A Lesson in Friendship

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A Lesson in Friendship Page 18

by Jennifer Connors

  “I cannot know what she was thinking, only what I was thinking. Perhaps you should ask her yourself.”

  Oliver stared at the wall for a minute and considered his options. A deep anger came over him and he realized that he needed to know exactly what she was thinking, voluntarily kissing another man. Rising from the chair, he said, “Thank you for your honestly, Devon. I believe I shall do just that.”

  Oliver headed straight for the parlor, where he spotted his prey standing alone by the window. Without smiling, he walked beside her and whispered into her ear. “Meet me in the garden in ten minutes.”

  Without another word, Oliver turned on his heel and walked from the room. Ginny was left to wonder where in the garden should they meet and why did he seem angry. Guessing that she would find out soon enough, Ginny went to sit with her mother after the woman practically came apart trying to signal to her daughter. Releasing a heavy sigh, Ginny walked over and plopped down next to the woman who obviously wanted to know what Lord Conway had said to her.

  Chapter 19

  Right after dinner, Charlotte had excused herself and went upstairs to her room. She summoned MaryAnn to help her with undressing, since Lord Weston did not see fit to provide her with her own maid. Mostly this didn't bother Charlotte, who was used to taking care of her own needs, but at times when she was expected to wear voluminous dresses that buttoned up the back, an extra pair of hands could be helpful.

  Once she'd donned her plain white nightgown, she went about brushing her long hair. As far as she was concerned, it was her best feature, with shiny natural highlights and a thick, curly consistency. After her husband died, she would spend hours just brushing it, to get past the pain of losing him so early in their marriage.

  That night, however, she was nervous, so even brushing her hair could not calm her nerves. She awaited Wilhelm, who at dinner had whispered his promise to meet her in her room shortly after dinner. Their hostess, Lady Hopewell, had not requested him to play the piano for her guests that night, instead asking him to put on a concert during the week. And Wilhelm had patiently waited a month to be with her and decided that he'd waited long enough.

  When the small knock came, Charlotte gasped as if she hadn't been expecting it. Quickly walking to the door, she opened it and grabbed his arm to pull him in. Their rendezvous was forbidden, although most of the ton did the same thing on a daily basis. Being with a man not your husband was fine, but being caught with a man not your husband was not. Discretion was the better part of valor, as far as society was concerned.

  Wilhelm turned and locked the door. He didn't turn around for a few seconds, as if he were having second thoughts. Charlotte's heart dropped at the sight, scared that he would suddenly deny her what she'd been yearning for over the past month.

  Turning slowly, she watched as he perused her from head to toe, memorizing every curve. His breathing became shallow and his expression left her in no doubt of how he felt. Here was a man who had starved himself, just for the chance to partake of her.

  Stepping forward, his eyes squarely on her own, Wilhelm asked, “If you have changed your mind, I need to know now. For once I touch you, I shall not be able to stop.”

  Charlotte smiled and responded, “I have not changed my mind. Please touch me.”

  Her bold statement was his final undoing. Standing right in front of her, Wilhelm ran his hands up her arms to her shoulders. Moving higher, he cupped her cheeks and began to ravish her mouth with his own. Charlotte, not wanting to be outdone, reached up and began to unbutton his evening jacket, desperate to finally touch his bare skin.

  Seeing her intention, Wilhelm shrugged out of his jacket and waistcoat, leaving the unbuttoning of his shirt to her. He had arrived without his cravat, making it easier to undress him. Charlotte fairly ignored him as she went about removing his shirt. When finally off, she stared at his muscular chest, touched the soft hair that covered it and marveled over how different it was from her own.

  “You look beautiful tonight. It took all my energy to keep from stealing you away during dinner.”

  Not meeting his eyes, Charlotte began to blush. Her shaking hands continued to wander across his chest, relishing in the different textures. He smelled good as well, clean linen and shaving soap. This man was altogether different from her husband, and she wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

  “Do you like what you see, my dear? I am not a disappointment, am I?” His tone was light, so she knew he was joking.

  Chancing a glance into his eyes, she smiled. “I like you very much, Wilhelm. What was under your clothes mattered little to me.”

  “Liar,” he said, grabbing her and carrying her to the bed. Laying gently on top of the coverlet, he ran his hands up her legs underneath her nightgown as he climbed on the bed atop her. As the flimsy gown inched its way up, Charlotte's heart began to beat faster. Part fear, but most of her excited.

  As he nuzzled her neck, Charlotte asked, “Do you think me so shallow, sir?”

  Lifting his face up, he granted her a fiendish smile. “I only want to please you. And if having a fine body does that, how could that be bad?”

  He kissed her hard as his hands lifted her gown up past her breasts. Scooting up, Charlotte allowed him to remove it altogether. Being naked and on display made her uncomfortable, but Wilhelm never gave her a chance to think about it as he used his hands to explore every inch of her body.

  In a moment of brazenness, Charlotte reached for Wilhelm's pants to unbutton them. Before he could stop her, her hand gripped him, stroking him up and down.

  “You must stop that, my dear or this evening will be over before it has begun.” His voice was a husky plea.

  To try and control himself, Wilhelm turned around and slowly took off his shoes, stockings and pants. Taking his time was helping, but what wasn't helping was his minx of a partner running her hands up and down his back.

  Without warning, Wilhelm turned around and threw Charlotte back against the covers. Lamenting his lack of preparation for her, he had no choice but to take her swiftly. If he had thought that it would smother some of his passion, he was wrong. Charlotte was ready and writhing beneath him. Her lack of experience was made even more tantalizing by her increase in enthusiasm. It had obviously been a long time for her, as she was digging her nails into his shoulders, encouraging him to accelerate his lovemaking.

  Both partners came together, her with several gasps and him with a deep, guttural groan. Immediately after Wilhelm was depleted, his body sagged against hers, crushing her to the bed. He was no green-faced boy, having sex in the barn with the milkmaid. Although not a Casanova, he had pleasured many women in his time, especially when touring. So, he asked himself, why was it that he couldn't hold out longer for the one woman in a long while that he actually cared about?

  Charlotte, on the other hand, didn't even notice that she could barely breathe with Wilhelm's body so enticingly heavy on top of hers. She was forced to realize that this was very different than it had ever been with her husband. Mr. Stevens had been a loving, caring sort of man, but much of his affections were for everyone in their little village, with Charlotte having to settle for what was left. When it came to sex with her husband, it always seemed perfunctory, a means to an end. This time, with Wilhelm, the sex was for the mutual pleasure of two people who had found a reason to care about one another.

  She could hardly stop the tears from falling down her face, along both sides of her cheeks and onto the coverlet underneath. When Wilhelm had the energy to look up, he saw the tears and immediately lifted himself off her. Lying on his side, staying close to her body, he used his thumb to sweep the wetness away. His brows scrunched in concern that he may have hurt her.

  “Tell me what is wrong, my sweet.”

  Taking a deep breath first to give her time to formulate her thoughts, she managed a fragile smile. “That was wonderful. I never thought it could be so... so...”

  “Wonderful,” he provided, a devilish smile coming a
cross his face knowing that even though short, she still thought it so good.

  Blushing slightly after realizing that she'd never lain so openly naked with a man, she added, “Do not let this go to your head, sir.”

  “To be honest, Charlotte, I should have been able to hold out longer. I just got caught up in the moment. The next time will be even better.” The last part was whispered as if he spoke a great conspiracy.

  “The next time?” she asked, truly perplexed by the thought of having sex more than one time per night.

  Shifting her slightly to place her under the covers, he crawled in next to her and placed her head on his chest. “I plan to take you many times tonight, Charlotte. As well as every night we have here.”

  “Oh, my,” was all she could manage, imagining what more he could do that he hadn't already done.

  As if reading her mind, he said, “There are many other places I plan to touch you, my dear. Get your rest while you can.”

  Chapter 20

  After waiting nine minutes, Ginny begged to be excused to go to her room and fix her garter. Not that she actually said that, only that she eluded to it so her mother would not think that she was going out to the garden to meet up with Lord Conway. As she was walking stealthily out the terrace doors, she realized that even if she had told her mother that she was going out to the garden to meet an unmarried, unrelated gentleman, she would not have stopped her. Rather, she would have asked where and when to appear to force Conway to the altar.

  Her light slippers were uncomfortable against the gravel pathway through the garden. Regardless, she continued walking, hoping that Oliver was looking out for her somewhere and would alert her of his presence. She had reached nearly the back of the garden, near the great medieval stone wall, when a hand circled her upper arm and pulled her along. Although dark, she knew it was Oliver, so she allowed herself to be pulled along.

  Finally reaching his destination, Oliver turned Sarah around to look at him. He had been waiting an eternity for her to escape the parlor and join him. Now, all he wanted to do was throttle her.

  Trying to remain calm, he asked, “Did you have any trouble escaping your mother?”

  “No. I told her my garter broke. Is there something wrong?”

  “Why would you ask that, Sarah? Do you think there is something amiss?” His tone could not have been mistaken.

  Ginny thought for a moment and began to wonder if Devon was stupid enough to admit what had happened between them. Surely he wouldn't have been that dumb. Could Oliver still be mad about that afternoon? No, they had come to an understanding. What the hell was going on?

  “I'm good, so if there is something wrong, it must be with you.”

  Clenching his jaw to keep himself from biting off her head, Oliver shook himself to bring his thoughts around to the issue at hand. He had the feeling that she would prevaricate all night, so it was up to him to get to the heart of the matter.

  “Did you kiss Devon on the terrace tonight?”

  “What?” she asked, clearly appalled by the implication.

  “Do I have to repeat myself?”

  “No, you don't have to repeat yourself. Who told you I kissed Lord Devon tonight?”

  Raising his eyebrow, he said impertinently, “Lord Devon told me himself.”

  Gasping, both over the fact that the man actually confessed and to the fact that he lied about what had happened, she said, “I did not kiss Lord Devon tonight. He... kissed... me.” Drawing out every word to make her point, Ginny knew her face was flush from being caught. Obviously, she didn't want Oliver knowing that she'd enjoyed Devon's attentions earlier.

  “Splitting hairs, are you not, my dearest?” There was no mistaking how angry her would-be fiancé was. The sarcasm was laid on his statement thickly.

  “It was an accident, Oliver. He thought I was Lady Hopewell. She and I bumped into each other on the terrace earlier, but she said that I should remain there and she would seek out another rendezvous spot.”

  “So, as soon as Lord Devon began to kiss you, you stopped him immediately?”

  “Uh...” she stuttered, not realizing that Devon would be such a jerk. Couldn't he have just said the kiss lasted a moment before they both knew he had the wrong girl? Where was the honor in getting her in trouble?

  “That is what I thought. He seems to think that this wasn't your first kiss, dearest. That you have some experience with kissing men.”

  Ginny turned around and walked a couple of steps away. She should know by now that if she does something stupid, she will be caught. In this book alone, she'd already been caught once. The last time she was in England with her second husband, she got caught big time. Rolling her eyes over her stupidity, Ginny figured that eventually she would learn that everything mattered to the story.

  “I have never kissed a man before, Oliver.” Treading the truth a bit closely, it was technically not a lie. Sure, Ginny had kissed many a man, but Sarah had not. Before entering Sarah's body, Ginny would have called the girl the worst kind of tease, but she was still very chaste.

  Coming up behind her, Oliver said, “That is not what Devon thinks.”

  Ginny turned so suddenly that Oliver had to take a step back. “I don't care what Devon thinks. He's wrong. You can choose to believe him or me. For that matter, I don't care if you don't believe me. This conversation is over.”

  Turning around once again, Ginny started heading back to the house. She made it only a few steps before being grabbed and dragged over to a stone bench set near a small pond. He abruptly sat and dragged her onto his lap, turning her head to look him in the eye. Although dark, there was some little light being cast from a nearby torch. She saw the look he had, and it both scared her and excited her. It would seem that Oliver had gone a little too long without female companionship.

  “This conversation is most definitely not over, my dear. Devon may have been the first to kiss you, but I will be the last.” Without another word, without any warning, Oliver crushed her mouth to his. His punishment turned immediately to passion, as he caressed her cheek and moved her arms to circle his neck. As with Devon, Ginny was drawn in to the moment, enjoying the kisses after going for so long without any.

  Her hands started twining in his hair, which sat above his high collar. Ginny purposefully moved her bottom to rub up against his growing erection. Oliver rewarded the move by leaning her down onto the bench and climbing on top of her. Planting himself between her legs, he began to rub one hand up her leg, underneath her large skirt.

  Clothing in the early 1800's was not made for seduction. With her skirt and crinolines, lifting them up made for a large bubble of material. Oliver would not be deterred, and was able to continue his journey without getting too caught up in the mass of fabric. He had already made it to her thigh, while his mouth was kissing the side of her neck.

  Suddenly, he pulled away and looked toward the house. Ginny, stunned for a moment, looked in the same direction and heard what had alerted him a moment earlier. Whispered voices and giggling were headed their way. Oliver pulled Ginny to her feet and quietly made his way behind a large hedge. He held her back to him and had his arms wrapped around her, waiting for whoever to pass by.

  When the voices began to fade, Oliver whispered in her ear, “Listen to me, Sarah. You will go to the house and tell your mother that you are retiring for the evening. Get your maid to prepare you for bed, then leave your door unlocked.” During his instructions, Oliver's hand was rubbing over the bodice of her gown, making her nipples grow hard in anticipation. “I will come to your room tonight and I will make you mine. Tomorrow, I will go to your mother and discuss our wedding. If necessary, I will leave tomorrow and meet with your father. Do you understand me.”

  Ginny's whole body thrummed with erotic promise. Somehow, it became very important that she listen to this man and allow him into her room that night. She was nearly giddy when she nodded her head against his body. Even in the dark, she could feel him smile.

sp; “I want you to understand that I will be taking your innocence. And I plan to be the only man who ever invades your bed.” His voice grew more husky with every word. Ginny center grew warmer and tingly knowing that she would get to have some “best sex ever.”

  “I want you as I have never wanted any other woman. Now, go and do as I say. I will join you shortly.” He pushed her away, but not before patting her bottom. Ginny turned but only saw the outline of his body. Smiling, she began her walk back to the house.


  Every step she took away from Oliver brought a little more measure of reason to her thinking. Her first thoughts were of Colby, the reason why she and Oliver hadn't done anything so far. Even with the twinge of guilt that came over her, she knew that she would not deny Oliver. Regardless of anything else, they had become friends over the past month. It was not the friendship that gave him access to her bed, but the fact that Ginny knew that she had to move on. If this was to be her life now, if she had to live novel after novel, she had to learn a way to move on or her life would be nothing but empty and miserable.


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