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Fook Page 19

by Brian Drinkwater

  “Hey, Derek,” Brendan greeted his friend with a hard slap to the shoulder.

  While Tyler was too chatty, Brendan was way too touchy feely. The guy couldn’t have a conversation without some sort of physical contact at least every couple of minutes.

  “Hey Brendan.”

  “You’re just in time,” Brendan attempted to whisper, though given the noise, was probably just talking in his normal tone.

  “In time for what?” Derek asked.

  “He’s here?” Tyler asked, obviously excited by the undisclosed news.

  “They’re out back. Come on. We need to hurry,” Brendan almost giggled as he turned and made his way through the crowd to the roped off stairs.

  “You gotta come,” Tyler, pulling a move from Brendan’s playbook, grabbed hold of Derek’s arm and pulled him toward the stairs.

  Confused but curious, Derek followed.

  “This is going to be a amazing. Hurry up,” Brendan urged them along as he ducked under the improvised rope made of duct tape and leapt up the stairs two at a time.

  “What’s going on?” Derek asked, still not sure what could be so exciting upstairs when the party was clearly a first floor only event.

  Neither Tyler nor Brendan answered as they reached the top of the stairs, sprinted down the hall and disappeared into a nearby bedroom.

  Making his way toward the very door which had swallowed his two friends, Derek hesitantly glanced into the room before slowly stepping inside. The room was empty, other than a well adorned queen bed accompanied by the standard bedroom furnishings. Another door at the far end of the room stood open, revealing a white, porcelain tile floor that was most likely an adjoining bathroom. Obviously the master bedroom, Derek thought to himself.


  Derek turned to see Tyler’s head poking out from between the partially open bi-folding doors of the master closet.

  “What are we doing?” Derek asked.

  “Get in here,” Tyler insisted.

  “Hurry up,” Brendan’s voice joined from within the small space.

  Pushing the doors apart, Derek stepped into the dark, walk-in closet to find at least six other people in there with Tyler and Brendan.

  “What are we—?”

  “—Shh!,” an unknown kid to his right silenced him as voices could be heard making their way down the hall.

  Turning to his left, in hopes of finding someone who might let him in on what was happening, Derek was greeted by the glaring gaze of the red lipped girl from downstairs as she alternated glances between him and the lipstick stained cup in his hand. He just grinned and shrugged as the voices grew louder and Jenna Bishop entered the room.

  Undisputedly the beauty of Cannon High, Derek finally understood why the closet was now full of men and what he now assumed to be a lipstick lesbian.

  “Come on. I won’t bite,” Jenna coaxed her suitor into the room with the seductive waive of her index finger.

  Derek knew that waive. Though he’d never been so lucky as to be on the receiving end of one from Jenna Bishop, he’d had his fair share of pant tightening encounter. Though he knew hiding in the closet at that very moment was wrong, he couldn’t help but continue to watch with excitement, curious as to who the lucky bastard on the other end of that finger might be.

  Watching as Jenna strategically sat at the end of the bed, her legs ever so slightly parted as an invitation to the man who approached, Derek couldn’t help but turn his attention toward the unseen doorway, eager to see who had been fortunate enough to land the breathtaking blonde.

  Quickly glancing at the girl beside him, Derek rethought the lesbian stamp as he noticed her gaze was also fixed upon the doorway. “She must know who the lucky guy is,” Derek thought but instantly began questioning his own curiosity. Did he really want to know. What if it was someone he was good friends with. Though secure in his sexuality, he knew himself well enough to know that he’d never be able to separate the guy’s face from his manhood which would make for a very uncomfortable remainder of the school year.

  “Come on,” Jenna continued to encourage her apparently shy mate.

  Derek found himself wanting to yell, “get your ass in here” and “what the hell’s wrong with you?” but all of his encouraging thoughts fell silent as his best friend appeared between the slats.

  “There you are,” Jenna smiled a devilishly sexual grin as she reached out for Jason to come closer.

  “No way,” Derek whispered, drawing angry stares from his closet-mates. “How in the hell is this possible,” he questioned, keeping his thoughts to himself this time. Jason was a decent looking guy and all, but Tyler was right, he was a bit of a nerd and definitely not part of the Jenna click.

  Obviously nervous, Jason slowly shuffled his way closer, stopping just short of her outstretched fingertips.

  Apparently not interested in waiting any longer, Jenna leaned forward, grabbed hold of Jason’s sweater and pulled him between her now fully parted legs. As their bodies met, Jenna rolled back, pulling Jason with her onto the bed and placing their lips on a collision course.

  Not wanting to take his eyes off of the unbelievable events taking place just beyond the door, Derek couldn’t help but notice the mixed reactions of excited disbelief and complete disgust from his fellow voyeurs. He could sympathize with the disbelief. If a situation like this were to be bet on in Vegas it would likely receive odds. It wouldn’t even be worth betting on because it just wouldn’t happen.

  Watching as Jenna continued her control of the encounter and rolled Jason onto his back so that she was now straddling the shocked but excited teen, it suddenly occurred to Derek, what if this is all just a prank? Obviously everyone else in the closet knew that this was going to happen. What if this was all some sort of setup? On the other hand, what if it wasn’t? If this was all part of some elaborate joke, Jenna was definitely deserving of the oscar as she began shoving her tongue down Jason’s throat. It was possible that someone caught wind of the possible encounter, Derek thought. And with how quickly word spreads it was definitely conceivable that a handful of moral-less individuals could sneak in ahead of the horny couple to get their jollies from within a closet while the young pair went at it on the bed.

  Torn on what to do, either step in and prevent a devastatingly embarrassing moment for Jason or remain silent and not interfere with a potentially amazing experience for his closest friend, Derek continued to watch as Jenna worked her way up Jason’s body until she was sitting on his chest looking down at him while she slowly unbuttoned her blouse.

  He knew Jason lacked experience when it came to girls. If this was a real encounter it would likely end embarrassingly anyway, as the sight of Jenna’s bra would surely be enough to trigger a premature reaction. Surprisingly though, Jason managed to hang on as Jenna slid the lacy pink blouse off of her shoulders to reveal the hot red bra underneath.

  Tyler and Brendan silently high-fived each other and Derek began to feel more at ease that this, as unbelievable as it was, was a real thing.

  “Do you mind if we try something?” Jenna asked her pinned companion.

  In a position where “no” just wasn’t an option, Jason simply nodded as Jenna leaned to the side, reaching for the top drawer of the nightstand beside the bed. Opening the drawer, she withdrew a pair of silky red scarves and Derek began to wonder just how kinky Tyler’s parents might be and why Jenna knows where they keep their instruments of erotic play.

  “I want to tie you up,” Jenna told Jason as she dangled the scarves over his head.

  Again, unwilling to say anything that might cause the best night of his life to end, Jason remained silent as Jenna began tying him to the headboard.

  “Is that too tight?” she questioned as she cinched the first scarf around his wrist.

  “No,” Jason quietly mumbled as she began on his other hand.

  Once the second knot was secured, Jenna again slowly slid down Jason’s body unt
il she was again laying on top of him, her astounding cleavage mere inches from his face.

  Jason’s nerves were clearly visible as occasional tremors rattled down his legs.

  “Don’t be nervous,” Jenna comforted him as she began kissing his neck, slowly working her way down his chest and over his stomach. Lifting his shirt out of the way, she lightly ran the tip of her tongue around his belly button before looking up at her bound companion’s look of sheer ecstasy. The look of ecstasy was quickly replaced by shock however as his belt buckle came undone, followed by the button and then zipper. With the skill of a tenured porn star, within seconds, Jenna had Jason’s pants down around his ankles, his sneakers preventing their complete removal. But she had no plans of stopping there and as she reached for his briefs, Jason flinched.

  “It’s okay,” Jenna assured him in a creepily mothering tone. “I’m going to make you feel so good. You’ll remember this forever.”

  With that exciting promise, Jason relaxed and his underwear joined his pants once again.

  “Just one more thing,” Jenna paused, again reaching for the top drawer of the nightstand.

  From it she withdrew a large purple dildo.

  Caught completely off guard, Derek just stared in shock at the large rubber member.

  Jason shared the same shocked and terrified look. “What’s that for?”

  “Oh,” Jenna laughed, realizing how the situation looked. “It’s not for you.”

  “Good,” Jason sighed as he laughed nervously.

  “No. I want you to use it on me. I was just getting it out,” she continued to laugh as she placed the rubber toy on Jason’s chest. “I just have to go get ready for you,” she added as she slid off the bed and started toward the bathroom. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere,” she teased as she disappeared into the adjoining bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  Still in shock over the large member now resting on his friend’s chest, Derek quickly scanned the closet to get everyone else’s reactions and for the first time noticed cameras in a few of their hands, including Tyler’s. “Oh shit,” he thought, but it was too late. Suddenly the closet doors burst open, its temporary residents pouring out into the room pointing and laughing at a horrified Jason as he struggled to free himself from the silk knots around his wrists.

  Remaining in the closet, Derek watched as the bathroom door also swung open to reveal a, once again, fully dressed Jenna, also pointing and laughing at the now very public scene.

  Jason thrashed back and forth, launching the purple penis from his chest.

  “You dropped something!” Brendan laughed as Tyler snapped photos.

  Continuing to fight his bonds, Jason finally managed to get his right hand loose and quickly untied his left as he struggled to return his pants and underwear to his waist before stumbling to his feet and running from the room in tears.

  Feeling horrible for his friend, Derek pushed through the crowd of laughing idiots to pursue his embarrassed friend but stopped at the door to the sound of his name.

  “Derek!” the voice shouted.

  Derek turned to see that all of the closet dwellers were now gone. Even Jenna was no longer standing in the bathroom doorway, pointing and laughing.

  “Deerreek,” the voice playfully beckoned.

  Confused, Derek slowly made his way back toward the closet to find that the bi-folding doors had once again been closed.

  “Derek,” his whispered name escaped from between the slatted doors as he grabbed hold of the two knobs and flung the doors open to reveal an empty closet, its only inhabitants comprised of clothing and an abundance of women’s shoes.

  “Over here,” the whisper now sounded as if it came from the bed.

  Spinning in place, the bed was empty.

  “Warmer,” the voice taunted.

  Staring at the bed, Derek’s eyes wandered to the dark void beneath it. “Hello,” he called but received no response. “Whoever you are, come out. This isn’t funny.”

  A faint snicker came from under the bed as Derek began to go down to one knee but was quickly stopped as he caught a glimpse of Jason’s face over his right shoulder.

  “Derek, wake up!” Jason snapped as he plunged a needle into his neck.

  Derek’s eyes shot open as he sat up on the unfamiliar sofa and grabbed hold of his neck, searching for the again, unwelcomed syringe. He quickly forgot about the dreamt attack however as his eyes widened at the ghastly sight of Sarah, disemboweled and lying across the coffee table, gasping for her last breaths just as Jason slit her throat.

  “Ahhh!” Derek screamed, startled awake by the vivid nightmare.

  Moments later Sarah emerged from her room, stunned and frightened by Derek’s sudden cry.

  “What the hell’s going on!” Reyna shouted as she emerged from her room brandishing the same knife and pepper spray.

  “Are you alright?” Sarah questioned as she made her way to Derek, taking a seat beside him.

  “I told you not to let him stay here,” Reyna complained from the hall.

  “He was hurt. Someone obviously drugged him,” Sarah rebutted her roommate’s protest as she placed one hand on Derek’s forehead while using her other hand to check his pulse.

  Derek remained upright, though the still lingering effects of the drugs appeared to lull him back into a groggy, slumbering state.

  “He probably shot that shit up himself and got his ass kicked by some other junkies. I’m going back to bed. Let me know if he dies so we can get some sleep around here.” With that Reyna returned to her room, locking the door behind her.

  “It’s okay,” Sarah ran her hand from Derek’s forehead to the opposite side of his neck and gently pulled him toward her lap as she placed a pillow on her leg.

  Unknowingly accepting the guidance, Derek laid his head on the pillow and returned to sleep.


  “Get a ride to school one day and the bus driver forgets you exist,” Katie laughed as her bus blew right by her, apparently spotting her at the last second as the squeal of brakes erupted a couple of houses down. In her defense though, Mrs. McGuly was at least eighty years old and judging from the handful of exciting rides over the last couple of years, she was likely partially deaf and blind as well. It was amazing that she was still allowed to drive the giant yellow torpedo.

  Catching up to the bus, the door folded back to reveal tiny Mrs. McGuly perched on her oversized vinyl seat, the same pleasant smile that had greeted her since elementary school still beaming through the added wrinkles and false teeth.

  “I’m sorry dear. I didn’t see you there,” the old lady laughed as Katie climbed the steps.

  “That’s okay. I could use the exercise anyway,” Katie smiled.

  “You are looking a bit doughy child.”

  “Did she just call me doughy?” Katie questioned, exchanging looks with a young girl in the front seat who also seemed shocked by the comment.

  She hadn’t shared the news of her pregnancy with the old woman and apparently no one else had either. Mrs. McGuly came from a different generation when you didn’t even have sex until you were married, let alone have a child. The news might come as such a shock to the old woman as to cause a heart attack and land the bus full of teenagers in one of the deep ditches alongside the road.

  “Yeah, I guess I should start running again,” Katie played along with a smile before turning to find her seat.

  “There you go,” the old lady lightly punched her on the shoulder before stretching to reach the handle that closed the door.

  “What was that all about?” Latisha asked as Katie took a seat beside her.

  “She just called me fat.”

  “You want me to cap the bitch?” Latisha joked.

  “How many times do I have to tell you? You live in Cannon. You aren’t black,” Katie laughed at her friend; one of the only African American members of the ninety-nine percent white, small town.

  “Just ‘cause I ain’t gangsta y
ou tellin’ me I ain’t black. That some bullshit,” Latisha laid it on thick. “I can take out some eighty yea’ ol’ cracka.”

  Katie just laughed. Though she agreed with the stereotype that women don’t often make good comedians, Latisha was definitely the exception. No one had a quicker wit and no one could make her laugh like she could.

  “Alright, in all sincerity though. You aren’t fat,” Latisha did a complete one-eighty in both tone and mannerism.

  Katie just laughed harder.

  “What? I’m being serious.”

  Katie continued.

  “Cracka, you be trippin’ o’ somethin’,” she struggled to maintain her composure as she too began to laugh. “Seriously though, I thought your dad was going to drive you until your timer popped.”

  “He’s all talk. You know his schedule. Besides, I insisted that I didn’t want this...” motioning toward her stomach “ change anything.

  “Well girl, it’s going to change things. It’s going to change a whole lot of things. Your timing was right though. In another week we’ll be out of school for the summer. You’ll pop the kid out sometime in late July and have a whole month to get back in shape for round two.”

  “There will be no round two,” Katie corrected the loose description of her future.

  “You sure? I hear Jordan might be coming back next year.”

  “What?” all previous humor in her voice vanished at the news of the possible return of her baby’s now sixteen year old father.

  “That’s what I hear. I guess having a child twenty-four-seven cramps the lifestyle of a single, divorced man. Not so useful in picking up chicks when they themselves are old enough to knock them up.”

  “What? He didn’t—”

  “No, no, no. That’s not what I meant. I mean his dad apparently doesn’t like having him around is all,” Latisha clarified.

  “Oh, well that kind of sucks for him. I feel bad.”

  “Don’t feel bad. Don’t feel anything. Look what happened the last time you felt anything for him.”

  “Well I kind of do anyway.”

  “What about Mark? What’s the plan for him? He obviously has a thing for fat chicks. You gonna bang him?”


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