Four Absorbing Stories (SpongeBob SquarePants)

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Four Absorbing Stories (SpongeBob SquarePants) Page 1

by Nickelodeon Publishing

  © 2016 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon,

  SpongeBob SquarePants and all related titles, logos and characters are

  trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

  created by

  Based on the TV series SpongeBob SquarePants™

  eISBN 978-1-68107-312-5


  Best in Show

  Drive Thru

  Clowning Around

  Are We There Yet?

  by Tracey West

  Illustrated by Vincent Deporter


  Chapter 1

  Squidward’s Challenge

  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3

  Squidward’s Mystery Pet

  Chapter 4

  Bathing Beauties

  Chapter 5

  Play Dead, Rocky!

  Chapter 6

  The Final Question

  Chapter 7

  And the Winner ls . . .

  Chapter 1

  Squidward’s Challenge

  It was another busy day at the Krusty Krab.

  Behind the counter, Squidward Tentacles

  sighed as another fish came through the door.

  “Oh joy—a customer,” Squidward said in a

  flat voice. “Can I help you?”

  “I’d like to hang up this sign,” the fish said,

  handing Squidward a flyer. “It’s for the Bikini

  Bottom Pet Show.”

  With a bored look, Squidward read the


  When SpongeBob SquarePants heard the

  news, he stopped flipping Krabby Patties.

  “Pet show?” he asked. “Why my Gary is

  the best pet in all of Bikini Bottom. I know he

  could win!”

  “Ha!” Squidward snorted. “If you ask me,

  that slimy snail of yours is no prizewinner.”

  SpongeBob flinched. “You don’t mean that,”

  he said. “You’re just jealous because you don’t

  have a pet to enter in the contest.”

  “Oh, yeah, SpongeBob SmartyPants?”

  Squidward shot back. “Well, maybe I do

  have a pet. It’s a wonderful pet—a pet that will

  easily beat Gary in the Bikini Bottom Pet Show!”

  Now SpongeBob was angry. He ran out of

  the kitchen and waved his fist at Squidward.

  “We’ll see about that. Nobody insults my Gary

  and gets away with it!” SpongeBob cried.

  Chapter 2


  After work, SpongeBob

  raced home.

  “Gary, I have great news!” he said. “I entered

  you in the Bikini Bottom Pet Show.”

  “Meow!” Gary cried, quickly pulling his

  head and tail into his shell.

  “Don’t be nervous, Gary,” SpongeBob said.

  “You’re the best pet in the whole wide world,

  and it’s time everybody knew it!”

  Gary slowly poked one eyestalk out of his


  “That’s the spirit, Gary!” SpongeBob

  cheered. “We’re going to win this pet show, no

  matter what it takes!”

  Chapter 3

  Squidward’s Mystery Pet

  The pet show was a week away, and

  SpongeBob couldn’t wait. He spent the time with

  Gary, training long and hard.

  He waxed Gary’s shell.

  He massaged Gary’s eyeballs.

  And he taught Gary new tricks.

  Finally, the big day arrived.

  SpongeBob and Squidward lined up with

  the other contestants. Squidward kept his pet

  under a blanket.

  “I’m Fred Fishley,” said the host. “Welcome

  to the Bikini Bottom Pet Show. Let’s give a big

  hand for our show’s sponsor, Barnacle Bites.”

  Squidward made a face. “I’d never feed that

  squishy slop to pet,” he said.

  The contestants filed onto the

  stage. SpongeBob eyed the blanket in

  Squidward’s hands. “What is your pet any-

  way?” SpongeBob asked.

  “I don’t even think you have a pet.”

  Squidward grinned. “Aha, but you’re

  wrong!” he said. He lifted the blanket. “Behold

  Rocky, my pet rock!”

  “Ba-ha-ha-ha-ha!” laughed SpongeBob. “A

  rock? What kind of a pet is that?”

  But the judges seemed impressed. “How

  original!” they exclaimed.

  That made SpongeBob nervous. “This

  is going to be a close race,” he told Gary.

  “Don’t let me down!”

  Chapter 4

  Bathing Beauties

  Soon it was time for the first competition.

  “It’s swimsuit time,” announced Fred Fishley.

  “Let’s see what fashionable pets

  are wearing to the beach these days.”

  First it was Rocky’s turn. The judges loved

  Rocky’s seashell bikini.

  “So stylish!” they said.

  Then SpongeBob pushed Gary onto the

  stage. Gary slithered along in a shimmer-

  ing, faux fur-trimmed

  mermaid suit.

  “Work it, Gary! Work it!” SpongeBob


  “Ooooh! Aaaaah!” cried the judges.

  Chapter 5

  Play Dead, Rocky!

  “That was great,” SpongeBob

  congratulated Gary. “But we still have to

  wow the judges in

  the talent contest.”

  Squidward and Rocky went first.

  “Rocky is the most obedient pet around,”

  Squidward bragged. “Sit, Rocky! Stay, Rocky!

  Play dead, Rocky!”

  Rocky did a perfect job. He didn’t

  move once.

  The judges loved it.

  “What a smart rock!” they shouted.

  SpongeBob started to panic. “Oh no!” he

  said. “The judges love Rocky. You’ll have to

  give it all you’ve

  got, Gary.”

  “Meow?” Gary replied nervously.

  “Don’t be silly,” SpongeBob said. “You’ve

  got to do this so that we can beat Squidward—I

  mean, win this contest!”

  Gary did his tricks. He slid across a tight-

  rope. He juggled fire with his

  eyestalks. And he wrote love notes to the judg-

  es in slime.

  The judges clapped and cheered.

  “Great job, Gary!” SpongeBob cried.

  “There’s no way we can lose now.”

  Chapter 6

  The Final Question

  But the contest wasn’t over yet.

  “We’ve seen some amazing pets here today,”

  Fred Fishley said. “But it all comes down to this

  final question.”

  “Okay, Rocky,” Fred Fishley began, holding

  the microphone close to the rock. “What is the

  most important quality a pet can have?”

  Rocky didn’t make a sound.

  Squidward smiled. “You know the saying,” he

  said. “Silence is golden. Everyone loves a quiet


  “Brilliant!” said

  the judges.

  Then it was Gary’s tur

  “Gary, what would you say is the most

  important quality a pet can have?” Fred Fishley


  Gary looked at SpongeBob.

  “Meow,” he said.

  “Gary says that a pet is also a friend,”

  SpongeBob said. “And although friends do

  anything for each other, friends also respect


  other’s feelings.”

  “Wonderful!” said the judges.

  “Meow,” said Gary sadly. He slithered off

  the stage.

  “Gary, where are you going?” SpongeBob

  asked. “Come back here, right now!”

  Then SpongeBob stopped dead in his tracks.

  Suddenly it all started making sense. “Wait a

  minute . . . ,” he said slowly. “I’ve been a terrible

  friend to you, Gary. You’ve done everything

  for me, and I haven’t respected your feelings at


  Chapter 7

  And the Winner ls . . .

  SpongeBob burst into tears. “I’m so sorry,

  Gary,” he said, hugging his pet. “This

  contest isn’t about you. pushed you into this. I

  was only thinking of me, me, ME!”

  Gary snuggled up to SpongeBob. “Meow,”

  Gary replied softly.

  On stage, Fred Fishley was about to

  announce the winner. “And now for the moment

  you’ve all been waiting for,” he said. “The best

  pet in all of Bikini Bottom is—”

  “Just a minute!” SpongeBob interrupted,

  stepping onstage. “I’m sorry, but Gary has with-

  drawn from the contest,” he declared. “Come on,

  Gary. Let’s go home.”

  Fred Fishley looked confused for a moment.

  Then he spoke quietly with

  the judges.

  When he returned, he announced, “Our first

  prize goes to—Rocky!”

  Squidward waved proudly to the cheering

  crowd. “What can I say? The judges know a

  superior pet when they see one.”

  “Congratulations, Squidward and Rocky,”

  Fred Fishley said. “And now for your prize: Your

  picture will be on the label of every can

  of Barnacle Bites.”

  “What kind of prize is that?” Squidward

  whined. “My perfect face on a can of that dis-

  gusting pet food?”

  “Yes,” said Fred Fishley, “on millions and

  millions of cans!”

  “Nooooooooo!” wailed Squidward.

  Later at home, SpongeBob prepared a

  special treat for Gary.

  “Squidward might have won the prize,”

  SpongeBob admitted. “But I’ve got the

  best pet—and the best friend—in all of Bikini


  “Meow!” agreed Gary.

  by Erica David

  Illustrated by Robert Dress


  Chapter 1

  Mr. Krabs’ Surprise

  Chapter 2

  Patties to Go

  Chapter 3

  Late Night at the Krusty Krab

  Chapter 4

  Eels on Wheels

  Chapter 5

  SpongeBob GeniusPants

  Chapter 1

  Mr. Krabs’ Surprise

  “Gather round, mateys!” Mr. Krabs called.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  “What is it, Mr. Krabs?” SpongeBob

  SquarePants eagerly asked.

  “It’s me dream come true,” Mr. Krabs

  answered. “A drive-through window! And just in

  time for the Eels on Wheels convention!”

  “Oh, joy,” Squidward Tentacles said dryly.

  “Mr. Squidward, I think you’re missing

  the importance of this innovation,”

  Mr. Krabs explained.

  “It’s possible,” Squidward replied.

  “For years now, the Krusty Krab has been

  serving delicious Krabby Patties to the citizens

  of Bikini Bottom,” Mr. Krabs explained. “It’s

  our job to feed as many

  hungry people as we can.”

  “Not just our job, it’s

  our duty,” SpongeBob agreed.

  “Right you are, lad,” said Mr. Krabs.

  “With this little beauty, we’ll be able to

  serve more customers in less time! And the

  best part is, they don’t even have to leave

  the comfort of their boats!” Mr. Krabs


  “That’s wonderful, sir!” exclaimed


  “Very moving,” Squidward said dully.

  “But who’s going to work this drive through?”

  “Why, you and SpongeBob, of course,” Mr.

  Krabs replied.

  “But we’re already busy with the

  customers inside the restaurant,” Squidward


  “C’mon, Squidward, we can do it!”

  SpongeBob cried. “I-I-I’m READY!”

  “That’s the spirit, SpongeBob, me boy!” said

  Mr. Krabs, chuckling. “All hands on deck! It’s

  going to be a busy day!”

  Chapter 2

  Patties to Go

  The new drive through at the Krusty Krab

  was an immediate success. There were so many

  customers that SpongeBob and Squidward could

  barely keep up with all of the orders.

  By the end of the day, they had sold a record

  number of Krabby Patties.

  “It’s unbelievable!” Mr. Krabs exclaimed.

  “Business has nearly tripled!”

  “Is it closing time yet?”

  Squidward whined.

  “I could go on cooking

  all night!” SpongeBob said

  brightly. “But sadly, it’s time

  to go home.”

  “Good work, lads,” Mr. Krabs

  congratulated them. “I’m gonna be rich—

  I mean, wasn’t this a rich experience?”

  “Um, Mr. Krabs?” SpongeBob asked.

  “Do you think that tomorrow maybe I could

  work at the window?”

  “Oh, please let him work at the window!”

  Squidward begged.

  “Now SpongeBob,” Mr. Krabs replied.

  “You’re me ace fry cook. Your place is in

  the kitchen.”

  “But, Mr. Krabs—” SpongeBob cried.

  “But, nothing. You’re not to touch this head-

  set. Understood?” said Mr. Krabs sternly.

  SpongeBob nodded sadly.

  “Good,” said Mr. Krabs. “Well, SpongeBob,

  it’s your turn to clean and lock up. I’ll see you

  both bright and early

  tomorrow morning.”

  Chapter 3

  Late Night at the Krusty Krab

  SpongeBob was busy mopping the floor

  when he heard a voice call from outside: “Hey,

  SpongeBob, I’m here

  to pick you up from


  “Okay, Patrick, I’m almost finished,”

  SpongeBob told his friend Patrick Star.

  “Uh, SpongeBob,” Patrick said, “there’s a

  new, funny-looking window attached to the

  Krusty Krab.”

  “I know, Pat. It’s the new drive through,”

  SpongeBob replied, as he slid open the window.

  Patrick fell into the room. “Oooo . . . drive

  through. How’s it work?” asked Patrick.

  SpongeBob patiently explained to

  his friend.

  “You mean you get to
wear this cool head

  thingy and lean out of the window all day?”

  Patrick wondered.

  “Not exactly,” SpongeBob answered.

  “That’s Squidward’s job.”

  “But it’s so shiny! Look, there are

  buttons on it and everything!”

  Patrick pointed out.

  “No, Pat! Mr. Krabs said I can’t touch the

  headset,” said SpongeBob firmly.


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