The Collection (Volume 2): 5 More Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

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The Collection (Volume 2): 5 More Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections) Page 2

by Caitlyn Norrel

  Chelsea gave a sharp cry as she felt Chandler’s thumb and forefinger constrict around her already stiff nipple, teasing the tender rod mercilessly. She pulled her head back quickly, following Chandler’s advancement with both hands. Chandler released the other woman’s hair, grasping Chelsea’s second tit in defiance.

  The two gorgeous blondes glared into one another’s faces, each scouring the other’s being for hints of weakness or insecurity. Slowly their bodies began to struggle and write against each other’s grip as their violent teasing grew in ferocity, but the two women held one another’s gaze.

  “Why Chelsea!” the other woman exclaimed. “Your tiny nipples are getting hard!”

  “So are yours!” Chelsea growled back. “I thought you’d have a bit more self-control as a stripper!”

  “Stupid bitch!” Chandler retorted. “Aren’t you the one that fucks other women for money? Guess you aren’t very good at it!”

  “Slutty cunt!” Chelsea growled. She thrust her chest forward violently, slamming her mammaries into the other blonde’s stomach. “You want to see just how good at fucking I really am?”

  Chandler gave a slight grunt from the impact but followed suit immediately, slamming her equally gorgeous breasts against her rival’s face. “Your tits haven’t impressed me so far, whore! I can’t see why your pussy would be any different!”

  The two women broke apart slightly, finger’s still latched tightly around each other’s nipples. “You really think you’re hot shit, don’t you twat?” Chelsea hissed vehemently. “Enough of this pathetic groping then! You wouldn’t be so confident standing tit to tit against me!”

  Chandler leaned down slowly, bringing her beautiful face level with Chelsea’s, glaring into her counterpart’s eyes. “Stand up then, little whore.” She whispered, letting her sweet breath run against the other blonde’s lips. “There’s no one to stop us here.” She smiled hotly. “You paid me good money to make you my bitch.”

  Chelsea pushed herself from the couch, jamming her skirt roughly against the other blonde’s thong. Chandler returned the pressure, glaring at the other blonde before sliding her body backwards so her nemesis could climb to her feet.

  Less than a second later the two gorgeous blondes stood breast to breast in the center of the room. Chelsea tore the remains of her blouse from her body, glaring at Chandler’s form challengingly. Neither woman wanted to admit it, but each could feel her anxious heart fluttering in her chest; their rock hard bodies appeared nearly identical.

  Chelsea moved in first, compressing her firm tits against Chandler’s matching pair. The other blonde returned the favor, watching intensely as their equally taut breasts bulged up slightly from the pressure.

  Chandler placed her hands gently upon the other woman’s hips, waiting until Chelsea followed suit before pulling their bodies into more direct contact. Their beautiful faces moved in close, lips almost caressing each other as they spoke.

  “Last chance to leave!” Chandler hissed, swaying her breasts lightly from side to side, running them against Chelsea’s in challenge. “I’ll even give you your money back; but only if you admit I’m the better woman.”

  Chelsea ran her breasts roughly in the opposite direction by way of response. The two beautiful blondes grimaced every time their stiff nipples came together, grinding against each other like twin swords before springing apart. “I’m the better bitch.” Chelsea whispered vehemently. “Your weak little body doesn’t stand a chance against mine!”

  With a cry the two blondes threw their arms around each other’s form viciously, gripping one another in a brutal embrace. Their faces slid past each other roughly, smooth cheeks grinding against each other in opposite directions. They breathed heavily into one another’s ear, each women fighting to contain her emotions as her rival’s nipples buried themselves deep into her own breasts.

  “Can you feel them?” Chandler whispered, letting her tongue lash out of her mouth, catching Chelsea’s ear as she spoke. “Can you feel my tits already beginning to dominate yours?”

  “Delusional slut!” Chelsea hissed seductively. She took Chandler’s lobe gently in her teeth, pulling lightly before release. “It’s my tits who are dominating yours!”

  Slowly the two blondes began to grind their breasts in opposite directions, forcing their stiff rods to could around each other over and over. They fought viciously, transforming their virtual stalemate into a quivering mass. The two rivals groaned and squealed beneath one another’s unforgiving grip; and every cry of discomfort was like music to their ears.

  They fought in this way for over twenty minutes, neither woman willing to surrender. At first their struggle was amassed with obscenities, each woman muttering defiant insults into one another’s ears; but as the minutes ticked by, their vicious trash talking turned into a raspy, heavy breathing. Neither woman seemed to be able to gain any ground.

  Their beautiful bodies became coated in one another’s sweat as still the two women fought. The bass vibrated through their connected flesh, and their busty forms swayed back and forth against each other’s strength to the beat.

  “I can tell your tits are sore, slut!” Chandler panted, struggling to force her words out. “Give up now, and I’ll let you walk away!”

  “Shut up, whore!” Chelsea gasped in response. The two blondes were pressed cheek to cheek, and each leaned into the other’s heavy embrace for support. “My body can take anything yours can! I’m the better woman, and we both know it!”

  Chandler reared back, slamming the front of her thong against the other blonde’s skirt. Chelsea breathed in surprise, returning the assault with equal force. As their crotches pressed against each other, furiously vying for control, the two women glared into each other’s eyes.

  “Show me what you’re made of then, bitch!” Chandler challenged with a malicious glare. “Take that pretty little skirt off, if you really want to test your womanhood against mine!”

  Chelsea felt a shock of anticipation jolt through her body, but she returned her rival’s vicious sneer. “I hope you like pussy, cunt!” she hissed. “I’m about to show you what getting fucked by another woman should really feel like!”

  The two women broke apart slowly, glaring at one another like wild animals. Chelsea reached towards her waist, taking the thin fabric of her skirt in her fingers and ran it down her thighs seductively. As soon as the cloth had fallen to her ankles she kicked it away, then ran the palm of her hand against her lacy thong, nearly closing her eyes. “You’re not going to make me do all this work by myself, are you?” she whispered, moving her hips to the bass.

  “Of course not.” Chandler replied, admiring what a dirty girl this other woman truly was. She shook her head quickly, trying to shake the lust from her mind; this was a challenge, and if she didn’t treat it like one, she knew she would find herself at Chelsea’s mercy. “I wouldn’t dream of making my little bitch feel unwanted.”

  Chandler lowered herself slowly to her knees, until the other woman’s thong hovered at eye level. She ran the bridge of her nose against the almost nonexistent fabric; the only thing standing between her and Chelsea’s open pussy. She took in the other blonde’s sexual aromas, scents that had been driving her crazy since their conflict began.

  Chandler breathed out a sensual sigh, then took the black lace between her teeth, careful not to catch any skin in the process. She forced herself to remain calm as she carefully guided her rival’s thong across her bare legs. She didn’t want to admit it; but every time she readjusted her hold, her desires told her to forsake her control and tear away the fabric ravenously. This other sexual being was beginning to drive her crazy.

  After what felt like hours, the other blonde stood completely naked before her. Chandler took the lace panties in her hand, then began to crawl to her feet. She ran her skin along Chelsea’s flesh as she stood, running her tongue lightly against the other woman’s pussy. She smiled as her rival let out an uncontrollable moan, then straightened complete
ly, looking into Chelsea’s eyes.

  Chandler ran the black lace through both legs of her own thong, using the other woman’s panties to bring her cunt into the open air. Soon the two blondes stood against one another’s naked beauty, mentally comparing their bodies in every aspect. Chandler tossed their entwined panties to the side, and a devilish grin crept across her angelic face at the thought of the challenge to come.

  The two blondes glared into one another’s eyes with a greedy lust. “Get on your knees” Chelsea whispered, pressing in so close that the two women were nearly face to face. “Let me show you how a real woman can—”

  Chelsea’s breath caught in her throat as Chandler shot forward, slamming their bodies together in a spray of primal fury. Chelsea lost her balance immediately, toppling backwards against the lavish couch behind her. She glared up at the other blonde standing over her, and Chandler cackled gleefully.

  “I should have known a little tramp like you would feel more comfortable fucking on the floor!” Chandler hissed. “But you’re not getting fucked by some common whore, bitch! We play by my rules here.”

  “Get down here then!” Chelsea demanded, spreading her legs. She glared at the other blonde defiantly, using her thumb and forefinger to force her pussy lips wide open. “Show me that little cunt of yours isn’t just for show!”

  Chandler practically threw herself onto the couch, mirroring Chelsea’s gaping challenge. Right leg slowly slid over left as the two blondes inched closer. Both women were already ravenous with lust, and with each passing second their sexual desires continued to grow.

  After what felt like a lifetime, the two women felt their shaven pussies connect, lightly touching skin to skin. The two blondes gasped at the intimate contact, glaring down at one another’s teasing twat before looking into one another’s eyes.

  They held this position for several seconds, each woman painfully aware of the sensation of the other girl’s pussy lips breathing against her own. The contact was gentle, barely perceivable; but each could already feel her womanhood being challenged.

  “I can already feel my pussy quivering!” Chandler breathed, unable to contain her excitement. “It can’t wait to devour your little cunt whole!”

  “My pussy will be the one devouring yours!” Chelsea replied, practically moaning. She never remembered being turned on this quickly against a rival; their cunts hadn’t even truly met, and she was already fantasizing about their combined cum spreading across their naked thighs. The two women gave a lustful rasp, unable to contain their sexual desires any longer; and their beautiful bodies collided.

  The two gorgeous blondes howled in ecstasy as their cunts came together, pussy lips locking with pussy lips in a wet pop. They pressed in tightly, each ensuring that their most intimate regions were caged securely between their dueling flesh before beginning their assault.

  The two warriors began grinding their hips viciously in opposite directions, barely able to stifle their moans as they glared at one another with lustful hatred. Their eyes were locked through their curtains of disheveled blonde hair, each trying vainly to find a crack in the other’s resolve.

  Chelsea’s hand shot forward without warning, grabbing Chandler roughly by the back of her neck. “Get over here!” she growled, yanking her rival’s face closer to her own. Chandler followed suit immediately, coiling her fingers tightly through Chelsea’s hair.

  Their pussies never parted from their warm embrace as they forced their open mouths together, their long, wet tongues coiling against each other like dueling serpents. Their eyes remained wide open as they fought, each woman struggling to keep her own lust under control.

  As if on cue the two blondes reared their hips back, then slammed their beautiful cunts together with a muffled growl. The impact was so strong that it nearly dislodged their tongues from one another’s mouth, but the two women held their ground. Their bodies restarted their fierce, wet grind before colliding again, until Chelsea and Chandler had set into a vicious, rhythmic thumping.

  They continued in this way for almost half an hour, but neither blonde seemed able to gain the upper hand. Their gorgeous, athletic bodies were coated in sweat, and as they fought, each woman was amazed at the other’s stamina. Their eyes remained locked through the entire affair, feigning composure; but the moans emanating from their fused lips revealed the true story.

  Chelsea couldn’t believe how wet she was. These were the kind of fights she adored, locked up tight with another woman whose body was sexually equal to her own. The sensation of another girl’s flesh, the quiet moaning emanating from their dueling bodies; these were the visions that drove her to a career as a porn star.

  Chandler’s eyes glared into her rival’s beautiful face, and she knew immediately that this battle was far from over. She felt a mixture of sexual admiration and disgust as they fucked; she couldn’t remember the last time she had been this turned on by another woman.

  The last time she had locked up with another girl was almost four years ago at a rave club in Dallas. She and a steamy brunette had been grinding on each other for most of the night, but what began as a friendly competition eventually escalated into their own personal war.

  The two women had locked themselves in one of the club’s bathroom stalls by the end of the night, pinching and clawing one another’s skin in the most intimate ways. Their hands had snaked their way into each one another’s skirts before the end of the fight, and each woman had been able to get the other off at least once.

  Chelsea’s moans brought her mind back to the present; and as their bodies continued to fuck, she was painfully aware of the other blonde’s wet cunt grinding against her own. Her little catfight at the club had been intense…but this was something so much more.

  Chelsea tore her tongue from Chandler’s mouth without warning, throwing her head back with a lustful howl. “God!” she screamed, her body giving a violent shudder. “Oh my God, I’m going to come! Fuck, I’m going to come!”

  Chelsea’s erotic screams immediately pushed Chandler over the edge. Her body gave an equally vicious quake, and her shrill moans gave all the reply that was needed.

  “Bitch!” the two women screamed together, forcing their cunts even deeper into their vicious, wet power struggle. Clit slicing against clit sent unbelievable amounts of agonizing pleasure across their naked bodies, and as the two warriors glared at one another’s gorgeous forms with a lustful hatred, they clenched their teeth with determination.

  The two blondes were virtually fused at the hip as the final seconds elapses. Their soaking pussies were practically glued together with arousal, their boiling cunts viciously trying to devour one another whole.

  Chelsea and Chandler screamed as one, throwing their faces to the ceiling as the most powerful orgasm either had felt rocked their being. They threw their flesh together immediately, wrapping their arms tightly around each other’s bodies and forcing their tongues into each other’s gaping mouth to stifle their desperate cries.

  Each woman felt the other’s resounding splash upon her pussy at exactly the same time; their cum collided in the middle of their locked cunts, forcing their arousal between the folds of their suctioned flesh. As if in response to their ferocious climax the lights in the club began to flicker brighter, signaling that the club was nearing the end of its night.

  The two rivals grinded their hips against one another defiantly, spreading their combined cum thickly across one another’s thighs. They glared at each other with scorn, both swearing to themselves that this battle was far from over.

  Chelsea pulled her tongue from Chandler’s mouth, then spat heavily into the other blonde’s face. “You came first, whore!” she growled, then flinched when chandler’s responding saliva slapped against her cheek.

  “Bitch, you did!” Chandler hissed back vehemently. Neither woman released the other from their sexual embrace as they argued. “Besides, you really think one orgasm is going to solve anything? I’d fuck you all night long if I could!”<
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  “What’s stopping you, slut?” Chelsea retorted ravenously. The two blondes clenched on another tighter, bringing their plush girl lips together, each urging her enemy to continue the war.

  Their chests rose and fell against one another in unison as they glared into one another’s eyes; but as their combined heartbeats reverberated through their nude bodies, they realized that the music had stopped. Their heavy breathing was the only sound to be heard in the room.

  “Oh, I’d love to, whore!” Chandler whispered. “But I’ve already given you more entertainment than you’ve paid for. Besides, the club’s closing; and the bouncers sweep every room before locking the doors. This little fuck war wouldn’t last much longer before they kicked us out.”

  The two gorgeous blondes held each other for what seemed like hours longer; but at last, slowly and reluctantly, they released one another from their vicious grasp. They ran their hands along one another’s glistening bodies as they relented, teasing each other’s breasts before breaking apart completely.

  The two rivals stood from the cushions, eyes never leaving one another’s bodies as they rose. Chandler turned towards the door, then glanced seductively over her shoulder at the other blonde. “If you really want to see who the better woman is, let’s finish this where we began. Meet me at the pool tomorrow, just before closing.”

  Chandler paced slowly towards the door, swaying her hips to an imaginary beat as she crossed the threshold. Her hands gripped the knob, then turned back to Chelsea with a smile. “Oh, and babe?” she uttered. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

  The next night, Chelsea’s heart raced. She stared at her gorgeous form in the mirror, nude body covered only by a thin, skin tight bikini. The clock behind her ticked away the minutes until the most intense sexfight of her life. It was just past eleven; less than an hour before the pool shut down and she would be locked together with the most sexual being she had ever come into contact with.


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