut. An Artisan of great talent must have created that piece. A rare find, even for an Emperor. Could I…?” Kalla paused, lowering her gaze. She was aware that Vander had completed his circuit of the courtyard and stopped behind her, still in conversation with the Admiral.

  “Yes? Can you…?” Sykes prompted. She shook her head.

  “Forgive me, Your Grace. It would be inappropriate of me to ask.”

  “Ask,” he said gently.

  “I merely wished to know if I might have a closer look.”

  “But of course. That is an easy enough request,” he replied, slipping the ring off his finger and holding it out to her. She reached out shyly to take it from him.

  “Thank you for your indulgence, Your Grace,” she said as he carefully placed the ring in her hand. As soon as he had withdrawn his fingers, Kalla gestured with her free hand. In an instant, she felt the layered shields wrap around her. From Sykes expression he, too, felt th
e shields forming around his own person. Kalla held the ring up, clutched in her fist and ignited it with magefire. Sykes dropped to the ground with a stunned look as the magefire consumed the ring and its attendant corruption. Sir James drew his rifle, aiming for her.

  At the same time, Vander activated the warding he had laid, but it was seconds too late. Two deafening shots rang through the courtyard, one from Sir James and a second from another of the Guard just before the warding closed. The Praetor's shot hit her first, destroying the carefully crafted shields. The second shot tore into her body, throwing her to the ground, and saving her from Lefellus' retaliation. A stone column across the courtyard shattered, spraying shards everywhere. Another shot rang out mere seconds later, hitting Sir James full in the chest. The Praetor crumpled to the ground, gave a feeble jerk and moved no more.

  “NO! Milady!”

  Kalla heard the Fox, but his voice seemed far away. All around her were shocked gasps and when she caught a glimpse of Vander as he strode towards her he was no longer disguised as Kartoff. She struggled to make her magick work, to begin mending the wound she'd received. It was bad, she could tell. Aleister stumbled to her side, sinking to the ground. If he was this disoriented, a cold part of Kalla's mind rationalized, then she must be dying. He gripped her hand, tears slipping down his cheeks.

  Vander and Manny knelt between the two fallen, the mage and the Emperor. Vander did a quick assessment of Kalla's condition, frowning at what he found. He immediately began working on her.

  “Manny, have you dealt in soul healing?” he asked, not looking up.

  “Yes, Lord kyl'Solidor.”

  “Good. You work with Sykes then. We must save the Emperor at all costs. The destruction of the ring purged the corruption in his spirit. However, it had its own price,” Vander replied.

  Manny nodded and turned to work with Sykes, but a gruff voice pulled him away. He looked up to find the Technomancer towering above them. Lefellus knelt between Kalla and Sykes.

  “I don't know what the pair of you are playing at,” he snapped, “but a third wouldn't be amiss. You save him, or I'll execute you myself.”


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