Taming GI Jane

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Taming GI Jane Page 7

by Debra Webb

  “Yeah, yeah, I know.” Tom pushed away from the window and walked in her direction. “It won’t be the first time I was wrong,” he said pointedly, then dropped into his favorite chair. He had been mistaken about Jane, it seemed. He thought she wanted last night’s kiss as much as he did. Could he have really been that wrong?

  He stared up at her. “You could sit down,” he offered a little curtly. “It’s not like I’m going to attack you or anything.”

  Huffing a breath of her own frustration, Jane made herself comfortable on the couch directly across the coffee table from him. Tom hadn’t seen her in anything other than her uniform and the camp’s sweatpants and T-shirts. And she looked damned fine in those. But Jane Passerella molded into a faded pair of ragged Levi’s was breathtaking. The olive drab T-shirt she wore had seen better days as well, but it sculpted to her small, firm breasts like a second skin. He was pretty damned sure she wasn’t wearing a bra. He squinted. Was that a tattoo on her upper arm? The short sleeve of her tee mostly covered it.

  He shook off his distraction. That alone made this meeting as frustrating as hell. Why couldn’t he simply have a conversation with the woman without noticing…all of her?

  Tom swallowed hard. Her hair was down, too. Really down—no braid, no bun. It draped her shoulders just as he had imagined it would. The long, silky stuff still looked damp here and there. Tom had been furious when he had stormed over to her cabin and demanded an immediate meeting. Jane informed him that she had just returned from the shower and that she would come to his cabin as soon as possible.

  Five minutes later, she knocked on his door. Tom felt like a complete heel now for allowing his anger to get the better of him. He wasn’t mad at Jane. Hell, he wasn’t mad at anybody really. All he could think about at the moment, with those big brown eyes staring at him, was how he would like to make love to this little sergeant. Right now. Right here.

  “You said you wanted to talk,” she reminded when he continued to stare at her without speaking.

  “Look.” He leaned forward and propped his elbows on his spread knees. “I know the ladies have apologized profusely to Hattie. And I know they didn’t mean any real harm, but what if Hattie had hurt herself when she fell?” He frowned, thinking about what might’ve happened. “Or worse, she could have had a heart attack. Hattie isn’t a young woman.”

  Jane shrugged. “I don’t know what else to do. No one will admit who actually did it. They’re taking the blame as a group. I do have my suspicions.” She thought for a minute. “I can’t, in good conscience, work them any harder than I already am. If we complain to the general, it’ll look as if we can’t handle the job.”

  Tom spotted something in Jane’s eyes that made his gut clench. She was seriously worried. “Wait a minute, Jane,” he said cautiously. “You don’t think I’d complain to the general without talking to you first, do you?”

  “I guess I couldn’t blame you if you did. The ladies have been truly obnoxious. And I feel responsible.” She averted her gaze so he wouldn’t read the rest of what was likely running through her mind.

  If anything went wrong, Jane would take the heat. She would be held responsible, Tom realized with profound clarity. No way would he let that happen. He stood, took the three steps that separated them, and sat down on the edge of the coffee table. He rested his elbows on his knees once more and settled his gaze firmly onto hers, whether she liked it or not.

  “Jane, we’re in this together. I hope you understand that,” he said quietly. “I asked to have a drill sergeant assigned here and I’m not going to let you take the blame for anything alone.”

  Staring at her hands, she twisted and untwisted her fingers. “Thank you, but those women are my responsibility. I—”

  Tom covered her fidgeting hands with his. She watched as his fingers closed around hers. Her hands felt so small and delicate within in his big, rough ones. A protective feeling that overwhelmed all else bloomed in his chest. “I’m the director of this camp. They’re my responsibility, too. And Reg’s and Hattie’s.”

  Jane finally met his gaze again. She looked at him for a long time before she spoke. He saw the uncertainty, the worry that she tried to hide. But it was the desire that made his heart stumble. He hadn’t been wrong about her response to his kiss. He had the sudden urge to do a little end-zone victory dance, but he held himself in check. Jane had more to say. And he was far from getting her to admit her feelings to herself, much less to him.

  “Tom, I appreciate what you’re saying. But that’s not the way the Army does things. I cannot fail in this mission.” She pressed him with her gaze, trying to make him understand. “It’s just not an option. I’ve probably already offended the general’s wife.”

  Tom wanted to reassure her, he really did. But he couldn’t speak. He couldn’t even breathe. There was something about the way her hair fell across her cheek when she lifted her head, the way her eyes turned an even darker shade of brown when she looked deeply into his eyes. And the way her fingers clasped his…there was just something about Jane that made him ache for some…thing he couldn’t name.

  “We won’t fail,” he managed past the lump in his throat. “I promise.”

  She smiled. And his heart rejoiced. The smile was completely unguarded and totally beautiful.

  “You can’t promise that,” she argued, her voice trembling with the emotion now shining in her eyes. She wasn’t smiling anymore. Her expression was as fiercely intent as his must be.

  “I just did,” he murmured. His gaze moved down to her lips, which were full, lush, and tempting beyond what any man could bear. But he couldn’t kiss her.

  “Tom.” One small hand pulled free of his and came up to touch his jaw.

  He closed his eyes and savored the feel of her fingers on his skin.

  “Why do you do this to me?” she murmured.

  The ache he heard in her voice mirrored his own. He opened his eyes and connected with the desperation in those dark mesmerizing depths. “I just can’t help myself…”

  He knew the moment she surrendered. The need, the desire, the tenderness—it was all right there in her eyes. Somehow her lips found his. The kiss was slow, easy, and sweet. But when her fingers threaded into his hair, Tom had to have more…had to be closer. He dropped to his knees on the floor and pushed between her thighs.

  She took full control of the kiss then. Pulling him closer, thrusting her soft tongue inside his mouth. Tom touched her hair first, stroking the silky stuff down over her firm breasts. His groin tightened unmercifully when his fingertips touched her nipples. Jane moaned into his mouth and the sound twisted his insides, made him crazy with need. He flattened his palms against her slender ribcage and concentrated on the feel of her sweet lips against his.

  She leaned back, pulling him with her, kissing him passionately. The heat between her thighs burned into him. He wanted to touch her there, but it was too soon. His hands slipped down to the bottom of her T-shirt and pushed the fabric upward. She arched toward him, urging him on. He pressed his erection against her, grinding their bodies together. The feel of her satiny skin beneath his palms undid him completely.

  Tom pulled free of the kiss and lowered his mouth to the soft skin of her throat. She encouraged him with soft sounds. He rained kisses over her breasts, enjoying the womanly taste of her. He teased her nipples, tugging gently until she cried in pleasurable agony, then he took one into his mouth and sucked long and hard.

  “Tom…oh, God, Tom.”

  He pulled back far enough to haul the shirt over her heard. He watched as her long, hair tumbled over her shoulders, then over her swollen breasts. She reached for his shirt next, tugging it up and off. She tossed it to the floor with her own. Her soft fingers caressed his chest, touching, learning.

  He closed his eyes and stifled the groan that rose in his throat. When her mouth closed over his left nipple, he roared with need. His hands fisted in her hair, urging her closer, telegraphing his need for more. He reached
for her breasts, squeezed them, stimulating the pebbled peaks with his thumbs. She teased him with her teeth, her tongue, then sucked until sweat broke out across his forehead. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take. She was driving him mad. It had been too long since he had allowed himself this kind of pleasure…he wanted her too much.

  He closed his fingers around her tiny waist and urged her to her feet. She moaned a slight protest, but obeyed. As she watched him, he unbuttoned her jeans, then lowered the zipper. Her breath caught when he slipped his hands inside and pushed the soft denim and satin panties from her hips. He took a long moment to admire the beauty of Jane’s utterly feminine body. She shivered when his ragged breath fanned against her sensitized skin. He restrained the need to take her now…this had to be special. He had to move slowly. Very, very slowly.

  Lifting first one foot and then the other, he removed her shoes. With the shoes gone, he took off her jeans and panties in the same manner. Then he sat back on his heels and took in all of her.

  Jane was beautiful. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted slightly. Her breasts rose and fell with her rapid intake of breath. Unable to hold back a moment longer, he pressed a kiss between her breasts. Slowly, taking great pains, he kissed each rib on his journey downward. His tongue dipped inside her naval, then lower, and lower. He nuzzled her intimately until she groaned with pleasure.

  Tom wrapped his arms around her then and lowered her to the floor. Her heart felt as if it might burst from her chest at any moment. He brushed a fleeting kiss across her lips, then left her. Jane opened her eyes to see where he had gone. In one fluid motion he removed his sweatpants and briefs. She watched the smooth flex and contraction of his muscles as he moved. His body was every bit as perfect as she remembered. She held her breath as he knelt between her thighs.

  His gaze lingered on hers for the briefest moment, his expression fierce. He leaned forward then, braced his hands on either side of her waist and dipped his head down to take her breast again. Jane clutched at the soft rug beneath her. He gave equal attention to her other breast, heightening her erotic tension.

  He moved over her then, his lips on her shoulder, her throat, then sealing completely over hers. Jane pushed her arms around his lean waist and pulled him closer. His tongue thrust into her mouth. Her legs entwined with his. His hand moved between them, and his fingers stroked flesh so sensitive that she lost her breath completely. He guided himself to her delicate folds, and his first nudge sent fire rushing through her veins. He thrust fully, then he held absolutely still for two long beats. Jane climaxed on his next thrust.

  But that wasn’t enough for Tom. He lifted her bottom, pushing more deeply inside her. The building tension started anew. Each powerful thrust, each kiss of his lips pushed her closer and closer to another peak. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to hold back—to wait for him. But she couldn’t. Her body responded to him on a level that was beyond all control. Climax crashed down around her once more, and this time the rhythmic throbbing and clenching went on and on until his body jerked with the first throes of release.

  Tom rolled to her side, pulling her against him. For a long time they could only struggle for breath. There was no strength to speak. She closed her eyes and replayed every perfect moment. She had only made love twice before and neither occasion had come close to this. Tom was a skilled lover, that was clear. A twinge of inadequacy skittered through her. Could she have possibly pleased him half as much as he had pleased her?

  “Jane.” He murmured against her hair, then pressed a tender kiss there. “You are so beautiful…so perfect. No one has ever made me feel this way before.”

  A delicious glow replaced all her doubts. She had pleased Tom. At the moment that was the most important thing in the world to her.


  After PT the next morning, Jane dismissed the decidedly reserved ladies. No one whined or complained about anything, not even the three-mile walk, which was accomplished in record time. Jane wasn’t sure she should be relieved or suspicious. Whatever the case, the ladies would be Reg’s problem for the next two hours.

  Jane tried to force away the thoughts of last night’s lovemaking, but she couldn’t. Little thrills of desire zinged her each time she thought of Tom’s incredible loving. Or of his amazing body. Her cheeks turned pink each time she considered just how intimate his lovemaking had been. He had begged her to stay the night with him, but she couldn’t allow herself that much freedom. Getting emotionally involved was all too great a risk. She didn’t want to know what it felt like to awaken next to him bright and early in the morning. She didn’t want to risk his wanting to make love again. Their one encounter would haunt her for the rest of her life. The moment he had fallen asleep, she had left him.

  It was the right thing to do.

  No matter how much it hurt to do it, or even to think about it now, she had been right to leave. Jane couldn’t count on anything that had happened last night. Discipline was the key. She would keep this relationship on a strictly professional basis from now on, one way or another. She had to…it was her only hope of protecting her heart.

  “Jane!” A male voice whispered.

  She looked around. A hand extending from the bushes only a few feet away motioned for her to come. Frowning, she walked slowly in that direction.

  “Reg?” she asked hesitantly as she inspected the perfectly manicured hand more closely.

  When she paused near the cluster of greenery, the hand grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside. Jane swallowed the scream that rose in her throat.

  “You have to help me. I have a big problem.”

  Jane squeezed her eyes shut. She absolutely would not look. If someone had stolen Reg’s clothes she didn’t want to know. She positively did not want to see Reg naked. No way.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” he fretted. “This is a disaster. I should have seen it coming after all that’s happened.”

  He was silent for a moment. Jane didn’t even breathe. She stood stock still and kept her eyes shut so tight her face hurt.

  “Jane,” Reg continued, his tone oddly high-pitched. “Why are your eyes closed?”

  She chewed her lower lip for a sec, trying to think how to answer his question. “No offense, Reg, but if someone has stolen your clothes, just say so and I’ll go get you some more.” She wished he would hurry. The effort of keeping her eyes closed so tightly was growing more and more difficult by the second.

  Reg made an impatient sound in his throat. “No one had stolen my clothes,” he said indignantly. “I haven’t taken them off.”

  Jane opened her eyes, then blinked rapidly. Reg’s face, flushed with irritation, came into focus. She breathed a sigh of relief when her gaze verified that he was, in fact, fully dressed. “Sorry, Reg. I thought—”

  “Never mind that,” he snapped. “You have to help me.” Desperation swiftly replaced his irritation.

  “What’s the problem?” What had they done now? Whatever it was, it had Reg in a real panic.

  “I found this note on my door this morning.” He quickly unrolled the wrinkled paper in his hand. “At first I didn’t think too much of it, but as I was showering I started to think about the snake and” Reg shuddered visibly “I decided I couldn’t risk it.”

  Jane read the boldly scrawled words on the page. Watch your back, the note warned.

  “You think one of the ladies sent you this note?”

  Reg rolled his eyes and flung his arms heavenward. “Well, who else would have? I’m certain Hattie didn’t. You didn’t send it, did you?”

  “Of course not.” Jane scowled. This was definitely going too far.

  “It had to be one of them. How can I conduct my class and watch my back, too?” he demanded, his hysteria rising. “That’s impossible.”

  Jane shrugged. “No problem. I’ll sit in on your classes today. Is that what you want me to do?”

  His relief was palpable. “Yes, thank you.”

  “No b
ig deal.” Jane smiled. “Let’s go make those ladies beautiful.”

  “I’m not a miracle worker,” he muttered. Reg held back a bush so Jane could exit, then he followed. He insisted that Jane go into the classroom first and see if it were safe for him to come inside. Still a little uncertain herself, she stepped through the door. An immediate hush fell over the ladies when they spotted Jane.

  “Good morning again, ladies.”

  “Good morning. Sergeant Jane,” they chimed, all smiling pleasantly. Too pleasantly.

  Jane leaned back through the still open door. “It’s okay, come on in,” she whispered to Reg. She took a seat near the door where she could keep an eye out for trouble, or make a hasty run for help if necessary.

  After clearing her throat rather loudly, Reg strutted into the room. Jane watched the ladies, making sure nobody made any sudden moves. The whole lot of them sat perfectly still and as quiet as church mice. Jane caught a glimpse of Reg in her peripheral vision as he skirted his desk. She did a double-take, then frowned. Before she could decide if she had seen what she thought she saw, Reg turned and quietly wrote several notes on the board for the class’s information. Enthusiastic giggles teetered through his attentive audience.

  Jane’s eyes widened in disbelief, but she had to bite her lower lip hard to prevent her own chuckle. Written across a sheet of paper in big, bold red letters and stuck to his back were the words Somebody Kiss Me!

  “Oh, teacher,” Sandra Suddath called cheerily.

  Jane eyed Sandra suspiciously. What was she up to? Maybe Jane should interrupt Reg right now and warn him. She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off.

  “Yes, Sandra?” he drawled impatiently.

  “Why are you writing those words up there?” Sandra gestured toward the front of the room.

  Reg looked heavenward and made a tsking sound. “I’m writing you a list of things to do in order to learn the proper application of concealer and foundation. Taking notes would be advisable.”


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