Project Zulu

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Project Zulu Page 2

by Waltz, Fred

  “Thanks again Mrs. Fenton, I will be back by ten.” Jimmy says as he walks out the front door toward his car. He pulls out of the driveway, and heads toward Farachis.

  Chapter 6

  As he pulls up in front of Farachis; a valet meets him and trades a ticket stub for his car keys. He walks up to the front entrance, and reads the printed sign taped to the door, Closed for Private Function. He tries the door, but finds it locked. Shit, why the hell did the valet take my car if he knew the restaurant was closed? He gets his answer a second later when the valet reappears. “Go down the alley, around back to the loading dock, someone will meet you.”

  Jimmy walks down the alley, cautiously, to the back of the restaurant; a tall man in a suit is standing at the end of the alley.

  “Mr. Gaston, so glad you could make it. Jacob Smitz at your service; we spoke this morning. Please come on in, the first course should just be arriving.”

  Jimmy follows Jacob into Farachis. They walk through the kitchen, past the bar out into the main dining area. The room is empty, except for one man sitting at a round table sucking oysters out of the half shell. He calls them over to join him. Jacob stops halfway, “have a pleasant meal Mr. Gaston.”

  The man at the table looks up, and points to the only other chair at the table. “Have a seat Mr. Gaston. May I call you Jimmy?” Jimmy just nods. “I am glad you came, hopefully I can help you and your daughter out of this predicament you are in.”

  “Look, I do not know who you are, but obviously you have some kind of clout to get Farachis all to yourself on a Friday night. I only came to tell you that I am not interested in whatever you are selling. No disrespect, but no thank you.” Jimmy gets up from the chair.

  “Jimmy, please, sit back down. Have something to eat and let me talk. What harm is there in eating a good meal and listening to a lucrative proposal?”

  Reluctantly, Jimmy sits back down. Out of nowhere a waiter appears and places a plate of steaming pasta in front of him. Just as quickly, the waiter is gone.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I prefer anonymity. I am not sure if you know who I am or not, but I do not intend to introduce myself. Just call me Mr. V. First of all, I know all about project RE-AN. I know what it is, what you are trying to do, and most importantly I know about Specimen Zulu.”

  Jimmy is in shock. Project RE-AN is classified Top Secret. That means that nobody, not Jimmy, not Ross, not even the President knows everything about it. That is the purpose of layered security; each person only knows enough to do his or her own part.

  Mr. V smiles. “Surprised? Don’t be. I am like an octopus, a hand stirring every pot. Now, I believe my associate gave you a price, which is not negotiable, so now I will tell you what I am interested in buying. You may think I want your notes, or some classified documents…nothing that complicated. I just want the piece of severed thumb that is in the cryogenic freezer in your office.”

  Jimmy drops his fork and tries to get up from the table. A firm hand on his shoulder helps him back to his seat.

  “Thank you Bobby, but I think we will be fine now, right Jimmy?”

  Jimmy nods in agreement, and once again is alone with his host. “How can you possibly know about the thumb?”

  Mr. V just smiles again. “Jimmy, just hear me out. And please do not give me any of this I love my country bullshit. Has your country ever loved you back? I know exactly who you love…you love your daughter, and she is dying right in front of your eyes, so you decide do you want to love your country and go to your daughters funeral, or do you want to make a deal?”

  “Even if I wanted to, there is no way I could get it out of the facility, the security is relentless. Look, I do not think you have done your homework here.” Mr. V just laughs. He reaches into his pocket and tosses something, a small shiny package, on the table. Jimmy picks it up, and looks at Mr. V.

  Jimmy shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t get it.”

  “And they told me you were smart. Let me give you the rundown. Now what I know is that a cryogenically frozen thumb will remain completely stable one hour after being removed from the freezer. I also know that nothing that isn’t organic is going to make it past the security scans. So let me tell you how you are going to get that thumb out of your office, and back into this portable freezer in under an hour.” Mr. V places a cylinder, which resembled a soda can, on the table.

  Jimmy picks up the can and smiles. “Didn’t I see a guy use something like this in a movie? I don’t like how it ended for that guy.”

  “That was a movie, this is real. Now wipe that smile off your face and listen up or you will end up like the guy in the movie.”

  Jimmy listens in absolute amazement as Mr. V lays out his plan. It is actually ingenious. Obviously, whoever this Mr. V is, he has someone deep inside Syscorp; probably more than one person based on the details he has.

  Jimmy leaves Farachis in awe. After almost 25 years in the business, thinking he knew all there was to know about security, Mr. V blew that theory out of the water. Mr. V indicated that he wanted an answer before Monday. If the answer was yes, he was to go to a Mom and Pop ice cream stand, Creamers, across town, and ask for an Italian ice. He was to say that Mr. V recommended the place. He would be given a package with instructions, and a down payment of $250,000 in cash. If the answer was no, he was to do nothing. He decided to make one stop on the way home; he wanted to check out the ice cream stand. He got Julie two scoops of her favorite and went home to face the inquisition.

  Chapter 7

  The digital dashboard clock reads 9:56pm when he pulls into the driveway; one promise kept. He thanks Mrs. Fenton, pays her and sends her on her way. He transfers the pistachio ice cream into a serving dish and drizzles it with chocolate sauce. Before he leaves the kitchen he opens the cabinet above the refrigerator, takes out a bottle of bourbon and swallows a deep draw of liquid courage.

  “I brought my favorite girl her favorite treat.” He says walking into bedroom.

  “Bribery, huh? Well, this outta be good.” Julie smirks as she sits up and reaches for the ice cream.

  “Listen Jules, I got something I need to talk to you about. Something I’ve been putting off.” Julie puts the spoon down. “I heard from the hospital, they found a donor, the procedure could be scheduled as early as next week.”

  Julie smiled, “Ya, but?”

  “Ya, but what?”

  “Come on Dad, if there wasn’t going to be a ya, but; then there wouldn’t be any ice cream. So give it to me straight.”

  “You are too smart for a little girl. Ya, but the insurance company needs the co-payment before the surgery, $250,000.”

  Julie picked the spoon back up. “So, there will be another donor. I am sure that there is someone who needs the kidney more than I do anyway.”

  This is why Jimmy loves her so much. “Why am I not surprised to hear you say that? There may never be another donor with two kidneys that are a perfect match. No sweetheart, this is it.” He moves closer to her on the bed. “That is what my meeting was about tonight. I have an opportunity to make some money, enough to pay for your surgery, and then some.”

  “Doing what? You are not going to have to work more, are you? I mean…Daddy you look so tired. I can wait.” She begins to cry. Jimmy joins her.

  “Not this time. No more waiting. You do not have to worry about anything; I am going to take care of everything.” He made up his mind right then, he was going through with it, to hell with his country; he wants to see his daughter blow out the candles on her 12th birthday cake.

  Chapter 8

  Saturday came and went. Jimmy got up early Sunday morning and made breakfast, pancakes and sausage, for him and Julie. He carried Julie downstairs to the dining room and they sat and talked away most of the morning while eating. Julie is none too happy to learn that she is going to be flying to California to have the surgery. Jimmy does his best to explain that the medical facility in Los Angeles is the best in the country.

  He is just
finishing up the dishes, and draining the last of the coffee when Julie calls him back into the dining room.

  “Daddy, how are you going to get the money for my operation? What do you have to do?”

  He sits down across the table from her. “Listen Jules, you don’t have to worry about it. I’m a pretty smart guy, and I got it all figured out. I might even retire, we can move down to Florida, maybe out to California.”

  “OK Daddy, but not California, too many weirdoes out there. It is bad enough that I have to go there for the surgery, I don’t want to live there!”

  Jimmy laughs. “Ok, let’s get you back upstairs, I have to run a few errands. Will you be alright, or should I call Mrs. Fenton?”

  “I will be fine; just don’t be gone all day!”

  Jimmy leaves the house and begins to drive back to Creamers. His cell phone rings, he looks at the caller ID, expecting it to be Julie, it is Ross. “Hello.”

  “Jimmy, sorry to bug you on a Sunday, I tried the house and Julie said you were out; everything ok with Julie?”

  “Ross everything is fine. I am just running some errands. What can I do for you?” Jimmy thinks to himself that it is very strange to hear from Ross like this.

  “Jimmy there has been some timeline changes, adjustments. I can’t really elaborate more than that, you understand why. Anyway, we need to review the final reports on the security team and make our decision by 8 a.m. tomorrow; that means we have to get together today. Jimmy I am sorry, I know the last thing you want to do is work on a Sunday, I promise to have you home for dinner.”

  “Ross, I have to take care of something, and then I will be right in, probably in about an hour, maybe ninety minutes. I’ll call Julie and break the news, see you in a bit.”

  He is just finishing talking to Julie as he pulls into the parking lot at Creamers. His plan was to take her back a pint of pistachio, so much for that. He waits until a young couple places and gets their order before he gets out of the car to approach the window.

  “Hello there, what can I get you? Hey wait a minute, two scoops of pistachio, right?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You were just here night before last, right? Two scoops of pistachio in a cup.”

  “I am sorry; you must have me confused with someone else. I have not been here before today.” Jimmy doesn’t know why he just lied to the old man; it just seemed like the thing to do.

  “Strange, I almost never forget a face. Well, what can I get for you?”

  “A friend of mine told me you have the best homemade Italian ice, let me get one of those.”

  “Sure thing, what flavor?”

  “I don’t know, Mr. V didn’t specify a flavor.”

  The old man sticks his head out the window and looks around. He pulls his head back in, “the specialty of the house is a rainbow, give me a minute to make it.” He disappears into the back of the store. When he returns he hands Jimmy an overstuffed manila envelope, and a rainbow ice in a cup.”

  Jimmy gets back into the car, sets the cup on the console and opens up the envelope. Inside is a $250,000, a key and a piece of paper. The paper has five words typed on it; Bus Station, 5th and Liberty. Jimmy takes a closer look at the key and notices that it is for a locker, locker number 912. He pulls out of the parking lot, tosses the Italian ice out the window, and drives toward Syscorp.

  His cell phone rings, unknown caller. “Hello.”

  “Jimmy, Jacob Smitz here, how are you? Listen I can’t talk long, just wanted to congratulate you and welcome you to the team. Once you fill the can, use the key. Just lock it back up, and drop the key in the trash can outside the station. The balance is already waiting for you inside the locker. Oh, and Jimmy, our timeline has been moved up, make the drop by tomorrow night, understand?”

  “What, tomorrow night, are you nuts?”

  “Gotta go Jimmy, tomorrow night it is, see ya.”

  He drives up to the gate, waves to Ralph –does this guy ever get a day off—and pulls into his spot. He gets out of his car, and steps on the moving sidewalk. Ross is waiting for him on the other side of the x-ray belt.

  “Jimmy thanks so much for coming in. General Balchor is already here too.”

  “What, Mike is here? Ross what is going on?”

  “Downstairs Jimmy, I will explain it all downstairs.”

  Chapter 9

  Mike greets them as they step off the elevator. He is in casual civilian dress, if a suit and tie can be considered casual. “Ross, Jimmy, good to see you guys. Sorry about ruining your Sunday. Let’s get inside and get online with everyone and I can go over all the details.”

  Ross spoke up, “Who else is joining us?”

  Mike stops walking and turns to face them, “My Boss.”

  “The Chairman is going to be on the conference call?”

  “Not exactly. Come on, we gotta get started.”

  Once the computer has verified everyone’s credentials, the headphones announce, “Please stand by for the President of the United States.”

  “Good afternoon everyone. General, thank you for arranging this meeting, I have already read your report and the intelligence brief; go ahead and bring Dr. Gandle and Mr. Gaston up to speed.”

  “Yes Sir, thank you. I will keep this brief, so that we can concentrate on rounding out the security team. One of our listening teams recently uncovered some disturbing intelligence and we have been able to verify it is authentic. The head of the mid-west crime syndicate, Joseph Victorino, has apparently been able to get to somebody inside Syscorp.” He paused to let what he just said sink in.

  Ross’s lower jaw dropped, and might have fallen to the floor if it was not attached. Jimmy looks more scared than surprised.

  “We have made the decision to fast-track the security team selection, and change protocol for handling of the specimen samples. Project RE-AN is going to be renamed; moving forward the project will be known as Project Zulu. The classification of the project is being increased along with the security. It has also been decided to make some changes to the leadership of Project Zulu; I will be assuming the project lead immediately.”

  Jimmy reacted, “Now hold on just a minute Mike!”

  “Mr. Gaston, during this briefing all protocol will be followed, please save all questions until after the briefing has finished; and please address me as General.”

  The President interjected, “General, I really do not have all day. Mr. Gaston, Dr. Gandle, I want to make this very clear. General Balchor is now running the project. If you are not on board with this decision, you can be debriefed and removed from the team altogether. I will not allow this potential technology to go unchecked on my watch. General, I want the security team in place by 2100 hours. Once the team is in place, proceed with the relocation of the specimen to the new destination. Leave only enough to go forward with the laboratory trials. As I understand it, most of the left hand, the fingers and thumb were completely utilized during the previous phases?”

  “That is correct Mr. President”, answered Mike.

  “Now if you will excuse me, I would like to have Sunday dinner with my wife and son.”

  Mike motions for Ross and Jimmy to remain seated after the President has signed off the call. “Alright guys, I really do not like this any more than you do, but you heard the man. As of now I am taking full control of the newly named project, Project Zulu. You are both about to be briefed with new background on the project, which by the way will increase both of your clearance levels. You will know everything there is to know, except where Specimen Z, which is the new unclassified name for the test subject, is being relocated to. Just listen to the brief and we can talk afterwards.” Mike initiates the digital brief from the touch screen in front of him and listens along with Ross and Jimmy, as the synthesized voice begins.

  Chapter 10

  “Audio briefing for Project Zulu, classification code Top Secret, SCI-SAP (Sierra, Charlie, India dash Sierra, Alpha, Papa). Project Zulu is a cooperative initiative
between The Department of Defense and The Department of Homeland Security under the direct supervision of the Commander in Chief and Joint Chiefs of Staff. The primary mission of Project Zulu is to develop an inoculation that will provide for reanimation of deceased military combatants.”

  “Background scope: Specimen Z was discovered and captured in late August, 1960 during the Benin Revolution. Benin, formerly known as Dahomey, is located on the African west coast; and is one of the origins of the 18th century slave trade, modern day Haitians trace their ancestry to Benin. Also, the origins of the Haitian religion, Voodoo, can be traced to the Ancient practice of African Vodun.

  It is believed that Specimen Z is a byproduct of a Vodun ceremony. Scrolls that were discovered with Specimen Z, which have been translated by Voodoo experts, detail its origin. According to the scrolls; a supremely powerful medicine man held a zombification ceremony of a brave war chieftain, who was being possessed by a great African deity, Nzambi. The hopes were that an unstoppable, undead warrior would be created, to defend the tribe from the white devils with chains. Because the warrior was under possession of Nzambi, he was not reduced to being a normal juju zombie –a mindless automaton, incapable of remembering his past human life–he was able to think and act in a rational manner. He also assumed the immortal properties of Nzambi, making it impossible to kill him. So with the great power and strength of the undead, and the immortal protection of Nzambi, he went out to face the white devils. Many great battles ensued, sparking the Voodoo folklore and legend of zombies, the French slave traders had no explanation for the undying warrior, which they named Rougarou-Zombi.

  After all of the battles had been fought, and once the white devils were expelled, the Bokur attempted to reverse the spell, freeing the great chieftain. However, the warrior did not want the possessing spirit to be banished. In a great struggle, the Bokur was killed, and the warrior subdued by the tribe. He was chained inside a great cave, and the opening was sealed by many tons of rock.


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