Bear My Perfect Gift: BBW Winter Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Christmas Bear Shifter Romance Book 3)

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Bear My Perfect Gift: BBW Winter Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Christmas Bear Shifter Romance Book 3) Page 2

by Ariana Hawkes

  “I’ve always felt like there’s only one for me. That a particular woman is pulling me to her, and until I find her, I won’t be happy. And there’s got to be, what, 20 women here that I haven’t met before. What are the chances that she’s going to be one of them?” Caleb finished, his voice dragging with despondency.

  “Bro, don’t be like that,” Dominic said, knowing Caleb’s moods all too well. If he started feeling sorry for himself now, it would be impossible to get him out of his funk for the rest of the night. “This is your last chance at finding a mate here, before you abandon us all. And I have an idea. Let’s set ourselves a challenge.”

  “A challenge?” Caleb echoed, instantly brightening, as Dominic had known he would.

  “Let’s promise ourselves that we’ll speak to every single woman we don’t know tonight, and, whoever speaks to the most women wins.”

  “Wins what?”

  “Well, hopefully a mate. But, failing that, a beer,” Dominic said with a grin.

  The two best friends spent the next few hours circling the room, talking to every new girl they saw. They had the typical feisty personalities common to the clans, and they were all handsome women, as female bear shifters usually are, and wearing all kinds of beautiful dresses. It wasn’t hard for Caleb to fall into conversation with them. The sight of a tall, dark-haired bear, with sharp cheekbones and dazzling, ice-blue eyes striding towards them was usually enough for them to break off whatever conversation they were having and gaze at him open-mouthed as he came over and introduced himself. For his part, Dominic had abandoned his wingman duties and was focused on the competition. They split up and kept a note of the names of the girls they’d spoken to on their cell phones.

  By the end of the night, Caleb’s mind was buzzing with all of the conversations he’d had, but his heart was still empty. They were all such nice women, and they’d been real fun to talk to, but his bear hadn’t stirred inside him, not even once. He slumped on a chair at the edge of the hall, near one of the fires, and watched Dominic talking to a woman that he’d spoken to hours earlier. She was tall and athletically built, with long red hair, and a broad smile that flashed lots of white teeth every time Dominic cracked a joke, which seemed to be pretty often. They were standing close together, and she kept touching his arm, and from time to time, his hand slid around her waist as he stepped closer to hear something she said. Caleb’s stomach tightened. And as Dominic’s arm remained around her waist and she tipped her head back and they kissed, his stomach flipped over. He stared down at the floor as a wave of heat rolled through him. He didn’t want to be jealous of Dominic, and he wished him the best, but it was so unfair. Why am I the only bear who can’t find a mate? he asked himself over and over.

  Just then, there was a flash of red in front of him, and a second later, a girl deposited herself in his lap with a flounce of her skirt. He instinctively put his arm around her shoulder and looked into a pair of impish black eyes.

  “Hello, grumpy bear!” his friend Rita exclaimed, eyes glittering with playfulness.

  “Hey, Rita,” Caleb replied, his heart lifting a little at the sight of her. The two of them had grown up together, always being in the same classes at elementary and then high school, and they knew practically everything about each other. Apart from Dominic, she was his closest friend.

  “I’ve been trying to talk to you all night long, but you’ve been otherwise occupied,” she said, her lips curling in a mischievous grin. “What’s up with that?”

  “Ah, let’s just say it was a last ditch attempt to find myself a mate,” he said, adjusting her on his lap so he was more comfortable.

  “Still single, grumpy bear? Me too!” she said, in a careless tone.

  “How is that even possible?” he said, gazing into her eyes. They flirted. A lot. They’d even hooked up a few times. But it meant nothing. They both knew they weren’t destined to be together.

  “I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with the possibilities on offer here,” she said, sliding a glance along the side of the room. The room was lined with chairs which were filled with male bears, slumping in them. “Part of the problem is that most of the guys here are half asleep. And don’t get me started on the ones who haven’t even bothered to shift!”

  “What? Where?” Caleb turned his head to where Rita was indicating. Sure enough, there was a pile of bears at the back of the room, fast asleep, in their bear form.

  “Jesus.” They both giggled. “I guess it’s a little rough having a party at the time of year when most of us are at our sleepiest.”

  “Sure, but, come on, I’ve slept for the last two days straight to make sure that I’ll have enough energy to get through this.”

  “Me too.”

  “But your friend Dominic seems to be full of beans,” Rita said. As Caleb cast a glance in Dominic’s direction, his jealousy rose up again. He and the woman were practically devouring each other. Dominic’s hands were running all over her body, and they were kissing hungrily.

  “Sickening,” Rita said, shaking her head.

  “Some guys get all the luck.” Caleb paused. “No, that’s not fair. He’s been single for a long time too.”

  “All three of us have, bucko. Do you ever think it’s time to do something about it?”

  “Actually, yes.” Rita’s huge black eyes stared at him expectantly as he tried to form the words.

  “I was actually thinking that I need to leave Stonybear Peak and find myself a mate from another clan.” Rita broke into a grin.

  “That’s a great idea!”


  “Yeah. As long as you bring her back with you.”

  “I hope that’ll be possible. I mean, some clans won’t let the women leave.”

  “Uh, like ours, you mean?” she said.

  “Oh. I hadn’t thought about that.” Rita fiddled with a button on his shirt.

  “Not that I’d want to. I mean, everything I care about is right here. But sometimes, I hate the idea that I’d have my whole family on my tail if I ever tried to go off on an adventure by myself. But you don’t have that issue, so you should make the most of it. I’ll miss you like crazy though,” she finished, her eyes suddenly very bright.

  “Hey, guys,” Dominic called, coming up to them, and they jolted out of the intense place that their conversation had taken them to. The woman Dominic had been kissing was clinging to his hand and her face was flushed, while Dominic’s face had taken on a tell-tale predatory look, as if he could hardly contain his bear. The woman was his mate; Caleb knew that without a doubt, and he felt happy for his friend.

  “Guys, this is Elaine. Elaine, this is my best friend, Caleb, and Rita.” They shook hands, and talked for a moment, but it was obvious that the couple were dying to be alone together.

  Caleb and Rita watched them wave their goodbyes to the other people at the party and make their way out of the hall.

  “And another one bites the dust,” she said wistfully. Caleb rocked her gently on his lap, enjoying the feeling of her warm, feminine body pressing against him.

  “But at least we’re not alone,” he muttered, close to her ear. He moved his face towards hers, and as their mouths met, she didn’t resist. Her lips parted under his kiss, and her tongue snaked out and darted into his mouth. His bear gave a rumble of appreciation. It always wanted to mate with Rita. She was an athletic, sexy woman, who always gave as good as she got.

  Caleb wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her body against his, and his cock stirred.

  “Shall we go home?” he said.

  “Yes, let’s,” she whispered, her voice breathy and full of restrained desire.

  Chapter Three

  When Caleb awoke the next afternoon, he felt emptier and more lonely than ever. Rita had left some time earlier, and the side of the bed where she’d slept was already cold. Their mating had been as hot as always, and the distraction that he’d needed. But now, it underlined the fact that he was alone again on
Christmas day. He picked up his phone. There was a message from Dominic:

  How was the rest of the night, bro? I can’t believe I met Elaine. Sorry to ditch the competition, but I’ve finally found my mate! Anyways, I’ll catch you at dinner later today.

  Caleb flopped back onto the bed, overwhelmed by his emotions. He was so happy for Dominic, but now he felt so much worse. He was really by himself. The loser who couldn’t find a mate. Even at the holiday party, which was the best opportunity of the whole year to meet someone, and he’d failed, again. His bear let out a howl of frustration.

  Would he just keep hooking up with Rita until she found her mate, and then he’d be completely by himself, and grow into a bitter old loner?

  He shook himself. No more. He was going to leave. And soon. It wasn’t just talk. Suddenly, he couldn’t stand the thought of starting another new year like that. He jumped out of bed, energized by his resolution. He’d stay for the Christmas dinner, and give everyone a chance to get used to the idea, then he’d go on the 27th or 28th. His spirits lifted a little as he got ready to go and hang out with his clan.


  Christmas dinner was a sleepy affair, as usual. People chatted in snatches, but most of the focus was on eating the huge amount of roasted meat that had been prepared for the feast. Dominic turned up late with Elaine and introduced her to the clan. The two of them looked blissfully happy.

  Caleb was very quiet throughout dinner, thinking about how he was going to break the news about his departure. He finally came out with it while everyone was drowsily digesting their food and drinking egg nog. There was a shocked silence. Bears didn’t just leave Stonybear Peak. The clan was so used to Caleb always being around to help out with anything, to play with the cubs and teach them how to hunt. He was such an important part of the community, that they couldn’t imagine him not being there.

  “When are you thinking of leaving, Caleb?” his Auntie May demanded.

  “In a couple of days, before the new year,” he said. There was a collective gasp, and several of the women’s eyes filled with tears. Caleb’s heart ached. He hated hurting his clan, more than anything. But he had to go.


  The night before Caleb left, the clan had a small party for him. It was fun, but bittersweet. And as he said goodbye to each one of them, he squeezed them extra tight, not knowing how long it would be before he saw their faces again.

  In the past couple of days, he’d settled on going to Green Fields, and he’d been in touch with his cousin Jake who’d promised to help him settle in. It was a 16-hour drive there, and he set off very early on the morning of the 28th. He closed the door of his cabin for the last time. He’d built it himself in his teens, and it tugged on his heartstrings to leave it.

  Dominic got up early to wave him off, and they parted with rough bear hugs and slaps on the back.

  “I’m going to miss you, bro,” Caleb said.

  “We’ll always be your family. Come back soon, with your mate,” Dominic replied, his voice harsh and growly with emotion.

  “I’ll do my best,” Caleb replied and walked away quickly.

  Caleb watched in the rear-view mirror as he rounded a bend and his best friend and the community he’d lived in all his life disappeared from sight. He stopped his truck as a lump came to his throat, and his bear howled. The road ahead seemed lonely and uncertain. He could turn around and go back to his community. See what the spring brought him. No. He gritted his teeth. He had to do this. He needed to find himself a mate. He pressed on the gas and continued to drive along the snowy, uneven road.

  Chapter Four

  It was a long drive to Green Fields, far longer than Caleb was used to. His sat nav guided him through one anonymous small town after another as the snow fell and stopped, fell and stopped. His bear howled mournfully from time to time, but he did his best to ignore it. He was heading due south, and the dawn came a little earlier than usual, lighting the sky magnificently in ribbons of pinks and yellows. His spirits lifted a little, and he reminded himself that he was doing something new, moving towards his future, and the possibility of a better life.

  The roads were almost deserted, and he felt like he was alone, in a constantly-shifting landscape of shades of blue and white. The snow was dazzling and it made his eyes tired. When the sun had struggled to its highest point in the sky, he stopped for lunch in a diner. He ate two cheeseburgers and drunk two strong coffees, but he was unable to quell the roiling in his stomach, which started up every time he thought about his clan and the life he’d left behind.

  Before long, he was on the road again. He’d already descended hundreds of feet, and the roads became less winding and more monotonous. The sun began to retreat towards the horizon again, and it seemed to draw all of Caleb’s energy with it. He’d already been awake for far longer than usual for this time of year, and it was a struggle to stay alert. The urge to pull over into a verge and sink into sleep for a few hours was overwhelming. I need to stop somewhere for the night, he told himself. He’d planned to go all the way to Green Fields in a single day, but now he could see how ridiculous that idea had been. He began to look out for signs for a motel, and inside half an hour, he found one. It was a little off the main road, at the edge of what passed for the small town of Gainsville. It was rustic, but in a charming way, and looked like it had recently been renovated – nothing like the flea pit he’d been imagining. He breathed a sigh of relief. He’d never stayed in a motel before, and everything he knew about them he’d learned from movies.

  He checked in, parked his car right outside the door to his room, lay down on the nice, bouncy mattress, and that was the last thing he knew for several hours.

  When Caleb next awoke, he felt refreshed, as if he’d slept for a long time. He groped for the light switch in the darkness. 9pm. He lay on his back and stared up at the wooden boards of the ceiling, thinking. He could shift and go hunting for food now, but the thought made him a little nervous. The local environment was completely unfamiliar to him, and he had no idea how exposed he’d be. It could be dangerous. For all he knew, there could be hunters with guns, or just regular humans who might catch sight of him and freak out. He sighed. It would have to be restaurant food tonight. That’s if everything hadn’t already closed in this one-street excuse for a town.

  He leapt off the bed and grabbed his jacket and pocketbook in a single movement, and headed to the motel lobby. There was a different clerk from the one who’d checked him in earlier – a woman in her late fifties with frizzy brown curls and oversized glasses, like a relic from the ’70s.

  “We don’t have a restaurant here as such,” she said in a sweet, dragging voice, her eyes flickering all over his face, pupils magnified by thick lenses. “But I guess you could say that the restaurant next door is kind of affiliated to us.”

  “Is it good?” he asked doubtfully. Her face brightened.

  “It’s the best place in town.” He chuckled.

  “Does it have a lot of competition?”

  “None!” She beamed. “But that’s not to say it doesn’t do a damn fine steak, and a pretty good apple pie too.”

  “Ok, I guess I’ll give it a go. Thanks for the recommendation.”

  “Sure thing, sweetie.” She lifted her hand and patted at her curls, keeping her eyes on him as he left he lobby and followed the path that led towards the restaurant.

  Archie’s was long and narrow, with low lighting, from a series of ceiling bulbs in brass lampshades. A group of four in a booth glanced at him as he walked in, regarding him with mild interest. Locals who were accustomed to the passing trade, he decided. A few solitary men sat up against the walls. They evidently were the passing trade. They read newspapers or played with their phones while they ate alone. Caleb walked past them and chose a table towards the center of the room, wanting to set himself apart from them for some reason. He wasn’t a bored, lonely salesman. He was a bear, at the start of an adventure, which would hopefully bring him everything he crav
ed in life.

  As he sat down, he discovered that the room was L-shaped and there was an alcove at the back which wasn’t visible from the entrance. And sitting in the alcove was a scruffy-looking man in a leather jacket, and an attractive woman. In fact, she was more than attractive. He gave her a second glance as he sat down. She was an absolute knockout. She had long ash-blonde hair that fell in silken waves over her shoulders. Her eyes were gray and slanting, with long, straight eyebrows a couple of shades darker than her hair. She had a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones, a straight, elegant nose and impossibly full lips. She was a little frumpily dressed, in a shapeless brown knitted sweater and black slacks, but they couldn’t conceal her dangerous curves beneath. Her head began to turn in his direction, an appealing tilt to her jaw, and he looked away quickly, dimly aware that his heart was beating fast. Damn. He wished he was someplace where he could look at her for a little longer unobserved. He’d never seen anyone as beautiful as her before. It was like watching the most perfect sunset, times ten. Just looking at her had delivered a rush of euphoria through his body and a tingle to his skin. He felt as if he was drinking her in. He flared his nostrils and sniffed, trying to pick up her scent. It was light and sweet, but with an underlying richness, like a mountain rose. He picked up his menu and shook himself mentally. He had no business looking at her. She was with another guy. A werewolf. The realization made his blood run cold. He was so used to smelling nothing but shifters that he hadn’t picked up that the human girl was with a wolf. He bristled. Like most bears, he was no fan of werewolves and their sneaky, power-hungry ways. But if the werewolf was aware that he was in the presence of a bear, he gave no sign of it. He was a mean-looking beast – tall, rangy and hard, with an angular face and thin lips.


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