Anecdotes of some distinguished Persons, by Seward, William (q.v.) l n. 121, 587, 1002, 1061 n. 1018, 1062 nn. 1019 and 1021, 1071 n. 1262
Aningait and Ajut (by Anne Penny), dedicated to S.J. 1000
‘Ant, The’, S.J.’s poem 276
‘Apotheosis of Milton’ 82
‘Appeal to the publick in behalf of the Editor’, by S.J. 10, 82
Appius, in the Cato Major of Cicero 972, 1070 n. 1245
Art of living in London 61
Artists’ Catalogue, see Catalogue of the Artists’ Exhibition (1762)
As You Like It 662 (III.ii.205), 951 (I.ii.113)
Bas Bleu, Le, by More, Hannah (q.v.) 823
‘Bayes’, character of 350, 725, 1035 n. 328, 1057 n. 890
Beauties of Johnson, The 120, 847–8, 1000
Beaux’ Stratagem, The, by Farquhar, George (q.v.) 511, 545, 1044 n. 567, 1056 n. 635
Beggar’s Opera, The, by Gay, John (q.v.) 457–8, 501, 594, 630, 696–7, 815–16, 1041 n 486, 1049 n. 687, 1062 n. 1027
‘Betty Broom’, story of, The Idler 898
Bible 21, 251, 277, 341, 475, 509, 547, 657, 716, 819, 913, 936, 977, 990, 996, 1023 n. 65, 1048 n. 667
‘Bibliotheca Harleiana’, 11, 12, 20, 88–9, 91; see also Index of Persons, Others: Osborne, Thomas
‘Bibliotheque des Savans’, S.J’s Dictionary reviewed in 174
Biographia Britannica li n. 133, 503, 584, 617, 700, 791, 914
Biographical Dictionary 192, 584
Blake, Life of Admiral, contributed by S.J to the Gentleman’s Magazine 11, 85
Bluebeard 356, 1036 n. 338
Boniface, character in Farquhar’s The Beaux’ Strategem 511
Book of Discipline, of the Church of Scotland 352
‘Bravery of the English Common Soldiers’, essay by S.J. 14, 179
‘Broomstick, The Life of a’ 469
‘Burman, Peter, An Account of the Life of, by S.J. 11, 88
Burton’s Books 904
Cadet, The 13, 167
Caledonian Mercury 16, 835
Canons of Criticism 143
Carleton’s Memoirs 947
Casimir’s ‘Ode to Pope Urban’ 67
Catalogue of the Artists’ Exhibition, 1762, preface by S.J. 15, 196
Catalogue Raisonne 89, 529
Catholicon, by Balbus, Joannes (q.v.) 456, 476
Cento 309, 1033 n. 283
Champion, The, a periodical 97
Chances, The, by Beaumont, F. and Fletcher, J. (q.v.) 384
Cheynel, Life of, by S.J. 12, 127
Chinese Architecture by Chambers, William (q.v.) 14, 867
Chinese Stories 79
Clanranald, book of 428–9
Claudian 976, 1039 n. 433
Cleone, by Dodsley, Robert (q.v.) 175, 773
Cleonice, by Hoole, John (q.v.) 417
Colombiade, The, by Boccage, Mme du (q.v.) 946
Common Prayer, Book of 27, 572, 880, 926
Compleat Vindication of the Licensers of the Stage 10, 82
Compositor, Mr 941
‘Conduct of the Ministry relating to the present War’ (1756) 13–14, 167
Confession of Faith, Larger and Shorter Catechisms, agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster 411
Confutatio stultissimae Burdonum Fabulae, by Scaliger, J. J. (q.v.) 401
Connoisseur, The, by Thornton, Bonnell and Colman, George (qq.v.) 222
‘Considerations on the Case of Dr. Trapp’s Sermons’ 10
‘Considerations on the Dispute between Crousaz and Warburton’, by S.J. 11, 91
Conversation between His Most Sacred Majesty George III and Samuel Johnson, separately issued by J.B. 282, 535
Convict’s Address by Dodd, Dr William (q.v.) 598–9, 612–13
Coriat Junior, by Samuel Paterson 353
Coriolanus 662 (III.ii.256-7)
Corsica, Account of, by J.B. i, 9, 266, 273, 287, 292, 297–8, 303, 449, 574, 1032 n. 255
‘Corycius Senex’ 860
Dawson’s Lexicon in Novum Testamentum (1706) 743
‘Debate on the Proposal of Parliament to Cromwell’ 11, 86
Defence of Pluralities, by H. Warton 389, 1038 n. 389
Deformities of Dr. Johnson, The 847
Demonax, by Lucian 781
De veritate Religionis 43, 1021 n. 32
Diabolus Regis 560, 1048 n. 652
Dialogues of the Dead, by George Lord Lyttleton (q.v.) 503, 795
Diary, The 979
Dictionary of the English Language, by S.J. viii, xv, 12, 30, 101, 104–7, 122, 139–44, 150, 154–6, 159–63, 165, 174, 204, 234, 244, 335–6, 343, 346, 368–9, 399, 581, 583, 609, 628, 709, 742, 765, 883, 944, 989, 997, 1000, 1004, 1023 n. 71; see also Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language
Dirleton’s Doubts, by Nisbet, Sir John (q.v.) 634
‘Dissertation on the Epitaphs written by Pope’, by S.J. 13, 166
‘Dissertation on the State of Literature and Authours’, by S.J. 13, 166
Distressed Mother, The, by Budgell, Eustace (q.v.) 36, 103, 542, 1021 n. 25
Don Quixote, by Cervantes, Saavedra, Miguel de (q.v.) 459
Double the Cape, to 476
Douglas, a tragedy, by Home, John (q.v.) 240, 434, 562
Drugger, Abel, character in Ben Jonson’s Alchemist 536, 1045
Drury Lane Journal 122
Dublin Evening Post 979
Eagle and Robin Redbreast 69
Eclogues, by Virgil (q.v.) 884
Edinburgh Review xlv n. 79
Eglogues 150
England’s Gazetteer 936
‘Epitaphs, Essay on’, by S.J. 11, 85, 179
Epocha 590
‘Essay on Architecture’, not by S.J. 13, 165
‘Essay on the Account of the Conduct of the Duchess of Marlborough’, by S.J. 11, 88
Essay on the Character of Hamlet, by Robertson, Dr Thomas (q.v.) 776
Eugenio, by Beach, Thomas (q.v.) 72, 387–8, 1037 n. 379
European Magazine 193, 280, 316
‘Examen of Pope’s Essay on Man’ 80
‘Excursion, The’, a poem 276
Fable of the Bees, by Mandeville, Bernard (q.v.) 681–2
Faculty, The 678
Fall of Mortimer, The 561
False Alarm, The ix, 15, 318, 338, 432, 743, 779, 821, 1015
False Delicacy 288, 1031 n. 246
Falstaff 136, 869, 938, 1025 n. 102
Fantoccini 219, 1029 n. 185
Felixmarte de Hircania, by Melchior Ortega de Ubeda 31
Female Quixote 12, 196
Fingal, by Macpherson, James (q.v.) 326, 418, 420, 421, 425, 544, 901–2, 1034 n. 298
Finnick Dictionary 150–52
Fitzosborne’s Letters, by Melmoth, William (q.v.) 753, 914
Fleece, The, by Dyer, John (q.v.) 506
Fool, The 281
‘Foreign History’, in Gentleman’s Magazine 11, 12, 89
Fortune, a Rhapsody, by Derrick, Samuel (q.v.) 73
Fossilist 425 Foundling Hospital for Wit 923, 1068 n. 1164
Fountains, The, by S.J. 15, 85, 276
Freeholder, by Addison, Joseph (q.v.) 433
‘Friendship, an Ode’, by S.J. 91, 276
Frusta Letteraria, by Baretti, Guiseppe Marc’Antonio (q.v.) 616
‘Further Thoughts on Agriculture’ 13,
Gallia Christiana 475
Gargantua, Rabelais’s giant 662
Gazetteer, The 14, 187
Genealogical History of the House of Yvery, A 873
General Advertiser 12, 126
Gentleman’s Magazine viii, 10–12, 14–15, 17, 25, 36, 53, 57, 66, 69, 74, 81, 82, 85–6, 88, 91, 93–5, 101, 103–4, 1o8, 117, 127, 139, 172, 176, 189, 216, 256, 294, 697, 708, 770, 938, 978–9, 994, 1020 n. 13, 1022 nn. 43 and 55, 1059 n. 955
Gentleman’s Religion 936
Geographical Grammar 936
Geography, Dictionary of Ancient, by Macbean, Alexander (q.v.) 15, 369, 532
Georgics 45, 328, 860, 884
Good-natured Man, The, by Goldsmith, Oliver (q.v.) 103, 119, 285, 287, 696
Government of the Tongue 728, 858, 1057 n. 896
Gray’s Inn Journal, by A. Murphy 156, 166, 190
Grongar Hill, by Dyer, John (q.v.) 934, 1086 n. 1182
Guardian, The 112, 977
Gustavus Adolphus, History of, by Harte, Dr Walter (q.v.) 323, 807
Gustavus Vasa, by Brooke, Henry (q.v.) 10, 82
Hamlet 69 (III.iv.62), 345 (III.ii.39–40), 417 (III.ii.358), 422 (III.i.80), 465 (III.ii.66), 546 (III.i.58–90 and V.ii.44), 614 (III.i.68), 620 (I.iii.41), 643 (I.ii.184), 713 (I.ii.133), 804 n. a (III.iv.54–61), 948 (I.ii.184)
Happy Life, The 276
Hardcastle, Mrs and Miss, in She Stoops to Conquer 376
‘Hardyknute, Ballad of 307
Harleian Catalogue, see ‘Bibliotheca Harleiana’
Harleian Miscellany viii, 12, 100
Hebrides, Journal of a Tour to the, by J.B. x, xxxiii, li n.133, lii n. 136, 4, 25, 65, 84, 88, 96, 113, 124, 171, 186, 228, 238–9, 254, 355, 375, 403, 419, 424, 465, 575, 606, 626, 669, 698, 719, 859, 880, 914, 916, 922, 986, 1003, 1049 n. 676
1 Henry IV 136 (V.iv.156-7), 938 (II.v.452)
2 Henry IV 863 (I.ii.10)
Henry V 3o5
Henry VIII 17 (IV.ii.69–72), 169 (III.ii.359), 803 n. a (IV.ii.50–51, 67–8), 896
Hermippus Redivivus, by Campbell, Dr John (q.v.) 221, 493, 1043 n. 539
Hermit, The, see Vision of Theodore the Hermit 12, 108
Heroic Epistle, by Mason, William (q.v.) 825, 938
High Life below Stairs 766, 1059 n. 944
Histoire genealogique de la maison royale de France 475
History of the Council of Trent, see Index of Persons, Others: Sarpi, Father Paul
History of the War 189
Hob in the Well or The Country Wake, by Cibber, Colley (q.v.) 513, 1044 n. 570
Honore mutant mores (Polydore Vergil) 173, 835, 1063 n. 1062, 1027 n. 139
‘Humours of Ballamagairy’ 376
Hypochondriack, The, by J.B. 864, 1064 n. 1094
Hypocrite, The 434
Idler, The (an earlier paper than S.J.’s) 177
Idler, The, by S.J. viii, ix, xv, liii n. 158, 14, 131, 161, 177–9, 184, 197, 898, 1021
Imitatio Christi 646–7, 774, 917; see also Index of Persons, Others: Kempis, Thomas à
Imlac (why so spelt) 779; see also Rasselas
Impransus 80
Introduction to the Game of Draughts, by Payne, William (q.v.) 14, 171
‘Introduction to the Political State of Great Britain’, by S.J. 13, 166
Introductions by S.J. 10–12, 14–16, 52, 85–6, 88, 91, 93, 100, 101, 107–8, 127,139, 159–60, 161–2, 171, 174, 191, 196, 260, 261, 276, 307, 362, 369, 379, 417, 446, 475, 573, 578, 584, 596, 627, 643, 718, 724, 746, 781–2, 922, 953, 977, 1027 n. 130
Jealous Wife, The, by Colman, George, the elder (q.v.) 195, 1028 n. 163
Johnny Armstrong’s Last Goodnight 214
Johnsoniana; or a Collection of Bon Mots. By Dr. Johnson and Others 496, 697, 1001
Journal Britannique 155
Journal des Savans 284
Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, see Hebrides, Journal of a Tour to the
Journey into North Wales 413
Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, by S.J. ix, 15, 243, 423, 426–8, 429, 433, 455–6, 570, 574, 596, 616, 671, 686, 802, 858, 867, 1017, 1039 n. 430
King Lear 658 (III.iv.135), 729 (II.iv.i23ff.)
‘Let ambition fire thy mind’ 630
Lethe, a dramatic satire 127, 1024 n. 94
Letter to Dr. Samuel Johnson occasioned by his late political Publications, by Towers, Joseph (q.v.) 432
Letter to Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 779
Lexiphanes, by Campbell, Archibald (q.v.) 286
‘Lilliburlero’, ballad of 447, 1040 n. 458
Literary Magazine, or Universal Review, The 13, 166, 169, 172, 176, 648
Lives of the Poets, by Bell, John and Cibber, Theophilus (qq.v.) 106–7, 534–5, 538
Lives of the Poets, by S.J. xlviii, 44, 61, 709, 718, 724, 726, 732, 734, 737, 749, 781, 783, 798–9, 804, 822, 846, 853, 894, 921, 941, 1000–1001, 1035 n. 327, 1043 n. 553, 1053 n. 793, 1060 n. 983, 1062 n. 1028
London: A Poem, by S.J. viii, xxvi, 10, 51, 57, 6^, 73–4, 75–7, 83, 108–9, 239, 242, 3°4, 555, 671, 761, 1034 n. 306, 1056 n. 879
London Chronicle, The 14–15, 171, 253, 313, 372, 643, 807
London Gazette 226 London Magazine, The ix, xvi, xli n. 6, xlii n. 28, xlvi n. 92, liv n. 161, 82, 330, 1020 n. 13, 1064 n. 1094
Love and Madness, by Croft, Herbert (q.v.) 867, 1064 n. 1103
Love in a Hollow Tree, by Grimston, Viscount (q.v.) 808
Love’s Labour’s Lost 816–17 (II.i. 66–76)
Lusiad, The 900–901; see also Index of Persons, Others: Mickle,
William Julius Lyce, To, by S.J. 101–2
Macbeth 12, 100–101, 162, 306–7, 435, 448, 988, 1033 n. 282, 1039 n. 438, 1046 n. 638, 1059 n. 946, 1071 nn. 1269–70
Mag. Extraordinary, see Gentleman’s Magazine 90
Mahomet and Irene viii, 10, 59, 62, 64–5, 73, 88, 110–11, 127, 130, 765, 1022 n. 48
Man of Feeling and Man of the World, see Index of Persons, Others: Mackenzie, Henry 192
‘Manners’, a poem, by Whitehead, Paul (q.v.) 73
Marmor Norfolciense, by S.J. 10, 82–3
Matrimonial Thought, A, by J.B. 317
Memoirs of Frederick III [II], King of Prussia, by S.J. 13, 166
Memoirs of Miss Sidney Biddulph, by Sheridan, Frances (q.v.) 191, 206 Messiah, by Pope 10, 39–40, 147, 1025 n. 112
‘Military Dictionary’ 81
Mirror, The 983
Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, ‘by the Author of the Rambler’, published by Tom Davies 405
Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Macbeth, by S.J. 12, IOO–IOI
‘Misella’, of The Rambler 125
Monthly Review, The liii n. 157, 284, 534–5, 1043 n. 555
Morning Chronicle 848–9
Morton’s ‘Exercise’ 976
mottoes 178; see also Adventurer, Idler and Rambler
Mourning Bride, by Congreve, William (q.v.) 207, 304–5, 1033 n. 272
Much Ado About Nothing 679 (III.v.33)
Musarum Deliciae 695
Muse in Livery, by Dodsley, Robert (q.v.) 503
Musical Travels of Joel Collier 170
Nature Displayed 936
New and General Biographical Dictionary (1761-2) 584
New Testament xxv, xxxiv, 221, 265, 278, 344, 374, 410, 469, 538, 605, 684, 743, 924, 930; see also Bible
Nugce Antiques 864, 1000, 1064 n. 1097
‘Observations on his Britannick Majesty’s Treaties’, by S.J. 13, 166
‘Observations on the Present State of Affairs’, by S.J. 13, 166–7
Observer, The, by Cumberland, Richard (q.v.) 799, 979, 1070 n. 1256
‘Ode, An’, by S.J. 101
‘Ode on Winter’, by S.J. 104
Ode to the Warlike Genius of Britain, by Tasker, Revd William (q.v.) 726
Odyssey, by Homer (q.v.) 884
Old Bailey, Sessional Reports 295, 309, 820
Old Man’s Wish, The, by Pope, Walter (q.v.) 772, 1059 n. 960
Olla Podrida, by Horne, Dr George (q.v.) 1044, 1072 n. 1296
Orphan of China, by Murphy, Arthur (q.v.) 176
Othello 481 (II.i.162), 539–40, 712 (III.iii.347-8)
Overbury, Sir Thomas, a tragedy, by Savage, Richard (q.v.) 300, 582
‘Palmerin of England’, ‘Palmerino d’Inghilterra’ 519, 1044 n. 580
parliamentary journals 69
Pastor Fido, by Guarini, G. B. (q.v.) 711
Paterson v. Alexander, Scottish law case 461
Patriot, The, by S.J. 15, 415–16, 432
Patriot, The, a tragedy, by Simpson, Joseph (q.v.) 53
Philosophical Transactions 13, 167, 284
Piozzi Letters, by Thrale, Mrs (q.v.), Letters to and from Dr. Johnson 17
Plain Dealer 90, 100 Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language, by S.J. 12, 104, 106, 139, 140, 156
Poetical Calendar, by Fawkes and Woty 15, 203
Poetical Review of the Literary and Moral Character of the Late Samuel Johnson: LL.D, by Courtenay, John (q.v.) 40, 433
Poets, Lives of the, see Lives of the Poets
Polite Philosopher, The, by Col. James Forrester (q.v.) 530
Political Tracts, by S.J. 432, 500
Prayers and Meditations, by S.J. 17, 28, 57, 113, 130, 164–5, 177, 187, 189, i9i, 241, 460, 472, 57i, 728, 973, 998
Preceptor, The 12, 108
Prefaces, biographical and critical, to the Works of the English Poets, by S.J., see Lives of the Poets
Present State of England, by Edward Chamberlayne 936
Prince Titi, by Themiseul de Saint-Hyacinthe 471
Proceedings of the Committee… for Cloathing French Prisoners of War 15, 189
Profession, The 6j8, 935
Project, The, by Tickell, R. (q.v.) 695
Prologue… at the Opening of the Theatre in Drury-Lane, by S.J. 10, 103, 297, 773, 1068 n. 1185
‘Properantia’ 125 Provoked Husband, The, or The Journey to London, by Cibber, Colley and Vanbrugh, Sir John (qq.v.) 288, 1031 n. 247
Psalmorum Codex 476
Public Advertiser, The 163, 1034 n. 308
Rambler, The, by S.J. viii, xv, 12, 81, 112–17, 119–21, 125, 139, 156, 177, 190, 218, 229–30, 336, 401, 405, 432, 505, 616, 812–13, 838, 916, 943, 991, iooo
Rambler, Beauties of the, see Beauties of Johnson, The Rambler’s Magazine 113
Rasselas, by S.J. ix, 14, 41, 182–4, 229–30, 371, 522, 594, 694, 716, 771, 931, 954, 1021 n. 29, 1022 n. 41, 1044 n. 581, 1068 n. 1175
Recueil des Poètes 737
‘Reflections on a Grave digging in Westminster Abbey’, by Miss Williams 276
‘Reflections on the Stage of Portugal’, not by S.J. 13, 165
Rehearsal, The, by Buckingham, the 2nd Duke of (q.v.) 350, 940
Remarks on Dr. Johnson’s Journey to the Hebrides 427
The Life of Samuel Johnson Page 156