Project Zulu

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Project Zulu Page 6

by Waltz, Fred

  “Hey, what the hell do you think you are doing, keep your hands off of me!” He shouts as he tries to push his attacker away. The first set of grabbing hands is joined by another, and then another, Adam feels fingernails digging into his forearm. He tries to pull himself away from his attackers, but they are relentless. Pain begins to radiate down his arm as his shoulder is pulled out of it socket, his eyes begin to tear over and his vision starts to cloud, but not before he witnesses large chunks being bitten out of his forearm.

  Dan Gillsir and Elmer Kinoz are gliding down the road, side by side, engaged in a whispered conversation, winding down from their routine morning ride. They are co-captains of an amateur cycling team that competes in charity rides.

  “Heads up Elm, something is going on up ahead”, Dan said as he engages his hand break and brings his bike to a stop. He hops off and begins to walk his bike toward the crowd.

  Elmer gets down off of his bike and joins him, “What the heck do you think is going on, especially this early?”

  “Beats me buddy, I can’t really tell. I think someone is hurt; it looks like there is blood on the side of that car. I think that there may be some kind of accident?”

  “There aren’t any flashing lights or Sirens, cops must not be here yet. Let’s go see what is going on.”

  As the duo continues toward the crowd, Dan’s right leg quivers and gives out; he goes down hard, dropping his bike, startling Elmer and drawing the attention of one of the crowd.

  “Dan, are you alright?” Elmer sits his bike down and kneels next to his friend.

  “Damn calf cramp; all five of my toes are curled up and crumpled”, Dan answers as he is trying to massage his throbbing leg.

  “You scared the hell outta me, I thought you were having a heart attack.”

  Neither Dan nor Elmer notices the small group approaching them, until it is too late. They were easy targets, and did not put up much of a fight. And so the carnage continued as the sun continued to climb, and the hoard continued to advance.

  Ryan Almasung was engulfed as he delivered the early edition of the dispatch. He was supposed to graduate this summer, and had hopes on enlisting in the Air Force.

  Daphne Joelis and Greta Prosty were out trying to walk their bodies into a size ten or better. Daphne, the bride to be, and Greta her soon to be maid of honor were preoccupied by their mp3 players, and smart phones. They were carrying on a ‘text’ conversation with one another, even though they were only two feet apart. Oblivious to their own surroundings, they actually walked right into the approaching zombies. The good news is that they both lost ten pounds of flesh almost immediately.

  The zombies continued through the town, turning everyone they came into contact with, giving no quarter to anybody; they attacked women, children, sick and old alike.

  Chapter 23

  The advance scout team arrives on the scene of Ross’s accident and begins setting up a defensive perimeter. There was no media near the scene so the officer in charge, Captain Brice Hellatoni, dispatched two six man teams one mile in each direction; one to cover the forward flank and one to protect the rear flank should crowd control become necessary. He is unconcerned about the right and left, assuming nobody will be traveling through the swamp. Once both of the scout teams have reported back, he sends a radio message to General Balchor indicating that the crash site is secure and ready for the search team to move forward.

  Mike, Jimmy and OhAy arrive on site just ahead of the search team. Mike returns salutes as he dismounts the jeep. “Captain Hellatoni, go and get me a rifle, and please issue Mr. Gaston a rifle and a sidearm.” He looks toward OhAy, “Doctor, would you like a weapon?” OhAy shakes her head no. The Captain salutes and heads off toward the mobile armory.

  Jimmy pulls Mike aside from the group. “Mike, how do you know that Ross was trying to sell the thumb from Z? What makes you think it is still out here?”

  “Listen Jimmy, you know that I can’t tell you anymore than I already have…”

  “Bullshit Mike, my clearance is as high as yours! You tell me what is going on or I am getting in that jeep and I am leaving and the only way you are going to stop me is by shooting me!”

  Mike runs his fingers across his closely cropped hair. “We have… I mean had an informant close to Joseph Victorino; we knew that he had his hooks into someone inside Syscorp but we didn’t know who. The informant was scheduled to come in and tell us who Victorino had inside Syscorp. We didn’t know anything about the thumb, until our informant told us that Victorino was ready to make a play for it. We were suspicious of Ross because we figured that it had to be someone with the ability to cover up the existence of the thumb. We assumed that he had exaggerated the total consumption of the thumb.” Mike stops and looks Jimmy directly in the eyes. “We were not sure about you Jimmy…whether or not you were involved with Ross, or maybe by yourself.”

  Jimmy’s mind is racing. “Mike, you don’t think that I…”

  “Jimmy, we have known each other a long time. I know how much Julie means to you; when I heard about the second kidney failing I have to admit that I was worried about you. I am still worried about where you got the money for the transplant she just had. I feel less concerned since you are standing here and Ross…well let’s just say Ross looks a lot guiltier than you.”

  “What do you mean had and informant close to Victorino, what happened?”

  Mike begins pacing in a small circle. “Our guy was killed, not just our guy, Victorino and a couple of his most trusted guys too. A messy job, downtown right in front of the bus depot, couple of car bombs and a lot of gunfire; couple of civilian casualties too. Our informant told us that Victorino was picking up some package, and that he had indicated that it was a big score. Someone went to a lot of trouble to take him out; conflicting witness statements have described the attackers as Asian. If we do not find the severed thumb here, we have to assume that Ross had already delivered it. Who knows, maybe his accident was foul play, you know Victorino welching on whatever he promised to pay. Jimmy, you have seen what contamination from this…this, hell I don’t even know what to call it anymore. I guess zombie will have to do. Anyway we have to completely rule out any possibility that the thumb is still out here.”

  Before Jimmy can respond Captain Hellatoni approaches carrying the requested firearms. “As you requested Sir; with your permission I am going to join the team on the highway perimeter. They have reported a visual contact, someone approaching on foot.”

  Mike and Jimmy take their weapons, and Mike dismisses the Captain.

  “Report back once you figure out what is going on down the road, probably just some drunk staggering away from that damn biker bar. Jimmy, let’s go see if the search team is making any progress.”

  They approach OhAy, who is watching groups of people decked out in hazmat suits slodge through murky swamp water. Jimmy walks away, following the final path of Ross’s car. “Hey Mike, how fast do you think Ross’s car was going when he hit the tree? Anyone figure out why he wasn’t wearing a seat belt, and how come there are not any skid marks?”

  “I do not know Jimmy, do you think it has any bearing on finding the missing thumb?”

  “Maybe, why are we looking here; didn’t you have the entire accident scene scooped up and hauled away? We should look beyond the original scene; anything that was here is bound to be wherever you had everything shipped to. I am going to take a walk, you want to come?”

  Mike shrugged, “I have to stay; now I am the ranking officer since Captain Hellatoni left. You want to take a couple guys with you?”

  “Nope, I will be fine, I only plan on going a couple hundred feet, maybe I will ask the good doctor to keep me company and continue my zombie education.”

  Jimmy and OhAy walk away, further down the road, OhAy breaks the silence. “I can tell by your tone that you still don’t believe in all of this.”

  “I believe something is happening, but you’re right, I am not buying into zombies and Voodo
o and possession by evil spirits. That carnival sideshow ceremony that you did, back at the building on Z, I mean what kind of crap was that?” Jimmy responds with a smirk on his face.

  “Why is it so hard for you to accept? What religious beliefs do you follow?”

  “Well Doctor, not that I understand what religion has to do with any of this, I am a Christian, Roman Catholic to be exact.”

  “Religion has everything to do with this. Voodoo is a religion practiced by over 60 million people.”

  “Listen OhAy, I do not doubt your personal religious beliefs; I just have a hard time buying into zombies, petrified chicken feet and corpses walking around.”

  OhAy chuckles, and replies with a bit or sarcasm and a smirk of her own. “I know, it is hard to believe, that someone that is dead, oh I don’t know say for three days, could come back to life and walk around. Oh wait, isn’t that what your religious beliefs are based on. Didn’t Jesus rise from the dead? Didn’t he bring Lazarus back from the dead? Isn’t the biggest symbolism of Catholicism eating human flesh, and drinking human blood? It sounds an awful lot like you worship a zombie to me; you believe that the dead can rise and walk, based on faith alone. But you don’t believe it when you see it with your own eyes? You just watched your friend Ross’s corpse reanimate and kill two people.”

  Jimmy stops walking and makes eye contact with OhAy. “I am sorry for criticizing your beliefs and doubting the validity of your religion. I understand the point you are making, but please don’t compare Jesus Christ to one of these creatures.”

  The smile leaves her face, and the sarcasm is gone from her voice. “You are right, I apologize for my comments. I truly believe that all religions can trace their roots back to a common source, and that everyone believes in some greater force. Good and evil are around everyone, everywhere, these creatures are not necessarily evil. I think they are just empty. They did not choose to be what they are; they simply are what they are because of manipulation.”

  Mike quickly approaches the two of them. “Is everything alright, it sounded like you two were arguing?”

  They both shake their heads, Jimmy answers. “We were just discussing how similar religious beliefs are at their roots. We are gonna go check out the road down there now.”

  “I decided that I want you to take a guy with you anyway; I do not want you out of radio contact.”

  “That sounded a lot like an order?”

  “It was. Sergeant Sonrox, accompany Mr. Gaston and Dr. Solaine, report back any findings. Hank Sonrox saluted, “Yes Sir, General.”

  A second soldier approaches the General, “Sir, I have a call on the satellite phone from Major Chonk, he says it is urgent Sir.”

  Major Chonk is the ranking officer left at the Syscorp location. Jeb Chonk is a career military man, and he understands protocol, an urgent call from him is just that, urgent. What was bothering Mike was the fact that it was coming over the satellite phone, not normal communication channels.

  Mike lifts the phone to his ear, “Go ahead Major.” The line is dead. “Get me the Major back, either on the satellite, or radio, I do not care.” He trots to catch up to the group walking away “Sergeant, cancel that last order; sorry Jimmy, I am going to need you to stay put.”

  Had Jimmy, OhAy and the sergeant walked ten more feet they would have discovered the rotting piece of thumb, teeming with maggots.

  Chapter 24

  Amy wishes that she had another cigarette; actually she wishes that she had a whole pack. It seems to her that she has been walking down this road just about forever. Not a single car has passed by and she has not passed a single building. She is about to give up walking and sit down right in the middle of the road when she sees the approaching headlights. At first she thinks her eyes are playing tricks on her but then she realizes that the two far off dimples of light are indeed headlights. She begins to move a little faster, at first just a slight increase to the briskness of her walking pace; then she begins to jog. Before she can get up to a full run, the sides of the road in front of her come to life.

  “Don’t move! Get down on your knees, cross your ankles and put your hands behind your head.”

  Before she has a chance to argue, she is shoved to the ground and her arms are twisted and lashed behind her back. While being dragged back to her feet, a wire mesh bag is draped over her head. She hears someone talking.

  “Area secure for your approach Sir, the subject has been subdued; her hands are contained and a bite bag has been place on her head. No Sir, the subject appears normal, I think she is alright. Yes Sir, the subject is female.”

  Amy tries to remain calm; the fact that this guy is talking to someone on a walkie talkie means he is probable some sort of cop. She hears a vehicle arrive; it is left idling while the driver and the walkie-talkie guy speak again. The pair approaches, and her blindfold is removed.

  “My name is Captain Hellatoni. I apologize for the restraints, but until you answer a few questions I am afraid that they are necessary. Can you tell me what you are doing walking down the middle of a deserted highway at this time of night?”

  “Captain, I will tell you anything you want, I will do anything you want, just not here. Please, let’s get in your jeep and drive.”

  “Are you running from somebody? Are you in some kind of trouble?”

  “You would not believe me if I told you, can we please just get out of here, and can I have a cigarette?”

  He lit a cigarette and handed it to her, “Try me.”

  She pulled a long drag, held it, and then exhaled the smoke up toward the stars. “Ok, you asked for it. There is a bar back down the road a couple of miles, a biker bar, only instead of being full of bikers, it is full of …I don’t even know what to call them…but they aren’t human, at least not any more. They are like living corpses, you know, zombies.”

  “Soldier, clip those ties from her wrists and put her in the jeep. You and the team disappear back into the swamp, and report any other activity. Do not engage again, stay in stealth mode.”

  “Hey listen, I told you that you wouldn’t believe me. Where are you taking me?”

  “Who said I didn’t believe you?” Captain Hellatoni said as he walked around to the driver side of the jeep; speaking into his communicator. “General we have a confirmed sighting. No Sir I do not have a count, I will be back with her in less than five minutes, I do not know her name.”

  “My name is Amy, Amy Sunoon. Where are we going to be in five minutes?

  He ignored her question. “General, her name is Amy Sunoon; I will see you in five, Sir.”

  Chapter 25

  Azaka is back from his journey through Breaker’s mind, and he is very satisfied with what he and Breaker now share as common knowledge. He stands motionless and reaches out with his mind to his two hoards again.

  The first group is now more than a thousand times its original size. Four suburban communities have already been decimated, and a fifth is currently under attack. Azaka thinks about half of the hoard turning around and returning to the bar. Half of the undead soldiers in Azaka’s army turn and begin the journey back. He knows that it is dangerous to go back through the same areas again; he knows that he will no longer have the element of surprise and that his hoard will suffer some casualties. He also knows that he would gain two new members for every one he loses, which is an acceptable ratio. The other half of the hoard is ordered to continue forward.

  The second group is still the original size, and has actually encountered no one. Azaka allows his mind to enter one of his creatures. He can smell something odd, he brings the smell all the way back and lets it mingle through his new database of knowledge that he has obtained from Breaker. Gun oil! He smells Gun oil, which means that there are human soldiers somewhere very near. He scans the area beyond the road, and notices a broken leaf hanging by the stem on a small weed growing on the side of the road. He knows that is where they left the road, knows that they are bunkered down thirty or forty feet away, off the
road in the overgrowth of the swamp. He orders the hoard to stop advancing, and to retreat approximately a quarter of a mile. He will need to have the advantage of overwhelming manpower if he hopes to have a chance against professional soldiers.

  As he is projecting his mind back, he catches a glimpse of an image. He re-focuses his thoughts, and finds the mind of a new zombie. This zombie is looking up at a bank of lights mounted to the ceiling. Azaka takes over the zombies mind, and immediately experiences a déjà vu. This is the creature he was trapped inside all those long years. He manipulates the creature’s right hand, and loosens the straps keeping it to the table. Once free, Azaka implants a single thought inside the creatures head. Roam the building, freeing as many of your kind as you can, and kill every human you encounter.

  He releases the creature and walks outside the bar. He approaches Old Glory and climbs on. Before pulling out onto the blacktop he studies a car in the lot. He somehow knows that the car belongs to Amy, and he also knows that Amy is not a member of his hoard, yet. He reaches into the saddlebag strapped to Old Glory and pulls out the HK45CT pistol, and slips it into his waistband.

  Chapter 26

  Major Jeb Chonk is sprinting down the hallway toward the elevator. Two minutes earlier he had been fighting a losing battle against sleep; eyes narrowing to mere slits while his head was slowly drifting down toward his chest, and then snapping back in a whiplashing motion. He would be damned if he would allow himself to be caught sleeping by one of the men. He slapped himself across the face a few times, got up, stomped his feet and switched on the video monitor.

  He was still stomping his feet, trying to force the fatigue from his body, when the video screen caught his attention. Is this a live feed he thought to himself? He stared at the monitor a few more seconds before his training took over. He grabbed a sidearm, a rifle and the satellite phone and darted out of the room.


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