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BLOODSTAIN (Det. Jason Strong(CLEAN SUSPENSE Book 2) Page 10

by John C. Dalglish

  Remember to never get Vanessa Layne mad at you!

  He smiled to himself as he thought of his partner. She’s quite round now, and the baby will be coming soon. She’d been on desk duty since coming back from her ordeal. The lieutenant had seen to that.

  The first time John Patton had seen her, after she was safe, he’d given her a huge bear hug. With tears in his eyes, he’d stepped back and pointed a finger at her.

  “You’re lucky I don’t kill you myself for not telling me.”

  She’d smiled and done her best to look sheepish. It had worked. The lieutenant gave her another hug before smiling back at her. “Desk duty for you, young lady.”

  Jason parked and walked up to the station. Dave was manning the front desk as usual.

  “Hi, Dave. How’s Vicky?”

  “Hey, it’s our hero!”

  Jason gave him a dirty look. The hero crap was not something he was comfortable with, and Dave knew it. He liked to tease Jason. “Vicky’s as mean as ever.”

  “That’s ‘cause she puts up with you.”

  “Too true, too true. You going up to the party?”

  “Yeah. Does Vanessa know yet?”

  “Not from me.”

  “Okay. You make time to come up.”

  “I will.”

  Jason got on the elevator and back off at the third floor. He dropped the bag he was carrying on his desk and leaned into the lieutenant’s office. “Where is she?”

  “Sent her to the evidence room after some file or other. Their setting up in the conference room now.”

  Jason left Patton’s office and walked around to the conference room. Streamers had been hung in a hurry, and a blue cake was on the table. Vanessa learned she was having a boy, and the rumor going around was his name was going to be Jason. That had not been confirmed by the parents.

  Nina Jefferson was laying out paper plates and plastic forks, and a pile of presents were on a table at the far end of the room. As he stood there watching, he thought about the next three months. Nina Jefferson had accepted a position with San Antonio Police and moved down from Austin. She’d been given the dubious honor of being Jason’s partner while Vanessa was on maternity leave. He liked her, and she came with a solid record.

  While he was standing there, Rob Layne came into the room. “I gather I’m not late.”

  Jason turned and shook Rob’s hand.

  “Actually, perfect timing. She should be here any second.”


  Vanessa leaned against the elevator wall as it rode from the basement to the third floor. Her feet hurt and the little boy inside liked to kick incessantly.

  When the doors slid open, she stepped into an empty squad room. It took about ten steps before she realized she was alone.

  Where is everyone? Did I miss a memo or something?

  She took the file she had in her hand and laid it on the lieutenant’s desk before going around toward the conference room.


  She nearly jumped out of her skin. When she caught her breath, she saw Rob, Jason, and John standing in front of the rest of the squad room personnel. “What is this?”

  Jason grinned from ear to ear. “Just what it looks like, a surprise baby shower.”

  Tears started running down her cheeks. “What it looks like is a bunch of grinning idiots!”

  She laughed and wiped at her eyes. Then softly, she said to everyone, “Thank You.”


  After the cake and presents, with work having to be resumed by most, Jason found a moment alone with Vanessa.

  “You gonna’ come back as soon as possible?”

  “Why? Don’t like your new partner?”

  “I like her fine. In fact, that’s why I’m asking. I was hoping to keep her. She’s awesome!”

  Vanessa took a swing at him, but she was slower than usual, and missed. “Don’t mess with the pregnant woman!”

  “You know I’m kidding.” He turned serious. “I’m gonna’ miss you.”


  “Anything you and Rob need, you call Sandy and me. Anything, you understand me?”

  “I will.”

  He gave her a hug. “You can count on us.”

  She smiled. “I know.”

  A note from the Author.

  In my comments at the end of my first book, I mentioned how writing a novel is like “putting yourself out there.” It was a humbling experience, but the response from you the reader was beyond what I hoped for.

  It’s not that I sold a million copies, or that the movie will be coming out next week, but it’s the kind words people took the time to send to me.

  Whether you write, draw, or any other pursuit in which you look for the reaction of the audience, nothing can make you feel better than someone saying they ‘stayed up late to finish’ or ‘they couldn’t stop thinking about it.’

  Probably the most consistent comment I received was ‘I had to see what happened next.’

  Anyway, because of the response, I forged ahead with the second in the series. You know this because you just read it.

  Jason Strong has taken center stage as he should, but hopefully you enjoyed getting to know Vanessa, John Patton, and Doc Davis.

  Jason is the kind of detective I would want to be. Committed to what’s right, even if it bends the rules a little, and compassionate for both the victims and the people that are impacted by loss.

  I am currently writing #3, and hope to have it out soon. Thank you again for setting time aside to visit the world of Jason Strong. As I said before, your comments make it worthwhile, and I welcome them at my email: [email protected] or my website: Also, visit Jason at his Facebook page:

  Thanks Again and God Bless, John

  I John 1:9

  Thanks to all the contributors

  COVER - Beverly Dalglish

  Graphic assistance- Kristian Dalglish

  Editing- Mark Roberts




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