Freeing the Prisoner

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Freeing the Prisoner Page 15

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Ky!” His name was a wail on her lips. “Ky!”

  At that moment the wire snapped. It was like the time before when he’d been in the cell but more…so much more. Because it wasn’t only his whisper lips and fingers touching her now, it was his big body between her spread thighs, his mouth and hands all over her, his broad shoulders splitting her wide, making her open for him.

  It was too much. Too…too much. Dani’s back arched and her toes curled as the pleasure rushed over her in a warm wave. It was a good thing she was lying down, she thought dizzily—she would have fallen if she’d been standing as she was the first time he gave her this overwhelming sensation. She could barely breathe it felt so good—let alone stand.

  "Oh," she moaned softly. "Oh, Ky…oh."

  At last the incredible sensations seemed to be ebbing and Dani was able to catch her breath. When she came back to herself she found she still had both hands buried in the big Kindred's hair and she was panting. Her throat felt hoarse from calling out so much.

  Ky looked up at her, his mouth and chin shiny with her juices.

  “Gods, so fucking good, Dani,” he growled, his own voice hoarse and lustful. “Love to taste your sweet pussy. Love to feel you coming all around me like that.”

  “You…” Dani shook her head and gave an incredulous little laugh. “You sound like you enjoyed it as much…as much as I did.”

  His eyes flashed. “As much or more. I fucking loved eating your pussy, Dani—loved healing you.”

  “I do feel much better now,” she said cautiously. “I don’t hurt a bit.”

  “I’m glad you’re all better, little girl.” He kissed her inner thigh gently. “But I want you to know, you don’t need to be hurt for me to taste you. Any time—any time at all you want me to lick your pussy—just come to me. You don’t even have to say anything—just spread your legs and I’ll get the idea.”

  Dani felt herself blushing with pleasure.

  “I…I’ll remember that,” she said softly. “Thank you for healing me, Ky.”

  “Thank you for trusting me to heal you, Dani,” he returned gravely. Bending his head, he placed one last, soft kiss on her open pussy. “Gods, you’re beautiful. Thank you for letting me enjoy your sweet body.”

  Dani didn’t know what to say. It seemed she ought to be thanking him but Ky was acting like she’d given him some kind of gift. Well, maybe that was how the Kindred really saw it, she reasoned to herself. As a gift—a way to share pleasure with the female they cared for.

  The thought was alien to her worldview. She had always been taught that any kind of breeding was only for the pleasure of the male and that the female must simply endure it and pray to the Gods that his seed would grow a baby in her. But the idea that a male might actually want to bring her pleasure…Well, it took some getting used to.

  The other thing that took getting used to what how empty she felt inside. The overwhelming pleasure of his tongue inside her had made her want more. It also made her feel closer to the big Kindred—more sure of their future together.

  He’s going to take me to the Mother Ship and we’ll start a whole new life together. We can live together and love each other—touch and taste each other whenever we want to.

  The idea made a warm glow in her belly but then a new thought occurred to her. Though Ky had seemed to enjoy pleasuring her so much, what about his pleasure?

  “Ky,” she said tentatively. “Do you…are you still, uh, hard? You’ve been healing and pleasuring me for so long but what about you? Do you want me to…can I touch you too? Maybe taste you like you tasted me?”

  He groaned softly as he rose from the floor.

  “Little girl, there’s nothing I’d like better than for us to spend hours and hours exploring each other’s bodies. And we will—I promise. As soon as we get back to the Mother Ship. But we’re not there yet and I’m afraid I need to go check the instruments and see if I can make that call yet.”

  “Can’t you check them and come back to me quickly?” Dani asked. “Please?” She eyed his large, hard shaft, tenting the silky black material of his trousers. “I want to touch you, Ky. And I think…” She bit her lip. “I think I’m ready for you to change the color of my eyes.”

  He frowned. “I don’t know about that, little girl…I don’t think you understand. Making love with a Kindred—having bonding sex—creates a permanent bond. If we do this—if I change the color of your eyes—we’ll be together forever.” He gave her a self-deprecating grin. “You’ll have no way to get rid of me.”

  Dani felt her heart swell.

  “I don’t want to get rid of you—ever,” she whispered. “And my people mate for life too so your ‘bond’ doesn’t scare me. I…I want to be bonded to you, Ky.” She bit her lip, wondering if she ought to say what was in her heart. Wondering if she ought to tell him she was beginning to love him. She wanted to but she was unsure if she ought to. Was it too soon? But they were talking about making a lifetime commitment…

  “So you’re really not afraid of being stuck with me?” Ky asked and she could tell he was only half joking.

  “Not at all,” Dani assured him. “I’m all healed but I feel…empty inside. I know you said we should use bonding fruit but I really feel ready now.” She lowered her lashes and looked up at him appealingly. “The way you tasted me made me want more, Ky. More of you.”

  “Gods, little girl—I want more of you too,” he groaned. “Just don’t want to hurt you.”

  “If it starts to hurt you can always stop and heal me again,” Dani pointed out. “Please, Ky, can’t we at least try it?”

  “Well…” He looked undecided, then he nodded. “Tell you what, little girl—let me just go check the instruments and make this call to the Mother Ship if I can. Then we’ll see.”

  “All right.” Dani held out her arms to him. “Give me a kiss before you go.”

  “Love to, little girl.” He leaned over and gathered her into his arms, pressing his lips to hers, giving her a taste of her own secret flavor, to her delight.

  “Mmm, I can taste myself on you,” she purred when he at last broke the kiss.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You like it?”

  “I do.” Dani shook her head. “I never would have thought it but…I like the taste of me on your lips.”

  “Told you that you were delicious, little girl,” he murmured, grinning. “You just stay comfortable and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  With a final kiss, he left the bed chamber and headed down the hallway to the cockpit of the ship.

  Dani sighed in contentment and then shivered a little. Without Ky’s big body to warm her, it was cold in the bed chamber. Crawling up to the head of the bed, she slipped under the blue-green coverlet which was made of some ultra-soft material which was warm and cozy.

  Laying her head on a pillow, she got comfortable and sighed deeply. Finally it seemed that the stress and tension of the past day was melting away.

  She still wished she would have told Ky she loved him, but she was certain there would be plenty of time for that in the future.

  “Everything is going to be just fine,” she whispered to herself and yawned. “I’m safe with Ky now, away from that horrible Councilor Bray-bray. And we’ll be back to Goshan Prime in no time with a battalion of huge Kindred warriors to rescue Lavi and Jontu. Then we can all live together on the Kindred Mother Ship and start a new life together. Everything will be…” She yawned again, her eyes drifting closed. “Just…fine.”

  She had no idea how wrong she was.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “So you’re on the Hive home world, Commander Kyron?” Sylvan, projected onto the ship’s viewscreen, raised a dark blonde eyebrow at him.

  Ky nodded.

  “Yes, sir. After a little detour,” he said wryly. “I was captured and held prisoner on a small planet called Goshan Prime for a number of days before I managed to escape and get here.”

  “Goshan Prime?” Commander Sylvan frow
ned. “I have never heard of it.”

  “I hadn’t either but believe me it’s quite a place. I…” Ky cleared his throat. “I think I found my bride there.”

  “Oh?” Sylvan said, sounding interested. “Well, that isn’t exactly what I sent you out to scout for but the Goddess does work in mysterious ways.”

  “I have her with me now,” Ky said. “And I have much to report but I know how much energy these long-range transmissions take. So with your permission, I’ll make a full report once we get back to the Mother Ship.’

  “Granted.” Sylvan nodded. “If you’re ready to fly I’ll have the fold in space ready for you within the solar hour.”

  Ky thought regretfully of Dani, waiting for him in the bed, wanting her to change the color of her eyes. An hour wasn’t nearly enough for her first time—he wanted it to be special.

  Well, there will be time for that later, he promised himself. I don’t want to rush things with her. And it’s better to be aboard the Mother Ship where bonding fruit is available before we try making love anyway.

  “We’ll be ready,” he told his commanding officer. “Just give the word and we’ll be there.”

  “Very good. But Commander Kyron, I do have one question of a rather delicate nature…”

  “Yes, sir?” Kyron inclined his head. “What is it?”

  “Well…” Sylvan cleared his throat. “You told me that you were held captive on this small planet but that you managed to escape. I don’t like to ask but since you are a Touch Kindred, how exactly—?”

  “I didn’t use my Touch Sense as a weapon when I got away, Commander Sylvan,” Ky said immediately, understanding what the other male was asking. “Not that I wasn’t tempted at times,” he added dryly. “But I never broke my vow to you or the Goddess.” He lifted his chin. “You don’t have to be sorry you let me aboard the Mother Ship.”

  “Of course I’m not sorry.” Sylvan sighed. “The vow would not have been necessary at all if some among the High Council were not…nervous about allowing Touch Kindred warriors to join our ranks here on the Mother Ship. They have heard too many stories about males who go out of control once they misuse their Goddess given abilities, even once… even in battle…”

  “You’ll never have reason to regret persuading the Council to take the Touch Kindred,” Ky vowed. “I have iron control over my Touch Sense, sir. I use it only for the pleasure of my female.”

  Sylvan’s ice blue eyes softened a bit.

  “I look forward to meeting your new bride,” he said. “I’ll ask my own mate Sophia and her sister Olivia to come and greet her when you land.”

  “Ask them to bring some clothing if you would, please, Commander,” Ky requested. “The, uh, Goshan standard of dress doesn’t exactly fit in with the Mother Ship’s idea of modesty.”

  “Duly noted.” Sylvan nodded. “We will see you within the hour.”

  “Yes, sir. Looking forward to it, sir.” Ky nodded back and signed off.

  He sighed and sat back in his chair for a moment after the viewscreen went dark. Thank the Goddess he had never broken his vow and used his Touch sense in anger. He was especially glad now that he had resisted the temptation on Goshan Prime.

  It was well known that once the barrier of the vow was broken, it was difficult if not impossible for a Touch Kindred to reign in his Touch sense and use it only for good. Such a warrior could lose control and become a danger to all those around him. That was one reason the Kindred High Council had been so reluctant to allow his kind to join the Mother Ship in the first place.

  Well, he had better go and tell Dani that they were leaving soon. She would doubtless be disappointed but he was certain she would be willing to wait to make love until they were safely aboard the Mother Ship. That way he could take her back to his suite and take his time, stimulating her with his fingers and tongue and Touch sense until she was ready to open to him and allow him to give her the Deep Touch…

  So thinking, he made his way down the narrow ship’s hallway all the way to the back where the bedchamber was located.

  “Well, little girl,” he started but one look at Dani made him stop talking.

  She was lying on her side, her slight shape tiny in the middle of the big Kindred sleeping platform. The coverlet was pulled up to her chin and her long black eyelashes lay against her cheeks like fans. Her slow, deep breathing let him know she was getting some much needed rest.

  Ky felt a surge of affection for the small girl in the center of his bed.

  “Poor little female—all tired out,” he murmured. Gods, she was beautiful! When he looked at her, he felt his heart swell with love. Though they hadn’t known each other long, he was certain the Goddess had put them together. He’d had to go through a little slice of hell on Goshan Prime between the beating and the thirst and starvation he’d endured but it was more than worth it to bring Dani home with him—a thousand times worth it.

  Leaning over the bed, he stroked her rounded cheek gently with the backs of his fingers. She sighed and nuzzled against him, pressing into his touch. Even in sleep she was drawn to him.

  Ky’s heart swelled again and he wanted to climb into bed with her and curl himself protectively around her small frame. He wanted to feel her lush, curvy body resting against his own and pillow her cheek on his chest while he breathed in her sweet, feminine scent.

  No time for that right now, he told himself reluctantly. Have to change and get ready for lift off.

  He placed a soft kiss on his sleeping bride-to-be’s cheek and changed quickly into a new pair of flight leathers and a fresh uniform shirt. He went to check the console but the signal from the Mother Ship, indicating that the fold in space was ready, hadn’t come through yet.

  Well, looks like we’re stuck waiting for a few minutes. Might as well be sure I have everything I need.

  Looking through the data his scans had collected on the Hive world, his thoughts drifted to his original idea of going to the mouth of the Hive’s lair and throwing in a scan ball. It was a self-propelled recording device which would take 3-D pictures of the lair from every angle, which could produce valuable information.

  It would only take a minute, Ky told himself. Dani’s asleep and the Mother Ship hasn’t signaled yet. The mouth of the lair isn’t more than fifty standard yards away…

  He decided to do it. Rising, he opened a sealed compartment and took out one of the scanner balls—it was a round silver sphere which fit in the palm of his hand, about the size of an Earth standard softball.

  Taking the ball, he slipped quietly out of the ship and into the dim, gray light that pervaded the home world of the Hive.

  It would only take a minute.

  * * * * *

  Dani woke suddenly with the feeling that something was wrong—something was missing. No, not something—someone.

  Where’s Ky?

  She sat bolt upright in bed. Where was he? And how long had she been sleeping? Were they at the Kindred Mother Ship yet?

  Throwing back the soft, blue-green coverlet, she slipped out of bed. Still wearing only the too-large blue uniform shirt, she padded out into the narrow corridor which ran the length of the ship.

  “Ky?” she called tentatively but got no answer. A trip through the ship revealed that he wasn’t in the living area or food prep area. He wasn’t in the cockpit either, though a glance at the viewscreen, which showed the exterior of the ship, proved they were still on the Hive home world.

  Maybe he went outside for something?

  Cautiously, Dani pressed the latch that opened the door and slipped out of the ship to stand on the sparse, gray vegetation which covered the rocky ground. In fact, everything about this world seemed to be gray—the ground, the sky, the dim illumination which filtered down from overhead… There were no trees or flowers or houses or buildings of any kind that she could see. There was nothing at all to break up the grayness except…

  “Oh!” Dani put a hand to her mouth as she spied what was on the far side of t
he ship—a huge black hole, yawning like an open mouth.

  The Hive—that must be where they lived. Ky had said they were an insectile race—it made sense for them to live in a hole in the ground rather than some kind of a building.

  The entrance to their nest or lair or whatever you wanted to call it, wasn’t very far. For a moment Dani wondered if Ky had gone in there. But no—surely he wouldn’t. It looked much too dangerous—like a pit you might fall into and never get out of.

  Suddenly she remembered that she hadn’t checked the little bathing room of the ship. The door had been shut as she went past it and she hadn’t thought to knock.

  Of course, that’s where he is! Dani felt a surge of relief. Imagine her being silly enough to leave the ship and wander around half-dressed on a foreign planet when Ky was in the bathing chamber all along! Part of her brain must still be asleep. She—

  A hard hand fell on her shoulder, cutting off her train of thought with horrible finality.

  “There you are, Princess!”

  Someone spun her around and she saw Councilor Tornk standing there, flanked by a pair of armed guards.

  “What…who…how…?” Dani couldn’t get her questions out. It was like a bad dream—a nightmare you think you’ve escaped from once you wake up, only to find you’re not awake at all and the nightmare is still going on. “How did you find me?” she got out at last.

  “I thought it might be useful to put a tracking device on the Kindred ship,” Tornk said, smiling nastily. “We were considering letting the Kindred go so we could track him and see where he led us. Of course, we never expected you would go with him, Princess.”

  “Of course I went with him,” Dani exclaimed, beginning to regain some of her composure. “He offered me a life where females are equal to males—a life where I could choose my own destiny.”


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