Broken Desires (Broken Series)

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Broken Desires (Broken Series) Page 4

by Boone, Azure

  He patted her hand then moved to her feet. There was a sheet draped over her legs and he lifted it.

  Oh God, oh God. She bit her lip hard.

  “Your gloves,” the nurse whispered after a few seconds.

  “Oh, thank you,” he mumbled.

  God, they were staring at her vagina!

  There was a knock at the door and instinctively Sofia tried to close her legs as the doc sighed.

  “Must be important,” the nurse said.

  “It better be.” He gently removed her legs from the stirrups and reached for her hand. She let him pull her upright. “Sorry, stay covered love.”

  Her heart raced in her chest, not sure how to process the way he talked to her while touching her so intimately. It was both weird and nice at the same time. He opened the door a little and mumbling proceeded. Sofia caught things like so sorry, can’t wait, something something.

  He shut the door and turned to her. “I’m afraid we’ll have to reschedule, there’s an emergency I need to handle.”

  “Dr. Gonzalas is here,” the nurse whispered.

  “No, reschedule her.”

  “As in, he’s here in the office,” she persisted. “If you like he could—”

  “Re. Schedule. Her. Please.”

  Sofia bit the smile from her lips. He didn’t want another doctor seeing her? That was a good sign. And totally sweet.

  Well that was that. Another dud visit. No, not quite. Sofia’s heart raced as she dressed. She could barely wait to get to her car and call Dara.


  Second ring. “Tell me tell me tell me,” was her greeting.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  “Shut your face, spill it!”

  “We still did not complete my exam!”

  “What? What happened now?”

  “Well, he did check my breasts. Oh my God, Dara, he was sooooo gentle. And he called me sweetie and made idle chatter to soothe me. So romantic.”

  “What else!”

  “So then my feet are in the stirrups right, and he finally makes his way to the south side of my body, lifts the sheet and I hear the nurse remind him to put his gloves on.”

  “Ohhh, you think he did that on purpose?”

  “No! Heavens no. I think he was kinda distracted though?”

  “Hihihi, yes!”

  So then I’m burning up with shame while waiting and there’s a knock on the door. Doc’s all huffy as he oh so gently removes my feet from the stirrups, takes my hand, pulls me up and tells me to stay covered.”

  “Swoooooning. What else.”

  “He opens the door, speaks to whoever, and tells me there’s an emergency that he has to leave and I’ll need to reschedule. But wait! The nurse in the room says Dr. so and so is here and he can see me. He says no, reschedule her. The nurse says, but he’s like in the office he can see her right now. Well, the good sexy doc cuts her off and says re-schedule-her. Oh my God, just like that!”

  “Hihihihi! He is in love! He doesn’t want another man handling his goods!”

  Sofia laid her head on the seat and giggled. “Exactly what I’d thought. Wonder what happens next?”

  “Why don’t you bake him some cookies with oatmeal and brown sugar, not all desserts are unhealthy!”

  “You think? Crap, why does baking have to be the only thing I’m talented at and love to do? But maybe you’re right, maybe he just hasn’t been introduced to healthy sweets, I mean he avoids them like the plague, he may not even know you can do it healthy. And I can like bake him the cookies using all healthy stuff then wrap it and put a note that says, “because you’ve been so sweet to me? What do you think?”

  “Ahhhhh yes yes, you’re a fucking genius! Now go do it!”

  Chapter Five

  Daniel braced his palms against the shower walls, letting the water hit full force on his neck. Sofia. Her breasts had been perfect. And she’d been aroused. Her nipples had hardened when he began caressing their respective breasts. But definitely no green light. She was far too timid. He stroked his cock seeing her beautiful shaved lips. His stomach and groin clenched with a savage hunger. They were plump and perfect. A lot like her nipples. Fuck, her nipples. Rose colored flesh all silky and puffy topped the handful of breast, and a little round tip crowned it all. The entire thing had become erect, and that tiny tip swelled to nearly twice its size. Much like he expected her clit would when his finger gave it attention…no…for her he’d use his tongue. He was sure she’d be succulent sweet.

  His logical mind screamed bad, bad, bad idea. While his cock said she was exactly the therapy he needed, and that if he simply got her to the point of wanting it, she would beg for it. Then there would be no blaming him for whatever happened.


  It was six thirty and Sofia paced the kitchen in her not so casual outfit. Time to deliver the cookies she’d baked. She’d decided to be a little feminine tonight. Nothing slutty, just sensual. Well, the silk was sensual, but the floor length vulva pink skirt with the slit running up to her butt hit a bit of a slutty note. Her top was an off the shoulder white peasant blouse and was a tie between slutty and sensual. After fifteen minutes of shoe madness, she settled on the platform shoes with the white ankle straps. Her nail polish and lipstick matched her skirt, and she even did her hair half up with little pink flower bobby pins. She was downright virginic. Now all she had to do was work up the nerve to call him. Or decide once and for all to just surprise him.

  She didn’t like the surprise idea.

  Her phone rang and she knew it was Dara again, wondering if she’d made up her mind.

  She hit talk and her breath froze at the silky deep tone in her ear, “Sofia.”

  She swallowed her panic. “Hey doc, what’s up?” Okay, too chirpy!

  “Well, I needed your help with something. I’m getting that room ready for the classes and need a woman’s touch or opinion.”

  “Like now?”

  “Well, it doesn’t have to be. I know it’s spur of the moment. I can wait till tomorrow.”

  “No, it’s fine, I had something for you anyway. You want me to come now?”

  Shit, that sounded so wrong in her ears at that very moment.

  “If you can. Do you want me to pick you up?”

  “No, I’ll drive.”

  “I hope you’re hungry.” There was a slight pause. “I cooked for you.”

  “For me? Mmmmm, can’t wait.” She clenched her eyes at how erotic her mmmm sounded. See you in ten?”


  She hung up and pressed the phone to her racing heart. Definitely. The way he’d said it convinced her she was right. This man had some kinky shit going on in the food department. She’d figure out a way to find out for sure tonight.


  This time when Daniel opened his door, he scanned her body. “Beautiful.” Her heart sledge hammered at the unexpected compliment. He stepped aside. “Come in.”

  He was the beautiful one. Blue jeans and a tight white t-shirt. Fucking edible is what he was. “Mmmm, smells exotic again, what did you do this time?” Five steps in, she turned and found him hulking right behind her. “Oh.” She nearly swayed from his cologne making mad love to her senses.

  “What do you have there?” He looked down between them.

  “A surprise. For after we eat.”

  Ahh, a forced smile. Just what she wasn’t hoping for. “That was sweet of you. I have a surprise for you too after you eat.”

  “If you don’t like my surprise, I’ll let you force feed me Brussels and spank me.” Oh my freaking God, did she really say that?

  “You will?” He seemed totally serious on cashing in on that offer. “I can’t believe you don’t like Brussels.”

  She swallowed her pulse and held her Tupperware against her chest like a security blanket then croaked, “I can’t believe you do.”

  “You haven’t had mine.”

  She smiled a little, noticing the way his breathing had become irregul
ar, eyes hooded. She remembered the whole food fetish suspicion and her plans to confirm them. “I’m sooooo hungry.” She did a slow deep breath and let her eyes flutter shut, making sure to sprinkle a little sexy all over her want. When she opened her eyes and saw his excitement, it was official. But just to be extra sure…okay, and maybe to intentionally arouse him, she’d be adding sexual connotations to everything she said around the food from here on out.

  “Follow me.”


  Daniel wasn’t a religious man, but seeing his sweet Sofia intentionally trying to arouse him, made him want to drop to his knees and thank God. Would this woman ever cease to amaze him? He liked his women submissive, but with Sofia, her aggression was more like innocent flirting. Harmless. Nothing he couldn’t handle. She was one of those normal girls doing what they normally did with guys they were interested in going all the way with. Ecstasy. He’d let her take him wherever she wanted with his permission, no problem.

  As far as her over dramatizations went, they were cute if not comedic. He led her to a his dining room and pulled out her chair. “You mind if we eat in here?”

  She looked around. “Absolutely not. It’s perfect. Kinda sexy.”

  Damn, he’d never had such a hard time not looking at a woman’s breasts. That blouse she had on draped over them, allowing him to see their perfect shape. The straps of her bra were clear and he wondered what the rest of it looked like. He left her and retrieved her food then set a plate of gourmet perfection carefully before her. “Enjoy.”

  She leaned and gave a good long sniff. “Oh Doc. This smells soooo good.”

  He sat at the head of the table next to her, putting his hips under the table so he could stroke his hard cock while she played her sweet erotic game.

  She didn’t even seem to notice he wasn’t eating with her, she was so wrapped up in her naughty endeavor. She picked up her fork and focused on her food like she’d found true love. She caressed each item with the prongs, giving off little moans of anticipation that made his cock try and push through his jeans. He teased along his hard length with one finger until his need was wonderfully painful.

  She lifted a forkful to her mouth and sniffed before opening wide and slowly taking it in, adding all the sexual pleasure that might come with giving head. Goddamn she was sexy eating his food.

  She continued her little show for the next fifteen minutes and a few bites in and Daniel was damn sure she wasn’t having to pretend her own arousal. When she glanced his way, he was too far gone to hide what she was doing to him. He knew his lips were parted, and he was burning a hole through her with his stare. He’d pushed his chair away from the table a bit and turned it her way, cocked his hips forward and let his legs remain open. Having her see what she did to him was a high all by itself and Daniel’s hard on throbbed for her attention.

  At one point, she finally slid her gaze over him and when her eyes landed on the huge bulge in his jeans, both their breaths caught. She wasn’t used to the kind of masculinity he flaunted and was having a hard time not stopping to just stare at the bull in the gates.

  He couldn’t remember ever enjoying anything so much, or being so eager to have something. No, someone. Usually he kept his women nameless. But the name Sofia was too much like lace panties to resist.

  When she was finally done, she ended the show with a sated moan. “That. Was. The. Best. Ever.” She turned to look at him and he didn’t move a muscle, wanting her to see her progress. She licked her lips slowly and he followed the seduction with a ravenous gaze.

  “I’d like to show you the room,” he said, keeping his voice even.

  “Okay, sure.”

  He led her through an entryway off the kitchen and flicked a switch. “This is it.”

  “Oh wow, nice.”

  He watched her sensual grace while slowly moving toward her. “It’s kind of masculine.”

  “Masculine’s good.”

  “For a group of women?”

  She tossed him a sexy grin over her shoulder. “A group of women coming to learn about sex?”

  God yes, please don’t stop. “Learn about their sexuality,” he corrected, playing the coy professional still.

  She shrugged and looked all around. “Same thing to me.” She walked over to the wall of books and gasped. “Oh my God, doc, tell me you don’t have models of the penis and the vagina.”

  “I do.” His tone lowered.

  Sofia laughed like a naughty school kid. “Oh shit, it comes apart! So, can you show me where the G-spot is on this thing?”

  “Well, I could on this one.” She jumped when she found him right over her shoulder. “But yours may not be in the exact same spot.”

  She seemed to nearly swoon as goose bumps tightened her flesh where his breath hit the nape of her neck. “So…it’s not the same?” she whispered, looking over her shoulder at the expanse of his chest, her heaving breasts telling her excitement.

  He studied her neck, wanting to taste it. “I can’t be entirely sure.”

  She faced the book shelf. “When…can you…” Her voice trailed off but Daniel knew what she’d intended to ask and it made heat spearhead his groin.

  He breathed the smell of her in. “Whenever you want me to, Sofia.” He lowered his nose to her skin and drew in his breath slowly. “Vanilla and...” He sniffed closer and her breath caught. “… strawberry.”

  She still didn’t turn, as though very aware of how narrow this little road was getting, and wasn’t’ entirely sure she wanted to go there. “You… like it?”

  His eyes rolled shut at how that mattered to her. He slid his nose along her back just below her neck. So soft. “Do you want me to like it?”

  Her breath shuddered and he saw a light tremble in her frame. “Yes.”

  God, she’d said yes. He grazed her warm skin with his lips. His hunger was dizzying.


  He caged her in with his arms, his hands on the book shelf, letting his chest make contact with her back. He placed his mouth at her ear and whispered, “Sofia…call me Daniel.”

  He lowered his head and grazed her neck with his lips and she let her head fall back against his chest with a light moan. “Daniel,” she whispered weakly.

  A shudder passed through his body and she reached behind her. He took hold of her hand and placed it on the shelf. He didn’t want her in control any more. This was far enough. He had to take over; get her to the point of no return. He took her other hand and placed it on the shelf as well. With his lips on her neck, pressing his painful erection into her butt was more than he could resist, and the sensation rocked him to the core. His need to have her in that second consumed him and he opened his mouth wide and captured the creamy skin of her neck between his lips. He sucked with a promising intensity, groaning at her sweet taste.

  There was absolutely no pretense in her moans and when she received his erection with a tilt of her beautiful ass, Daniel thought his knees would give way.

  “Hold on for me Sofia.” His voice was hoarse as he kissed along her neck.

  She let out a sweet gasp. “Hold on?”

  “Yes, hold on.” He slid his hands up and down her sides, then very slowly whispered them over her breasts, bringing several sharp gasps. He skimmed lower until he found the slit in her skirt he’d been fantasizing entering.

  He crept his fingers up between her legs and a jolt of excitement shot through her body making her jump. She knocked something off the shelf and gasped, looking down. “Oh shit. I think I broke your-your penis.”

  He smiled on her skin, his laughter threatening. God, he liked her. “My penis is fine.” His hand continued up until he pressed his thumb into her panties covering her plump lips. She nearly squealed when he pushed into her there with a slow rhythmic motion, a tide licking at a shore.

  “Are you ready for me to find your G-spot?” he asked in her ear.

  She gave several gasps. “I-I think so.”

  “No Sofia. You have to do more t
han think. You have to really want it.”

  A whimpered moan now. “I do…yes. I want it.”

  A breath shuddered out of her only to hitch when he glided his finger up between her ass cheeks. “Open wide for me.”

  “Oh my God,” she whispered frantic, “are you s-sure this…this is a good idea? Here?”

  He bit into her shoulder blade, groaning. “Very good. Here. Now.” He slid one arm under her breasts and his other around the front of her, pulling her to the hard line of his body. He found the edge of her panties between her legs, slipped his finger inside, and hissed against her neck while grinding his cock into her ass. “You’re dripping wet.”

  She moaned and whispered, breathless, “I am?”

  Like she weren’t sure that was a good thing. “Yes you are. That’s good. I want you dripping wet for me. Always.” He pressed his cock into her ass again, loving her virgin reaction more than he should have. He carefully removed his hand. “Turn around, Sofia.”

  She slowly did, hands next to her head against the shelf, in surrender. Her mouth remained opened for oxygen, her eyes half-masts over liquid blue. Daniel was drunk with need now as he moved to stand on her right, close enough for her to feel his body heat. She only let her eyes follow him, her chest rising in falling.

  With one hand he tugged on the stretchy material of her blouse, watching it slowly slide down over a breast. Pink sheer bra. He let the elastic of the blouse rest under the swell of her breast. “Your nipples are already hard Sofia.”

  She closed her eyes, breathing like she’d come any second. He slid the pad of his index finger over the very top of that swollen bud and she whimpered. She lowered her hands to brace against the shelf, still not looking at him. So shy. So perfect. Daniel decided in that moment that sweet and timid was fast becoming his new addiction.

  He stared at her nipple and that ravenous hunger took over. He lowered his head and rubbed his lips over the bud, filling his nostrils with her sweet scent while he did. Fuck he needed to smell more of her sex. Finding that convenient access slit in her skirt, he navigated his way to the front of her panties. And entered from the top.


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